
  • Kathleen Hotze
    Jul 6 2023

    Kathleen is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Board certified Holistic Health Practitioner, and Mind Body Spirit Release™ Practitioner. Kathleen received a Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. Prior to graduate school, Kathleen earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude, from the University of Mississippi. Kathleen most recently attended Mind Body Spirit Release™ Academy where she completed 3 levels of coursework fully accredited by The Association Of Drugless Practitioners. 

    Kathleen founded Hotze Health Collective, her private practice in Houston, Texas, centered around holistic wellbeing. Kathleen emphasizes the Mind Body connection to help clients optimize the foundations of physical and emotional health, identify roots of dis-ease in their life and body, and awaken their most vibrant self. She was inspired to pursue this path to help females align their mind, body, and spirit and empower them in their strengths, intuition, purpose, and higher self. Kathleen is honored to join her clients on their journey, to help females create a sustainable lifestyle that they love, renew the way they view wellness, and tune into their mind, body, and spirit.


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    43 min
  • Ep. 2 - Interview with Angelica Hodges, FNTP
    Mar 31 2023

    Enjoy an interview where we get to know your host, Angelica Hodges, FNTP, as she shares how to begin taking control of your nutrition, your future health, and developing an awareness of what is nutrient-dense food.

    Hear not only how she got started on her own health journey, but how her life has improved since.

    Angelica is the Functional Nutritionist of Whole Health Center Houston, holistic health coach, and someone who deeply values helping people making changes for the better in their lifestyle.

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    37 min
  • Ep. 1 - Interviewing the Drs. Wells
    Mar 31 2023

    In this episode, enjoy an interview featuring Dr. Valeska Wells, D.O. and Dr. Paul Wells, Ph.D. as Angelica helps you get to know them, their medical practice, and what to expect next from Whole Health Center Houston.

    Dr. Valeska Wells is a physician, functional and integrative medicine expert, osteopathic manipulation practitioner, and the Medical Director for Whole Health Center Houston.

    Dr. Paul Wells holds a doctorate in biomedical engineering, and he is the Chief Executive Officer of Whole Health Center Houston, as well as the Director of Science.

    Together, they are husband and wife power couple who parent four wonderful children; the Drs. Wells have abundant compassion for people as well as love for one another. Come hear their story and how Whole Health Center Houston became what it is today.

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    46 min