
  • Episode 12: Interview with Patrick Luo
    Nov 11 2023

    Episode 12: Interview with Patrick Luo

    Voir plus Voir moins
    53 min
  • Episode 11: Interview with Ammie Burns
    Nov 11 2023

    Episode 11: Interview with Ammie Burns

    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • Diabetes Revolution with Diana and Jose
    Nov 11 2023

    This episode is my 2nd interview with Registered Dietitian (Diana) and Exercise Physiologist (Jose) who are helping people reverse pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes!

    Reversing T2D, now called Type 2 Diabetes Revolution, is a digital health platform that helps individuals reverse, manage, and prevent pre- and type 2 diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes Revolution uses an integrative approach to tackle diabetes focusing on plant-based nutrition, exercise, and mindset.

    Their cookbook is now available! 

    Book:  www.type2diabetesrevolution.com/book   Here is info on their workshop: https://type2diabetesrevolution.com/workshop-30-days  

    Find them here:





    To follow me, go here:



    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • Interview with Jelani Phipps, Dialysis Patient
    Nov 11 2023

    Interview with Jelani Phipps, Dialysis Patient

    Voir plus Voir moins
    47 min
  • Episode 8: Interview with The Cooking Doc: Blake Shusterman
    Nov 11 2023

    Hey!  It's Kathy coming to you from Kidney Care Conversations!  You can find out more about me at www.kidneynutritioncare.com

    Also, I'm on FB at https://www.facebook.com/kathy.crotts.kidneynutrition

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kathy.crotts.kidneynutrition/

    Thanks for watching this episode and please share it with other people who would love it!

    Thanks - Kathy

    Interview with The Cooking Doc: Blake Shusterman

    Dr. Shusterman is a nephrologist (kidney doctor) practicing in Greenville, SC at Carolina Nephrology.   He is hopeful that he can inspire a new generation of doctors that know how to provide recipes, cooking lessons, and practical advice to their patients.

    Website: https://www.thecookingdoc.co/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecookingdoc

    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/blake-shusterman-16830312b/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecookingdoc/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@therealcookingdoc

    Voir plus Voir moins
    42 min
  • Episode 7: Interview with Lori Diamos
    Nov 11 2023

    In this episode, I'm interviewing Lori Diamos!  We met at an event and she taught me about using blood flow restriction bands.  These may be an option for people to use but you should check with your health care provider to make sure they are a good option for you!

    Lori Diamos has been a physical therapist and wellness expert for almost 30 years after graduating from Ithaca College with a master of science degree in physical therapy in 1995. She uses a holistic, head to toe, functional approach in her assessment, treatment and manual techniques to more effectively and efficiently get to the root cause of each individual clients concerns. Lori is the owner of PT Pearls, a mobile concierge wellness company where she helps busy people to move, function, and stay in the know even when they're on the go. Her passion is to empower busy parents and professionals with fast, effective tips and strategies for better movement, health, and wellness at every age and stage of life. In her spare time she loves to read, cook, garden, work out with her B3 BFR bands, and attend her kids many different sports and extracurricular activities. Handle @pearlsfromapt and can be found on YouTube and Instagram BFR website https://Lori.b3sciences.com For more information go to www.ConnectWithLoriDiamos.com to learn more. Email lori@pearlsfromapt.com Phone 773-308-4074 Location Chicago Illinois

    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min
  • Episode 6: Interview with Physical Therapist Nick Cartaya
    Sep 30 2023

    Connect with Nick on Instagram @dr.nickcartaya.ocr or by email: limitlessperformancerehab@gmail.com


    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min
  • Episode 5: Interview with Diana and Jose from Reversing T2D
    Sep 16 2023

    This episode is my interview with Registered Dietitian (Diana) and Exercise Physiologist (Jose) who are helping people reverse pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes!

    Reversing T2D is a digital health platform that helps individuals reverse, manage, and prevent pre- and type 2 diabetes. Reversing T2D uses an integrative approach to tackle diabetes focusing on plant-based nutrition, exercise, and mindset.

    They have a book coming out soon called The Type 2 Diabetes Revolution

    Find them here:





    To follow me, go here:





    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min