
  • Ep 1.7 - How Thoughts Affect Our Energy Body
    Jun 24 2023

    In this episode,  I talk about how our thoughts affect our energy body. How can we use our thoughts to support our energy healing and our soul development?

    Many incorrectly believe that a thought directly impacts our reality and sometimes fear creeps up that thinking a negative thought will manifest the negative result in our life.

    I delve more fully into 

    • How our thoughts impact the different parts of our energy body
    • The importance of proximity to the impact of our thoughts
    • The importance of discerning which thoughts are ours and which are not
    • A method of thought work that can help to dissolve negative thinking
    • The real meaning and impact of negative thinking
    • How working with our thoughts can improve our vibration and bring us closer to unity

    Sign up for the Heal Yourself Challenge here:  https://soulslegacy.com/heal-yourself-challenge

    Watch the Heal Yourself Challenge Playlist here: https://soulslegacy.com/heal-yourself-replays

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag us, @soulactualized and @janiejjaramillo!

    Haven’t left a review yet? All you have to do is go to http://soulslegacy.com/itunes, and thanks for your support of this show!

    I want to invite you to help contribute to this podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&AEdition of the Your Soul’s Legacy Podcast. All you have to do is go to https://soulslegacy.com/qa and record a question (under 4 minutes or less) that could be featured on an upcoming episode.

    See more at https://soulslegacy.com/podcast

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    27 min
  • EP 1.6 - Where to Start for True Healing (The Lie We Are Told As Parents)
    Jun 3 2023

    In this episode,  I share one of my messages from the Letters from the Future series. In it, I talk about a lie we are sold that keeps us from truly expressing ourselves as parents.

    It's where we need to start if we are looking to heal.

    I invite you to sign up for Letters from the Future at https://soulslegacy.com/subscribe 

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag us, @soulactualized  and @janiejjaramillo!

    Haven’t left a review yet? All you have to do is go to http://soulslegacy.com/itunes, and thanks for your support of this show!

    I want to invite you to help contribute to this podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&AEdition of the Your Soul’s Legacy Podcast. All you have to do is go to https://soulslegacy.com/qa and record a question (under 4 minutes or less) that could be featured on an upcoming episode.

    See more at https://soulslegacy.com/podcast

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    9 min
  • EP 1.5 - From Feeling Alone to Feeling Supported - The Power of Healing Your Legacy
    Mar 22 2023

    In this episode, I talk to Natanya Lara, a past client, and friend, who experienced several of the components of a Heal My Legacy program. 

    We also talk about:

    1. how parts of the program helped her to gain the awareness of who she really is I had a core level
    2. What gave her permission to experience her exploration of how she wanted to shift in her profession with a sense of curiosity and inquiry instead of this heaviness and restriction that she had been feeling
    3. What parts of the work allowed her to go from feeling alone to feeling resourced and to feeling like and feeling the support that she has around her and available to her all the time
    4. how change can feel sustainable

    Natanya is a certified parenting coach, energy worker, and essential oils advocate. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to help people at every stage of life to find emotional and physical wearing and physical wellness she has supported adults and kids of all ages to manage their energy and emotions for over a decade. She has been a business owner for over two decades and is a solo mom of two teenage boys. Find her at https://natanyalara.com 

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag us, @soulactualized and @janiejjaramillo!

    Haven’t left a review yet? All you have to do is go to http://soulslegacy.com/itunes, and thanks for your support of this show!

    I want to invite you to help contribute to this podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&AEdition of the Your Soul’s Legacy Podcast. All you have to do is go to https://soulslegacy.com/qa and record a question (under 4 minutes or less) that could be featured on an upcoming episode.

    See more at https://soulslegacy.com/podcast

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    18 min
  • Ep. 1.4 What Makes Energy Healing Effective?
    Mar 20 2023

    In this episode, I share some of the worst advice I received when I was starting to learn about Energy healing. I tell you what that was and why this is very bad advice.

    I also talk about:

    1. Why this advice is given
    2. When it makes sense to believe this advice
    3. What is missing from this advice

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag us, @soulactualized  and @janiejjaramillo!

    Haven’t left a review yet? All you have to do is go to http://soulslegacy.com/itunes, and thanks for your support of this show!

    I want to invite you to help contribute to this podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&AEdition of the Your Soul’s Legacy Podcast. All you have to do is go to https://soulslegacy.com/qa and record a question (under 4 minutes or less) that could be featured on an upcoming episode.

    See more at https://soulslegacy.com/podcast

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    28 min
  • Ep. 1.3 Soul Essence - The Key to Show Up Authentically as a Parent
    Mar 11 2023

    In this episode,  I talk about one of the mistakes that a lot of parents make, including one I made myself, that leads to a lot of pain and suffering.

    I also talk about:

    1. How we can rethink the idea of self-care
    2. What is our one true responsibility
    3. How only focusing on our children can hurt us
    4. The binary thinking that affects many parents
    5. How to break free from this binary thinking
    6. How we can model authenticity to our children

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag us, @soulactualized  and @janiejjaramillo!

    Haven’t left a review yet? All you have to do is go to http://soulslegacy.com/itunes, and thanks for your support of this show!

    I want to invite you to help contribute to this podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&AEdition of the Your Soul’s Legacy Podcast. All you have to do is go to https://soulslegacy.com/qa and record a question (under 4 minutes or less) that could be featured on an upcoming episode.

    See more at https://soulslegacy.com/podcast

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    33 min
  • EP 1.2 Can Energy Healing Have a Lasting Effect? Healing My Legacy
    Mar 11 2023

    In this episode, I share my story with you about how energy medicine, energy healing, and shamanic modalities all helped me to go from someone who was depressed, confused, not sure exactly what was going on, and not really looking forward to the future or thinking of it as a vacuum to someone who is hopeful, who has taken back her agency, who feels empowered and restored by using these different modalities.

    I also talk about:

    1. The events that got me started on my personal development journey
    2. What happened to me when my teacher died
    3. Why the Reiki attunements I received were so difficult
    4. What modality first offered me some relief and why I got so excited by the idea of energy medicine
    5. Why I started working on developing my intuition
    6. What technique finally made all the healing pieces fit together

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag us, @soulactualized  and @janiejjaramillo!

    Haven’t left a review yet? All you have to do is go to http://soulslegacy.com/itunes, and thanks for your support of this show!

    I want to invite you to help contribute to this podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&AEdition of the Your Soul’s Legacy Podcast. All you have to do is go to https://soulslegacy.com/qa and record a question (under 90 seconds or less) that could be featured on an upcoming episode.

    See more at https://soulslegacy.com/podcast

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    20 min
  • EP 1.1 What is Heal My Legacy?
    Mar 10 2023

    In this episode, I talk to you about the mission of this podcast and what exactly my vision is for what I'll be sharing. I share with you why it’s important to be intentional about the legacy we are creating, why we need to heal to create a positive legacy, and why we need to have our soul purpose as the guiding force for our legacy building.

    I also talk about:

    1. How we can impact our kids positively without using force
    2. What caused my own personal development journey to activate
    3. Why we need a system instead of a modality for personal transformation and long-term healing
    4. Why healing ourselves is important for the well-being of our children
    5. What you can expect when you do soul legacy work

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag us, @soulactualized and @janiejjaramillo!

    Haven’t left a review yet? All you have to do is go to http://soulslegacy.com/itunes, and thanks for your support of this show!

    I want to invite you to help contribute to this podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&AEdition of the Your Soul’s Legacy Podcast. All you have to do is go to https://soulslegacy.com/qa and record a question (under 4 minutes or less) that could be featured on an upcoming episode.

    See more at https://soulslegacy.com/podcast

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    21 min
  • EP 1.0 Heal My Legacy Podcast Preview
    Mar 5 2023

    I want to introduce you to the Heal My Legacy Podcast.

    This preview episode of the podcast gives you a little idea of what you can expect from the show. I’ll be sharing with you what I've learned in my 20+ years of being on this personal development journey, what I've learned as an energy healer, as a shamanic practitioner, and as someone who is committed to my own development and healing. I'll be having conversations about the different methods of healing and how they work and what they're good for and when you may need to bring in some support. We invite you to learn from the mistakes we have made, from the long meandering paths that we have taken to shorten your own journey, and to support you on your journey of healing and Legacy building. 

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag us, @soulactualized and @janiejjaramillo!

    Haven’t left a review yet? All you have to do is go to http://soulslegacy.com/itunes, and thanks for your support of this show!

    I want to invite you to help contribute to this podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&AEdition of the Your Soul’s Legacy Podcast. All you have to do is go to https://soulslegacy.com/qa and record a question (under 4 minutes or less) that could be featured on an upcoming episode.

    See more at https://soulslegacy.com/podcast

    Voir plus Voir moins
    3 min