
  • On Agemonia
    Sep 8 2021
    Mitä Pelataan? - Agemonia. (What's being played? Agemonia) Disclaimer: This is not an ad or a paid piece, these are my honest opinions, but that should go without stating. Agemonia is currently in its first 24 hours in Kickstarter as it launched 7th September 2021. I hope you'll get some information from here to help your decision making process. Links related to Agemonia are at the end of description, followed by timestamps. Background and description: After talking with the designer, Max Wikström, he offered me to try the tutorials in Tabletop Simulator in the late 2020. I asked a friend to join, so we played the first (Flooded Inn) and second (Road to Runedale) tutorials available on 3rd of December. Max taught us the game and was a 3rd dummy player. I played as Torrax, Pekka Lunara, and Max Venia. We waited to continue to the third (Secrets of the Ancients) tutorial and played it almost immediately it was ready, on 16th of April 2021. That we played two player with Pekka and Max was just running the scenario and answering our questions. We continued from where we left 4 months earlier. Now 5 months later, I share my opinions on the game as I recall it. I do not go through rules or details, but focus on my experiences, opinions, and feel of the game with this delayed review. This is the first time I try doing a (delayed) review as a podcast-format, so feedback would be appreciated as I am thinking if this is a good way going forward. Thank you for your feedback, and Thanks for listening! (Music/ambience in the episode is recorded from the Agemonia App, with Max's permission) Links: Familiarise yourself with Agemonia and find them on social media at: https://agemonia.com Get the Agemonia app from: https://agemonia.com/app/ The kickstarter campaign of Agemonia: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lautapelitfi/agemonia Agemonia on Boardgamegeek: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/270871/agemonia Timestamps: 0:25 Intro 3:33 Why this way 4:04 How we played 7:08 Map details 7:37 1st Tutorial and actions (Stamina = Vitae) 9:08 2nd Tutorial and what you learn 11:15 3rd Tutorial and what you learn 13:59 Should you back? 15:10 Disclaimer! 16:20 Conclusions and opinions 25:09 What to improve and more (forgotten) opinions 28:45 The End 29:35 Thanks and other remarks --- Follow Mitä Pelataan? in media! https://linktr.ee/mitapelataan https://mitapelataan.wordpress.com https://twitter.com/MitaPelataan https://www.instagram.com/mitapelataan/ https://www.facebook.com/mitapelata/ https://soundcloud.com/mitapelataan/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5OdHNkrztkRRtvSgf3GXty https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mitä-pelataan/id1390280287 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8rysZ3Jkxq7-R7cA7xrjw https://boardgamegeek.com/user/Zuxi https://boardgamegeek.com/guild/3320 Email: mitapelataanATgmail dot com Patreon (thanks for considering!): https://patreon.com/mitapelataan
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    32 min
  • Paragons of Change 15. - Paula Deming
    Aug 14 2021
    The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving you a Top9 list of games. The topic of the list has been chosen by the guest and we will have a “battle of the lists” after the episode airs in my social media channels – you, dear listener, are encouraged to comment and vote on the lists to see which one of us did better. The fifteenth Paragon in the series is the funny person who makes Things Get Dicey - Paula Deming! Join us to find out if she'll get serious as we talk about her journey into making boardgame content into her job, joining in other channels and Twitching. While we wonder if the situation in The US has been like a bad reality television, you might find out who are her best friends too! We finish the episode by listing the Top 9 games that got us hooked in the hobby and/or kept us in! Comments are welcome, hope you enjoy this bit and will be back for rest of the series. Voting for our Top9's will commence some time after this episode drops. Top9 starts at about 53:40 and the topic is Top 9 Games That Got Us Hooked or Kept Us In! This episode is recorded 22nd of February 2021. Thank you for listening! You can find Things Get Dicey's Twitter here: https://twitter.com/ThingsGetDicey And Things Get Dicey YouToube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/paulademing The music used in this Series is Nightwalker by @Sentientpulse , Thank you! Sentientpulse – Nightwalker-sentient-pulse-1 By the way, I opened a Patreon. In case you have an interest in taking a look at what you'd get by showing some patronage, here's the link: www.patreon.com/mitapelataan . Comments are also welcome, especially on what you'd wish to get in return of you being a patron. Thank you for even considering clicking the link! Follow Mitä Pelataan? in media! https://linktr.ee/mitapelataan https://mitapelataan.wordpress.com https://twitter.com/MitaPelataan https://www.instagram.com/mitapelataan/ https://www.facebook.com/mitapelata/ https://soundcloud.com/mitapelataan/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5OdHNkrztkRRtvSgf3GXty https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mitä-pelataan/id1390280287 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8rysZ3Jkxq7-R7cA7xrjw https://boardgamegeek.com/user/Zuxi https://boardgamegeek.com/guild/3320 Email: mitapelataanATgmail dot com
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    2 h et 19 min
  • Paragons of Change 14. - Sam Healey
    Jul 22 2021
    The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving you a Top9 list of games. The topic of the list has been chosen by the guest and we will have a “battle of the lists” after the episode airs in my social media channels – you, dear listener, are encouraged to comment and vote on the lists to see which one of us did better. The fourteenth Paragon in the series is the former minion of The Dice Tower and current US community manager of Mythic Games, Sam Healey! We talk about weather differences between the Northern and Southern US, Sam's time at The Dice Tower and his current job at Mythic games. Sam tells about his past a bit and we discuss on reviewing games as well as teaching and ponder the effects of the last year for the society and people. We of course finish with a top9 list of games with a hidden topic this time - you are able to guess it if you know Sam. Comments are welcome, hope you enjoy this bit and will be back for rest of the series. Voting for our Top9's will commence some time after this episode drops. Top9 starts at about 1:11:50 and the topic is for you to guess this time - you can do it! This episode is recorded 12th of February 2021. Thank you for listening! You can find Sam here: https://twitter.com/SamHealey74 And Mythic Games at: https://mythicgames.net/ The music used in this Series is Nightwalker by @Sentientpulse , Thank you! Sentientpulse – Nightwalker-sentient-pulse-1 By the way, I opened a Patreon. In case you have an interest in taking a look at what you'd get by showing some patronage, here's the link: www.patreon.com/mitapelataan . Comments are also welcome, especially on what you'd wish to get in return of you being a patron. Thank you for even considering clicking the link! Follow Mitä Pelataan? in media! https://linktr.ee/mitapelataan https://mitapelataan.wordpress.com https://twitter.com/MitaPelataan https://www.instagram.com/mitapelataan/ https://www.facebook.com/mitapelata/ https://soundcloud.com/mitapelataan/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5OdHNkrztkRRtvSgf3GXty https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mitä-pelataan/id1390280287 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8rysZ3Jkxq7-R7cA7xrjw https://boardgamegeek.com/user/Zuxi https://boardgamegeek.com/guild/3320 Email: mitapelataanATgmail dot com
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    2 h et 3 min
  • Paragons of Change 13. - Calvin Wong Tze Loon
    May 3 2021
    The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving you a Top9 list of games. The topic of the list has been chosen by the guest and we will have a “battle of the lists” after the episode airs in my social media channels – you, dear listener, are encouraged to comment and vote on the lists to see which one of us did better. The thirteenth Paragon in the series is the acting advocate of diversity in boardgames, Calvin Wong Tze Loon. Calvin is probably best know from his advocacy on many sensitive topics in Twitter (as Ithayla) and thus we talk about topics like unintentional racism, (cultural) representation and diversity in boardgames, colonialism, reviewing boardgames, acting, and noodles. He also discusses about his passions for writing and science fiction, which ties nicely to our Top 9 topic this time: Sci-Fi Games! Comments are welcome, hope you enjoy this bit and will be back for rest of the series. Voting for our Top9's will commence some time after this episode drops. Top9 starts at about 48:20 and the topic is Top 9 Sci-Fi Games! This episode is recorded 6th of February 2021. Thank you for listening! You can find Calvin here: https://twitter.com/ithayla The music used in this Series is Nightwalker by @Sentientpulse , Thank you! https://soundcloud.com/sentientpulse/nightwalker-sentient-pulse-1 By the way, I opened a Patreon. In case you have an interest in taking a look at what you'd get by showing some patronage, here's the link: https://www.patreon.com/mitapelataan . Comments are also welcome, especially on what you'd wish to get in return of you being a patron. Thank you for even considering clicking the link! Follow Mitä Pelataan? in media! https://linktr.ee/mitapelataan https://mitapelataan.wordpress.com https://twitter.com/MitaPelataan https://www.instagram.com/mitapelataan/ https://www.facebook.com/mitapelata/ https://soundcloud.com/mitapelataan/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5OdHNkrztkRRtvSgf3GXty https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mitä-pelataan/id1390280287 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8rysZ3Jkxq7-R7cA7xrjw https://boardgamegeek.com/user/Zuxi https://boardgamegeek.com/guild/3320 Email: mitapelataanATgmail dot com
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    1 h et 57 min
  • Paragons of Change 12. - Jeremy Holmes
    Apr 11 2021
    The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving you a Top9 list of games. The topic of the list has been chosen by the guest and we will have a “battle of the lists” after the episode airs in my social media channels – you, dear listener, are encouraged to comment and vote on the lists to see which one of us did better. The twelfth Paragon in the series is Jeremy Holmes. He's the Green Peg, the voice of reason of old in the Blue Peg Pink Peg podcast. Currently? I'm not so sure! We talk about taking a break, building and construction, wedding, teenagers, school, and discuss the favourite topic for Finns: weather and climate for a while. We also wonder if apocalypse is on us and if the end is nigh. To suit these topics and the current (now past) year, we give your our top 9 Games with Horror/Tension! We recorded this episode before christmas of 2020 so this has been waiting for a while, apologies to Jeremy and his fans for the wait! Comments are welcome, hope you enjoy this bit and will be back for rest of the series. Voting for our Top9's will commence some time after this episode drops. Top9 starts at about 58:50 Thank you for listening! Links related to Jeremy: Blue Peg, Pink Peg: https://bluepegpinkpeg.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pyranoir The music used in this Series is Nightwalker by @Sentientpulse , Thank you! https://soundcloud.com/sentientpulse/nightwalker-sentient-pulse-1 Follow Mitä Pelataan? in media! https://linktr.ee/mitapelataan https://mitapelataan.wordpress.com https://twitter.com/MitaPelataan https://www.instagram.com/mitapelataan/ https://www.facebook.com/mitapelata/ https://soundcloud.com/mitapelataan/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5OdHNkrztkRRtvSgf3GXty https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mitä-pelataan/id1390280287 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8rysZ3Jkxq7-R7cA7xrjw https://boardgamegeek.com/user/Zuxi https://boardgamegeek.com/guild/3320 Email: mitapelataanATgmail dot com
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    2 h et 31 min
  • Paragons of Change 11. - Grant Fitch
    Mar 10 2021
    This episode was recorded in December of 2020, and I apologize for the delay in getting it out. Have you been waiting for these to return? In any case, these are now back - hopefully until I hit 20, just to commemorate 2020. The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving you a Top9 list of games. The topic of the list has been chosen by the guest and we will have a “battle of the lists” after the episode airs in my social media channels – you, dear listener, are encouraged to comment and vote on the lists to see which one of us did better. The First Paragon of the second set, and eleventh overall is the director, videographer, and editor of the welcoming boardgame channel Our Family Plays Games - Grant Fitch! Him being a teenager himself, we ponder on how to get more teenagers interested in tabletop games, experiences on distance and hybrid learning as well as some online gaming (I still need to play a game with his father!). Grant also expresses his interest in building a career on his current hobby with the channel, so reach out to him if his offer is still valid! We end the episode by listing our Top9 Games That Utilize Dice and we take their suitability for youngsters and teenagers into consideration in our discussion. Comments are welcome, hope you enjoy this bit and will be back for rest of the series. Voting for our Top9's will commence some time after this episode drops. Top9 starts at about 23:30 and the topic is Games That Utilize Dice! Thank you for listening! You can find out what Games Grant's Family Plays from: Twitter: https://twitter.com/our_plays YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1f1NKE51FG5MeYchzVbXcA The music used in this Series is Nightwalker by @Sentientpulse , Thank you! https://soundcloud.com/sentientpulse/nightwalker-sentient-pulse-1 Follow Mitä Pelataan? in media! https://linktr.ee/mitapelataan https://mitapelataan.wordpress.com https://twitter.com/MitaPelataan https://www.instagram.com/mitapelataan/ https://www.facebook.com/mitapelata/ https://soundcloud.com/mitapelataan/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5OdHNkrztkRRtvSgf3GXty https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mitä-pelataan/id1390280287 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8rysZ3Jkxq7-R7cA7xrjw https://boardgamegeek.com/user/Zuxi https://boardgamegeek.com/guild/3320 Email: mitapelataanATgmail dot com
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    1 h et 15 min
  • JBG Extra - Vuosi 2020
    Feb 20 2021
    Mitä Pelataan? -podcastin JBG Extra, jossa aiheena on vuosi 2020. Kokoonnuimme vuodenvaihtessa pohtimaan vuotta 2020 samalla porukalla, joka oli mukana edellisellä kerralla kevään 2020 Korona extrassa. Mukana jaksossa on siis lisäkseni JBG:n pj Markus, Hukkareissun Hannu ja Oranssioranki Niko. Käymme läpi vuoden 2020 kuulumiset ja keskustelemme pelatuista verkkopeleistä. Keskustelemme myös vuoden 2020 peli- tai muita harrastukseen liittyviä haasteita sekä mietimme tätä myös vuoden 2021 osalta. Näiden lisäksi sivuamme toki myös muita lautapelaamiseen ja muutenkin elämään liittyviä aiheita. Tämän jälkeen draftaamme Parhaat Vuonna 2020 ensimmäistä kertaa pelatut pelit. Valitsemme siis yhden vuorollamme ja käytössä on käärmedrafti (1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1,1,2...). Samaa peliä ei siis saa muiden kanssa valita. Jokainen meistä valitsee neljä peliä ja listat menevät äänestettäväksi Instagramiin - katsotaan kuka voittaa! Tai saa ylipäätään kommentteja. Jakson osiot ja aikaleimat: Keskustelu: 0:22 Tässä jaksossa ja pikatilannepäivitys... 3:00 Muutkin mukaan... 4:54 Keskustelu vuodesta 2020 35:55 Pelivuosi 2020 45:50 Lautapelitavoitteet vuodelle 2021 Parhaat vuonna 2020 ensimmäistä kertaa pelatut pelit -drafti 60:50 Draftin alustus 70:40 Ensimmäiset valinnat 87:46 Toiset valinnat 108:44 Kolmannet valinnat 126:38 Neljännet valinnat 151:40 Yhteenveto 162:39 Lopetus 167:35 Loppukommentit 170:03 PoistetutPätkät --- Vieraat: Joensuu Board Gamers Facebookissa: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1424137941143368/ Hukkareissun blogi (josta löydät myös muut mediat): https://hukkareissuoy.blogspot.com/ Niko löytyy Oranssioranki -nimellä ainakin Instagramista, Lautapeliseuran foorumeilta ja BoardGameGeekistä. --- Muistakaahan tutustua myös muissa medioissa oleviin sisältöihin! Kaikki linkit pitäisi löytyä osoitteesta: https://linktr.ee/Mitapelataan Musiikista kiitos: @grimwater --- Mitä Pelataan? mediassa: https://linktr.ee/mitapelataan https://mitapelataan.wordpress.com https://twitter.com/MitaPelataan https://www.instagram.com/mitapelataan/ https://www.facebook.com/mitapelata/ https://soundcloud.com/mitapelataan/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5OdHNkrztkRRtvSgf3GXty https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mitä-pelataan/id1390280287 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8rysZ3Jkxq7-R7cA7xrjw https://boardgamegeek.com/user/Zuxi https://boardgamegeek.com/guild/3320 Sähköposti: mitapelataan (AT) gmail piste com
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    2 h et 53 min
  • Paragons of Change 10. - Matthew Jude
    Dec 30 2020
    The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving you a Top9 list of games. The topic of the list has been chosen by the guest and we will have a “battle of the lists” after the episode airs in my social media channels – you, dear listener, are encouraged to comment and vote on the lists to see which one of us did better. The tenth Paragon in the series is the spokesperson for dry euros who's in danger of being turned into a wargamer - Matthew Jude! We talk about people, content creation, conventions, Elon Musk, GMT Games, Birmingham, and Finland among many other topics. Join us and stay to listen for our Top9 lists of Games That Make Us Merry and Are Good for Holidays! This might be the longest Top9 thus far and I think we talk about over 30 games alltogether! Comments are welcome, hope you enjoy this bit and will be back for rest of the series. Voting for our Top9's will commence some time after this episode drops. Top9 starts at about 50:30 and the topic is Holiday Games That Makes Us Merry. Thank you for listening! You can Find Matthew from: https://twitter.com/matthew_jude_ and TGIB from: https://twitter.com/TGiBpodcast The music used in this Series is Nightwalker by @Sentientpulse , Thank you! https://soundcloud.com/sentientpulse/nightwalker-sentient-pulse-1 Follow Mitä Pelataan? in media! https://linktr.ee/mitapelataan https://mitapelataan.wordpress.com https://twitter.com/MitaPelataan https://www.instagram.com/mitapelataan/ https://www.facebook.com/mitapelata/ https://soundcloud.com/mitapelataan/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5OdHNkrztkRRtvSgf3GXty https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mitä-pelataan/id1390280287 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8rysZ3Jkxq7-R7cA7xrjw https://boardgamegeek.com/user/Zuxi https://boardgamegeek.com/guild/3320 Email: mitapelataanATgmail dot com
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    2 h et 9 min