
  • Weirding Time
    Oct 14 2024

    Season 4, ep 26: Weirding Time! with: Uli, Jams, carla joy, and a Time Talks History segment

    In the season four opener, Uli, carla, and jams introduce some dreams for season 4, ruminate about other projects on the horizon, and reflect on their year off from making the Grounded Futures Show, and more! Plus, we will hear the first Time Talks History segment about the Doctrine of Discovery.

    Thanks for listening! 🌀

    Show notes:

    • Grounded Futures Book Club on Discord (email or dm us if this link doesn't work)
    • Time Talks podcast
    • Storyloom
    • On Belonging
    • Wording Our Worlds workbook
    • Vicky Osterweil



    • The GF Show is created by Uli, carla joy, and jams
    • Time Talks History is created by chris time steele
    • Music for the show is by Zach F. Bergman/Sour Gout
    • Mastered by Listening House/Chris Bergman

    Time Talks History sources (in order) and further readings:

    • The Racial Contract by Charles W. Mills
    • An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
    • Loaded: A Disarming History of the Second Amendment by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
    • Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery by Steven Newcomb
    • Discourse on Colonialism by Aime Cesaire
    • Race and the Enlightenment: A Reader by Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze
    • Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome by Joy DeGruy
    • Paradoxes of Hawaiian Sovereignty: Land, Sex, and the Colonial Politics of State Nationalism by J. Kehaulani Kauanui
    • The Dawning of the Apocalypse by Gerald Horne

    Further Reading:

    • American Holocause by David Stannard
    • The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon
    • Open Veins of Latin America by Eduardo Galeano
    • Silencing the Past by Michel-Rolph Trouillot
    • Facing West: The Metaphysics of Indian Hating & Empire Building by Richard Drinnon
    • Killing Rage: Ending Racism by bell hooks

    Voir plus Voir moins
    34 min
  • Remaining Unbroken, with chris time steele
    Jun 8 2023
    The Grounded Futures Show, Episode 25: Remaining Unbroken, with chris time steele“I've always been a rapper, since I was 12. So that's what I do. And it's the way I communicate best and most vulnerable.”In their last episode of the season, Uli and carla share a wonderful talk-about with the always inspiring chris time steele! A dreamer, writer, and poetic historian, chris’ digs into many topics, from Hip Hop to basketball to community organising to breaking apart propaganda to the philosophy and beauty of anime. We also play a game, talk about the importance of curiosity, care, and listening alongside being fearless as we break open and let go. There’s also some impressive freestyle and a fabulous song. Show notes:IG + Twitterchris’ podcast: Time Talks chris’ Bandcamp Time | Spotify Whose Dystopia? Joy James book Time’s song about Sun Ra ALL THE DREAMS I EVER HAD | calm. chris’ new book “Acknowledging Radical Histories” with Gerald Horne (out later in 2023)Recommendations:Mushi shiSaul williams: Neptune FrostHenry Dumas -Ark of BonesInterview with Sun raTrust Kids! Alexis Pauline GumbsPrison writings by Bobby SandsPsalm OneAtlanta (Show) Cambatta Transcriptschris time steele is a co-learner, hip-hop artist, journalist, storyteller, videographer, and writer. steele has an MA and is a precarious teacher who seeks to work outside typical teaching styles experimenting with hip-hop and...
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    59 min
  • The Struggle is Real, with Noleca Radway & Lily Mercogliano Easton
    May 8 2023

    The Grounded Futures Show, Ep 24: The Struggle is Real, with Noleca Radway & Lily Mercogliano Easton

    Uli and carla had a deep and vulnerable conversation with Lily and Noleca — two wonderful parents and educators — about the horrors of adult supremacy, the oppression of kids, and some pathways towards undoing adult supremacy and supporting youth freedom. They also talk about the joys and complexities of building trust within this power dynamic, the trappings of adulthood, what youth freedom looks like, and how this way of being in relationship with kids requires a profound resolve and devotion to care and love. There’s so much here, lots of real talk with plenty of curiosity and good humour woven in! And no fear: they both provide some concrete tips, too! #TrustKids

    Show Notes:

    Raising Rebels Podcast

    Noleca’s Instagram

    Lily’s twitter

    Camp WA WA Segowea

    The Story Store

    Brooklyn Free School

    Trust Kids! Book

    Time Talks Podcast



    Raising Rebels Podcast

    Abby Wambaugh (comedian) + IG


    Dear Mama: The Saga of Afeni and Tupac Shakur

    Finding our Way Podcast



    Noleca Radway is the Founder of Queer Media, a family production company specializing in audio and visual art through a Black Queer lens. She is the producer and host of the progressive parenting podcast Raising Rebels. Noleca is also the former Executive Director of the Brooklyn Free School, and now lives in Amsterdam with her partner and their three kids.

    Lily Mercogliano Easton is an educator who lives with her three kids and husband in Albany, New York. She grew up at the Free School in Albany and was Head of School at Brooklyn Free School for twelve years. Lily is the Camp Director at Camp WA WA Segowea, and finds the most thriving and joy through parenting and building a trusting relationship with her kids (and one that’s imperfect in all the ways).

    Music for our show by: Sour Gout

    The GF Show art by Robin Carrico

    Edited by Chris Bergman

    Thanks for listening!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 25 min
  • Queer Brilliance, with Lindz Amer
    Mar 13 2023

    The Grounded Futures Show, Ep 23: Queer Brilliance, with Lindz Amer

    “I hope that I can put a little bit of healing out into the world because I think we just need a lot more of that. There are a lot of hurt people out there.”

    We had a pretty healing and joyful conversation with the fabulous writer, educator, and performer, Lindz Amer! We talked about the importance of creating queer affirming media for little Kids (and their adults), joyfully stitching back together intergenerational connections within the LGBTQ+ communities, and traversing non-affirming spaces. We also get into the muck and nuance of tough topics and realities, such as anti-trans, transmisogyny, the many genders, sexuality, gender performance, power & privilege, socialisation, smashing the cis-hetero-patriarchy, and so much more. Let’s join Lindz in Spreading Queer Joy!

    Show Notes

    Lindz IG and twitter

    Lindz website

    Lindz podcast

    Lindz book: Rainbow Parenting

    Disclosure Documentary


    YA Queer books:

    Jonny Garza Villa

    "Felix Ever After" by Kacen Callender

    Steven Universe

    Astrology: the chani app

    Astrology for Writers

    A league of our own (reboot)

    Doc McStuffins


    Spirit Ranges

    Blues Clues and You

    Sailor Moon



    Studio Ghibli Movies

    Anime Series in general (Pokemon)


    Little Bear


    Lindz Amer creates LGBTQ+ and intersectional social justice media for kids and families. They created their beloved LGBTQ+ family webseries Queer Kid Stuff in 2016 which now has 4M lifetime views and counting! Their debut book "Rainbow Parenting: Your Guide to Raising Queer Kid and Their Allies" publishes on May 30, 2023 with St. Martin's Press. Currently, they host the Rainbow Parenting podcast, and perform at schools and libraries across the country, while also writing and consulting for children’s television. They worked with Nick Jr on the Webby award-winning Blues Clues & You “Pride Parade” music video, The Fabulous Show with Fay and Fluffy, an upcoming episode of an extremely paw-pular show, and more! You can watch their TED Talk on why kids need to learn about...

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 36 min
  • Dreaming a Future, with carla and Uli
    Feb 13 2023

    The Grounded Futures Show, episode 22: Dreaming a Future, with carla and Uli

    Delighting in our Friends!

    Uli and carla spend episode 22 delighting in pals, AKA celebrating awesome artists, storytellers, and musicians who range in ages 3 - 63. This is an uplifting episode where they share wonderful songs, swoon over friends, and weave in other musings — including how they each find thriving in the everyday! Happy Palentines!


    Show Notes:

    • Cat: @the_invisible_museum_

    • ck nosun: @cknosun

    • Grant Hoskins aka @gadzooksbazooka

    • Jamie-Leigh Gonzales: storyloomdesign.com

    • Uilliam’s art

    • Julie Flett: julieflett.com

    • Hari Alluri: @harialluri

    • kitty lu bear: @fungifemme

    • https://www.emergencyhearts.com/

    • Time

    • I'm Still Here (U.S. Political Prisoner Never Forgotten version) | scott crow, Televangel, Time, David M. Williams, Dissonance | eMERGENCY heARTS

    • "Happiness in You" by Nadya Geta

    • "A False Awakening" by AwareNess

    Other Music played:

    • Queen

    • Aurora

    • Burial

    Music for our show by: Sour Gout

    The GF Show art by Robin Carrico

    Sound Editing by Chris Bergman


    Thanks for listening!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    48 min
  • Sparks In-Between, with Shuli Branson
    Dec 15 2022

    The Grounded Futures Show, Ep 21: Sparks In-Between, with Shuli Branson*

    “thinking alone is not as exciting as thinking together”

    Shuli Branson, a Jewish transfemme anarchist writer, and artist, joined carla and Uli for an inspiring virtual walk to think (and feel) together. They go deep into Trans worlding and talk pathways to gender abolition, discovering voice, embracing not knowing, sampling ideas, learning through play and making mistakes, practical anarchism, and more! This joyful conversation covers a lot of ground, including a poetry reading!

    *when we recorded this epsidoe, Shuli went by Scott.


    Show Notes:

    Scott’s webpage

    Scott on IG:

    Scott on Twitter

    Practical Anarchism: A Daily Guide

    Gay Liberation after May 68

    The Abolition of Prison

    How I Became a Genre Bender and Found a Voice

    Women on the Edge of Time

    The Dispossessed

    The Earthsea Trilogy

    Witch Hat Atelier

    “We study with any person who can teach us.” -- Marge Piercy, Woman on the Edge of Time

    Favourite quote by Ursula K, Le Guin:

    “But he had not brought anything. His hands were empty, as they had always been.” -- the Dispossessed


    • I, Tituba Black Witch of Salem, by Maryse Condé

    • Akata Witch

    • Love, Anger, Madness: A Haitian Trilogy

    Scott’s Poem:

    where had we left you?

    a long necked white creature

    bobbing in the distance

    on the lake

    it was clear we had overlooked

    the mysteries of the world

    so white i wondered how it...

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 15 min
  • Alchemizing Futures, with Shaunga Tagore
    Nov 15 2022

    The Grounded Futures Show, Ep 20: Alchemizing Futures, with Shaunga Tagore

    “My desire is for everything in my life to be rooted in thriving, or the timeline of thriving.”

    The magical episode where carla and Uli receive some deep healing via their wonderful guest, the quantum communicator, storyteller, weaver, and creatrix, Shaunga Tagore. Shaunga talks about their paradigm shifting project: Otherworldly Giants, as well as embracing ancestral connections, grief as love, communing with the cosmos and land, and of course, some Buffy! Enter into this magical portal with us, and feel and hear so much more!

    Show Notes

    Shaunga’s Otherworldly Giants: https://shaungatagore.com

    Shaunga’s podcast: https://shaungatagore.com/channel/


    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    She-ra: the Princess of Power + the 80s version



    Shaunga Tagore is a queer, prizmatic (non-binary) theatre artist, writer, speaker, cat mama & Buffy enthusiast. (And they weren’t kidding when they called her, well, a witch.) Her witchy powers and ancestral roles include, but are not limited to: quantum communicator, creatrix, death doula, time keeper & grief worker. Shaunga is the founder of Otherworldly Giants, a creation company and storytelling school where we create and study stories that serve as altars for building a new world paradigm. Shaunga has spent the last decade working as an astrologer, cosmic coach, artist, and producer, primarily in queer, racialized, survivor, and disability justice oriented communities.

    Music for our show by: Sour Gout

    The GF Show art by Robin Carrico

    Thanks for listening!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 2 min
  • Liberated Care, with Zena Sharman
    Oct 18 2022

    The Grounded Futures Show, Ep #19 Liberated Care, with Zena Sharman

    “I think about care as a process, as an ongoing act of weaving — that it is this active thing that we do, that happens in relationships, that happens in communities.”

    Zena Sharman joins the show to talk casting spells and weaving webs of care beyond institutions. This episode is all about intergenerational solidarity, and queering kinship and care in the everyday. Zena is a writer, speaker, strategist and LGBTQ+ health advocate and our conversation goes deep into the radical possibilities for care as an ongoing, consensual process — from grief care to ageing and dying, to gender open parenting, to centring pleasure and disability justice in health care.

    Show Notes

    Follow Zena on Twitter

    Zena’s two books:

    The Care We Dream Of: Liberatory and Transformative Approaches to LGBTQ+ Health

    The Remedy: Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care

    Photo of Zena for show is by K. Ho


    • Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha’s books Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice and The Future is Disabled

    • Megan Linton’s Invisible Institutions podcast

    • Hil Malatino’s book Trans Care (the free open access version is available here)

    • Jules Gill-Peterson's article Doctors Who? Radical lessons from the history of DIY transition
    • I didn't mention it during the interview, but this podcast interview The Legend of the Orchi Shed with Guest Eilís Ni Fhlannagáin is another wonderful example of an oral history about trans DIY health care
    • The book Trans Bodies, Trans Selves (second edition)

    • Katie Batza’s book Before AIDS: Gay Health Politics in the 1970s

    • Dean Spade's mutual aid course syllabus, which includes Katie Batza's book alongside other health-related titles like Alondra Nelson’s book Body and Soul: The Black Panther Party and the Fight against Medical Discrimination...
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    1 h et 24 min