
  • This working mom exclusviely pumped for TWINS for 9 months on her own terms // Megans Story
    Jan 8 2025

    Megan really wanted to feed her twins at the breast, but switched to exclusive pumping after 10 days of struggling hoping pumping would be easier... but it wasn't! Her goal was 50oz a day for her twins, and after joining our program she was able to hit and maintain that goal for as long as it suited her life. Her story is inspiring, raw, and real.

    I was also a guest on Megan's podcast! Listen to our episode here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/meg-how-to-increase-milk-supply-exclusive-pumping-tips/id1705552952?i=1000661611786

    _READY TO GET HELP?_ WORKING MOMS // If you want pumping to feel easy and simple by pumping fast and efficiently to protect your milk supply after returning to work, click the link below to schedule a time to speak with us about our long-term support program *Pumping for Working Moms*:https://bit.ly/3PjZ3lh


    Watch the full video interview here ---> https://youtu.be/q1k7gMEpStk

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    46 min
  • This 8-figure business owner found PEACE and CONTROL while breastfeeding \\ Sunny's Story
    Dec 4 2024

    Sunny is an eight-figure entrepreneur, business mentor, and also a new mom. When she became a mother, she found that she needed help to meet her breastfeeding goals while continuing to run her business in the peaceful and intentional way she always has. In this video, she discusses the challenges and triumphs of navigating motherhood while being the CEO of a wildly successful business. Sunny opens up about her experience with breastfeeding, managing a pumping routine, and finding balance between her professional and personal life. From sleepless nights and hormonal shifts to the strategies that brought her peace and sustainability, Sunny found confidence, control, and peace in her back-to-work breastfeeding experience with the help of our coaching program.

    *It was an honor to help and interview the woman who helped me build my coaching business* 🥹

    Are you a high-achieving breastfeeding mother looking for an efficient & effective plan? It's here 👉 https://bit.ly/3Zp9mKM

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h
  • "Maybe I would have hit my goal on my own, but it would have been SO MUCH HARDER" \\ Whitney's Story
    Nov 6 2024

    Whitney's 1st year included busy work as a pathologist, building a freezer stash, moving that stash across the country for a job change, a baby who doesn't sleep, and so much more! She was able to simplify the process with the help of our team of expert pumping coaches and our community of working moms. Her story is so relatable! Life happens, and she EXCEEDED her breastfeeding goals with EASE! Don't miss this...

    READY TO GET HELP? WORKING MOMS // If you want pumping to feel easy and simple by pumping fast and efficiently to protect your milk supply after returning to work, click the link below to schedule a time to speak with us about our long-term support program *Pumping for Working Moms*: https://bit.ly/40xTKFt

    Watch the whole video, here! https://youtu.be/_7W1euKDMRo

    Voir plus Voir moins
    55 min
  • This Physical Therapist was DETERMINED to find a better way the 2nd time around...\\ Heather's Story
    Oct 2 2024

    Heather is a physical therapist who had a rough first journey pumping at work. She was determined to make it better the second time.. and she did! She has wonderful tips, tricks, and insights that she shares with you in her story here.

    _READY TO GET HELP?_ WORKING MOMS // If you want pumping to feel easy and simple by pumping fast and efficiently to protect your milk supply after returning to work, click the link below to schedule a time to speak with us about our long-term support program *Pumping for Working Moms*: https://bit.ly/3N63sal


    Watch the full video interview here ---> https://youtu.be/XS9ruSiU8F8

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • How this Midwife found a way to continue breastfeeding in a BUSY job! // Janet's Story
    Sep 4 2024

    Janet had long-term breastfeeding goals, and also a BUSY job she loves. Despite experience and training in the world of birth, she knew she needed help figuring out pumping. She notices a clear difference between her breast pump and her baby, but has found ways to make it work. She shares her experiences and tips with you here!


    _READY TO GET HELP?_ WORKING MOMS // If you want pumping to feel easy and simple by pumping fast and efficiently to protect your milk supply after returning to work, click the link below to schedule a time to speak with us about our long-term support program *Pumping for Working Moms*: https://bit.ly/3Wlu7UE


    Watch the full video interview here ---> https://youtu.be/XS9ruSiU8F8

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min
  • From counting down the days until 1 year to going BEYOND the mark! // Lhea's story
    Aug 7 2024

    Lhea has literally been counting down the days until she could stop pumping for the better part of a year, but now that her little one had a birthday, she's finding it difficult to stop! Thankfully, pumping has become an easy and predictable part of your life so she's in total control of her experience. Her story is amazing!


    READY TO JOIN US? WORKING MOMS // Start pumping FAST and EFFICIENTLY inside the Pumping for Working Moms Program to keep your milk supply strong after returning to work!

    📞 Schedule a call with the New Little Life Team to learn more and join! 📞



    Watch the full video interview here ---> https://youtu.be/WBet2mGiuZg

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min
  • Low baby weight gain at 4 weeks and formula recommendations... She choose to master pumping instead! // Client Interview with Christiana
    Jun 5 2024

    Christiana came to us after she had a visit with her pediatrician at 4 weeks where she learned her baby was not gaining weight well. He recommended formula as the solution, but she had strong desires to breastfeed. Knowing she would also be returning to work, she joined the Pumping for Working Moms Program and started learning about her body, her milk supply, and how to best feed her baby. She has continued to navigate this while in the workplace! She lives in Switzerland and faces unique challenges there as well. You don't want to miss this story!!


    READY TO JOIN US? WORKING MOMS // Start pumping FAST and EFFICIENTLY inside the Pumping for Working Moms Program to keep your milk supply strong after returning to work!

    📞 Schedule a call with the New Little Life Team to learn more and join! 📞



    Watch the full video interview here ---> https://youtu.be/XD0iEmLqnZ8

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • This 2TM found PEACE in PUMPING after a difficult first experience with overwhelm and oversupply // Client Interview with Lauren
    May 8 2024

    If you had a poor experience pumping previously, it doesn't have to be that way again! Apply for help: https://www.newlittlelife.com/apply

    Lauren's story is like so many other working moms, and even with an oversupply, she quickly found her supply decreasing and overwhelming creeping in. She and her husband were determined to find an easier way the 2nd time around. Her story is inspiring!


    READY TO JOIN US? WORKING MOMS // Start pumping FAST and EFFICIENTLY inside the Pumping for Working Moms Program to keep your milk supply strong after returning to work!

    📞 Schedule a call with the New Little Life Team to learn more and join! 📞



    Watch the full video interview here ---


    Voir plus Voir moins
    44 min