
  • Unveiling the Power of Ibogaine Therapy: Journey, Preparation, and Safety in Treating Addiction
    Jun 29 2024

    In this insightful episode, we dive into a conversation with Zara, a psychotherapist and psychedelic integration coach based in Los Angeles. The discussion begins with an introduction and casual exchange, highlighting the diverse backgrounds of the participants—one from Los Angeles and the other from Bangalore, India.

    The episode transitions into Zara’s journey into the field of mental health therapy and psychedelic integration, specifically focusing on her work with psilocybin and ibogaine. She shares her transformative experiences, starting from her first encounter with psychedelics in graduate school to her profound personal journey with ibogaine in Cabo, Mexico. Zara elaborates on how these experiences reshaped her understanding of addiction treatment and motivated her to advocate for the integration of psychedelics in therapy.

    Zara provides a detailed explanation of how ibogaine works in the brain to treat addiction, emphasizing its ability to reset neural pathways and eliminate withdrawal symptoms. She also outlines the essential safety protocols required for ibogaine treatment, stressing the importance of physical and psychological readiness, proper medical assessments, and the presence of qualified professionals during the treatment process.

    The conversation includes compelling success stories of clients who have overcome severe addictions through ibogaine therapy, illustrating the transformative impact of this treatment. Zara also offers valuable advice for mental health professionals interested in incorporating psychedelic integration into their practice, advocating for personal experience with the treatment to better understand and guide clients.

    Finally, Zara envisions a future where psychedelic therapy plays a crucial role in treating addiction and mental health issues, highlighting the potential of psychedelics to foster neuroplasticity and facilitate profound personal growth.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of psychedelics and mental health, providing a comprehensive overview of the transformative power of psychedelic therapy in addiction treatment.

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    29 min
  • Productivity and Wellness: How Health Drives Success
    Jun 13 2024

    In this episode of “Healthy Mind, Happy Life”, the host Avik interviews Mark, a renowned productivity coach and host of the “Missed Productivity” podcast. The conversation revolves around the intersection of productivity, health, and wellness.

    Mark shares his journey from corporate America to becoming a productivity coach, which was triggered by his job loss in 2005. He emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s “why” and setting clear goals as the foundation of effective productivity.

    Mark identifies common productivity challenges faced by executives, such as overloading their calendars and not setting limits. He advises slowing down and being more purposeful in allocating time to tasks.

    The discussion also touches on work-life balance, with Mark suggesting that individuals need to define what balance means for them personally. He stresses the importance of continuous learning as a key factor for long-term success and productivity.

    The conversation highlights the critical role of health and wellness in productivity. Mark predicts that this relationship will become even more important in the future as people live longer. He advocates for daily physical activity as a way to ensure longevity and productivity.

    The episode concludes with Mark’s advice to listeners on the connection between health and productivity: prioritize daily movement or exercise. He underscores the importance of taking care of oneself to avoid regret in later life.

    Overall, the episode provides valuable insights into how health and wellness guide productivity, drawing from Mark’s expertise and personal experiences. It serves as an inspiring conversation on how a healthy mind leads to a productive life.

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    20 min
  • Brain Boost: Strategies for Optimizing Your Mental Performance
    Jun 13 2024

    In this episode of “Healthy Mind”, the host welcomes Dominica, a brain coach and NLP encoding specialist, to discuss strategies for optimizing brain performance. The conversation begins with a friendly exchange about their respective locations and the challenges of international travel, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Dominica shares her personal journey, detailing how she overcame significant challenges, including epilepsy, divorce, and traumatic experiences, to thrive in various sectors. She credits her transformation to the teachings of Tony Robbins and her venture into brain coaching and NLP encoding. Dominica also mentions her book, “How to Dream Big and Act Small and Achieve Success”, which shares practical wisdom and strategies for personal growth.

    The discussion then shifts to effective strategies for optimizing brain performance. Dominica emphasizes the importance of good sleep, morning sun, and self-love. She explains how these basic practices can significantly improve the quality of life and brain performance. She also highlights the concept of neuroplasticity, explaining that the brain can rewire itself, but for peak performance, one needs to consciously choose and practice the path they want to go on.

    Dominica’s insights provide valuable tips and inspiration to help listeners realize their boldest dreams through small, actionable steps. The episode concludes with a promise of further discussion on three major topics related to brain optimization. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in personal growth, brain health, and peak performance.

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    30 min
  • Turning Challenges into Triumphs: The Power of Entrepreneurship
    Jun 13 2024

    In this episode of “Healthy Mind, Healthy Life,” the host welcomes Aurora winter, a successful entrepreneur, bestselling author, TV writer, producer, and founder of Same Page Publishing. Aurora shares her expertise in film and neuroscience to help people tell memorable stories that build brands and businesses.

    The episode’s theme is “Turning Challenges into Triumphs: The Power of Entrepreneurship.” Aurora shares her personal experiences of overcoming setbacks, including the loss of her husband and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. She emphasizes that setbacks are not personal and can be used as opportunities to springboard one’s career, relationships, business, and skills in a whole new direction.

    Aurora introduces the PEACE method, a cognitive behavioral therapy technique that she developed to help people release stress and transform their lives. The method involves five steps: coming into the Present moment, Expressing thoughts and feelings, Allowing the thought without making a war on it, Considering the Contrary or opposite, and Engaging with enthusiasm.

    Aurora shares how she used the PEACE method to cope with the news of her mother’s stroke, transforming her initial panic into a proactive plan to visit her mother. She encourages listeners to use the PEACE method to help their minds become healthier.

    The episode concludes with Aurora inviting listeners to check out her website and her book, “Grief Relief in 30 min,” for a deeper dive into the PEACE method and its various nuances. She emphasizes that the method is free and can be a powerful tool for personal transformation if used sincerely every day for 90 days.

    This episode provides valuable insights into overcoming challenges, the power of storytelling, and leveraging words for business success. It’s an inspiring conversation filled with practical advice and strategies for personal and professional growth.

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    34 min
  • Give people what works in life not what they want
    Jun 11 2024

    In this episode of “Healthy Mind Heavenly Life”, the host interviews Charisa, a woman who has mastered the art of turning obstacles into growth and self-mastery. She shares her journey of overcoming obesity, struggles with alcohol, and a life-changing car accident that led to an undiagnosed brain injury. Despite these challenges, her relentless push for self-improvement has led her to success and fulfillment.

    She shares her insights on discipline, mindset, and maintaining physical and mental health. She emphasizes the importance of doing what works in life, rather than what one wants. She explains how she had to prioritize what worked over what she wanted in her life, which involved overcoming her avoidance behaviors such as drinking and binge eating.

    She discusses the importance of developing a positive mindset and mental fortitude to make choices based on what works rather than what one wants. She shares her weight loss journey and how she built her confidence by showing up and doing the work, even when it was hard.

    She also talks about the daily habits she found most effective in ensuring that she stays on the path that works, even when it’s not what she initially wanted. These habits include waking up early, working out, eating a healthy breakfast, and doing some reading and reflecting.

    She advises listeners who feel stuck and find it hard to see beyond their immediate wants to just choose one thing different in that moment and aim for 1% change. She emphasizes the importance of starting now, doing something small, and never giving up on oneself.

    The episode ends with the host thanking Theresa for her wisdom and reminding listeners that it’s about making choices that lead to long-term well-being and fulfillment. The host encourages listeners to tune in for more empowering episodes as they continue to explore ways to cultivate a healthy mind and a healthy life.

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    19 min
  • Bioenergetic Release: Clearing Your Reticular Activating System, Building Confidence, and Breaking Generational Patterns
    Jun 11 2024

    In this episode of “Healthy Mind, Healthy Life”, the host Avik is joined by Dr. Cindy Stark, an award-winning author, doctor, entrepreneur, and mentor. The episode begins with some technical difficulties as Dr. Cindy struggles to find the Zoom link for the podcast recording. After resolving the issue, they dive into the main topic of discussion - bioenergy, clearing the reticular activating system, building confidence, and breaking generational patterns.

    Dr. Cindy shares her personal journey of starting an online coaching business while being a full-time doctor. She talks about how she was unable to make progress until she underwent a bioenergetic release trauma healing program. This program, which involves meditative practices and journaling, helped her overcome subconscious barriers and enroll five clients the following year.

    She emphasizes the importance of confidence in achieving personal success and well-being, stating that without belief in one’s abilities, it’s challenging to take the necessary steps towards a goal. Dr. Cindy also discusses the significance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals to break free from generational patterns and carve a unique path.

    The episode also delves into the concept of bioenergetic release. Dr. Cindy explains that it involves confronting and releasing negative emotions associated with past experiences. This process, she says, can lead to a ‘reboot’ or ‘factory reset’, enabling individuals to see possibilities without limitations.

    For those new to these concepts, Dr. Cindy recommends starting with quiet moments of self-reflection and journaling to identify personal desires and potential obstacles. She also suggests joining communities of people who are achieving big dreams, such as her Facebook group “Reclaim Your Health and Life”.

    Towards the end of the episode, Dr. Cindy highlights the common challenge people face when trying to break generational patterns - relying solely on the conscious mind. She explains that the conscious mind only utilizes 4 to 6% of our brain’s capacity, and to truly achieve change, one must tap into the subconscious mind.

    The episode concludes with Dr. Cindy sharing her contact information for listeners who wish to learn more about her work and the techniques she discussed. Overall, this episode provides valuable insights into overcoming personal barriers and achieving mental clarity and focus.

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    19 min
  • Delegate to Elevate: Unlocking Your Potential for a Fulfilling Life
    Jun 11 2024

    In this episode of “Healthy Mind, Healthy Life”, the host Avik welcomes guest Josephine Flowers, the CEO and founder of G. Flowers Marketing. The episode revolves around the theme of “Delegate to Elevate”, discussing the art of delegation and its potential for life.

    Josephine, with over 7 years of experience, specializes in empowering entrepreneurs to scale their businesses. She shares her journey from New York City to Palm Springs, reflecting her dedication to helping others succeed. As a San Julian, she provides entrepreneurs with the tools to thrive.

    The conversation delves into Josephine’s passion for entrepreneurship and her drive to help others scale their businesses. She discusses her background in the service industry, which gave her insights into the inner workings of businesses and inspired her to assist small business owners and entrepreneurs.

    Josephine also shares her love for productivity, which she describes as her “happy place”. She talks about her enjoyment of learning new techniques and tools, which she can then share with her clients. She emphasizes the importance of understanding different viewpoints and approaches to productivity, as everyone’s experience is unique.

    The discussion also touches on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on entrepreneurship. Josephine explains how her business was able to adapt and even grow during this challenging time, thanks to the shift to online operations. She highlights the importance of delegation in maintaining a healthy work-life balance and ensuring business success.

    Josephine offers advice to entrepreneurs who struggle to delegate tasks effectively. She suggests keeping a log of all tasks and the time spent on each one, which can help identify areas where support is needed. She also emphasizes the benefits of delegating tasks that are not enjoyable or where learning is not desired.

    The episode concludes with Josephine explaining the concept of “the sanctuary”, a term coined at an event she attended. It embodies the calmness, groundedness, and openness to new possibilities that she brings into every conversation. This approach has helped her create a reassuring presence that elevates the experience for her clients, without causing feelings of overwhelm or anxiety.

    Overall, this episode provides valuable insights into the art of delegation, the importance of productivity, and the role of adaptability in entrepreneurship. It offers practical advice and strategies for entrepreneurs looking to scale their businesses and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

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    27 min
  • Winning Mindsets: Parallels Between Sports and a Healthy Mind
    Jun 11 2024

    In this episode of “Healthy Mind, Happy Life”, the host, Avik, welcomes Tommy Montelli, a dynamic entrepreneur and former athlete. Tommy shares his unique perspective on the parallels between sports and life, and how the lessons learned from athletics can be applied to all areas of life.

    Tommy begins by discussing his background in athletics, particularly basketball, and how his father, a legendary high school basketball coach, influenced his approach to leadership and personal development. He emphasizes the importance of being a good person and how doing something nice for others can have a positive impact on one’s mood.

    The conversation then shifts to the topic of resilience and dealing with setbacks. Tommy introduces the MISS method, a four-step process for maintaining a healthy mind and body. The steps are:

    1. Move: Engage in physical activity to release feel-good chemicals in the body.
    2. Improve: Continuously learn and grow by reading, watching, or listening to something new every day.
    3. Serve: Do something nice for others to improve your mood and theirs.
    4. Shut Up: Spend some time in silence every day for introspection and mental rejuvenation.

    Tommy also discusses the importance of reframing failures as learning opportunities and stepping stones to future success. He concludes by emphasizing the significant role physical health and fitness play in contributing to mental well-being.

    Overall, this episode provides invaluable insights into achieving optimal mental health, building meaningful relationships, and navigating the competitive world of business and entrepreneurship through the lens of sports and personal growth.

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    27 min