
  • Interview with Emily Sander
    Apr 16 2024

    From the c-suite to executive leadership coach and author, Emily Sander was a pleasure to have join me on One Sharp Sword.

    Superman is Emily’s favorite Superhero. As with Clark Kent, Emily is adopted. She also uses - and encourages others to use - the superpowers for good and to never give up.

    She enjoyed business and leadership and especially loves 1:1 interactions where small points of leverage make a huge difference.

    Emily notes that the #1 skill someone can have is communication. And, with that skill comes the adaptability about both listening and conveying information to the person or people in front of you, each of whom likely have a different style from you. Huge leadership tidbit, here!

    She notes that many execs (I’d say almost all) hit a point of questioning what it’s all for.

    We discussed the existential dilemma which brought us down a great rabbit hole worth exploring!

    Skill for self: Be deliberate and avoid distractions.

    Emily provides us with food for thought noting that we need to question whether in putting things off for someday or “one day,” is it one day or day one? Again, be deliberate!

    Books -

    • Hacking Executive Leadership
    • An Insider’s Perspective on the Chief of Staff
    • Private Equity Investments

    Find Emily Sander on LinkedIn and be sure to check out her books and her coaching offerings at www.NextLevel.Coach

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    45 min
  • Interview with Alain Hunkins
    Apr 9 2024

    GREAT conversation with Alain today. From the culture he grew up with to how he guides leaders today, you’ll get a lot out of listening.

    His three Cs are key to leadership, whether at home or in your organization:

    • Connection
    • Communication
    • Collaboration

    And he spoke of Consistency, which I’d call a 4th C in his model.

    Alain’s book Cracking the Leadership Code is worth picking up!

    We connect as human beings. Our world demands people who can think and co-create within an organization.

    Leaders must find a way to convey that each employee feels valued and cared for. That’s how you get real connection.

    Communication is about creating shared, mutual understanding. If you assume that the default is that what is being communicated will be misunderstood, what will you need to do to ensure true understanding?

    Collaboration means creating the culture together by asking the question of what gets the BEST out of people.

    In the interview, we discussed the graying of the workforce, mentorship, and remote work. Super interesting!

    Consistency counts and so does actively seeking feedback (so that you can get better).

    Think about this, too. It’s called the Fundamental Attribution Error: We justify our actions based on our intentions. Others judge us based on the outcomes and results.

    Find Alain Hunkins on LinkedIn and visit www.AlainHunkins.com for more!

    Please LIKE, COMMENT, AND SHARE this with your friends and colleagues!

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    41 min
  • Interview with Aaron Trahan
    Apr 2 2024

    A performance coach coming from the corporate sector who, after reflecting on what he wished he had been taught, Aaron Trahan set out on his path as a coach. He now helps others in leadership roles.

    He notes that complacency must be met head on. Current success could block your future success if you allow yourself to get too comfortable.

    While it’s easy to get comfortable, he also knows that no one says that they don’t want to get better results.

    The remedy: Get a bit uncomfortable. That discomfort is you stepping out of your comfort zone.

    The biggest thing that stops people - they think they have to be ready or that they have to do things perfectly. Forget perfect. Start. Take imperfect.

    Aaron’s five-level methodology demands strength at each level:

    1. Mindset - you need to believe that more is actually possible for you
    2. Awareness -
    3. Clarity -
    4. Vision, Milestones, Goals
    5. Accountability

    Take action.

    Test your “why.”

    Filter what is IN and what is a distraction.

    Focus and Attention correlates with Speed and Progress

    Check out more at www.PerformanceMindsetCoaching.co

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    49 min
  • Interview with Hugh Ballou
    Mar 26 2024

    What does a musician and conductor know about leadership? My guest, Hugh Ballou, sees his work at conducting transformations. He defines what leadership is and isn’t and what components go into great leadership. His company, SynerVision is a crossover between synergy and vision. Here are some key points. Listen in for more!

    • Leadership isn’t dictatorship - the leader is an influencer!
    • In an orchestra, the leader knows the score and everyone playing knows their part
    • Infrastructure is everything, what you’re playing is almost secondary
    • It all comes together - through practice, performance, clarity, and community
    • BIG LEADERSHIP LESSON: Rather than tell people what to do, state your expectation and your availability to mentor. THIS IS A PARENTING TIP, TOO. (Just be sure you’re walking the talk and not asking others to do as you say, not as you do.)
    • THE CULTURE IS A REFLECTION of the leader!
    • Rehearse Excellence
    • Four foundational leadership principles:
      • Vision = The Score
        • Be ready to articulate the vision
      • Relationships and Building a Team
        • Hire The Best
      • Systems - create systems that help your team do their jobs
        • That includes the way you run meetings (bad meetings kill productivity)
      • Value the Rests
        • You can’t drive and push all the time. You’ve got to create emphatic balance through clarifying punctuation.

    Find more about Hugh at:



    And for a free, 31-day leadership program, 5 minutes/day, go to www.BetterLeader.me

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    44 min
  • Interview with Hesha Abrams
    Mar 19 2024

    Can you get excited about conflict?

    There’s an old movie from 1950 that caught my attention. It predates me, but still enchanted me. The play-turned-movie is Harvey. The main character, Elmer P. Dowd, finds people in an uproar talking about what he believes in. Elmer’s response, “Oh an element of conflict in any discussion is a very good thing. It shows everybody is taking part and nobody is left out. I like that.”

    Hesha Abrams is an attorney-turned-mediator, something she’s done for the past three decades. Her wisdom is epic and has lessons we can all learn from.

    Conflict resolution has shortcuts. Mediation is about talking to work out deals. The idea of “win-win” doesn’t work because there’s all too often someone’s ego involved. There’s either fear or a desire to dominate. That never makes for an equitable win-win. Logic, reason, and rationale do not solve problems.

    Key points from this episode with Hesha Abrams:

    • Problems are solved at an emotional level.
    • Even economic decisions are managed emotionally
    • People might not be playing to win, but they ARE playing not to lose. (Note: think about that for your own life)
    • Some people want to be right; most people do not want to be wrong. (The embarrassment might imply being outcast and ultimately alone.)
    • Look for/listen for the power dynamic in any interaction
    • Language matters -
      • Request permission
      • Ask if the other person would “like” what you’re offering
        • “May I share a story with you? Would you like it if I shared….”
    • Look for where it becomes okay to make a deal
    • Interrupt strategically: “Do you know what I like/respect/admire about you?”
    • Name the emotion
    • Validate
    • Turn on the give-a-darn meter

    Empower by taking responsibility. Apologize. Request a “do-over.” This gives the other person the power to say yes and allows you to model a culture that you value.

    Hesha and her resources may be found at:

    website: www.HoldingTheCalm.com And her book: HOLDING THE CALM

    website: www.heshaabramsmediation.com

    LinkedIn: hesha-abrams-esq https://www.linkedin.com/in/hesha-abrams-esq/

    Facebook: HeshaAbramsHoldingTheCalm https://www.facebook.com/HeshaAbramsHoldingTheCalm

    You Tube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPcPngGiIF-GlC8w1l3sH8A

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    53 min
  • Interview with Kevin Gazzara
    Mar 12 2024

    Having grown up in PA, Dr. Kevin Gazzara had a propensity for taking things apart and putting them back together, it was a natural curiosity that drove him. He found himself organizing events for his friends. And what do you get when you have a curious kid who likes to organize? A focus on business and engineering.

    After decades with Intel and other organizations, Kevin took to entrepreneurship. He became an executive coach, putting his experience to great use. His focus: productivity and building teams.

    He believes in action learning, engaging those he teaches to have immediate, practical impact. He looks at six key areas:

    • Behavioral styles
    • Communication and conflict
    • Values and guiding people to their natural place of Flow
    • Critical Thinking (so absent and so important these days)
    • Leadership Styles
    • Motivation & Engagement - here, he notes that you cannot motivate someone else. You can create the circumstances or environment that helps them to feel motivated.

    Pain Points in most organizations include:

    • Retention (and Kevin notes that this starts with hiring correctly)
    • Motivation (and here, Kevin suggests asking a couple of questions so that rewards are unique to the individual - I’d add that this crosses over to family, as well)
      • What three things might you like as recognition (surprise, when you really dig, you’ll find it’s not money as #1)
      • How do you like that delivered, publicly or privately?
      • And a caution NOT to overuse recognition.

    Leadership and management lessons can cross over to parenting if you think about it. I like to build that bridge. We want to build upon values and create autonomy by building mastery and purpose. Along the way, there’s accountability.

    The lessons here are great for everyone, from leaders to family members!

    Check out The Leader of Oz (Kevin’s book) at www.Coachsultants.com

    Kevin and his team can be found at https://MagnaLeadership.com and Positive Intelligence info is at https://PQTrainingAndCoaching.com

    And be sure to look for a special gift at www.MagnaLeader.co/GIFT (GIFT is all caps)

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    53 min
  • Interview with Roy Osing
    Mar 5 2024

    What’s the ONLY thing you need to know about my guest this episode? Roy Osing is the ONLY author, entrepreneur, and executive leader who delivers practical and proven “audacious and unheard-of ways” to produce high-performing businesses and successful careers.

    His focus is on helping build what he calls The ONLY Statement, identifying what makes each individual or business stand out above everyone else. The key here is that if you claim to be The Only one doing something, you’ve basically owned that field.

    His brand (website, book, etc.) is www.BeDifferentOrBeDead.com focuses on differentiation. Roy notes that you have to learn to satisfy clothes in a way that matters to them. Figure out what you need to do “in a superlative way.”

    In terms of the norm, common, average, or herd-mentality way, you can either comply with or confront that flow. Roy and I agree that it’s exceptionally important for business leaders and, truly any of us as individuals, to find that natural expression of self.

    While he doesn’t call it this, what his approach gets back to is First Principles: that is, if we look at the current situation and started over with our thinking, not knowing what we know about what society expects of us, how would we approach this for the best possible outcome? How can we do this (whatever “this” is) differently?

    I created a bridge in our discussion, noting that this question lands as exceptionally important both in business and in your personal relationships, as well. This is what Roy calls the “Be Different lens.”

    As you look at being different, it’s important to recognize you can niche way down and still have a great business. Roy invites you, the listener, to decide who you’re going to serve (aka, the Target Market). And again, building a bridge from the business world to your home life, that could be a family member (partner, parent, child, etc.).

    Then determine what they CRAVE, not what they need. You can, of course take care of the basic needs. And once done, “you’ve earned the right to dazzle.”

    THE ONLY Statement and Strategic Game Planning Process is done relatively quickly.

    • How big do you want to be in 24-months (24 thirty-day periods)?
    • Where do you make your money? That is, who will you serve and what do they crave?
      • Remember, you need to stop thinking about the product or service you offer and focus on what your market needs and craves.
    • Create The Only statement to compete and win in your customer groups.

    Find Roy at www.BeDifferentOrBeDead.com and at Roy.Osing@gmail.com

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    46 min
  • Interview with Noah St. John
    Feb 27 2024

    I often have guests with a similar focus to mine as a way to look at differing approaches. Noah St. John has a great message and has managed to distill it into multiple columns, maximizing how that message gets out.

    He’s a best selling author, a speaker, and an executive coach. And, his results are undeniable.

    He went from living literally dirt-poor while growing up to becoming a multi-millionaire by helping others become successful.

    He bounced from a suicide attempt to finding his purpose. He’s a writer and a synthesizer of information. He looks for the missing pieces of information that’s out there and offers those in frameworks that anyone can learn from.

    His offerings include Power Habits (a book and online course) focusing on the subconscious habits of successful people. One habit he shared with the audience is Asking Empowering Questions (something I discussed in my blog about a year ago, so super important to dive into). There’s a difference between affirmations and asking positive/empowering questions of your subconscious.

    He offers his Seven Figure Expert book for free (just pay his shipping charges) at www.SevenFigureExpertBook.com

    Here, he discusses the inner game and the outer game for selling your guidance as a service. Work on your mindset, then work on your offers, funnels, and getting traffic.

    And Noah invites you to set up a consultation with him at www.BreakThroughWithNoah.com

    And learn more about him and his offerings at www.NoahStJohn.com

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    35 min