
  • Tim Cox on Leading Effective Meetings
    Dec 21 2024

    Hello, and a very warm welcome to this podcast from Management Futures.
    I'm Hugh Reynolds, head of digital learning - and in this series, I'm holding some informal short-form conversations with my colleagues, associates and friends. They're all expert practitioners in fields related to - but not restricted to - coaching, culture and inclusive leadership development - all things that enable individuals, teams and organisations to thrive.

    In this episode, we're going to get to know one of our outstanding people: Tim Cox (https://www.managementfutures.co.uk/team/tim-cox).

    But before we do - let me just mention that if you visit us at www.managementfutures.co.uk you can find lots more insightful content in our Resources section - INCLUDING a richly interactive video based around the discussion I'm about to have. (Here's the direct link to that: https://www.managementfutures.co.uk/post/interactive-video-discover-the-art-of-effective-meetings )

    Thanks for listening in!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    23 min
  • Dorota Porazka on Coaching, Curiosity and Readiness
    Dec 21 2024

    Hello, and a very warm welcome to this podcast from Management Futures.
    I'm Hugh Reynolds, head of digital learning - and in this series, I'm holding some informal short-form conversations with my colleagues, associates and friends. They're all expert practitioners in fields related to - but not restricted to - coaching, culture and inclusive leadership development - all things that enable individuals, teams and organisations to thrive.

    In this episode, we're going to get to know one of our outstanding people: Dorota Porazka (https://www.managementfutures.co.uk/team/dorota-porazka ).

    But before we do - let me just mention that if you visit us at www.managementfutures.co.uk you can find lots more insightful content in our Resources section - INCLUDING a richly interactive video based around the discussion I'm about to have.(Here's the direct link to that: https://www.managementfutures.co.uk/post/interactive-video-a-chat-with-dorota-porazka )

    Thanks for listening in!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min
  • Tony Betts on Contracting
    Nov 20 2024

    When I started hanging out with coaches, and being coached myself, it struck me that the human quality of the interaction - it's warmth and rapport - is so so important. For coaching to work we need a great chemistry between the coach and their client. But, then - when I trained as a coach, I was hit with this out-of-place word. A word that, to me, is quite cold - and actually a bit scary and off-putting. That daunting word is the word 'CONTRACTING'. Somehow, I want to come to terms with this troublesome term 'CONTRACT', so...

    I called up my main man Tony Betts - because he's a top coach, and he has a lifetime of really varied international business experience - he's not only agreed a good few contracts in his time - as with everything Tony turns his hand and mind to - he thinks deeply about the nature and necessity of contracting.

    I really hope you enjoy the chat.
    All the best

    Hugh Reynolds, Head of Digital at MF

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    28 min
  • Tony Betts on Niche Coaching
    Nov 20 2024

    I was looking at some websites of my coaching colleagues, and I was getting quite curious about the content of online biographies - you know, those little bio pieces that appear on people's websites. Something about them felt a bit odd - and at odds with what I thought coaches got up to.

    You see, when we're coaching - we're not supposed to be giving of our expertise - even if we've got that expertise. And yet in these online bios I'm seeing people reporting on their great experience or tremendous skills and interests within a certain industry or context. So what I'm wondering aloud is: as a coach, do I really need to niche?

    To Niche or not to Niche. I know just the man for an exploratory chat about niches - and that's top international coach, Tony Betts!

    We really hope you enjoy the conversation,
    All the best

    Hugh Reynolds, Head of Digital at MF

    If you'd like to skip forward to a point of interest - here are some timings:
    2:55 What do we mean by 'niche coaching'?
    5:20 Assuming I'm a good coach, does it matter what my background is? Is it good for the coachee to know about my expertise?
    8:40 Is there some kind of 'useful forgetting' going on here, with the coach guarding against applying their contextual knowledge?
    10:58 The importance of giving a client what they need - which may not be exactly what they've asked for. Be aware of what's being brought in to the interaction.
    13:18 Understanding the client as an individual - their needs on the day - which can be distinct from understanding them in the wider context.
    16:30 Our role in helping the client to better understand themselves.
    18:30 Marketing ourselves to particular audiences - and how having a point of difference can help (depending on where we're starting from).
    21:50 What's the common denominator in my work? An example niche Tony carved for himself: The Art of Not Doing.
    23:22 Differentiating ourselves. Standing out from the crowd in an authentic sense.
    24:20 Find out what the market wants. What are the problems people want help with?
    26:40 The frequency of update and refresh for our bios. Giving elements from which the coach can be constructed!

    A couple of examples of Tony's bios online: https://www.managementfutures.co.uk/team/tony-betts

    Voir plus Voir moins
    31 min
  • Tony Betts on Being and Doing
    Nov 20 2024

    I've got a lot on my plate. Lots of projects, lots of issues to resolve, lots of directions I want to develop in. There's a lot I need to get done. And through my work in and around coaching, I meet others who sound like they've got a lot to do too. But what happens when we shift that focus. Instead of just coaching around what we are DOING, what if we use coaching to explore what we are BEING?

    (By the way, if you're new to Management Futures and what we get up to - I'll just mention that our work is about enabling leaders, teams, organisations and coaches - and that coaching is always at the very heart of what we do...)

    Ahhhgghh! You see? I did it again! I'm telling you more about what we DO and less about who we really ARE!

    It's high time I dialled up top international coach Tony Betts for todays exploratory conversation!

    We really hope you enjoy it,
    All very best

    Hugh Reynolds, Head of Digital at MF

    Voir plus Voir moins
    37 min
  • Dr Peter Brown: Coaching at the Heart
    Nov 20 2024

    In my job I spend a lot of time talking to coaches - helping them to talk to each-other and the wider world. It's all about sharing great practice, developing the profession, & making coaching even more effective. It's fascinating, and it's often fun - but it's really only the start of the story; coaching is about the client's agenda - it's about the people we help. So what do they think about it? How has coaching really impacted their lives?

    Hello! And a warm welcome to this podcast from Management Futures. If you're new to what we get up to - I'll just mention that our work is about enabling leaders, teams, organisations and coaches - and that coaching is always at the very heart of what we do.

    My guest today is Doctor Peter Brown. Pete believes (just like we do, here at management futures!) that if you give people the time, space and expertise to grow, they will achieve *amazing* things.

    Pete has got a fascinating career background in areas such as elite sport, and optimising performance, where he’s worked as a consultant in Organisational Development and People Management. He’s now assistant director of Organisational Development at a pretty huge NHS Wales organisation – that’s Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, and Pete started off by explaining to me how a health board, in Wales, can be 5 times bigger than a single NHS trust such as I’m familiar with in England. Aneurin Bevan covers several hospitals, primary care services and community health work across the county of Gwent.

    So with his big role, in a big organisation, with big challenges– I wanted to find out about Pete and how - in his organisational context – he’s putting coaching - and his own coach skills training – to work. Let’s hear more from the man himself, Doctor Peter Brown.

    We really hope you enjoy the conversation,
    All very best

    Hugh Reynolds, Head of Digital at MF

    PS: A great resource Pete mentions is this one from Michael Bungay-Stanier, author of 'The Coaching Habit' and 'The Advice Trap': https://www.ted.com/talks/michael_bungay_stanier_how_to_tame_your_advice_monster?language=en

    PPS: If you'd like to know more about Pete's work around 'Innovation Under Pressure', he's written a short series of articles for our friends at Leaders in Sport - together with Dr Adrian Neal. You can read these here:




    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min
  • Marcia Bailey: Coaching at the Heart
    Nov 20 2024

    In my job I spend a lot of time talking to coaches - helping them to talk to each-other and the wider world. It's all about sharing great practice, developing the profession, & making coaching even more effective. It's fascinating, and it's often fun - but it's really only the start of the story; coaching is about the client's agenda - it's about the people we help. So what do they think about it? How has coaching really impacted their lives?

    Hello! And a warm welcome to this podcast from Management Futures. If you're new to what we get up to - I'll just mention that our work is about enabling leaders, teams, organisations and coaches - and that coaching is always at the very heart of what we do.

    My guest today is Marcia Bailey from the UK Sports Institute which delivers support services that enable sports and athletes to excel. In fact, over the last 20 years, the UK Sports Institute’s work has contributed to over 1000 British Paralympic and Olympic medals. I’ve come to know Marcia and her team really well because – just like Management Futures – they put coaching at the heart of what they do, and One of the ways they do that is to sponsor colleagues to achieve the ILM coaching qualifications that I help to run. But here, I’m jumping the gun. Let’s get set on the starting blocks for an insightful conversation about Marcia, her context and coaching.

    We really hope you enjoy it,
    All very best

    Hugh Reynolds, Head of Digital at MF

    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min
  • Angeline Cross: Coaching at the Heart
    Nov 20 2024

    In my job I spend a lot of time talking to coaches - helping them to talk to each-other and the wider world. It's all about sharing great practice, developing the profession, & making coaching even more effective. It's fascinating, and it's often fun - but it's really only the start of the story; coaching is about the client's agenda - it's about the people we help. So what do they think about it? How has coaching really impacted their lives?

    Hello! And a warm welcome to this podcast from Management Futures. If you're new to what we get up to - I'll just mention that our work is about enabling leaders, teams, organisations and coaches - and that coaching is always at the very heart of what we do.

    My guest today is Angeline Cross, a Human Resources Senior at Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK. Angeline has recently had some coaching from us. Whilst the content of a coaching conversations always remains confidential, Angeline has been really kind in giving us insight into the process of her coaching experience, and how she's been able to benefit from it. I really hope you enjoy listening in to our chat.

    We really hope you enjoy it,
    All very best

    Hugh Reynolds, Head of Digital at MF

    Voir plus Voir moins
    19 min