
  • IT’S NO SECRET: Our Birth Recovery App is The Bomb!
    Sep 26 2022

    It’s surreal! From just an idea, The Birth Recovery App is now serving 10,000 women a month! What an awesome ride it has been! Join Nancy and Max as they cruise through their experience building and improving the app. You’ll also get a sneak peek whats inside the Birth Recovery App and why women and moms thinks “its the bomb!”

    Episode Highlights

    • What’s it like being in the tech industry 
    • Being connectors and creating a platform to connect women with experts
    • Why one size fits all approach does not work for a majority of women
    • What sets the Birth Recovery Center app apart from competitors
    • No judgment zone community

    “I will make sure that they're on board with the brand mission - a no judgment zone. Meet women where they're at and provide solutions based off what they're comfortable with and what goals they have for themselves and their kids.” - Nancy Anderson


    If you love getting fit with Nancy, then check out the links below and get fit AF!

    Find me on social media: 





    Find my digital programs & courses: www.nancyandersonfit.com

    Try a week free in home friendly workouts at www.treadthrill.com

    Try a week free in-home friendly workouts for pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and post-pregnancy at www.moveyourbump.mom

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    17 min
  • PAST & FUTURE: Stories Of The Past, Agreements For The Future
    Sep 21 2022

    Nancy and Max are back with their Q&As in this latest episode of Nancy Anderson Fit. This time, the couple will be sharing their experiences in the past that has led them to where they are now, and also some of their thoughts on pre-nuptial agreements.


    Episode Highlights:

    • The battle against human biology
    • Talk about the bad things in the past
    • Getting away from trauma with fitness
    • Thoughts on prenup agreements

    “I'm here for the marriage. Like, I'm not here for the business. I'm not here for the kid. I'm here for what you and I can do together.”

    - Max’s thoughts on prenup agreements


    If you love getting fit with Nancy, then check out the links below and get fit AF!

    Find me on social media: https://www.facebook.com/nancyanderso...




    Find my digital programs & courses: www.nancyandersonfit.com

    Try a week free in home friendly workouts at www.treadthrill.com

    Try a week free in-home friendly workouts for pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and post-pregnancy at www.moveyourbump.mom

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    14 min
  • INTO THE DEEP: Confidence Over Doubt, Surviving Marriage Flaws
    Sep 19 2022

    In this episode of Nancy Anderson Fit, Nancy and Max talk about deep stuff. The couple talks about growing confidence in their lives where they lived with doubt and shares their thoughts on surviving marriage after one cheats on the other.


    Episode Highlights:

    • Nancy's radiant confidence
    • The nasty effects of being cheated
    • Finding worthiness in meeting Max
    • Max's own struggle with doubt
    • Living the character and brand
    • Surviving marriage when one cheats


    “We're human, you know, and sometimes humans make mistakes, and I don't think every relationship has great communication. And sometimes that does take a big event for you to realize that you need to work on your communication.” - Nancy Anderson on making mistakes as a human being


    If you love getting fit with Nancy, then check out the links below and get fit AF!

    Find me on social media: https://www.facebook.com/nancyanderso...



    Find my digital programs & courses: www.nancyandersonfit.com

    Try a week free in home friendly workouts at www.treadthrill.com

    Try a week free in-home friendly workouts for pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and post-pregnancy at www.moveyourbump.mom



    Voir plus Voir moins
    15 min
  • TAKE CARE OF MY BABY: Nancy On Letting Go And Finding Her New Role In The Business
    Sep 16 2022

    In this latest episode of Nancy Anderson Fit, Nancy shares her story about moving on from being the CEO of the company and handing it over to Max.


    Nancy shares how it was really challenging for her to let go and eventually come to a realization that it’s ok and discover her true role in the business.


    Episode Highlights:

    • Regret working the business together
    • The hesitation in handing over the business
    • Finding her right role in the company
    • The challenge of working together
    • Finally taking off the pressure


    “it took me like months to get to the point where I felt comfortable in owning the role of which I should be in, in the company, which is not the CEO, and it is more of like, titles I think are so dumb, that didn't really matter. But working just more with optimizing coaching, content, creative, and product development, that's what I need to be doing.” - Nancy Anderson on finding a new role for herself


    If you love getting fit with Nancy, then check out the links below and get fit AF!

    Find me on social media: https://www.facebook.com/nancyanderso...



    Find my digital programs & courses: www.nancyandersonfit.com

    Try a week free in home friendly workouts at www.treadthrill.com

    Try a week free in-home friendly workouts for pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and post-pregnancy at www.moveyourbump.mom


    Voir plus Voir moins
    15 min
  • LET’S BLOW SOME SH*T UP: Fireworks Fails, Annoyances, And Ambitions
    Sep 14 2022

    Nancy and Max are back to answer another set of questions about the 4th of July, annoying stuff about each other, and ambitions in this latest episode of Nancy Anderson Fit. The couple looks back on learning experiences involving fireworks, their kids, and cops.


    Episode Highlights:

    • Max's epic fireworks fail
    • What annoys Nancy and Max about each other
    • Falling for Max's ambition
    • Non-negotiables in a relationship


    “Ambition can be applied to really anything like you're ambitious to create an amazing family, to create a career, to reach your dreams, to nourish a relationship you're invested in. Ambition can be a wide range.” - Nancy Anderson on having ambitions


    If you love getting fit with Nancy, then check out the links below and get fit AF!

    Find me on social media: https://www.facebook.com/nancyanderso...



    Find my digital programs & courses: www.nancyandersonfit.com

    Try a week free in home friendly workouts at www.treadthrill.com

    Try a week free in-home friendly workouts for pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and post-pregnancy at www.moveyourbump.mom


    Voir plus Voir moins
    15 min
  • ON COPYCATS, JALAPEN*S, AND STALKERS: Some Real Talk + Sharing Wild, Embarrassing, And Horrific Moments
    Sep 12 2022

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. NOPE.


    Nancy and Max are back and they will be talking about the problem with copycats. The couple will also get down and dirty with steamy questions on sex and dating.


    Tune in and discover the couple’s most embarrassing moments in bed and dating!


    Episode Highlights:

    • Stop doing that, copycat!
    • Hot seats and steamy questions
    • Max's sexy time with jalapen*s
    • Sharing embarrassing moments together
    • Nancy's ex/stalker


    “Don't copy me. It's like, I'm just kidding. you've copied my handle, I guess it's fine. But it's not actually that fine. Like, think of your own thing.”

    - Nancy Anderson’s message to copycats


    If you love getting fit with Nancy, then check out the links below and get fit AF!


    Find me on social media: https://www.facebook.com/nancyandersonfitness https://www.instagram.com/nancyandersonfit/ https://www.tiktok.com/@nancyandersonfit

    Find my digital programs & courses: www.nancyandersonfit.com

    Try a week free in home friendly workouts at www.treadthrill.com

    Try a week free in-home friendly workouts for pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and post-pregnancy at www.moveyourbump.mom


    Voir plus Voir moins
    14 min
  • A WHOLE LOTTA LOVIN’: Sexy Time Spikes, Honesty Strikes, And A Lot Of Scoop You’ll Like
    Sep 6 2022

    A whole lotta action, a whole lotta honesty, and a whole lotta figuring out.


    In this episode of Nancy Anderson Fit, Nancy and Max are back to talk about getting it done in the sheets A LOT, and some funny stories about being brutally honest and being on the other side of it.


    Watch out as Nancy gets fired up as somebody’s got a crush on Max!


    Episode Highlights:

    • Max is getting too much action?
    • Being bRUDEally honest
    • Puzzling around ovulation
    • Oh Michelle with a smiley face...


    “Sometimes I do just, I'm like brutally honest, and I don't realize that honesty is actually pretty rude, and then the person receiving it is probably like, oh my God, she said the rudest thing. But in my mind, I wasn't being rude, I'm just being like, honest.” - Nancy Anderson


    If you love getting fit with Nancy, then check out the links below and get fit AF!

    Find me on social media: https://www.facebook.com/nancyandersonfitness



    Find my digital programs & courses: www.nancyandersonfit.com

    Try a week free in home friendly workouts at www.treadthrill.com

    Try a week free in-home friendly workouts for pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and post-pregnancy at www.moveyourbump.mom


    Voir plus Voir moins
    15 min
  • WILD WEDNESDAY Shameful Sex, Disaster Dating, Sex + Tips on Keeping the Love Alive
    Aug 19 2022

    It’s Wild Wednesday! I can’t believe I’ve constantly put out episodes with my husband, my baby daddy, Max Anderson. 

    Today, we have fun sharing crazy stories about: 

    • Our most embarrassing sex stories 
    • Our most embarrassing dating experiences
    • Our partner’s habits which are annoying AF 

    Max and I also had a serious conversation about our non-negotiables when it comes to our relationship and how we manage to do business together. It’s not always rainbows and lollipops, it’s extremely difficult, but somehow we make it work. It’s because we don’t think that no one is better than the other, our skills just complement each other well! 

    Bonus: *someone’s* story of “creepy” dirty talking (LOL!) 

    Find me on social media:

    https://www.facebook.com/nancyandersonfitness https://www.instagram.com/nancyandersonfit/ https://www.tiktok.com/@nancyandersonfit

    Find my digital programs & courses: www.nancyandersonfit.com

    Try a week free in home friendly workouts at www.treadthrill.com

    Try a week free in-home friendly workouts for pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and post-pregnancy at www.moveyourbump.mom


    Voir plus Voir moins
    57 min