
  • S1E14 Information Overload ~ Finding Gold in Murky Waters
    Mar 19 2021

    Building on prior episodes, Kristi shares ways to be aware of and distill the information you are absorbing. As we grow and expand, it's natural to reach outside of ourselves for wisdom, teachings, Truths. Eventually, that path needs to lead back to the heart of the matter ... to inner discernment, resonance, and Knowing. Gain a better understanding of this process, of what to look for, and ultimately how to hone in on and experience your own Higher Guidance, inner wisdom, gifts, spiritual toolbox, etc. Kristi shares exercises to help you connect with these innate systems and to see yourSELF and your life in  new ways that allow you to expand beyond self-limiting beLIEfs and mental constructs that may be leading you to live a smaller verison of yourSELF.How do our opportunities and strengths sometimes show up hidden in challenge or resistance? How can we find and reintegrate missing or lost parts of our BEing? We often set foot on a path of learning and discovery focused on the finish line. What if there is more to be had by extending that quest and sleuthing out the gold nuggets we have unconsciously hidden in plain sight!

    Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst should not be solely used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder, and is not a substitute for licensed medical or psychological treatment. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or online do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome. Please consult a doctor or other health professional if you have any concerns regarding your health and/or mental well-being.

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    Moins d'une minute
  • S1E13 Taking Back Your Personal Power ... Reclaiming the SELF
    Mar 6 2021

    Kristi shares insights, perceptions, guidance and loving energies to support see(z)ing a more expansive sense of ourSelves. Healing and expansion focused on forgiveness of self and others, finding and re-membering the gift of you, and dancing in the spiral energies that guide, nourish and anchor us here. Tips and suggestions; your opportunities and participating in healing beyond space and time.

    Live group healing for breast wellness, expansion, and clearing in the heart chakra added in lieu of live-caller announcements and cut-outs from internet issues. Kristi's blog "Four Ways to Connect with Forgiveness". Other goodies and booking links at www.PerspectiveReboot.com.

    Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst should not be solely used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder, and is not a substitute for licensed medical or psychological treatment. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or online do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome. Please consult a doctor or other health professional if you have any concerns regarding your health and/or mental well-being. As noted, do not drive or operate heavy machinery during the guided energy-healing segment.

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    42 min
  • S1E12 Trusting Your Path and Its Fulfillment ... Focus Force Faith
    Feb 13 2021

    In each moment, we have Creator abilities to choose our reality and to live the life we want to express. However, sometimes the 8-track of past mis-takes and choices is playing too loudly in our heads. Let's move past that. Bring your reality into focus, define it, shape it with an expanded sense of Focus Force Faith! What's happening when things seem like they're not happening? How can challenge be viewed as opportunity?

    Near the end of the episode, Kristi shares a mini, intuitive healing session with Bonnie. Bonnie noticed a cricket-like tinnitus as she was recovering from concurrent illnesses. As Bonnie's awareness of the message with her health and lifestyle and her body realized she was getting the message, she noticed the sound had noticeably reduced. You can visit Kristi at www.PerspectiveReboot.com. This segment was edited to remove the call-in number and to update Kristi's contact information.

    Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst should not be solely used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder, and is not a substitute for licensed medical or psychological treatment. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or online do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome. Please consult a doctor or other health professional if you have any concerns regarding your health and/or mental well-being. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery if you are focusing on the tinnitus energy-healing session within this show.

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    40 min
  • S1E11 How Color Affects You on Many Levels ... Mind Body Spirit Emotions
    Feb 11 2021

    Color brings a richness to our world and color's messages provide surprising insights for mind-body-spirit-emotions! Kristi brings white full-spectrum light into focus, sharing information on individual colors and how they affect us and help detect our nuances. The information here will help you understand how to use color, how to multi-dimensionally observe color, and how colors are used to influence you. Employ color in self awareness and self healing to enhance your living, healing, and spiritual growth. Explore what your favorite and least favorite colors are telling you.

    Near the end of the episode, Kristi shares a mini healing session for Theresa's chronic neck and upper back pain. There was also some quick release of jaw tension. "The pain was a 9, now it's a 2," Theresa later shared on FB. You can visit Kristi at www.PerspectiveReboot.com. This segment was edited to remove the call-in number and to update Kristi's contact information. Link to Kristi's Healing Fractal Artwork.

    Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst should not be solely used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder, and is not a substitute for licensed medical or psychological treatment. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or online do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome. Please consult a doctor or other health professional if you have any concerns regarding your health and/or mental well-being. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery if you are focusing on the live-caller energy healing within this show.

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    39 min
  • S1E10 Releasing Fear of Dying Puts Living In Perspective with Guest Mary Karman
    Feb 10 2021

    As we let go of our fear of dying, we can truly live and thrive in this NOW! Kristi is joined by Mary Karman of Heart Light Healing. Mary had a multi-level near-death experience in 2010 which she calls her "near LOVE experience". Mary shares messages and perceptions experienced "on the other side". Join us as we discuss the love that connects us and living with the knowledge that there is more to us than this human identity we wear. Sorry for sporadic audio dips on Mary's line.

    Despite invitations, there was no live caller for mini integrative mind-body-spirit-emotions healing, so Kristi provides a Perspective Reboot® group healing segment. The overall focus was on releasing fear from lack of control (e.g., fear of ticks). Adapt this for YOUR fear. You can visit Kristi at www.PerspectiveReboot.com. This segment was edited to remove the call-in number and to update Kristi's contact information.

    Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst should not be solely used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder, and is not a substitute for licensed medical or psychological treatment. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or online do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome. Please consult a doctor or other health professional if you have any concerns regarding your health and/or mental well-being. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery if you are focusing on the group energy healing segment of this show.

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    40 min
  • S1E9 Avoiding Spin-outs and Taking Control in Life's Fast Lane
    Feb 8 2021

    Do you ever feel like your life is out of control? Everywhere you look you find drama and struggle. Life is not easy. "Why me?" you ask. Perhaps it's a question of perspective. Are you keeping your "eye on the prize"? Or are you watching what everyone else is doing? Judging? Comparing? Basically, spinning out of control and, in the process, taking yourself out of the race.

    Perhaps it's a question of perspective. Take-away viewpoints and strategies that help avoid spin outs and stay on the course of wellness and joy. Near the end of the episode, Kristi shares a mini intuitive healing session with Elizabeth to help her calm down elusive digestive tract issues. "Just wanted to say thank you. I called into the radio with stomach issues and you really helped me more than anyone!" Elizabeth [rec'd via email] You can visit Kristi at www.PerspectiveReboot.com. Read Kristi's Blog on this subject. This episode was edited to remove the call-in number and to update Kristi's contact information.

    Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst should not be solely used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder, and is not a substitute for licensed medical or psychological treatment. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or online do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome. Please consult a doctor or other health professional if you have any concerns regarding your health and/or mental well-being. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery if you are focusing on the live-caller energy healing within this show.

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    42 min
  • S1E8 Finding Your Internal Guidance System with Guest Jeffrey Chappell
    Feb 6 2021

    You, too, can have access to Higher Knowing, with answers to everyday issues AND the “big” questions! When he was just 13, Jeffrey Chappell "entered the  silence" and began hearing answers to his most difficult life struggles from his "Enlightened Self". His "Answers from  Silence", contains many of these Truths and insights, and has become an international best seller. Kristi and Jeffrey discuss ways in which to connect with your highest and best on this  level. Realize that connection IS now. It always has and will be there for  you.

    Before the end of the show, Kristi provided a mini Perspective Reboot® session with Nina to release grief of the loss of the physical presence of her husband. You can visit Kristi at www.PerspectiveReboot.com. This segment was edited to remove the call-in number and upcoming events, and to update contact information.

    Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst should not be solely used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder, and is not a substitute for licensed medical or psychological treatment. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or online do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome. Please consult a doctor or other health professional if you have any concerns regarding your health and/or mental well-being. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery if you are focusing on the audience call-in energy healing within this show.

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    42 min
  • S1E7 Mind Body Emotions Connection ... Energy Healing Across Time and Space
    Feb 3 2021

    We think of ourselves largely in physical terms. But like fashion that starts in the mind of the designer or our houses that start on the drafting table, the non-physical always precedes physical here. Our bodies are affected by our thoughts, beLIEfs and emotions. Kristi explains spiritual energy healing across distance and past/present/future. She shares Perspective Reboot® session examples of the UNease found and released at the root of DIS-ease. See(ze)  better choices for your health and happiness.

    Kristi gifted an integrative mind-body-spirit-emotions healing to on-air caller, Mary, who was in intense pain at the site of failed hip replacement surgeries. You can read more about Kristi and her healing and empowerment sessions as www.PerspectiveReboot.com. Suggested companion blogs are "What Is Physical Pain Telling You About Your Emotions, Life Traumas, Fears?" and "These 7 Chakras Offer Insights for Your Improved Health and Happiness PLUS Gateways to Natural Healing. Live call-in number was removed and Kristi's contact information has been updated.

    Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst should not be solely used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder, and is not a substitute for licensed medical or psychological treatment. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or online do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome. Please consult a doctor or other health professional if you have any concerns regarding your health and/or mental well-being. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery if you are focusing on the on-air energy segment within this show.

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    40 min