
  • Over 1,000 Signatures On Petition!
    Feb 1 2025
    1,154 signatures now! Every share helps! https://bit.ly/Marcia_petition every signature helps! International and across Canada signatures definitely welcome! if you want to help me you directly can find me on FB and Instagram @Madelinenerdfighter, on YouTube and Twitter @iammadelinepod Video I did for journalists relating to the petition (Link in petition) https://youtu.be/KIT1S7sTl4A?si=21WjZwpW6uF0yyhv Did detailed update about #petition, bad apt air & how I am physically & emotionally navigating & not navigating these things in the update section (link in bio) https://gofund.me/6d981312 Medical articles I reference in this episode MS multiple sclerosis Epstein-Barr inside b cells https://www.nature.com/articles/s41564-024-01699-6 Long covid paxlovid effects https://www.nature.com/articles/s43856-024-00668-8?fbclid=PAY2xjawH2PH9leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABpow7bc4B3V5dxqcn7ftyw1Fk7PXKK18cueta2TsV2YhO4Dv5vst3ixiLxw_aem_5KBX8dXR1tMid_bS0aNM8Q#Ack1 New York times article about it as well https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/06/health/paxlovid-long-covid.html?unlocked_article_code=1.nE4.m48T.vJbrmhSp77Wi&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare I think this is the spironolactone(tired brain is tired) Epstein-Barr study https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/imj.23_15766 #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #healthcare #canpoli #disability #MyalgicE #pwME #MECFS #MEAction #Canada #bcpoli
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    23 min
  • petition related pain/energy crash (YouTube audio)
    Jan 6 2025
    this is the audio from a Recent YouTube I made https://youtu.be/NNjcNI9y2l8?si=Yf9V3G-o2SHRYy5C Important links you can share: Petition(International and across Canada signatures encouraged and welcomed!) https://bit.ly/Marcia_petition Canary UK article https://x.com/TheCanaryUK/status/1870202754200940686?t=kEDZ1y5rkulir29j8zdlEg&s=19 https://www.thecanary.co/global/world-analysis/2024/12/20/marcia-mecfs-canada/ Petition YouTube https://youtu.be/KIT1S7sTl4A?si=hBdcaHGUCi6Vu1zl Journalist YouTube related to petition goes with press release https://youtu.be/KIT1S7sTl4A?si=21WjZwpW6uF0yyhv Meactionnet Twitter post of petition https://x.com/MEActNet/status/1869092831513673850?t=6500TLTtNYiH5QopmdJJZw&s=19 #CANpoli #disability #MyalgicE #pwME #MECFS #bcpoli #longviral
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    7 min
  • The Canary & The Rollercoaster
    Dec 22 2024
    The rollercoaster of more things going wrong and some things going right and looking promising and trying to temper hope Good things, over 260 signatures in first week Petition please sign and share https://bit.ly/Marcia_petition Canary UK article was published(Twitter so you can share on Instagram and Facebook) https://x.com/TheCanaryUK/status/1870202754200940686?t=kEDZ1y5rkulir29j8zdlEg&s=19 Happened on my birthday, which is a hard day. Podcast ep I did last year https://open.spotify.com/show/0oNLwzI1qZvvZ51bau1aNi Petition GoFundMe under iammadelinepod@gmail.com email https://gofund.me/6d981312 Petition YouTube https://youtu.be/KIT1S7sTl4A?si=hBdcaHGUCi6Vu1zl Meactionnet Twitter post of petition which can be shared on Instagram and Facebook https://x.com/MEActNet/status/1869092831513673850?t=6500TLTtNYiH5QopmdJJZw&s=19 Twitter thread answer from question was applying for maid a way to highlight your plight https://x.com/IamMADELINEpod/status/1870669017108947122?t=gWI86YwHi_sCW0NwdJBS0Q&s=19 I reference Stephanie lavois Lyme disease Quebec died at 56 lb because they wouldn't put a feeding tube in https://globalnews.ca/news/10529000/lyme-disease-assisted-death-canada/
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    35 min
  • Petition Please Sign
    Dec 12 2024
    the petition is up. it would mean the world to me if you would share it and sign it. Petition 2024 https://bit.ly/Marcia_petition there's an intro to the petition to explain its format and contents a little more youtube video https://youtu.be/bCqRXCyBFRI?si=tTyKOHD0RLjV47ZT also a video that I made for the press release because I don't see how I'm going to have enough energy to do interviews. I'm already super sick from the prep of going fully public https://youtu.be/KIT1S7sTl4A?si=hBdcaHGUCi6Vu1zl as well as the original GoFundMe here https://gofund.me/cff39173 there is now a petition gofundme https://gofund.me/6d981312 that one I'm not 100% sure is through verification. GoFundMe support says they see it to be that way, but the test $5 donation that a friend put in hasn't been transferred yet so I won't be fully sure until I see that. and when I think it's verified I will put that in the upper part of that GoFundMe Amazon wish list Madeline for those who don't like gofundme. but please note Sunday only delivery. and not Sunday the 22nd please. I won't be home that day. during the holiday season it's actually going to be really hard to know what days I'll be home. I might not be home Sundays between Christmas and New Year's either that said there is a digital Amazon gift card option that I put in there they don't think that matters what day cuz it's not an in-person delivery as far as I can figure out. but my tired brain is extra tired and keeps making mistakes https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/KF3XJG9AUU95?ref_=wl_share
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    5 min
  • I'm not ok, Nov 29
    Nov 29 2024
    hard night of hardness just wanted document what I feel like. cuz I don't feel very hopeful about survival and that's definitely eating my brain on top of Christmas is coming and my birthday is coming in both of those are shaping up to be alone for me I hate to be so gloomy but it's what's happening. I don't know if anybody will care but I figure I should document it. I feel a bit like when I first started doing what I referred to as the maid recordings and let Ash (reporter who did the first five episodes) listen to them and then she recommended doing the podcast fear has me anxious and miserable and dark brained
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    6 min
  • I Need A Christmas Miracle🤞🎄
    Nov 29 2024
    this episode I update you on the ongoing stink fiasco, running out of money, how both are negatively affecting my health and my head and how, as I'm running out of money very quickly, how I'm going to need to go fully public but how do I pull together the energy and time that it will take to prepare and organize that. how do I get comfortable with the idea that that going fully public for me has a very low chance of survival. plus I'm trying to prepare a petition. all with energy I don't have. boy oh boy, do I need a Christmas miracle! but how? where? I keep trying to remind myself that when Liza insisted on setting up the GoFundMe I thought I was going to die. and never thought people would donate to it. i never thought I would stay alive this long. but now that that is not getting triggered by any new articles. no publication will do one and the only way I seem to have any chance that that happening is going fully public, what do I do? GoFundMe link where you'll see the photos I talked about in this episode in the updates. should be to updates ago as of today https://gofund.me/cff39173 and here is the Amazon wish list I spoke of https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/KF3XJG9AUU95?ref_=wl_share I'm really struggling to not lose hope. I'm trying to focus on next steps. I'm trying not to let the fact that I'm not sure how I navigate through Christmas as I think I may run out of money before Christmas. and that's eating my brain. and Christmas is already hard for me. do you think it will help to write a dear Santa letter? cuz honestly I would try anything right now
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    25 min
  • what's the what re STINK, friendsgiving, pumpkin prowl, gfm
    Nov 16 2024
    where I talk about what's going on with getting the stink sorted, trying to get next constituency appointment with my mla, some nice things like the pumpkin prowl and friendsgiving, how close I am to running out of GoFundMe money and how I'm feeling about Christmas and my birthday coming I can only put one photo as the icon which I chose to be the one that has the QR code that someone help me make, so I'm putting photos of things I'm talking about in the GoFundMe update. so just scroll down to the update to see photos, especially the state of my bathroom fan which gives you a sense of how much worse the ductwork must be and I believe you should be able to download the photo you see as the icon of this episode gfm https://gofund.me/cff39173 here's that study from Quebec about the 37% rate of long covid that they're finding in their medical providers after the third covid infection https://www.inspq.qc.ca/publications/3510
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    27 min
  • nightmare wakes me
    Oct 29 2024
    Where the intensity of the abdication combines with the stink making me so extra sick and the Everest of difficulty of getting the system help me end up in my dreams creating a nightmare RICHOCHET (most recent article ) https://ricochet.media/en/3991/Canada-MAID-policy-death-by-poverty Gfm https://gofund.me/cff39173 #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #healthcare #canpoli #disability #MyalgicE #pwME #MECFS #longviral #MEAction #Canada #Vancouver #genderbias #medicalbias #healthcare #humanrights #longcovid #genetics #bcpoli
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    9 min