
  • Locked In: Jesus’ Prayer for You (John 17)
    Mar 3 2025

    Did you know Jesus prayed for YOU? In this episode, we’re diving into Jesus’ powerful prayer for all believers—past, present, and future. We’ll break down what it means to be locked in with God, why unity among believers matters, and how we can truly experience His love in our everyday lives.

    We’ll also chat about:
    - The deep connection between Jesus, the Father, and us
    - How the early church stayed "locked in" (Acts 2:42 style)
    - Why unity in the capital-C Church is more important than ever
    - Practical ways to grow in faith and community

    Whether you’re feeling distant from God or just want to deepen your faith, this episode is for you. Let’s dig in!

    Got a question about faith, the Bible, or life? Send it my way for an upcoming listener questions episode! DM me on instagram or email nicole@nicoleunice.com

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    20 min
  • The Ultimate Overcomer: Jesus, Trouble, Triumph…and a word on Prophecy
    Feb 24 2025

    Life’s tough, but Jesus knew that—and He’s already won. In this episode, we break down John 16, where Jesus promises trouble but also victory. Here’s what we’re unpacking:

    Stay Strong in Faith:

    • Jesus warns us about hard times so we don’t lose faith.

    • “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

    The Holy Spirit’s Got Your Back:

    • The Advocate (aka the Holy Spirit) guides us into truth, reveals God’s heart, and offers peace even when life’s messy.

    Ask, Receive, Trust:

    • Jesus promises we’ll receive when we ask—when our hearts are aligned with God’s love, justice, and compassion.

    A Real Talk on Prophecy:

    • The Spirit shows us the future, but not everything. Some things are for God alone. Our job? Stay faithful, not fearful.

    Reflect On This:

    • How can you find peace in the middle of chaos?

    • Are your prayers in sync with God’s heart?

    • What does trusting the Holy Spirit daily look like for you?

    Final Thought: Trouble’s a given, but so is Christ’s victory. Take heart—joy is coming.

    Scripture Highlights:

    • John 16 (v. 1, 13, 24, 33)

    • Acts 1:7-8

    • Matthew 24:36

    Thanks for listening! Hit subscribe and remember: He’s already overcome.

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    28 min
  • Can I Really Have Abundant Life? A Bible Study on John 15
    Feb 17 2025

    This week, we are exploring the profound truth that remaining in Christ is essential for bearing fruit in our lives. This concept is rooted in Jesus' teaching in John 15:5, where He states, "I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing." This powerful statement highlights the necessity of a deep, abiding connection with Christ for spiritual vitality and productivity. Let's dive deep into John 15 together.


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    Help! My Bible is Alive!

    Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For

    When you go to NicoleUnice.com/notwhatisignedupfor you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide!

    Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    16 min
  • How to Have Peace and Know Purpose in the Presence of Jesus (A Bible Study on John 14)
    Feb 10 2025

    This week, Nicole dives deep into John 14, particularly the profound statement made by Jesus in John 14:6, where He declares, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." This declaration is not merely a philosophical assertion; it serves as a foundational truth for those seeking direction and purpose in their lives.

    What's The Backstory?

    Right before this, Jesus made it clear that he was going to leave them. This must have been very discouraging and confusing. In the midst of this, Jesus offers them comfort and a path forward.

    I Am The Way, The Truth, The Life

    He is the way. Jesus is making incredible claims about himself. He gives them relationonal, directional, and intentional answers. Let's unpack what each of these mean, together.


    Sign up for Nicole's newsletter and get regular encouragement straight to your inbox: https://nicoleunice.com/realtalk/

    Help! My Bible is Alive!

    Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For

    When you go to NicoleUnice.com/notwhatisignedupfor you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide!

    Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    21 min
  • Joy Is Not the Absence of Suffering: Lessons from Jesus Washing the Disciples' Feet (John 13)
    Feb 3 2025

    In this week's episode, we read through the story of Jesus washing the disciples' feet in John 13. In this incredibly powerful chapter, Jesus gives us these living metaphors and these pictures because he wants us to have a new idea in our mind, a new understanding of what reality truly is. Because from those places in us where reality truly is, when we ask the question, okay, what does this mean for us? What does this mean? That reality is Jesus reshaping the concept of what matters in life. He's reshaping the activity that leads to joy. He's saying love plus security plus humility equals joy.

    What Does It Say?

    Jesus loves them to the end

    Jesus’ power - “He knew he had all power” - what would you do next if you knew you had all power? No one would pick the thing that Jesus does next. Because Jesus knew all these things, SO he got up, and washed his disciple's feet.

    Backstory -

    Footwashing was a common act of hospitality in that time, usually performed by a slave. If someone of standing were to do it, it would have been seen as an ultimate act of honor.

    What Does it Mean?

    Jesus’ foot washing was a metaphor, an image of what love means - settled, confident, secure love. Service with humility and sacrifice. He's doing a menial act, but what he's really doing is saying, “if you want to be a part of me, this is what he says to Peter, if you want to be a part of me, you have to let me do this.”

    What Does It Mean for Me?

    If you want to experience life with Jesus, you have to let him love you. You have to let him care for you. You have to let him see you for who you really are, which is a person who does need to be cleansed, right? And Jesus is saying to them, like, hey, you don't need to do this over and over again. It's not like a baptism over and over again. You already know me, you're clean and you're in me, but this is an act of me caring for you. This is an ongoing, this is what ongoing relationship looks like with me. What I'm doing for you, I am asking you do to for others.


    Sign up for Nicole's newsletter and get regular encouragement straight to your inbox: https://nicoleunice.com/realtalk/

    Help! My Bible is Alive!

    Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For

    When you go to NicoleUnice.com/notwhatisignedupfor you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide!

    Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    22 min
  • The Aroma of Devotion: Understanding Mary’s Act of Worship in John 12
    Jan 27 2025

    The Backstory

    The episode begins by establishing the setting of John 12, which takes place just before the Passover in Bethany, where Jesus shares an intimate dinner with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. This gathering is not just a meal; it is a moment filled with deep significance as it marks the beginning of the Passion Week—the final week of Jesus' earthly ministry leading up to His crucifixion. The atmosphere is celebratory, yet it foreshadows the impending sacrifice of Jesus.

    Mary’s Extravagant Worship

    Mary’s act of anointing Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume is highlighted as a lavish display of love and devotion. The fragrance of the perfume fills the house, symbolizing the beauty of worship and the acknowledgment of Jesus’ impending death. This act stands in stark contrast to Judas Iscariot’s utilitarian perspective, where he questions the wastefulness of such an extravagant gesture, suggesting that the money could have been better spent on the poor.

    The Aroma of Christ

    The podcast draws a parallel between Mary’s act and the metaphor of aroma found in 2 Corinthians 2:14-16, where believers are described as the aroma of Christ. This metaphor serves to illustrate the dual nature of following Jesus: for some, it is a fragrance of life, while for others, it represents death. Nicole points out that Mary’s devotion brings life and joy, while Judas’ reaction embodies the disgust and misunderstanding that can accompany a life devoted to Christ.

    What Does it Mean? The Reality of Following Jesus

    Following Jesus often leads to persecution and misunderstanding. She reminds listeners that being a follower of Christ means embracing the tension of love and rejection. Just as Mary faced criticism for her extravagant worship, believers today may encounter similar responses when they express their faith. The call to love, even in the face of persecution, is a central theme in the episode, reinforcing the idea that true devotion to Christ may not always be understood or accepted by others.

    Balancing Individual Piety and Social Activism

    The episode also touches on the need for balance between individual piety and social activism. Nicole highlights that while caring for the marginalized is essential, it should not overshadow personal devotion to Christ. Jesus’ response to Judas underscores this balance; He acknowledges the importance of caring for the poor while also affirming Mary’s act of worship as significant and worthy.

    What Does It Mean for Me?

    In conclusion, the podcast encourages listeners to reflect on their own lives and consider how they can embody the aroma of Christ in their daily interactions. Nicole poses thought-provoking questions: How can we worship extravagantly like Mary? How do we respond to persecution or misunderstanding in our faith journey? By embracing both the beauty of devotion and the challenges of following Jesus, believers can live out their faith authentically, becoming a fragrant offering to God and a light to the world.


    Sign up for Nicole's newsletter and get regular encouragement straight to your inbox: https://nicoleunice.com/realtalk/

    Help! My Bible is Alive!

    Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For

    When you go to NicoleUnice.com/notwhatisignedupfor you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide!

    Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    24 min
  • What Do I Do When God Seems Absent? (A Bible Study on John 11)
    Jan 20 2025
    Today, we're digging into a story of grief and joy in John 11, the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. We'll see the profound ways in which Jesus interacts with individuals experiencing grief and sorrow, demonstrating compassion and understanding by meeting each person where they are in their emotional journey. What Does It Say? Read along with us in John 11. What’s the backstory it's really important here to notice that we're in a sorrowful moment of an untimely death. This is a hard reality, a hard truth happening in this world right now. And what's more with Mary and Martha to lose Lazarus, their brother, who, you know, likely was supporting them and providing them with safety in a home because that's how it was in that culture. They've lost their brother whom they love, but also, this is an untimely death, and they really believe that Jesus could have done something about it. And yet these days have gone by. Lazarus has been in the tomb for four days. The four is important a little bit in the backstory because some would say that Jewish leaders would maybe say the soul would hang around a body for a while, maybe try to reenter the body. So they're like, it's like four days is not just kind of dead. It's really dead. It's like a long enough that, okay, now it's time to really say goodbye. This is permanent. What does it mean? Two things that came to mind that really stood out for me this week in this passage. The first is this: there's more to this life than sorrow and death. All the time, there's always more going on than just the sorrow and death that we might see. That's the first thought, just to challenge you in your mind. The second one for me, and of course there's many principles you can pull out from this passage, but the second principle for today, Jesus doesn't just lead us to the resurrection, he is the resurrection. Like, that is a mystery to ponder, to pray on, to ask, like, what does that mean for my life? What does it mean for me? Two things that came to mind that really stood out for me this week in this passage. The first is this: there's more to this life than sorrow and death. All the time, there's always more going on than just the sorrow and death that we might see. That's the first thought, just to challenge you in your mind. The second one: Jesus doesn't just lead us to the resurrection, he IS the resurrection. Like, that is a mystery to ponder, to pray on, to ask, like, what does that mean for my life? Second: the disciples were disappointed and disconcerted by Jesus's choices. Martha's disappointed, but intellectually trying to process the why. Mary is just lost in her grief, lost in her emotions. How do you react to your struggles? How do you handle sorrow? How do you handle pain? What's your response? Do you try to control it? Do you try to fix it? Do you try to solve it? Do you find yourself spinning up on all of these different plans and all of these different contingencies that you yourself are going to figure out? Or do you slow down enough to actually bring God your sorrow? Have you thought about taking that burden before him and just saying, Lord, are you here? You feel absent to me in this thing. Because in many ways, that's what Mary and Martha said. Both of them said to him, if you'd been here, Lazarus wouldn't have died. You've disappointed me. Why is it this way? Why were you absent in my time of need? If you have that question, bring it to the Lord. He can handle it. THIS WEEK'S RESOURCES: Sign up for Nicole's newsletter and get regular encouragement straight to your inbox: https://nicoleunice.com/realtalk/ Help! My Bible is Alive! Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For When you go to NicoleUnice.com/notwhatisignedupfor you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide! Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
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    24 min
  • What Does God Want for Me in 2025? Discerning God's Will for Your Life
    Jan 13 2025

    Hey friends, we're pausing our walk through John to speak to the moment we're in, at the beginning of January, to answer a question that I often get asked: What does God want for my life? How can I discern his will for me?

    To that end, this week, we're studying Romans 12:1-2 and Proverbs 3:5-6.


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    Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For

    When you go to NicoleUnice.com/notwhatisignedupfor you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide!

    Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    26 min