
  • Ep. 23 "The Loudest Boos Come From The Cheapest Seats" | Queer & Pleasant Danger
    Jun 21 2024
    JTT NATION! We're baaaaack. Bigger then ever...JP and Rocketts have stayed well fed during their absence. Welcome to the party pals. The boys hit a "grand slam" with this 'sode. It has everything. All the dick jokes, all the fart sounds, and a full on discussion/lesson on why the pungent smell of ammonia is wafting up our nostrils in the spring. There's even another tasty treat straight from the LC2084 universe. The dudes of JTT still got it! Sit back, Strap In, and enjoy the boys(JP & Rocketts, not boys). Listen, like, add, follow, share, and finger us at JUST THE TIP/JTT COMEDY PODCAST on all major platforms. S.I.S.P.A.C.!! #droppinsodes #jttcomedypodcast #jtt #justthetip
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    58 min
  • Ep. 22 "Free Your Mind & Your Ass Will Follow" | Bad Boys For Life
    May 3 2024
    FOLKS! Welcome back! JP and Rocketts are serving up a nice big portion of our trash radio stew this week. It's hot, thick, and filled to the rim...just how our JTT patrons like it! Enjoy our pod de jour, JUST THE TIP! The boys discuss a well known rapper/record producer (who is currently at large) and whether "P Did-He or P Didn't-He" during their talkabout. JP and Rocketts even get into the Nickelodeon scandal and whether you can separate the art from the creep. We're sure you've all had a long week so put your feet up, grab your favorite treat, and don't forget to STRAP IN. Stay Sweet you animals. Don't forget to head over to JTT COMEDY PODCAST on YouTube and follow along using our curated Song/Watchalong Lists for this episode and all previous 'sodes. And as always... listen, like, add, follow, share, and finger us at JUST THE TIP/JTT COMEDY PODCAST on all major platforms. S.I.S.P.A.C.!! #droppinsodes #jttcomedypodcast #jtt #justthetip
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    1 h et 12 min
  • Ep. 21 "Just The Ads" | Ad(s) Nauseum
    Apr 19 2024
    LADIES, GENTLEDUDES, AND OTHER! THE JTT DEVOTEES HAVE SPOKEN!! Due to the outcry of our JUST THE TIP enthusiasts, the boys have put together another compilation-JUST THE ADS! All advertisements. All in order. Warts and all. Be sure to finish this one. The last 6 mins is a brand spanking new ad/audio journey for yet another addition to the JTT UNIVERSE. JP and Rocketts have been slaving away in the depths of the Wolf Dungeon working their throat magic harder then ever. Strap in, grab a handful of your favorite noshables, and enjoy folks! Don't forget to head over to JTT COMEDY PODCAST on YouTube and follow along using our curated Song/Watchalong Lists for this episode and all previous 'sodes. And as always... listen, like, add, follow, share, and finger us at JUST THE TIP/JTT COMEDY PODCAST on all major platforms. S.I.S.P.A.C.!! #droppinsodes #jttcomedypodcast #jtt #justthetip
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    35 min
  • Ep. 20 "Fear Is Afraid Of You" | BUTT ROCK BATTLE ROYALE
    Apr 5 2024
    JTT people! Welcome back to the show! This week, JP and Rocketts are tasked with a challenge of the utmost importance! The boys go tip to tip for a good ol' fashioned BUTT ROCK BATTLE ROYALE! You read that right folks...BUTT ROCK. JP and Rocketts each created a guilty pleasure filled concert experience that, love it or hate it, is a whole lotta fun. They also discuss child rearing and a recent story regarding spanking in school. And, as always, we strongly suggest you strap in with some headphones or earbuds. You wouldn't want to miss anything would you? Enjoy folks! Don't forget to head over to JTT COMEDY PODCAST on YouTube and follow along using our curated Song/Watchalong Lists for this episode and all previous 'sodes. And as always... listen, like, add, follow, share, and finger us at JUST THE TIP/JTT COMEDY PODCAST on all major platforms. S.I.S.P.A.C.!! #droppinsodes #jttcomedypodcast #jtt #justthetip
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    1 h et 18 min
  • Ep. 19 "Listen To Your Heart" | One Wipe At A Time
    Mar 22 2024
    Welcome back to the party pals! The boys really get into the thick of it this week! JP and Rocketts watchalong to a very chill video that's as cool as ice. They also attempt the impossible. That's right folks...the JTT boys debate BATHROOM ETIQUETTE! JP and Rocketts explore the doo doo's and the don't don'ts and have a blast. Rocketts even gives another "brief" history lesson in this malodorous 'sode. Grab your best whoever, pop your favorite whatever, and enjoy! Don't forget to head over to JTT COMEDY PODCAST on YouTube and follow along using our curated Song/Watchalong Lists for this episode and all previous 'sodes. And as always... listen, like, add, follow, share, and finger us at JUST THE TIP/JTT COMEDY PODCAST on all major platforms. S.I.S.P.A.C.!! #droppinsodes #jttcomedypodcast #jtt #justthetip
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    1 h et 16 min
  • Ep. 18.5 "Just The Clips II" | Still Clippin'
    Mar 8 2024
    Ladies and gentle-dudes! Welcome to another installment of JUST THE CLIPS! It is what it sounds like...a collection of outtakes, behind the scenes, and hilarious moments between JP and Rocketts. You may even hear the inception of a few bits from our past, present, and even future. Sit back, strap in, and ENJOY! There's another full regular episode of JTT coming... Don't forget to head over to JTT COMEDY PODCAST on YouTube and follow along using our curated Song/Watchalong Lists for this episode and all previous 'sodes. And as always... listen, like, add, follow, share, and finger us at JUST THE TIP/JTT COMEDY PODCAST on all major platforms. S.I.S.P.A.C.!! #droppinsodes #jttcomedypodcast #jtt #justthetip
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    43 min
  • Ep. 18 "We Will Fail When We Fail To Try" | You Gotta Cry Tough
    Feb 23 2024
    FOLKS!! Ya'll are in for a tasty treat this week! What you are about to bear witness to is an episode that JP & Rocketts recorded but got lost in the sauce. Upon 2nd listen, we discovered it was too funny to discard and didn't want to deprive the JTT ASS-OCIATION their precious content. This episode includes an etymology you can really "sink your teeth" into. JP and Rocketts also pay tribute to one of their oldest confidants who also happens to be one the first JTT acolytes. So,without further adieu, here is THE LOST 'SODE. Strap in and accept the whole shebang. Don't forget to head over to JTT COMEDY PODCAST on YouTube and follow along using our curated Song/Watchalong Lists for this episode and all previous 'sodes. And as always... listen, like, add, follow, share, and finger us at JUST THE TIP/JTT COMEDY PODCAST on all major platforms. S.I.S.P.A.C.!! #droppinsodes #jttcomedypodcast #jtt #justthetip
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    44 min
  • Ep. 17 "Intentions vs. Actions" | Try Hard with a Vengeance
    Feb 13 2024
    Welcome back ladies and gentle-dudes! In honor of V-Day, JP and Rocketts wanted to squeeze a sode in nice 'n' slow for all of our JTT Disciples...and you know who you are. The boys bring back one of Rocketts' favorites. You guessed it... it's a watchalong! The guys of JTT also discuss a real hot topic - sequels that don't suck! There's even an impromptu etymology lesson and a new ad from your favorite company(in 4D). Strap in and perhaps even tie one on. Here's another JTT goodie. Don't forget to head over to JTT COMEDY PODCAST on YouTube and follow along using our curated Song/Watchalong Lists for this episode and all previous 'sodes. And as always... listen, like, add, follow, share, and finger us at JUST THE TIP/JTT COMEDY PODCAST on all major platforms. S.I.S.P.A.C.!! #droppinsodes #jttcomedypodcast #jtt #justthetip
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    1 h et 5 min