
  • Deirdre Tshien's Journey to Capsho: Automated Content Creation to Grow Your Podcast
    Dec 13 2022

    In this episode, CEO Deirdre Tshien of Capsho helps podcasters create compelling show notes, transcripts, and promotional copy in under ten minutes, unlocking the key to monetizing their podcasting efforts in a time-saving and powerful way.

    "Content dripping is how we use our podcast content to create other assets that not only hook people in and have them join our community, but actually spend a good amount of time with us, coming to know, like, and trust us so that it becomes a no brainer for them to open their wallet up to us when they're ready." - Deirdre Tshien

    Deirdre Tshien is the CEO and co-founder of Capsho, a platform that helps podcasters create show notes, transcripts, and promotional copy quickly and efficiently. She created the platform out of a need to make her own podcast more successful and has since helped many podcasters maximize their content.

    Deirdre was a successful business coach, but wanted to find a way to take her podcast to the next level and monetize it. After experimenting with different strategies, she created the concept of content dripping, which she then developed into Capsho, a platform to help podcasters quickly and easily create show notes, transcripts, and promotional copy. Capsho has become a valuable resource for podcasters looking to maximize their reach and monetize their content. After a turbulent launch in June 2022, Capsho has become a successful and trusted platform for podcasts, and Deirdre is now sharing her knowledge and expertise with the community.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    1. How Capsho is the fastest way to market and grow a podcast

    2. How Content Honey Traps can be used to hook and delight potential listeners

    3. How Capsho has smarts to help save time on editing podcast components.

    Capsho Website Link: https://www.capsho.com/

    Grow My Podcast Show Link: https://www.growmypodcastshow.com/

    Youtube Tutorial: Link

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at mathew@thepodcastconsultant.com.

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

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    36 min
  • How to Sell Your Podcast with Heather Osgood
    Oct 11 2022

    Have you ever considered selling your podcast?

    In the world of bitcoin, NFT, and the metaverse, we see a new digital asset economy where value is being derived and sold in new ways. In the podcast world, we have witnessed million-dollar deals inked for new podcasts, but as Heather explains today, the ability to sell your podcast, like you would a brand, is just getting started.


    · What was the genesis for The Podcast Broker (1:21)

    · How does one prepare to sell a podcast (2:38)

    · What kind of back-end business structure is needed (5:00)

    · Who are the ones selling a podcast in the industry (7:36)

    · What are the downsides of taking over a podcast (9:42)

    · Is it the big payday people might wish (13:10)

    · How does the broker get paid (20:23)

    · Next steps if you think your podcast is ready (21:58)

    · What is the landscape look like for advertisers (23:40)

    Website: The Podcast Broker

    Heather Osgood

    Co-Founder of The Podcast Broker

    Also Founder of True Native Media

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at mathew@thepodcastconsultant.com.

    Join the Podcast Me Anything Facebook Group

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

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    27 min
  • How to be a Good Guest on a Podcast
    Jul 19 2022

    How many podcasts have you been a guest for?

    As we discuss in today's episodes, being a guest on other podcasts is one of the highest returns on investments of time you can have. A lot goes into being a good guest, message, sound quality, and the right type of podcast.

    It can be overwhelming all by itself, just podcasting add guesting on top of that, but as Mathew helps us see there is a process, it's a lot easier than we think once we get started. But as most things seem really difficult in the beginning once we get started, that first jump is always much shorter than it looks.


    · What do we need to know with regards to live streaming a podcast (1:08)

    · Picking what social platforms you will live stream on (3:05)

    · How do you give a clear call to action when you are streaming on multiple platforms (5:36)

    · Understanding your funnel (7:51)

    · Guesting on other podcasts (11:16)

    · Exciting results from collaborating with other podcasts (12:27)

    · Guesting is free advertising that doesn't expire (18:47)

    · The importance of having a website before you start (20:43)

    · What to know before pitching yourself to other podcasts (23:14)

    · Launching a book? What not to do (30:00)

    · How to pitch to be a guest on a large podcast (34:51)

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at mathew@thepodcastconsultant.com.

    Join the Podcast Me Anything Facebook Group

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

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    47 min
  • Advocating for Pro-Choice Through Podcasting With Arielle Nissenblatt
    Jul 12 2022

    When Roe vs Wade was overturned, did you wonder how you could help?

    "Every podcaster has a voice" is the common language in the industry, but what happens when the voices combine to advocate for change? That is precisely what Arielle did with the recent Roe vs. Wade overturned issue. She posted a call to action on Twitter which exploded into people rallying around the effort and offering to play a consistent host read ad at the beginning of their episodes.

    It's a simple but powerful way where we collectively can influence a topic. But, as Arielle shares, this is just the beginning, and future causes will be added as the idea expands.

    Key Topics:

    · What is the call to action you have asked podcasters to do (3:33)

    · What were the expectations going into this idea (9:18)

    · What pushback from the effort has there been since it started (13:05)

    · How could others jump on board and help support other efforts (16:27)

    · What does the future look like for Podcast activism (19:06)

    · If a podcaster wants to support a future endeavor, where is the best place to connect (23:03)

    Host Read Ads Document

    Ad Campaign Planning Document

    Article on The Verge.com

    Tweet that started the movement

    Podvoices Contact Page

    Website link: (https://www.podvoices.help/)

    Social Links

    Community Manager at Squadcast

    Founder of Ear Buds Collective

    CO-Host of the Sounds Profitable News Podcast

    This and That With Arielle Nissenblatt Newsletter

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    25 min
  • How To Build a B2B Podcast
    Jun 28 2022

    Are you considering launching a B2B podcast?

    Designing the right podcast is hard enough, but designing a good B2B podcast is a lead of its own. It takes some sales, marketing, and business knowledge to align a funnel that attracts other businesses.

    On today’s show, we tackle some of the basic setup and ideas around what makes a good B2B podcast.

    · New equipment launch, Rodcaster II, and Vocaster from Focusrite (2:33)

    · How to make the decision when it’s the right time to upgrade to the latest and greatest (6:17)

    · Making the decision between big tech and little tech tools (9:29)

    · First steps when creating a B2B podcast (19:11)

    · What other kind of B2B podcast work (23:19)

    · Using the podcast to increase brand impression value (32:17)

    · When you are stuck or overwhelmed in podcasting, how do you get to know what is the right next step (41:05)

    · A little unknown hack to retire a podcast without paying every month (46:09)

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at mathew@thepodcastconsultant.com.

    Join the Podcast Me Anything Facebook Group

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

    ****Here are a list of resources for those needing/seeking safe and legal abortion services in the US that were mentioned during this episode's pre-roll.***

    • abortion.cafe - collection of abortion resources
    • shoutyourabortion.com - campaign to normalize abortion
    • donations4abortion.com - donate to support abortion funds by state
    • secure.actblue.com/donate/supportabortionfunds - donate to the national network of abortion funds (donations split between 80+ abortion funds)
    • usow.org/repro/volunteer - list of abortion clinics across the country that need volunteers
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    48 min
  • Podcast Etiquette
    Jun 14 2022

    What is the worst hot mic moment you have had in podcasting?

    Today Mathew opens up about a trend in the industry with the quality of guests and the worst hot mic moment he has had during a live recording. Even though it’s just audio, an interview is still a conversation, and the quality matters.

    A podcast host knows the work that goes into the podcast each week to produce it, but we often see that guests have never operated a podcast other than showing up. Often these guests come from different industries and bring a lot of bad habits with them.

    · Apple to allow third-party distribution of audio for Apple Subscriptions (3:12)

    · How will iOS adoption be impacted by this addiction (6:48)

    · Any change to the small podcaster (8:42)

    · What are some of the issues that you are having with unprofessionalism (13:55)

    · How has the paid guesting service impacted the politeness of guests (22:43)

    · How ego shows up in podcasting (24:37)

    · Why does TV seem to be above the issues in podcasting (27:49)

    · How do you handle a bad guest (30:41)

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at mathew@thepodcastconsultant.com.

    Join the Podcast Me Anything Facebook Group

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

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    39 min
  • How to Convert a Career in Media to Podcasting
    Jun 7 2022

    Ever thought your skills were worth more?

    If you have, you are not alone, and it happens to almost everyone at some point in our life that creates an inflection point where you make a change. Today on the podcast, we dive into Mathew’s story and background and how others in a media-related position could switch to podcasting to leverage those skills in an exciting new way.

    · Are Podcasts Getting Worse? (2:37)

    · Why a media background is perfect for podcasting (10:18)

    · What lessons did media teach you that prepared you for podcasting (15:53)

    · Finding the golden ideas that could be a launching platform to get started (22:42)

    · What made NPR a big success story for media that other outlets were not able to get as fast (26:15)

    · What are some of the best examples you have heard from others leaving their career in media (34:12)

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at mathew@thepodcastconsultant.com.

    Join the Podcast Me Anything Facebook Group

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

    Voir plus Voir moins
    44 min
  • How to Podcast About Controversy Respectfully
    May 31 2022

    Is your podcast about a controversial topic?

    How do you create a podcast that builds bridges on a complex topic versus tearing it down in a world that wants to cancel everything?

    A bridge is an integral part of any two sides understanding each other, and podcasting has always been a good bridge for conversations we need to be having. But getting started and navigating the landscape isn’t always easy, and even for the best podcasters in this space, it’s a skill practiced repeatedly.

    Listen today on how to get started, what to know, and how to be the change you want to see in the world through podcasting.

    · U.S. Podcast Advertising Revenue Hits $1.4 Billion in 2021 (2:48)

    · Underestimating the value of your podcast (5:00)

    · Finding what is the cost per lead for an advertiser (9:49)

    · Why a Podcast audit can help find advertisers (13:38)

    · How to avoid the foot in your mouth moments (17:09)

    · Being the model for what civil conversations can look like (27:47)

    · Preparing for hard conversations as the interviewer (34:43)

    · When does it make sense to swear on the podcast (44:56)

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at mathew@thepodcastconsultant.com.

    Join the Podcast Me Anything Facebook Group

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

    Voir plus Voir moins
    49 min