
  • AI Adoption In the Middel East (Part B) with special guest Patrick Beraud
    Jun 16 2024

    This 12mins episode is Part B of our super interesting conversation with Patrick Beraud (Tonomus Venture Studios) focuses on what we can learn from AI adoption in the Middle East and its implications for workplace performance. It delves into the requirements for a collaborative approach, a look at risk appetite and the need for organisational adaptability. We can also recommend you listening to Part A of our conversation with Patrick on Accelerating Human Potential.

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    14 min
  • Accelerating Human Potential (Part A) with special guest Patrick Beraud
    Jun 5 2024

    Our conversation with Patrick explores the integration of Humans and AI in the workplace, emphasising the importance of getting the fundamentals right in your organisation. It delves into the impact of AI on human accelerating human potential, the rapid evolution of technology, the role of AI as a personal assistant, the use of AI agents, the creation of new jobs, and the challenges organisations face in integrating intelligent technologies.

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    26 min
  • Preventing Human Bottlenecks
    May 6 2024

    In this episode, Dr. Debra Panipucci and Leisa Hart from AI Adaptive discuss how leaders can address the human bottlenecks (a term coined by Dr David Rock) that hinder the implementation of AI in businesses. Debra and Leisa highlight the importance of investing in the people side of AI and they identify three main human bottlenecks: capacity challenges, resistance challenges, and culture challenges. They provide examples and strategies for overcoming these bottlenecks, such as spreading knowledge across the organisation, building a thoughtful change strategy and plan, and fostering an optimisation mindset. The episode emphasises the need for leaders to proactively address these bottlenecks to ensure the successful integration of AI in the workplace.


    Podcast Produced by: AI Adaptive

    Music by: DJ Marco @Kingjordss

    Introduction: William Gone

    Human Bottlenecks concept: David Rock at the Neuroleadership Summit 2024

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    36 min
  • AI Literacy and Responsible AI with special guest Kylie Walker, CEO, ATSE
    May 6 2024

    In this episode, we are joined by Kylie Walker, CEO, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. Kylie emphasizes the need for leaders to build their digital literacy in AI and to approach AI implementation with a duty of care and inclusivity. Kylie works with Australia’s leaders in applied science, technology and engineering to advise decision-makers, lead crucial national conversations to solve complex challenges, and support Australia’s technology-powered, human-driven future.

    Kylie shares the role of ATSE and its mission to advise decision makers on applying science and technology to tackle complex problems. We also discuss some of the Responsible AI essay collection released by ATSE and the Australian Institute for Machine Learning. The conversation covers topics such as the readiness of business leaders to accept agency for AI in their organisations, the pace of AI change and the critical need for digital literacy, the impact of AI on jobs and the importance of upskilling, and the role of AI as a tool for innovation and efficiency. The conversation emphasises utilising the skills and knowledge of employees and facilitating a respectful transition for people and roles. It also highlights the strengths of resilient and resourceful individuals and the importance of character and mindset. The conversation concludes by discussing the WOW (wins, opportunities and watch outs) of Humans and AI in the workplace including the need for critical thinking by leaders.


    Podcast Produced by: AI Adaptive

    Music by: DJ Marco @Kingjordss

    Introduction: William Gone

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    45 min
  • Addressing the Fear of AI
    May 6 2024

    In this episode, Dr. Debra Panipucci and Leisa Hart discuss how leaders can reduce the fear of AI in their workplace. They highlight the importance of proactive conversation and understanding the different layers of fear, such as job insecurity and the detrimental effect of AI on the world. They also discuss the signs and symptoms of fear, including argumentativeness, confusion, and resistance to change and how leaders can practically reduce the fear of AI in their teams. They emphasise the need for leaders to be "AI Fluent". They also discuss some of the benefits of AI in the workplace and the role of leaders to maximise these benefits by promoting curiosity, learning and collaboration with their people.


    Podcast Produced by: AI Adaptive

    Music by: DJ Marco @Kingjordss

    Introduction: William Gone

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    26 min
  • Humans & AI in the Workplace - Coming soon
    Mar 18 2024

    A trailer of our upcoming podcast for Leaders in organisations to help them overcome the challenges of integrating Humans & AI in the workplace.

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    1 min