
  • 4 Steps That'll Help You Make Tough Decisions
    May 30 2023

    Most things in life and work are just decisions.

    You'll know as a leader, as you grow, as your team grows, as your organization grows, your time becomes more valuable, and there is more of a pull on your time to various new opportunities.

    But even in that growth, we only have 24 hours a day like everyone else.

    You still only have a set number of working hours in a day, and what that means is that with these new opportunities and growth comes more opportunities to make decisions about the trade-offs.

    When there are projects or products or tasks or habits, or perhaps even people that you might be considering letting go of, you can use these steps to help you make that tough decision.

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    13 min
  • Ever had that nagging feeling that there's something else you should be doing?
    May 19 2023

    You know that feeling right? 

    That nagging feeling that's like anxiety and kind of like the same feeling you have when you're on your way to a holiday and you feel like you've forgotten something.

    The challenge with this feeling is that it takes away from the enjoyment of the experience you're having.

    It takes you away from being fully present, attentive and engaged with what's in front of you.

    It decreases your focus and increases your stress.

    But there's a simple solution.

    Listen to find out why this nagging feeling happens and what you can do about it.

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    2 min
  • Can You Believe in YOU When the Results Aren't There?
    May 18 2023

    The only thing that really keeps us motivated is the belief in our future possibilities and what can still create and achieve.

    And, we can maximise this and use this to our advantage.

    So how can you practice this belief in yourself so that you can achieve what you want and also lead others to a common goal?

    And how can you practice this belief when the results aren't there?

    Listen to this episode to find out.

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    3 min
  • What Scientists can Teach Leaders
    May 17 2023

    Scientists have a very exploratory and experimental way of thinking.

    And in fact, leaders who lead in fast-changing environments can learn a thing or two from scientists.

    In this episode, I explore 4 steps you can take to start thinking like a scientist for more innovation, more empowerment (of self and others) and more capability to use failure and mistakes for opportunities.

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    6 min
  • Remember this if you want to make habits permanent
    May 16 2023

    Habits are created through consistency.

    But there's a single simple reason why we fail to be consistent.

    We often use the excuse that:

    • We don't know what to do, or
    • We don't have the right information to stick to the habit, or
    • We don't have the right skills

    But that's never the problem. 

    Listen to this episode if you want to know how to increase your consistency with new habits to make them permanent.

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    4 min
  • Feeling great all of the time? You're doing it wrong
    May 15 2023

    Last week I felt really run down and sick. 

    And so I decided to take a week off from recording and publishing these podcast episodes.

    It was a tough decision for me and also inspired this particular episode.

    Because the truth is we don't feel great all of the time.

    But I want to share with you that this is good news.

    Listen to find out why.

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    4 min
  • This 2-word phrase will identify your personal development areas
    May 5 2023

    The purpose of life is to grow. The more we grow the less stuck we feel and the more fulfillment and meaning we have.

    So how can you identify a growth or personal development area quickly?

    Where in your life do you think you have an opportunity for growth?

    Listen to find out.

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    5 min
  • 5 Tips to Spend Way Less Time on Email
    May 4 2023

    Did you know that most people spend 28% of the day on email?

    That's 2.5 hours in an 8-hour day!

    Imagine if you could just halve that time spent on email and use it for something else?

    Listen for my 5 tips to help you do just that.

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    6 min