
  • Level Up Podcast Season 1 Episode 4 -From Clicks to Customers, Mastering Mobile Prospecting Tools
    Jun 26 2024

    **Welcome to Episode 5 of the Level Up


    Join us as we delve into innovative

    marketing techniques and the transformative power of mobile technology in the

    sales process. This episode features a special guest from New York, Olivia

    Forcino, who discusses the QuickTap initiative and its impact on lead



    0:00:00 - Introduction: Welcoming co-hosts

    David Jacobson and Andy, and a recap of previous episodes

    0:01:00 - Announcement of the ChatGPT

    subscription winner, Alan Goldman

    0:03:00 - Introduction of guest Olivia

    Forcino from New York

    0:04:00 - Deep dive into QuickTap

    initiatives and mobile prospecting with Olivia

    0:10:00 - Discussion on the benefits of

    QuickTap for soft lead generation

    0:14:00 - Audience engagement: How ISRs can

    maximize QuickTap for interactive customer experiences

    0:16:00 - In-depth analysis of mobile

    processing data and its impact on sales strategies

    0:19:00 - Insights on upcoming sales events

    and product launches

    0:22:00 - Closing remarks and a look

    forward to future episodes

    **Featured Topics:**

    - QuickTap: Revolutionizing Lead Generation

    - Mobile Prospecting: Enhancing Field

    Marketing Efforts

    - Effective Strategies for New Sales


    - Upcoming Product Launches and Sales


    **Special Offers:**

    Stay tuned for our next episodes as we

    continue to explore cutting-edge sales and marketing strategies.

    **Connect with Us:**

    - Email: levelupmilitarycars.com

    - Subscribe for more insights and updates

    on sales and marketing strategies.

    Thank you for joining us on this episode of

    the Level Up Podcast. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to stay

    updated with our latest discussions and insights!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min
  • Level Up Podcast Season 1 Episode 4 -Back to Basics: Integrating Tradition with Tech in Sales
    May 15 2024

    ### Episode 4 Show Notes

    **Hosts:** Niall, Andy McNeil

    **Guests:** Bill Kelly, Kevin Dugan, Perry

    Williams (Co-hosting)

    #### **1. Introduction**

    - Host Niall welcomes everyone and

    introduces co-hosts Andy McNeil and Perry Williams.

    - Perry, standing in for Chris, shares

    insights from across Europe.

    #### **2. Teamworx Segment: Interview with

    Bill Kelly**

    - **Guest:** Bill Kelly, Vice President of


    - **Discussion Points:**


    Bill's role and background in IT and retail distribution.


    Upcoming IT projects and improvements including Microsoft Dynamics 365, new

    inventory visibility, and changes to the credit card payment system.


    New features to assist sales teams and integration challenges.

    - **Thought Provoking Question:** Niall

    asks Bill what the one thing we are not talking about that we should be? Bill

    discusses the importance of optimizing inventory to improve company

    profitability and reduce costs.

    #### **3. In-Case-You-Missed-It Segment**

    - **Host:** Andy McNeil

    - Andy recaps recent updates including

    Nissan Rogue sales details, the Audi Military Program, and upcoming Nissan

    Altima promotions.

    #### **4. Getting Back to Basics**

    - **Discussion with Perry Williams**


    Focus on the fundamentals of sales, such as personal customer interactions and

    the importance of old-school sales techniques.


    Discussion on integrating new tools like AI with traditional sales methods to

    enhance customer engagement and sales effectiveness.

    #### **5. Interview with Kevin Dougan**

    - **Guest:** Kevin Dougan, Owner of


    - **Topics:**


    Kevin’s role in bridging the gap between field sales and corporate marketing



    Enhancing digital marketing strategies for ISRs, focusing on effective Facebook

    advertising and use of AI.


    Best practices and common mistakes in digital advertising.

    #### **6. Wrap-Up**

    - Niall and Perry wrap up the episode,

    discussing key takeaways and teasing the upcoming masterclasses on AI and

    social media advertising.

    - Call for audience input on what they want

    the first masterclass to focus on.

    ### **Looking Forward**

    - Announcement of future episodes featuring

    other key figures and continued focus on sales strategies, digital marketing,

    and practical application of AI

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    1 h et 5 min
  • Level Up Podcast Season 1 Episode 3 -Mastering the Market: AI Enhancements and Global Challenges
    Apr 16 2024

    **Welcome to Episode 3 of the Level Up Podcast!**

    In this episode, we dive deep into the world of marketing and AI with insights from our special guests, Donna Bliss from New York Marketing and Jeff Mowatt from Djibouti. Get ready for an insightful discussion on the strategies and challenges of global marketing and the role of AI in boosting business efficiency.


    0:00:00 - Introduction and welcome

    0:01:00 - Overview of listener feedback and reminder about the ChatGPT giveaway

    0:02:00 - Introduction of guest Donna Bliss, and her role in digital marketing

    0:05:00 - Donna discusses centralized marketing and the challenges of a decentralized sales force

    0:10:00 - Jeff Mowatt shares his experiences from Djibouti

    0:15:00 - Deep dive into AI applications in social media and graphic design

    0:20:00 - Introduction to AI tools like Canva and MidJourney

    0:30:00 - Discussion on creating effective social media strategies

    0:40:00 - Insights into aftermarket strategies from Jeff Mowatt

    0:50:00 - Closing thoughts and upcoming features

    **Featured Topics:**

    - The dynamics of centralized vs. decentralized marketing

    - The impact of AI on social media management and graphic design

    - Challenges and strategies in global marketing operations

    - Practical tips for using AI tools like Canva and MidJourney

    **Special Offer:**

    Don't forget to participate in our giveaway by submitting your best social media posts! Details in the episode.

    **Connect with Us:**

    - Email: levelupmilitarycars.com

    - Subscribe to our podcast for more insights and discussions.

    Thank you for tuning in, and don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more updates from the Level Up Podcast!


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    1 h et 12 min
  • MAS Level Up Podcast Season 1 Episode 2
    Mar 11 2024

    **Show Notes for Level Up Podcast: Episode 2**

    Welcome back to the Level Up podcast, where we dive deep into the world of AI, sales strategies, and how to leverage technology to boost your business. In this second episode, we're coming to you from Dublin, Ireland, with our host Niall and co-hosts Chris Law from the UK and Andy from the USA. This episode is packed with insights, practical advice, and a special guest appearance from David Jacobson, sharing his expertise straight from the Stateside headquarters.

    Watch David Jacobsen's Masterclass on this link:


    **Episode Highlights:**

    - **Special Guest - David Jacobson:** David joins us to discuss his role and the initiatives aimed at enhancing sales strategies and customer engagement. With a rich background in the automotive industry, David shares insights into the "conversions effort" and the "know before you go" program, aiming to educate and engage customers before they even set foot overseas.

    - **Teamworx Segment:** This new section introduces voices from the headquarters, providing a direct line to the strategies and thoughts driving the company forward. David's participation marks the beginning of what promises to be a series of insightful contributions from various team members.

    - **In Case You Missed It:** Andy takes the lead in this segment, offering a roundup of important updates, announcements, and missed opportunities from the past week. From financing options and website upgrades to marketing campaigns and product updates, this segment ensures listeners are caught up on all fronts.

    - **Listener Engagement:** Following the positive response to the first episode, this episode focuses on listener-submitted questions and topics. Steve Ball from the UK joins the conversation, seeking advice on leveraging AI for social media engagement, particularly for those less familiar with platforms like Facebook.

    - **AI Deep Dive with Chris Law:** Chris provides a hands-on demonstration of using ChatGPT for creating engaging and effective social media posts. From crafting compelling content to customizing messages for specific audiences, this segment offers valuable tips for anyone looking to enhance their online presence.

    - **Practical Application:** The episode not only discusses theoretical aspects of AI and sales strategies but also demonstrates real-time application, showing listeners exactly how to implement these tools in their daily work.

    - **Community and Growth:** Emphasizing the importance of building a community and engaging with your audience, the episode explores how AI can be a powerful tool in creating content that resonates with customers and drives engagement.

    - **Looking Forward:** The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to submit their own AI-generated content for a chance to win a ChatGPT subscription, encouraging active participation and continuous learning within the community.

    **Key Takeaways:**

    - Leveraging AI, like ChatGPT, can significantly enhance your sales strategy and customer engagement, even if you're starting with little to no experience.

    - Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial in the rapidly evolving landscape of sales and technology.

    - Engaging with your audience through personalized and relevant content can drive significant improvements in your business outcomes.

    **Call to Action:**

    Listeners are encouraged to experiment with AI in creating their social media content and submit their best posts for a chance to win a ChatGPT subscription. Share your...

    Voir plus Voir moins
    46 min
  • Level Up Podcast Season 1 Episode 1 - Descript
    Feb 26 2024

    Show Notes for Level Up Podcast: Pilot Episode

    Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Level Up podcast, broadcasting from Dublin, Ireland, with your host, Niall. This episode features an international panel of guests, including Chris Law from the UK, David Barker from Germany, and Andy McNeil from South Carolina, USA. Together, they embark on a journey to explore the transformative power of AI in the business world, focusing on practical applications to enhance productivity and creativity.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Introduction to Level Up: Niall introduces the podcast as a training initiative designed to help listeners navigate the complexities of AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney for image creation, aiming to simplify these technologies into actionable insights.
    • Listener Participation: The podcast emphasizes the importance of listener participation, encouraging feedback and suggestions to tailor the content to the audience's needs.
    • Focus on AI: The discussion kicks off with an exploration of ChatGPT's potential in everyday business operations, from improving email efficiency to enhancing social media presence.
    • Real-World Applications: Guests share their experiences and insights on integrating AI into their workflows, highlighting the significant time savings and increased productivity achieved through these tools.
    • Creative Solutions: The conversation also delves into the creative aspects of AI, such as using Midjourney for generating innovative social media content and promotional materials.
    • Feedback and Future Episodes: The team invites listeners to contribute ideas and questions for future episodes, emphasizing the podcast's responsive and interactive nature.
    • Prizes and Incentives: The episode concludes with the announcement of a competition, offering listeners the chance to win a ChatGPT subscription by showcasing their use of AI tools in their work.

    Key Takeaways:

    • AI is not just a technological advancement; it's a cultural shift that can significantly impact how businesses operate and engage with their customers.
    • Practical application of AI tools can lead to substantial improvements in efficiency, creativity, and overall business performance.
    • Listener engagement is crucial for the podcast's success, with the team eager to adapt and evolve the content based on feedback and suggestions.

    Call to Action:

    Listeners are encouraged to participate by sending their feedback, questions, and suggestions to levelup@militarycars.com. Whether you're interested in learning more about specific AI tools, seeking advice on integrating technology into your business, or sharing your success stories, your input will help shape the future of the Level Up podcast.

    Next Episode Teaser:

    Stay tuned for the next episode, where the team will dive deeper into the applications of AI in business, based on listener feedback. Expect practical tips, expert insights, and maybe a few surprises along the way.

    Closing Remarks:

    Thank you for joining us for the pilot episode of the Level Up podcast. Your journey to mastering AI in the business world starts here. Let's level up together!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min