
  • 20. Highly recommend the Christmas Margs
    Dec 17 2023

    We made it, the end of the year is upon us. It’s almost 2024, even though we swear we just left 2019 behind.

    We're sticking with the Christmas theme again this week and for that we're sorry-not-sorry because 'tis the season etc and all that.

    Nickie's back from Tassie and she's making up for lost time, feeling (strangely) EXTREMELY motivated for this time of year, what’s with that? Sarah's still feeling horrendously unorganised and a bit stressed about the upcoming sure-to-be holiday whirlwind and Zoe just CANNOT relate.

    Then we round the year out with some Q&A, and then would it be an episode of ours if we weren't tending to or rushing off to a crying baby? Absolutely not.

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sticking with us and supporting us this year. We are truly humbled by the support and kind words and we can’t wait to get back into your ears in the new year with some exciting things on the horizon.


    S, N & Z

    Good Shouts:

    Milk to Meals by Luka McCabe & Carley Mendes

    Gozney Roccbox

    Christmas Margaritas

    Join the conversation and come hang with us on our socials.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imacoolmum.podcast/

    TikTok: ttps://www.tiktok.com/@im.a.cool.mum5

    If you'd like to support us further, we are also currently accepting (and treasuring) 5 star reviews (hehe).


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    1 h et 2 min
  • 19. Frequency Illusion
    Dec 10 2023

    We're sure you've all been wondering – what happens when someone's away?? (Oh just us?) Well this happens.

    It's short, it's sweet and it's giving 'Nickie has ditched us for family time in Tassie so Sarah and Zoe are holding the fort'. Please go easy.

    This week Sarah's been bullied (by Zoe) into cutting a bob to appease her midlife crisis and no one's getting around it, while Zoe's regretting her finger tattoos and nose piercing. Zoe's also spiralling after a rough week with her 1 year old and she is back to trying to figure how the F*#@K parents find the time to exercise. Christmas stress has well and truly hit us and we are crawling to holidays.

    Hang in there guys.

    If you've missed it, we are running a Christmas Competition to thank our lovely listeners!! Check out our Instagram to find out how to enter.

    Good Shouts:

    Christmas Margaritas

    Rubix cube guy on tik tok

    Join the conversation and come hang with us on our socials.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imacoolmum.podcast/

    TikTok: ttps://www.tiktok.com/@im.a.cool.mum5

    If you'd like to support us further, we are also currently accepting (and treasuring) 5 star reviews (hehe).


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    32 min
  • 18. Let’s chat about PMDD
    Nov 26 2023

    CW: This episode discusses disordered eating, anxiety, depression and body image issues.

    Have you heard of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder? Neither had we. This week Zoe opens up about her diagnosis and her journey to take back control of her life. This one is raw and honest and we’re so thankful to Zoe for opening up the dialogue around this disorder and sharing her battle with us all. We hope that it's helpful to anyone out there going through the same sort of thing, you are not alone, even though you probably feel like you are.

    We think it's important that we continue talking about mental health and women's health issues, if not for our own sakes, then for our children's.…."Ohhh, won't somebody please think of the children!"

    Big love to you all xxx

    Good Shouts:

    Lovin' on me – Jack Harlow

    BLEED – The Kid LAROI

    Join the conversation and come hang with us on our socials.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imacoolmum.podcast/

    TikTok: ttps://www.tiktok.com/@im.a.cool.mum5

    If you'd like to support us further, we are also currently accepting (and treasuring) 5 star reviews (hehe).


    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 4 min
  • 17. I support the platter.
    Nov 12 2023

    God help us, Christmas is 6 weeks away, and we don’t know about you guys but it's got us STRESSED… and also a bit despairing? The consumerism monster hits overdrive around this time of year and it really adds to our mental load. We're in an existential vortex and we’ve found ourselves questioning how long until the next mass extinction and how we can save the world from itself and for god sakes will some one please just let us know if we need to wash our recycling or not?! …phew, deep breaths everyone.

    Ok, It's not all doom and gloom, we have come prepared with a few festive tips and tricks to try this year, or maybe you just think about trying them, or maybe you don't at all, because we're f*cking busy and Christmas is a lot and we're surviving not thriving and your homemade bonbons can get in the figurative and literal f*cking bin (along with your elf on the shelf)…

    Can we get a wine please? Happy Monday!

    Good Shouts:

    BBC Earth Experience https://bbcearthexperience.com/melbourne

    Pop culture parenting podcast https://instagram.com/popcultureparenting

    Join the conversation and come hang with us on our socials.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imacoolmum.podcast/

    TikTok: ttps://www.tiktok.com/@im.a.cool.mum5

    If you'd like to support us further, we are also currently accepting (and treasuring) 5 star reviews (hehe).


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    1 h et 2 min
  • 16. You’re not a shit mum.
    Oct 31 2023

    We don’t want to build it up too much but we might have actually finally solved a problem by the end of this one. Don't worry we're as shocked as you are.

    Trying to find the balance as a woman, between your family and your career often feels impossible, in fact Zoe is convinced that it's exactly that and suggests that when considering big career moves, you leave your family plans out of it. Sarah agrees and can vouch from experience but Nickie is not so sure.

    Then we asked what does your ideal working week look like? After some brief confusion from Sarah's corner of the table we've collectively decided 4 days for both caregivers is the sweet spot.

    And, did someone say corporate work spaces with adjoining childcares? Yes, yes we did, and we're not sure why it's not more common already?!

    (p.s. sorry we're late, did we mention we're sick and busy? …Probably a few times)

    Good Shouts:

    Blended Mango margarita mix with coconut milk and ice

    Join the conversation and come hang with us on our socials.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imacoolmum.podcast/

    TikTok: ttps://www.tiktok.com/@im.a.cool.mum5

    If you'd like to support us further, we are also currently accepting (and treasuring) 5 star reviews (hehe).


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    51 min
  • 15. BONUS: Just f*cking relax, mate.
    Oct 19 2023

    This episode was recorded on Monday 16th October.

    Happy Friday Cool Mums. We love a bonus ep and we hope you do to!

    First off, we send our love and hope to every human suffering in the world right now. It's a big bad place at the best of times but this last week has been particularly, unimaginably heavy.

    We know you didn't come here to hear about that however and we recognise that our voices are not appropriate in this space. So even though we feel slightly ridiculous and in spite of all the horrors we push on to lighter topics.

    …Like an unlikely low rise jean purchase and an illusive pair of new balances.

    And then - did you see?! We had a gorgeous girls day last weekend, but somehow Sarah missed an invite. It's ok though, she's now joined the chat. PHEW.

    With that out of the way, last week, Nickie saw a quote on Instagram that sparked some interesting self reflection, as she caught herself feeling guilty about the idea of relaxing on a quiet afternoon. Sarah can Hard relate to this feeling of guilt but Zoe’s concerns are manifesting in a different way. And so we asked ourselves, where does the guilt come from and can we all please collectively DROP IT!?

    Thank you to Psychologist Nicola Jane Hobbs, for sparking this important conversation.


    Good Shouts:

    Sarah's Banana Pops

    Le Puree for your baby starting solids

    Join the conversation and come hang with us on our socials.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imacoolmum.podcast/

    TikTok: ttps://www.tiktok.com/@im.a.cool.mum5

    If you'd like to support us further, we are also currently accepting (and treasuring) 5 star reviews (hehe).


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    1 h et 3 min
  • 14. Skinfluencers?... absolutely not.
    Oct 15 2023

    The skincare episode literally one person asked for is here and Zoe thinks we're skinfluencers now which is rich coming from the girly with an almost non existent skin care routine. Eye roll. Sarah's new to her skincare journey and loving her recent level up. Hello Vit C and Hydration Serum. Meanwhile Nickie applies 16 layers each morning and is suss on nearly every one of them. You better believe she's not stopping though.

    Dive in for our routines, our holy grail products and the products we're ditching…or at least the products we should be ditching. Also bonus if you've also been sucked into a bullshit product by an influencer online/shaved your face like Zoe (thanks Marthaa__K you saucy minx).

    And fgs don’t forget the SPF!

    Good Shouts:

    In the air, by L.A.B

    Spotify DJ

    Salted Pretzel Choceur (please forgive Zoe's pronunciation, dying) - ALDI

    One Sec

    Join the conversation and come hang with us on our socials.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imacoolmum.podcast/

    TikTok: ttps://www.tiktok.com/@im.a.cool.mum5

    If you'd like to support us further, we are also currently accepting (and treasuring) 5 star reviews (hehe).


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    56 min
  • 13. Birth Trauma Inquiry
    Oct 1 2023

    CW: this week we discuss birth trauma and pregnancy/infant loss. If you are not in a position to consume such content at this time, please give this one a miss and come back to it if/when you are ready. Know that the IACM team are here for you and support and love you very much.

    Welcome to our first fortnightly release! Thanks for sticking around <3

    We're backing up the topical voice referendum chat with another serious topic today. NSW are conducting an inquiry into Birth Trauma, and BOY do we have some thoughts.

    It's a long one today as there's a lot to unpack here and as usual, we don't have any answers but maybe some advice…?... Forgive us.

    Zoe believes that for the most part, pregnancy and birth doesn’t receive the respect it deserves. Sarah thinks that education around your choices at every turn is foundational to a positive birth experience and Nickie is raging on the business that is the public system as a whole.

    We hope that positive things come from keeping the conversations around birth trauma open and that this inquiry helps rather than hinders progress towards birth education and respect.

    Fact checking:

    "In Victoria, both Casey and Sunshine hospitals offer the option to give birth at home under the care of public hospital midwives: About 80 women each year give birth through public homebirth programs. Each hospital has its own criteria for women accepted into its homebirth program."


    Good Shouts:

    Glow Recipe Avocado Ceramide Moisture Barrier Cleanser

    Glow Recipe Papaya Sorbet Enzyme Cleansing Balm

    Mario Badescu Drying Lotion

    Camelbak coffee mug

    Fressko coffee mug

    Join the conversation and come hang with us on our socials.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imacoolmum.podcast/

    TikTok: ttps://www.tiktok.com/@im.a.cool.mum5

    If you'd like to support us further, we are also currently accepting (and treasuring) 5 star reviews (hehe).


    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 15 min