
  • Stop Making Long To Do Lists and Start Actually Getting Stuff Done
    Apr 18 2024

    Ready to get some job training for the most important role you’ll ever have?

    Welcome to Mom University.

    If you ever feel like you're living the same day over and over…

    If mom life feels like an exhausting whirlwind of laundry, dinner, driving and frustration on repeat…

    You're not alone.

    For every other thing we do in life there's training, but for the most important job, we're just figuring it out as we go.

    Mom University is here to change that. It will give you the skills and education to break free of old patterns and be a leader in your home.

    What questions do you have in mom life? Email me and let me know: hello@universityformoms.com

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    14 min
  • How to Get a Good Dinner on the Table That Makes Your Kids Healthy and Happy with Katie Kimball
    Apr 11 2024

    " I really just want my family to be raised on the best food possible and have a good relationship with food because I can look at myself and I have that habit where I want something sweet after every meal.

    Like my mouth, this doesn't taste right. If it's like egg aftertaste or like hamburger after this, I'm like, I really want a chocolate aftertaste going on. And I can see that that was created in my childhood, and I think, gosh, you know, what habits are we giving our kids about how they think about food and how they think about eating and engaging with food?

    And I just really want them to have good habits instead of having to break bad habits. "

    Ready to get some job training for the most important role you’ll ever have?

    Welcome to Mom University.

    If you ever feel like you're living the same day over and over…

    If mom life feels like an exhausting whirlwind of laundry, dinner, driving and frustration on repeat…

    You're not alone.

    For every other thing we do in life there's training, but for the most important job, we're just figuring it out as we go.

    Mom University is here to change that. It will give you the skills and education to break free of old patterns and be a leader in your home.

    Join us for our in person event April 2024: universityformoms.com Instagram @universityformoms

    What questions do you have in mom life? Email me and let me know: hello@universityformoms.com

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    24 min
  • Meal Prep Magic: Simplifying Meal Planning on a Budget with Brittany Cooper
    Mar 21 2024

    "Do I love meal planning? No, I don't like it, but I love the outcome that the result of having that meal plan because no matter what age your kids are , maybe your husband or whoever, like everybody wants to know what's for dinner. And I don't know about you, but like that feeling when somebody asks you, Mom, what's for dinner?

    And you don't know, it's like instant stress. I just like instantly, I'm like, I don't know. Don't ask me that question.If we have it printed off, you go, go look at the meal plan, or check the app,, there's a plan, so I don't even have to use that energy to tell them what's for dinner."

    Ready to get some job training for the most important role you’ll ever have?

    Welcome to Mom University.

    If you ever feel like you're living the same day over and over…

    If mom life feels like an exhausting whirlwind of laundry, dinner, driving and frustration on repeat…

    You're not alone.

    For every other thing we do in life there's training, but for the most important job, we're just figuring it out as we go.

    Mom University is here to change that. It will give you the skills and education to break free of old patterns and be a leader in your home.

    Join us for our in person event April 2024: universityformoms.com Instagram @universityformoms

    What questions do you have in mom life? Let me know in the comments!

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    31 min
  • How to Connect With Your Kids on a Deeper Level with Mansi Parikh
    Mar 14 2024

    "Kids have a way of drawing our shadows out, shadows coming out, me doing the same things again and again, responding and reacting the same way and realizing that Not only is it not impacting my kids in a positive way and getting the result that I want, but man, I don't feel good. I don't feel good when I show up this way and I think I got tired.

    I think that's the only thing I can say is that I started to get tired that the circumstances outside of me aren't going to change my situation. But if I change how I show up, that was the ticket that changed everything."

    Ready to get some job training for the most important role you’ll ever have?

    Welcome to Mom University.

    If you ever feel like you're living the same day over and over…

    If mom life feels like an exhausting whirlwind of laundry, dinner, driving and frustration on repeat…

    You're not alone.

    For every other thing we do in life there's training, but for the most important job, we're just figuring it out as we go.

    Mom University is here to change that. It will give you the skills and education to break free of old patterns and be a leader in your home.

    Join us for our in person event April 2024: universityformoms.com Instagram @universityformoms

    What questions do you have in mom life? Email me and let me know: hello@universityformoms.com

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    30 min
  • The Secret to Getting Your House Clean in 10 Minutes a Day with Becky Rapinchuk
    Mar 7 2024

    "Start with the daily tasks. So if someone's new and you're listening to this, you've never heard of me.

    And you're like daily tasks. Okay. I can try that. Those are five things that I recommend doing every single day. If you can like there are days that you'll only do one of those things and I actually do recommend just starting with one like making your bed or doing a load of laundry, but 5 daily tasks like get those mastered and then you add the weekly tasks."

    Ready to get some job training for the most important role you’ll ever have?

    Welcome to Mom University.

    If you ever feel like you're living the same day over and over…

    If mom life feels like an exhausting whirlwind of laundry, dinner, driving and frustration on repeat…

    You're not alone.

    For every other thing we do in life there's training, but for the most important job, we're just figuring it out as we go.

    Mom University is here to change that. It will give you the skills and education to break free of old patterns and be a leader in your home.

    Join us for our in person event April 2024: universityformoms.com Instagram @universityformoms

    What questions do you have in mom life? Email me and let me know: hello@universityformoms.com

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    30 min
  • How to Feel Like You're Winning at Mom Life with Danielle Thienel
    Feb 29 2024

    "What do I want?

    If you can take a few minutes and really everything like when we're making these changes, it will take work. It will take time. It will take attention. It doesn't have to take a lot of those things, but it will require some. We are either paying with our time or our money. And I think the best place to start is with your time in answering this question.

    And what I find with my clients, because we really thoroughly start here and go with creating what it would even look like if they had the light, we're living the life of joy and balance and, and peace and calm and confidence, right? And so many times I asked this question and the answer is: I don't know."

    Ready to get some job training for the most important role you’ll ever have?

    Welcome to Mom University.

    If you ever feel like you're living the same day over and over…

    If mom life feels like an exhausting whirlwind of laundry, dinner, driving and frustration on repeat…

    You're not alone.

    For every other thing we do in life there's training, but for the most important job, we're just figuring it out as we go.

    Mom University is here to change that. It will give you the skills and education to break free of old patterns and be a leader in your home.

    Join us for our in person event April 2024: universityformoms.com Instagram @universityformoms

    What questions do you have in mom life? Email me and let me know: hello@universityformoms.com

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    29 min
  • Why Emotion Work Will Make You a Better Mom with Chantel Allen
    Feb 22 2024

    "I think emotional anything right now is kind of a buzzword.

    We're hearing in self help. I mean emotional resilience regulation, emotional control. I mean, I think we're saying these different words and they are a little bit different. Like if you think about even the word regulation Versus control versus resilience, there is a little bit of a difference.

    I think of the big, the overall arching theme of this is just understanding and knowing our emotions. And then if we understand them, then I think of like regulation or control is then we are deciding what we do or how we respond with those emotions versus kind of being at the effect of them. So that's what I think of like emotional regulation is just the understanding the capacity to understand them and decide on purpose how we want to respond to the feelings that we're having in those moments."

    Ready to get some job training for the most important role you’ll ever have?

    Welcome to Mom University.

    If you ever feel like you're living the same day over and over…

    If mom life feels like an exhausting whirlwind of laundry, dinner, driving and frustration on repeat…

    You're not alone.

    For every other thing we do in life there's training, but for the most important job, we're just figuring it out as we go.

    Mom University is here to change that. It will give you the skills and education to break free of old patterns and be a leader in your home.

    Join us for our in person event April 2024: universityformoms.com Instagram @universityformoms

    What questions do you have in mom life? Email me and let me know: hello@universityformoms.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • The Specific Help Moms Need to Set and Accomplish Goals with Tiffany Crumbs
    Feb 15 2024

    "When you become a mom, it's almost like you take a back seat because the kids come and then, you know, with that comes the housework and the food and stuff.

    So I think you first have to really give yourself permission. It is okay to want something. It is okay to have that desire to pick up a craft, to learn another language, whatever it may be.

    That's not a bad thing. And I think like, there's a stigma, like if you want something for yourself, it's a bad thing, but like, that's necessarily true."

    Ready to get some job training for the most important role you’ll ever have?

    Welcome to Mom University.

    If you ever feel like you're living the same day over and over…

    If mom life feels like an exhausting whirlwind of laundry, dinner, driving and frustration on repeat…

    You're not alone.

    For every other thing we do in life there's training, but for the most important job, we're just figuring it out as we go.

    Mom University is here to change that. It will give you the skills and education to break free of old patterns and be a leader in your home.

    Join us for our in person event April 2024: universityformoms.com Instagram @universityformoms

    What questions do you have in mom life? Email me and let me know: hello@universityformoms.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min