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I am bored in my faith
I hear all the time: there has got to be more than just this.
There has got to be more than attending Church or my local parish and serving.
Here are Some Questions for you to ponder:
What do you think the Christian faith is?
If you were to describe the faith, as best as you could, what would you say? And if you said it, would you believe it was worth centering your life around? The depth of the mystery of the Christian faith, when explored, is the best thing to center your life around.
Do you understand the faith?
Do you understand the story? The doctrine, the differences in doctrine, the symbols (I know that modern protestant churches have gotten rid of the symbols and artwork of the Church. Some don’t even have a cross anywhere!) Do you understand the anticipation of the church in the old testament and its fulfillment in the new? DO you know the covenants?
Do you know the heritage of the faith? The history?
There is a gold mine of history about the church. Is your faith too individual? Listen to what it says about the Church?
The pillar and buttress of the truth.
A body
A visible society with Jesus as the head
A family
A temple
The Bride of Christ - which means the Church is one with Christ (think about that) the same is true with a body.
Why are you here? And what is the purpose of this life?
Maybe you don’t have an appreciation of the mystery of life because you haven’t pondered the deep questions. You did not choose to be alive but here you are, alive, with dreams and ambitions, questions and problems. Then your life will be over before you know it.
1. I think each of us should spend time in personal prayer with God, becoming acquainted with him (which means you should learn how to pray!) Read the scripture and let it be confusing. Ask lots of questions, read again, learn to pray! I have a book on prayer that gives an overview of 21 different types of prayer - I think I understand 2 of them.
2. And I think you should become obsessed with the Christian faith. I myself am obsessed with he faith, the theology, the history, the scripture, the the saints and heroes -
It is true in every possible meaning: seek and you will find. I you want to find, you have to seek.
Come to believe that the Kingdom of God is like a treasure hidden in a field worth selling all you have to buy that field.