
  • How Do You Become a Podcast Producer? And What Should You Look For in Hiring One?
    Mar 17 2022

    Marion Abrams joins the show and we're talking about how we both became podcast producers, what experineces have had the most impact on us, how to choose a producer, and what #ClaimPodParity means for the podcasting community and to us.

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    36 min
  • Podcast editing, podcast publishing and podcast promoting with guest Marion Abrams
    Jan 21 2022

    Marion Abrams of Grounded Content joins the show and we're talking all things podcasting: What is a podcast?

    How do you approach editing a podcast? What about publishing options?

    And, how do you promote a podcast?

    Be sure and check out part one of this episode over on Grounded Content. 

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    Read the full episode notes on my site.

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    37 min
  • Sponsorships and Podcasting: Should You Have a Sponsor? How Does it Work?
    Oct 14 2021

    Sponsorships are a hot topic for podcasters, and finding out HOW to get a sponsor is important. Let's talk about 5 ways to consider sponsorship and if it's right for you, and your podcast.

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    So often, podcasters start with the question of "HOW do I get a sponsor for my podcast?" and I think it's important to roll that question back to first ask, "SHOULD I get a sponsor for my podcast?"

    And to determine that, this episode shares how sponsorships are generally structured for podcasts. Most are based on a traditional CPM model which pays out between $20-$40 per 1000 downloads over a 30 day period. Given that the average podcast gets about 140 downloads per episode over a 30 day period, this 1000 download model isn't a fit.

    The five models discussed in this episode are:

    1. A traditional media buy based on CPM, and number of downloads.

    2. A media buy that covers more than simply your podcast episodes, and might include placements in social media, your newsletter, website, or other online and offline platforms and spaces you have to offer.

    3. A hybrid offer of a media buy (money) and affiliate marketing, so that a company can partner with you to sell their products and you get a kickback for those purchases in addition to a set monthly rate.

    4. You sponsor your own show and treat it as a the marketing arm of a business you have. 

    Read the full episode notes on my site.

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    19 min
  • Finding a Perfect Name for Your Podcast, and Thoughts on Podcast Trademarks
    Sep 30 2021

    And by "perfect" I mean something that isn't already taken, is a match for your business, and is easy for listeners to remember (and repeat). Plus, do you need to trademark? In this episode, I'm sharing my podcast trademark experience and thoughts.

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    When you're looking, you'll want to consider:

    1. Search Apple Podcasts It's still the largest podcast app, so see if your desired name is taken or if something similar is being used. Popular question: What if there’s a show with the name I want to use, but it looks like the show isn’t being updated anymore? Can’t I use it? Read my answer. Check out the URL, and See if the Domain Name is Available.  Check it out on Domain.com. Also, consider this a great place to play with variations of your name, noting which ones are not taken.

    3. Search Social Media for Your Desired Podcast Name 4. Do a Google Search for the Name 5. Search the US Trademark Website Jump over to TESS and do a search. See what comes up. If you find anything, or have questions be sure and consult a lawyer. 6. Bonus: Check Amazon for the Name Read the full episode notes on my site.

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    22 min
  • 9 Ways to Get More Podcasts Downloads (and One Spammy Thing to Avoid)
    Sep 16 2021

    There are many tried and true ways to grow your podcast listenership, and yet there is always that temptation to try the latest "quick method" that you learn about on Instagram. I'm sharing 9 ways that work, and a spammy DM I received.

    Here are the 9 things to consider (and there's so much more to listen to on the episode!)

    1. Be consistent in your publishing and in your content. 

    2. Promote your show, and every episode. Don't put it off, and be consistent with your promotion. Use relevant hashtags.

    3. Engage with others on social media, and reciprocate with comments and likes. 

    4. Be clear in your focus. Use language that others can learn, and repeat so it's easier for them to share your message with others and recommend your podcast.

    5. Be a guest on other podcasts in similar categories. 

    6. Email your friends and family and ask them to leave you a review on Apple Podcasts. Don't be shy.

    7. Grow an email list, and use it to let listeners know there is a new episode out. Invite listeners to forward the email to others who might enjoy the episode.

    8. Have a website for your show, for SEO and as a place to gather email addresses.

    9. Pinterest. Set up an account and create pins for each episode to get new listeners who are interested in your topic.

    Read the full episode notes on my site.

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    18 min
  • Is it Time to Change, Rename, or End Your Podcast? Four Podcasters Look at the Options
    Sep 2 2021

    In this podcast episode, I'm speaking to three other podcast hosts about what they've experienced in changing up their shows. I'm super honored to have each of them join me, and I deeply admire them as outstanding podcasters with remarkable shows.

    I'm speaking to Liz Applegate, Andrea Owen, and Elsie Escobar about what they've experienced in changing up their podcasts. We're covering:

    Changing up your show with a mini series

    Liz Applegate of Midlife Schmidlife joins to talk about how she decided to do a mini-series after she'd stepped away from her podcast for about a year. She had played with the ideas of starting a new show, and decided to simplify and do the easiest thing: keep the show name, the intro/outro, the music and the cover art and just add in a new topic that was speaking to her in the moment. The result was that she rekindled her joy of podcasting and has decided to jump back in with her show, with new episodes scheduled to come out in October 2021.

    Liz Applegate’s Podcast, Website, and Community

    When to consider changing the name of your podcast

    Andrea Owen is well known for her delightful show, "Your Kick-Ass Life." She loved the name, and also eventually wrote a book with the same title. A few years passed and she felt that she needed a new name: for her show, her business, and for another book that's just come out, too. She decided to change it all over to "Make Some Noise" to reflect the new direction and branding she chose. She loves this new name and is excited about moving forward with it.

    Andrea Owen’s Podcast, Website, and new book (Make Some Noise)

    Listen to Andrea’s discussion on Jump Start Your Joy

    Should you start a second show?

    I started podcasting with one show: Jump Start Your Joy. It's been lovely, AND since I started I have also changed my career to being a podcast producer. There were topics that I wanted to cover that did not really fit into the first show. I took a long time considering how I wanted to address my new passion, and decided that it was with a new show.

    What happens when it's time to end a show?

    Elsie Escobar of She Podcasts and Libsyn started her podcasting journey with a show about Yoga: Elsie's Yoga Class. Her website and branding was all focused on "Yogeek." After several years, she decided to retire that brand. She has also stopped creating new episodes for her yoga class show - and she talks about what happens when you embrace change. And even though it may be uncomfortable to let go of something you've created for several years, change is inevitable.

    Read the full episode notes on my site.

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    31 min
  • The 6 Things Ad Agencies Do That You Can Steal to Improve Your Podcast Production
    Aug 3 2021

    In this episode, we’re going behind the scenes and looking at what advertising agencies do to churn out creative work for clients. As a project manager with twenty years of experience, I find the projectization of creativity to be fascinating. And, as a podcaster and podcast producer I know that there’s lots to learn from how these companies structure their work and workflow. 

    Here are the 6 things. Tune in to hear how they apply to your podcast, or read the full list on my website.:

    1.  Ad agencies partner structure and workflow with creativity

    2.  Ad agencies always define the “why” behind the creativity

    3.  Ad agencies further define the “why” to include the psychographics

    4.  At ad agencies, the creative or  “concepting” phase of a project happens with a creative team that has defined roles.

    5.  Ad agencies use creative project management principals to schedule, and create projects.

    6.  Ad agencies have departments of people defined by their focus.

    Read the full episode notes on my site.

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    30 min
  • Top 10 Reasons You Need A Creative Process for Your Podcast
    Jul 6 2021

    I love talking about the creative process, and how it applies to podcasting. Being a podcaster means that you are putting out episodes on a schedule, and to do that you really do need a process to support you. One of the things I didn't think about or realize when I got started was that maintaining a show, and putting out an episode every week, takes sustainable creativity and a process that is repeatable, dependable, while still leaving room to be creative. In this episode, I am sharing top ten reasons to develop a creative process to support your podcast production (and any other creative project you are working on):

    1. Listen for the idea. Creative ideas will flirt with you, and get stuck in your head. It is your job to listen, and say yes, and bring it to life.

    2. Lay the foundation. Much like advertising creative teams, you will be more likely to succeed if you put a bit of process into your creative process.

    3. Be true to the idea that has come to play with you. Share in an authentic way, and not just for shock value. Get very clear on the value of what you are bringing to the world through your creativity.

    4. Get curious. Now that the idea has come to roost, notice what else shows up. when you have set your mind on something, notice how many times there are little reassurances of it from the universe.

    5. Show up and do the work. Set aside a time to work on your craft.

    6. Make it a conscious effort. From a practical standpoint, podcasting is not something that can be done in a rushed effort; everything about it takes time

    7. Honor your craft. Let your idea grow organically. My ideas for the podcast tend to mull for a week or so before they take shape. Sometimes I am taking notes, sometimes I am just noticing what is going on. Past guest Fred Waitzkin recommends carrying a notepad with you to capture the inspirations you get as you are going about your day.

    8. Be protective of your bubble. Fred Waitzkin and I chatted in episode 212. When you are in the midst of your creative process, and doing the work, make sure and leave time and space for it. Be protective of this time. This can be difficult. and sometimes it means saying no to other things to make room for creativity.

    9. When it is time to record / do the thing and give it structure. Honor that you will need time to create.

    10. Do not get overwhelmed or let "end thinking" stop you. Fight the urge to make the outcome bigger than it needs to be. Keep it simple, and take the first steps that are right in front of you.

    Bonus! Let go of the outcome, and let the journey take you.

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    19 min