Podcasts for Psychologists and Coaches

Auteur(s): Podcasts for Psychologists and Coaches
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  • Psychologists and coaches are in a unique position to help others. They understand human behaviour and have the ability to relate to people on a personal level. With this podcast, our aim is to help psychologists and coaches develop advanced skills to make a difference in the lives of their clients.
    Institute of Clinical Hypnosis and Related Sciences
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  • Unlocking Success with the Power of Law of Requisite Variety in NLP
    Jun 22 2017
    In this post we will explore the NLP Presupposition of "The Law of Requisite Variety" and its application in life and during therapies. This picture quote by Thomas Edison—the inventor of the light bulb—is much more than just a daily motivation shot. We’ve always been taught to see Dr Edison as an example of never-ending determination and perspiration. Often when we refer to the word ‘determination’, we formulate an image of pursuing our goals with a horse-eyed vision. We often assign working hard as being the strict and only way to success, overlooking the need to work smart. Thus, we end up falling into a pattern of consistent behaviours that unknowingly keep us away from achieving our complete potential. Don’t you ever wonder: Why you weren’t able to score well in that particular subject in school? Why that girl never accepted your proposal? Why you couldn’t persuade your boss to give you that promotion? Why you haven’t accomplished all of those things in spite of doing all that you had? The answer to each of the above questions and many more lies in the simple fact that our minds have come to associate determination with a static identity that doesn’t allow us to change our way of doing things but instead lets us settle with whatever result that we get. In short:We become rigid with our behaviours & flexible about our outcomes or results. Thus, the aim is to consciously shift the flexibility that we assign to our outcomes, to our path of achieving it i.e. our behaviours. Side Note: The same quote can also be used to explain another presupposition "There is no failure, only feedback". What is the NLP law of requisite variety? The law of requisite variety suggests that, the most flexible element in the system generally controls the system. Rigidity in behaviour may make us lose control over the outcomes we receive. What good will shooting an email, asking for a raise, to your boss every month does if it hasn’t worked for an entire year? However, instead, if you purposefully choose to try something new — say increase the business you get to your firm each month — to show your boss that you deserve the raise you’ve been asking for, then there is an increased possibility for you to reach your desired outcome. If this doesn’t do the trick, you may come up with another way to impress your boss — say, take up a task your boss has been asking you to do but you’ve been reluctant in doing or maybe just changing the format, that you were using in the email, requesting for a raise. In a nutshell, what is being implied is that if you exhibit flexibility in your ways of acquiring your goals, then you increase the probability of achieving success in comparison to you sticking with the same old ways that are clearly not yielding any results. Therapists Niche Law of Requisite variety is an NLP Presupposition that therapists can immensely benefit from. It is important for therapists to avoid being too rigid about techniques they use with their clients. At times therapists likes a particular approach and they kind of get married to it. The approach they want to follow becomes more important than the outcome that the client wants to achieve. No matter who the client is and what problem the client has, they are just interested in following that one approach irrespective of whether a client gets the result or not. A good example of this is past life regression. I know of therapists who only use this process for all the clients. It is important to remember that a particular approach will work for some clients, but no particular approach really works with all clients. The therapist needs to be flexible to choose different approaches and processes depending upon the client and the problem. Thus the rigidity should be about helping the client achieve the chosen outcome and flexibility about the therapist’s behaviour in terms of what approach and process is follow...
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  • Unlocking Success: Essential Steps in Counselling Explained | ICHARS
    May 18 2017
    Many counsellors and therapists that we mentor, frequently ask us about the steps in counselling or therapy that we follow with our clients. Most of these practitioners are looking for a framework that can provide them with a structure or step-by-step process that they can follow with their clients. So in this post, I am sharing the steps that we follow and recommend in counselling sessions. Since we follow an eclectic approach, these steps are also very useful for those exploring eclectic therapy. It is important to remember, therapy/counselling is very contextual and not everything mentioned can be applied as it is. Kindly use the steps suggested as a framework and make the necessary changes based on the requirements of the case. Comprehensive framework for counselling and therapy The key to having a good framework is that it needs to give us a sense of direction and yet be flexible to accommodate the uniqueness of clients experiences. It needs to be eclectic and should include solutions to possible hurdles that a counsellor or a therapist may face while working with a client. Recommended Steps in Counselling Building Rapport: The basics: Dressing, Clinic Space, Cleanliness... Initial chit chat Getting and maintaining the state of Empathy (good to have this state anchored) Pacing & Leading (body language, tonality and choice of words) Client information sheet Defining the problemS from SOFT SEA - Coaching Model* Behaviour Emotions Triggers In case the client is not able to define the problem clearly, one of the steps in counselling will be to use meta model questions or abstract metaphors to assist the client. Reframing Problem:Use Content or context reframing - (NLP Meta Model) Identifying the Outcome & Defining Future:O & F from SOFT SEA - Coaching Model Sensory specific Behaviours Emotions or State Required Skills If the client is not able to describe the outcome, use transformational metaphor process to assist the client. Task list or Plan of Action:T from SOFT SEA - Coaching Model.If the client is not able to describe any conscious steps, use the revelation, introspection or transformational metaphor process to assist the client. Finding the motivation which will drive the client towards the solution:(NLP Core State can be used) Getting a deeper understanding of the problem Undesired emotion attached to the problem (Interview) Any thought pattern or image (strategy) that is stuck in the clients mind. (T.O.T.E, Submodalities) Identify the root cause if required (Corrective therapy, EET, SVIT™, Void...) Is there something that the client can learn from the problem (Regression, Meta Model, Perceptual Position, Levels of transformation, Paris Window, Revelation Metaphor….) Identifying Positive intention or Secondary gain (Unconscious Talk, Meta Model) Past experiences leading to patterns (Interview, Meta Model, Regression) Creating Change / Resolving Problem Inducing a trance Helping clients let go of –ve emotions (hypnodrama, balloon, regression therapy, EET, metaphor…..) Alternate behaviours to fulfil positive intention or secondary gain (N-step reframing, parts integration, Cognitive interview, levels of transformation) Changing unresourceful strategies or patterns (Chain anchors, Fast phobia, submodalities…….) Developing required skills (Anchoring, Future pacing & real life practice) Application of skills towards desired behaviour / (s) to apply the learning’s or to achieve secondary gain contextually (Anchoring, Future pacing & real life practice) Review & Follow upSteps in counselling will be incomplete without review and followup. Review and follow up happens at the start of each session. At the end of each session the client is also given some homework which may include: Maintaining thought dairy Certain behavioural experiments Self Suggestions Listening to Recording
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  • NLP Perceptual Positions: Gain Insights and Resolve Conflicts Effectively
    May 17 2017
    In this article we look at the NLP technique of Perceptual Position and how it can help us resolve conflicts and negotiate more effectively by understanding other people and situations better. In one of our previous articles, we have discussed how People function as per their Maps. Since different people can have different maps, the problem arises when people do not understand other's maps. When an event takes place and is of a very high intensity; it gets etched in our memories. If the event is positive, having a strong recall of the same feels good. But, when it is not a pleasant one, it can create some complications and disturbances. What makes it worse is that we don't understand the reasons behind the behaviours of others in that particular situation. We are not able to see / understand the situation from their point of view. This is exactly where NLP process - Perceptual Positions becomes handy. What is Perceptual Position in NLP? The NLP Perceptual Position is a simple technique that enables you to see the other person’s point of view; to gain greater understanding of the other person’s perspective of a certain situation. Understanding the situation from the point of view of other's not only helps in letting go of the negative emotions associated with the situation but also has a potential to provide powerful insights in terms of strategies to handle similar situations in the future more effectively. Using & Mastering the NLP perceptual positions process: Improves your understanding of other people. Enables you to think more flexibly and creatively. Provides an opportunity to stand back and consider issues dispassionately Helps you appreciate the influence of your verbal and non-verbal behaviour on others, and the influence of their behaviour on you. Exploring your performance Planning Dealing with conflict Creating empathy Stepping back from challenging situations Being your own coach Learning new things NLP Perceptual Position Process: Pick an event or episode or conversation that went wrong or different from what you would have liked Close you eyes, observe your breath and allow yourself to relax or center yourself Recollect that event or episode or conversation Step into your body and go through the entire episode. (First Position): seeing, hearing and feeling the situation through your own eyes, ears and feelings. Replicate the exact episode as far as possible. Step out of your body and step into the 2nd person’s body. (Second Position): stepping into the shoes of the other person and experiencing (seeing, hearing and feeling) the situation as if you were them. You think in terms of how this  would appear or be interpreted by the other person. Float out of your body and observe the conversation standing back from a situation and experiencing it as if you were a detached observer. (Third Position): In your mind, you are able to see and hear yourself and the other person, as if you were a third person. Get an objective understanding of the situation and also the knowledge of how you could have acted differently. (since you cannot change the other persons behaviour) Float back into your body and make the necessary changes and then perform again Float out, see it from an outsiders perspective again (repeat previous step till you get the desired outcome). Note: It is important to carry these steps of NLP Perceptual Positions under a trained professional if you are new to the process. This is to ensure that you get desirable results. If you are a coach or a trainer and would like to learn to use perceptual positions and other techniques from Hypnosis, NLP and Mindfulness more effective, you would love the Cognitive Hypnotic Coaching™ Program. On the other hand if you are a psychologist who would like to develop advanced therapeutic skills with the help of these modalities and even more,
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