
  • Applied Wisdom
    Jul 14 2023

    Applied Wisdom is for women dealing with practical difficulties of life, or a major legal batter, who want poise under pressure. we want to stay in our integrity throughout a challenge and live by the saying: Do no harm, but take no shit!

    In this podcast, you’ll learn how to apply skills, your power, support, and wisdom in useful ways for day-to-day life, as well as times when you’re under acute stress.

    Because it’s the challenges in our lives that often create the biggest transformations in us, and we want to navigate them with grace and integrity.

    Check out the first episode:

    Spotify: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/6Xy8XR5vjBb

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/support-with-ush-dhanak/id1696569322?i=1000620503543

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    1 min
  • Ep98 Social intelligence for sales
    Jul 12 2022

    Since Fran Pratt was a child, she has always been interested in people and how relationships work.  This has translated into her specialisation on the company-client relationship and specifically the art of selling.  Selling has been part of Fran’s life for over 25 years and in every industry, in small or large businesses, she has been successful. Fran loves sales! She also knows that for many people, “sales” is a dirty word because it’s been disconnected from this key relationship that you have with your customers.

    Fran has completed a Graduate Certificate in Change Management and an MBA from Melbourne Business School. Coupled with my hands-on sales and business experience, she has a toolbox of techniques that she draws on to help businesses better understand themselves and their customers.

    Fran Pratt created Metisan to bridge that gap, to demystify the sales process and sales people so that anyone can improve their sales performance. Her vision is a world where business owners both understand and respect their clients, understand how to foster this relationship through the art of sales. 

    She has a young family and bonus kids from her husband, and so also knows what it is to juggle personal and business priorities – always open and curious to learn how to try new things and do life differently.

    Connect with Frances!

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/franpratt/ 

    Website: www.metisan.com.au










    Voir plus Voir moins
    59 min
  • Ep 97 Chill out
    Jun 29 2022

    Helen Kartika is a business and career coach. She has helped her clients launch businesses, get clarity on their career next steps, navigate anxiety & Imposter Syndrome in the workplace, work towards the promotions they deserve and show up in their business more confidently, authentically and intentionally.













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    58 min
  • Ep 96 Follow the Whispers
    May 25 2022

    Jacqui and Ush  both agree that this career has been amazing. Jane Vandermeer is a stylist who helps women find the right clothes, to love the size they are right now. She is a highly intuitive, gentle and innovative thought leader. She has had a 30-year career in the fashion industry, and has created a number of multi-award winning businesses. Jane has an innate ability to connect with her clients often when they can’t always articular their own needs. She is in tune with trends but a confident individualist when it comes to style. Not to mention her natural perfumes and deodorants.















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    51 min
  • Ep 95 Work-Life Blend
    May 11 2022

    This is a powerhouse episode! Kate Osborne Owner Leisure Seekers travelled to over 50 countries meeting with both women and men to question them on a quest to achieve success in her lifetime. As a Flight Centre share owner she understood business for success and mentored over 75 teams in five years to follow the systems of success. Poached by the world’s #1 Business Coaching Franchise, Kate was one of 3 women in over 620 Franchisees across the world and trebled the numbers of women year on year in her business.

    She is now striving to create a legacy where Queensland women can become interdependent on each other and fast track success, by celebrating each other’s uniqueness and potential. Kate believes that success is defined individually, and coaches women leaders with non-judgement and compassion to provide the tools to authentically balance health, wealth and family.














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    56 min
  • Ep 94 Authenticity is Underrated
    55 min
  • Ep93 Take off the cape
    Mar 9 2022

    In this solo episode, Jacqui explores her blossoming leadership style with a mentor. Midja Fisher has spent the last two decades years in the corporate world as a legal partner of an ASX listed national law firm and a learning and development specialist. She is considered an expert in leadership and building career confidence.

    During her career she has mentored and coached leaders and facilitated hundreds of corporate workshops, from webinar series and induction programs to 6-day residential leadership programs

    Midja understands the challenges clients face in building leadership capability within their organisations. She works with leaders to leverage their strengths to gain the skills and self-belief they need to inspire top performance.













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    41 min
  • Ep92 Taboo for women
    Feb 24 2022

    Facing more new topics, boldly, Jacqui and Ush reveal more about themselves after discussing a topic that still seems to be unnecessarily taboo in our culture: disordered eating. Joni Seeto is a former binge-eater turned therapist who specialises in helping women to stop self-sabotaging with food.  Her unique Weightless™ method helps women make peace with food, reclaim their worth and feel good in their own skin again. With qualifications in Rapid Transformational Therapy, Eating Psychology and 10+ years of corporate leadership and development experience, Joni combines hypnotherapy and coaching to help women get to the root of their lifelong struggle with food and achieve long-lasting results.

    If you want to find out why you keep turning to food (even when you’re determined not to!) take Joni’s free Decode Your Cravings quiz here: https://www.joniseeto.com/quiz or get in touch with Joni on Instagram @joniseeto











    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 4 min