
  • Healing journey
    Oct 25 2022

    The healing journey is part of everyone’s life, whether you grew up with both parents in your household or not.

    There may be things you learned along the way that you may need to unlearn.

    You have to take inventory of what you believe, values and the things that  slow you down,

     personal convictions from the Holy Spirit, and trauma and how it has impacted your life.

    The works of the flesh versus the fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5.

    What we need to learn about our own healing journey.

    Identify the areas where you need freedom and healing.

    It's not where you start, it's what you choose to do with the situation!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min
  • Father Wounds and healing
    Oct 20 2022

    Shavonnah Gaines and I discuss the impact of growing up without a father in the home.

    We also reviewed what we learnt along the way and how we knew we needed to heal. 

    We were able to identify what we needed and address healing solutions.

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    24 min
  • Sleep
    Oct 18 2022


    In this podcast we will focus on sleep and also pray about sleep. 

    It's something that's really important to all of our lives, we have to sleep at least a third of our lives,

    that while some people may sleep less time, and some people may sleep longer, we still need sleep,

    it is something that we have to be fully disciplined in order to enjoy the benefits of it.

    Sleep prayer

    Father God, I pray for my sleep center to be fully functional and activated at the appropriate times.
    I ask for forgiveness for any sins I have committed knowingly or unknowingly.
    I break every spoken or written curse with the blood of Jesus and renounce all works of darkness.
    I repent and close any open doors that the enemy may use against me.
    I come out of agreement with insomnia, trauma, and painful memories.
    I decree and declare I have a normal sleep and wake cycle.
    I pray for healing and deliverance to take place from the root.
    I pray for every system, cell, organ, tissue, muscle, vein and artery in my body to be restored and strengthened.
    I plead the blood of Jesus over my night season, my body, soul and spirit.
    I decree and declare I will have sweet sleep and a restful night.
    I bring the cross of Christ as my shield.
    Thank you for making me your beloved and giving me sweet sleep.
    Speak to me Lord, while I am asleep through instruction, correction, ideas and your other creative ways.
    Help me to remember my dreams.
    I declare that I have adequate melatonin, adenosine, and circadian rhythms.
    I will be productive when I wake up.
    Thank you God, for strength, a renewed body and restoration in my sleep.
    In Jesus name, Amen

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    13 min
  • Daily Surrender
    Oct 18 2022

    Daily Surrender Prayer

    Dear Lord, today I surrender my body, soul, and Spirit to you,
    Thank you for making me your image bearer and a citizen of heaven,
    I let go of all false burdens, control and self-will,
    I pray for your will to be done in my life,
    I pray for a loving, patient, and peaceful heart,
    Eyes that see things from your perspective,
    Ears that are yielded to you,
    I’m thankful for the river that never runs dry,
    I receive the manna you have given me today,
    Thank you for blessings and mercies,
    Lead me, guide me, correct, and convict me throughout this day.
    I am grateful for the nudges, you give me  that lead me in the way I should go,
    You lead me beside the still waters,
    I surrender my life to you,
    I surrender to your peace, love and joy,
    Lord, I surrender to your ways,
    I give you permission to have your way in me,
    My life is yours,
    I love you Lord,
    In Jesus name, Amen.

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    3 min
  • Heart Healing
    Oct 18 2022

    Prayer for a healed, renewed and transformed heart.

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    3 min