
  • EP031: Building Healthy Habits for the Future You Want
    Feb 26 2022

    We are all made up of bundles of habits. The things we do every day. If we look at a purpose-build machine, the outcome is predetermined. For example, if you build a machine to make pizzas, it will make pizzas. If you wish the machine to produce something different, you will need to change its components and programming to do so. As such in your life, where the machine has components and programming, you have habits. These are the behaviours that you carry out regularly. They directly decide the results that you experience in your life. Taking the time to notice your regular actions (your habits, good and bad) and reflecting on them whilst considering what you want out of life is a powerful way to see if what you are doing, will get you to where you want to go. Let's get you where you want to go. It starts with noticing... Let's do this....

    Listen on your favourite music player, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer and much more. Follow this link to see how... Take me to my favourite music player...!

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    19 min
  • EP030: Slow Down to Speed Up
    Jan 19 2022

    It sounds like on oxymoron doesn't it. Like it makes no sense. However, it does. In business slowing down to speed up is a strategic approach to decision making, so why not apply the same theory to ourselves?! After all, the common thread between strategic business decisions and you personal development, is in fact, us - or in this case - you! I found a way to slow down that has allowed me to speed up more than ever, clearer, more focused and motivated. I want to share it here with you. So, here is to you slowing down your way and using it to smash 2022 out of the park. YOU GOT THIS!!

    Listen on your favourite music player, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer and much more. Follow this link to see how... Take me to my favourite music player...!

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    23 min
  • EP029: Become the Ultimate Balance Master
    Dec 16 2021

    You know those things you want to achieve in so many areas of your life. It can be overwhelming can't it? In fact so much so that we don't get around to doing any of it and get frustrated at yourself for not moving forwards. It starts with breaking down the priorities in your life for NOW. If you try to make everything you want happen in one go this is when you go in circles. Choose one area of your life to improve and get yourself to where you want to be. As Desmond Tutu said, 'If you want to eat an elephant you must eat it one bite at a time." Another great quote from Bill Gates is, 'We over-estimate what we can achieve in one year and under-estimate what we can in 10." Take the time to help yourself move forward, here is how you can become the Ultimate Balance Master...

    Listen on your favourite music player, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer and much more. Follow this link to see how... Take me to my favourite music player...!

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    21 min
  • EP028 - Be The One That Gets It Done
    Nov 29 2021

    We all hear great advice and get inspired. The trick is to implement what we hear - often, in fact studies show that most often the vast majority of us don't. in this episode I present you with a challenge and for all those who are successful there is a grand prize! Enjoy...

    Listen on your favourite music player, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer and much more. Follow this link to see how... Take me to my favourite music player...!

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    9 min
  • EP027: Empathy & Connection - We All Crave Both
    Nov 22 2021

    In the Facebook community I recently posted a Podcast Brainstorming post where I asked about your definitions of empathy. I received some fantastic responses. I was so inspired that I have indeed recorded an episode for you to enjoy. Have a listen, let me know what you think and keep your eye on the Facebook community for more Podcast Brainstorming sessions - I love to hear from you and to involve you in the process. 'If you want to travel fast, go alone, if you want to go far, travel together.'

    Listen on your favourite music player, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer and much more. Follow this link to see how... Take me to my favourite music player...!

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    22 min
  • EP026: You're a Miracle: Succeed by Doing Things Your Way
    Nov 15 2021

    You literally raced against millions of competitors, and you won that race!! You are here. You have been born into the world. Now, this is not about being grateful, this is about recognising your abilities within the opportunity of being alive. You are amazing, you are a miracle. With consistency, discipline and by doing it your way you really can do anything. Especially if you get some coaching to help you get there!!

    Listen on your favourite music player, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer and much more. Follow this link to see how... Take me to my favourite music player...!

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    21 min
  • EP025: How Are You Going To Get There? The P/PC Balance
    Nov 8 2021

    Every car needs fuel right? It needs maintenance, general looking after if you are going to get to where you want to go. This is where the P/PC Balance comes in. 'P' stands for production. in the above example, 'P' is represented by successfully arriving at the destination, it is the goal. 'PC' stands for production capability, represented by the car itself. The required element to help you get to achieve the goal which is to arrive safely at the destination. This balance can be applied to any scenario where you are dependent on others, tools or infrastructure in order to achieve what you set out to. If you do not care for 'PC' in whichever scenario you will either not arrive where you want to, or you will lose what you need, much like a car that is not looked after will no longer run. In a business environment, if you do not look after your teams, their emotional, psychological and physical needs - they will leave you and not help you. This is why companies have largest turnover rates of teams, low production capability equals low or complete absence of Production. P/PC balance aka, Production / Production Capability Balance. Are you looking after yourself, others and the tools that you need? If not, this is the time to stop and work out how you can. It may just be the thing that changes your life, for the rest of your life. You got this!

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    12 min
  • EP024: Re-associate Your Fears
    Nov 1 2021

    We all get fearful from time to time. Oftentimes we wish we wouldn't, other times we are glad we did. Your fear is a preservation and self-defense mechanism that is designed to keep you safe. It is on your team believe it or not. Fears primary concern is to keep you safe, now, in the moment with whatever is going on. It also attaches itself to your experiences, the ones that made you fearful. This means that whenever that scenario or situation comes up, or your even just think about it you feel the fear. You order a pizza and get on the couch to watch some Netflix - much safer. Not a whole lot of progress going on though is there. Don't get me wrong pizza - sofa -Netflix days are important, but they have their place. By distancing yourself form your fears and re-associating more constructive emotions that serve the long term outcomes you want - you are much more likely to live those long term aspirations. Cool huh!?

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    13 min