
  • MindFully - 6/21/24
    Jun 21 2024
    45 min
  • Mindfully Awake - Moving from guilt and shame towards confidence and success
    Jun 14 2024
    Quite often the obstacle on our way to self-love, happiness and success is guilt (or shame) that we carry around. These feelings could be deep rooted and overwhelming to deal with, but there's a way to turn them into your superpower. Join us in this episode to start changing your self-talk and bring more confidence into your life.
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    51 min
  • Mindfully Awake - Bring Your Luck Back: Raise Your Vibration Today!
    Jun 7 2024
    If you feel that lately the Universe hasn't been on your side, you feel tired all the time, or that you need to work extra hard to get tangible results, there may be a spiritual solution to it. Use the practices and tips from this episode to bring more luck into your life and attract the life where you can thrive!

    Only on BBTV!
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    53 min
  • Mindfully Awake - Art of Appreciation
    May 31 2024
    With the fast-paced life and a habit of downplaying our own achievements and virtues oftentimes we take beautiful people, places and situations in our life for granted.
    In this episode we'll explore the nature and power of appreciation practice, discover its healing potential and go over ideas to implement this concept in your life in a practical way, starting with appreciation of self, and then extending it to other people and the Universe (higher power).

    Only on BBTV!
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    51 min
  • Mindfully Awake - Tools to Eliminate Anxiety and Fear
    May 17 2024
    Nowadays our newsfeed is full of breaking news of some catastrophes, wars or other tragic events happening every day. Not to mention the pressure each of us feels to comply, perform and achieve.
    All this causes our anxiety level to rise up rapidly, as well as to turn on our survival mode and coping mechanisms that may not be to our advantage in the long run. In this episode I'll share tips on how to overcome anxiety and reprogram your coping habits quickly and efficiently.
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    57 min
  • Mindfully Awake #6 - Avoid Being Manipulated
    May 11 2024
    As it's a mental health month in the US I'd like to talk about toxic/manipulative relationships, their impact on our life and ways to deal with those to reduce impact and/or get out of them.

    Only on BBTV!
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    55 min
  • Mindfully Awake #5 - Getting organized amid chaos & stress
    May 3 2024
    Our hectic lifestyle is often pushing us to move even faster and do a lot more within a day/week/month. Inability to comply and achieve creates extra anxiety & lack of focus. Way out - to get yourself organized and get your priorities right!
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    54 min
  • Mindfully Awake #4 - Importance of Sleep Health
    Apr 27 2024
    53 min