
  • Ep 45 Faith to Rest #truthbetold
    Dec 10 2024

    Welcome everyone to the 45th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am back with a dosage of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is FAITH to REST #truthbetold

    Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    Just as our physical eyesight is the sense that gives us evidence of the material world, faith is the “sense” that gives us evidence of the invisible, spiritual world. Faith has its reasons. The Bible doesn’t recommend a “blind leap” of faith. But the reasons can’t be measured in a laboratory; they have to be understood spiritually. Faith extends beyond what we learn from our senses, and the author is saying that it has its reasons. Its tests are not those of the senses, which yield uncertainty. Physical eyesight produces a conviction or evidence of visible things; faith is the organ that enables people to see the invisible order.

    Of things hoped for… of things not seen: If you have the substance before you or if you can see it, there is no use for faith. Faith is needed for what we can’t see and can’t touch. Faith does not contradict reason, though it may go beyond reason. One may objectively prove the Bible is the most unique book ever published and has impacted society more than any other book. But only faith can prove that the Bible is the Word of God. Therefore, this is a belief beyond reason but not in contradiction to reason or against reason. Faith is the substance… the evidence: Faith is not a bare belief or intellectual understanding. It is a willingness to trust in, to rely on, and to cling to.

    Sarah’s faith was not perfect. She first laughed in unbelief (Genesis 18:9-15) and then she learned to laugh in faith (Genesis 21:6). Because she judged Him faithful who had promised: Faith comes down to judging that God is faithful and able to keep His promises.

    Truly walking by faith produces something beautiful in us: Rest.

    "Rest and trust in the Lord" means to relinquish control and anxieties, fully relying on God's plan and provision, finding peace and comfort in knowing that He is in charge, essentially letting go of worry and surrendering to His will; this concept is often referenced in the Bible, particularly in Psalm 37:7 which says, "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him"

    Jump into today’s episode to hear more. Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance!

    Contact with Professor P

    Website www.natashapalumbo.com


    Email natasha@natashapalumbo.com

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/natasha_m_palumbo/

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LdyBug

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/natasha-m-palumbo-mba-entrepreneurship-empowered/

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    15 min
  • Ep 44 Know Your Numbers #entrepreneurialtip
    Nov 26 2024

    Welcome everyone to the 44th episode of Professor P's Podcast. This week I am bringing you another entrepreneurial tip. The topic for this show is KNOW your NUMBERS! #entrepreneurialtip

    Managing your money and knowing your numbers are instrumental in the control and success of your business. You will need to ensure you take great care of your financial matters. It is wise to bring in help with your financial matters. Consider hiring a certified public accountant (CPA) or bookkeeper, or use an online service. A CPA will typically cost more than online services but can normally offer more tailored services for your specific business needs. A bookkeeper can provide basic day-to-day functions at a lower cost but won’t possess the formal accounting education of a CPA.

    Learning how to manage your money is a must. If you don’t know how to manage your money, then you surely will not know how to manage a business’s money. Poor financial planning and managing of funds is one of the main reasons why businesses fail.

    Did you know the wealthy have a language all their own? Well, they do. They understand the true meaning of assets and liabilities. They speak stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and securities. They pay attention to the flow of money not only in our country but the world. Therefore, if you are going to go from startup to success, you will need to understand the language of the wealthy.

    There are a few financial reports I want you to become familiar with: the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow. In the back of the book, I have given charts for you to see what each one of them looks like. The income statement is a financial report that measures the financial performance of your business on a monthly or annual basis. The income statement tells you just that: how much income (profit/loss). The balance sheet is a financial report that shows what the company owes and what it owns, including shareholders’ stake.

    The balance sheet has a particular formula which, again, must be balanced. This is the fundamental accounting equation: Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity. The balance sheet is going to show you the big picture, help you measure the value of your business, and can serve as an early warning sign. The cash flow statement is a financial report that details the inflows and outflows of cash for a company over a set period of time. You always want to be aware of your cash flow. Cash is king. I need you all to take a managerial accounting class or a basic accounting class. You can even search on YouTube for classes that can teach you the basics.

    I make all my students track their money. This is one of the best ways to figure out what is really going on with your finances. The longer you can track, the better. I have my students’ track for two weeks. However, I would say that if you can track for a month up to three months, you will have some good data. You must track it to the penny. Always keep a little book with you and don’t miss one cent. Seriously, to the penny. Once you have tracked your money, you will then need to reflect and have a come-to-Jesus moment with yourself. Now, if you are already savvy and smart with your money, that’s great; I would still ask you to see how you could level up and become even wiser. You are all my students, so now you have the homework to track your money and face the music!

    Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance!

    Contact with Professor P

    Website www.natashapalumbo.com


    Email natasha@natashapalumbo.com

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/natasha_m_palumbo/

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LdyBug

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/natasha-m-palumbo-mba-entrepreneurship-empowered/

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    14 min
  • Ep 43 Question your Conditioning #truthbetold
    Nov 12 2024

    Welcome everyone to the 43rd episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am back with a dosage of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is QUESTION your CONDITIONING #truthbetold

    The definition of the condition is:

    • to have a significant influence on or determine (the manner or outcome of something)
    • train or accustom (someone or something) to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances.

    I am asking you all to question your conditioning—the things you were shaped by. In my ethics class, we discuss theories of how we were born. There is the theory we were born as a blank slate. There is a theory we were born with prior knowledge. There is a theory that we were born good and evil. I take the example of the blank slate and demonstrate how as we grow from birth we begin to be layered with jackets. The conditioning of our grandparents, our parents, our education, our environment, our society, and so on. Before you know it I am covered and weighted, which is how we look with the layers of conditioning that limit us in our daily lives.

    It takes work to pull layers of conditioning off, but it is all worth it. It is time to stop living in a legacy of conditioning and start living in one of empowerment! This is your season to live your life. It is ok to keep the good things. Faith and character are good legacies to pass down. If you need help sorting through the good conditioning versus the bad and limiting. You can reach out to me. If you need someone to listen to you, to hold space. I am here for you. Your homework is to sit and begin to question your conditions. Think about it and begin to make a plan to break free.

    “To change beliefs or perceptions about yourself or your life, you must make a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of energy is greater than the hardwired programs in your brain – and the emotions conditioned in your body”. – Dr. Joe Dispenza

    Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance!

    Contact with Professor P

    Website www.natashapalumbo.com


    Email natasha@natashapalumbo.com

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/natasha_m_palumbo/

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LdyBug

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/natasha-m-palumbo-mba-entrepreneurship-empowered/

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    16 min
  • Ep 42 AI and Entrepreneurship #entrepreneurialtip
    Oct 29 2024

    Welcome everyone to the 42nd episode of Professor P's Podcast. This week I am bringing an entrepreneurial tip. The topic for this show is AI and ENTREPRENEURSHIP #entrepreneurialtip

    AI is rapidly changing our world. I am using more of it myself. Especially since I moved to San Diego. I wanted to share my thoughts with you regarding it and entrepreneurship. I am seeing more and more of it in my college classes and as a small business owner myself as mentioned, I am starting to use it more and more.

    I recently had a meeting with a leader at San Diego State and part of our discussion was on AI and how it could help me in my business. In an area I didn’t even think about. The conversation inspired this podcast today. There is a technology that doesn’t even exist yet that we need to start preparing for. We are not necessarily going to be replaced by technology but rather by those who master it. I am pushing you to learn more about it in this episode and to go and try it out if you have not done so already.

    AI is the internet 2.0 and from it we will see new leaders and businesses emerge. You need to be ready to evolve as time does. From copying paper records to scanning to now process serving, I have seen technology completely transform my core industry of document retrieval. AI is going to do it again. The way I have stayed in the game as long as I have is by being a scholar of life. I am constantly learning and gaining new skill sets. I need you to do the same.

    Jump into today’s episode and be ready for some fire, dropping of knowledge, and a call to action.

    Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance!

    Contact with Professor P

    Website www.natashapalumbo.com


    Email natasha@natashapalumbo.com

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/natasha_m_palumbo/

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LdyBug

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/natasha-m-palumbo-mba-entrepreneurship-empowered/

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    17 min
  • Ep. 41 Grace to Grieve #truthbetold
    Oct 15 2024

    Welcome everyone to the 41st episode of Professor P's Podcast. After a long summer break, I am back with a dosage of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is the GRACE to GRIEVE #truthbetold

    There can be great value to opening one’s grief. Grief is just a hallway. It is not the end. It is the darkest soul of the night. But Jesus is with us through it all. He is even moved by our grief. The same grief that stops us can motivate us to move on. Even in pain, we can make progress!! The sun is about to rise!

    I want to encourage you all. Faith isn’t a blind leap; it is a reasonable step based on strong evidence. With faith in God and His Son, with the receiving of His Spirit and His peace, we can have an untroubled heart in a quite troubled life.

    Do not put your expectations on anything other than God. You will be disappointed. But if you TRUST in the Lord He will add everything you need to you. Keep your eyes on Him! Be humble! God is your expectation and glory! You have to walk through the process of TRUTH. You have to pull from what God has deposited inside of you. It’s all there. He designed you from the beginning with all you need.

    God is growing my faith. Faith is not a mushroom that grows overnight in damp soil; it is an oak tree that grows for a thousand years under the blast of the wind and rain. Remember it’s not the power we wield, but the love in which we are held, is our proper joy. He holds us in His LOVE. Instead of giving up when things look bad, trust the LORD and fight all the harder and decide you will not give up. Courage and persistence win many battles. You will make it to the shore on the broken pieces and there I will find MORE.

    When the branch breaks, you will not fall, because you were meant to fly. Even though gravity is set to pull us down, God has given us wings so we may fly. And when we grow tired, we can rest under His. Trust in your wings. More so, never lose faith in His wings. When you grow tired you can rest under His wing.

    Psalms 91:4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his - faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

    He will not only keep you under His wings, but He will also give fresh wind for tired wings.

    If you need prayer, please reach out. I am here to serve you. But for now, I leave you with this prayer, which has been getting me through. We can only move forward in this life with GRACE my friends.

    Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself.

    This podcast is dedicated to my daddy, Francis (Frank) Michael Palumbo 12/24/1939 – 09/08/2024

    Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance!

    Contact with Professor P

    Website www.natashapalumbo.com


    Email natasha@natashapalumbo.com

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/natasha_m_palumbo/

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LdyBug

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/natasha-m-palumbo-mba-entrepreneurship-empowered/

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    15 min
  • Ep 40 Prashante Bailey-Lewis; From Teen Mom to Rising Mogul #entrepreneurspotlight
    May 28 2024

    Welcome everyone to the 40th episode of Professor P's Podcast and season finale. I am bringing you another GUEST SPEAKER, Prashante Bailey Lewis with Crown Kemist and PurSpace Herbal Care. From TEEN MOM to RISING MOGUL! #entrepreneurspotlight

    Prashante Bailey Lewis is a seasoned professional with more than 17 years of experience in natural hair care specialist, product formulation, herbal wellness, cannabis products, and alternative health education. As a business consultant, she provides services to small businesses owned by black and brown entrepreneurs, focusing on truth, harmony, and sustainability. She has successfully worked as educator and facilitator for healthy hair care as a licensed cosmetologist. As well as a program organizer and counselor for small business development organizations. She aims to empower underrepresented communities by enhancing branding, business plans, loan readiness, consumer experience, and financial awareness in business operations for long-term sustainability and equity.

    You can connect with Prashante at the links below:

    • Website: thepurspace.shop
    • Instagram: Instagram: Business consult/ stylist Crownkemstconslut
    • Instagram: Cannabis wellness brand Purspace_herbal-care

    And be sure to connect with me too! Thank you in advance for all your love!!

    Contact with Professor P

    Website www.natashapalumbo.com

    Email natasha@natashapalumbo.com

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/natasha_m_palumbo/

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LdyBug

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/natasha-m-palumbo-mba-entrepreneurship-empowered/

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    44 min
  • Ep 39 The Power of a "To Do" List #mastery
    May 21 2024

    Welcome everyone to the 39th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is the POWER of a “To Do” list. #mastery

    How many of you love a “to do" list? I absolutely thrive on them. Now, how many of you have good intentions when you write your “to do" list, but don’t seem to get things marked off? I totally get it!! In this episode I share a story with you on the POWER of a “to do” list and how I used one when transitioning from working at the state to becoming a professor.

    As per my usual, I have homework for you to do. If you need some encouragement to help you move forward from a place you may be feeling stuck, then this podcast is for you. If you are ready to move out of your current employment into a new job, then this podcast is definitely for you. If just need some energy and some inspiration, then this podcast is for you too!

    I do encourage you all to sit with this podcast episode and then pray to God to help you find out what your “to do” list is so you can move into your new beginnings. I promise you that you can do it! The matrix doesn’t live without us. It is us who keeps it alive. We can and many of us do live outside the matrix, and we are thriving!!

    Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance!

    Contact with Professor P

    Website www.natashapalumbo.com


    Email natasha@natashapalumbo.com

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/natasha_m_palumbo/

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LdyBug

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/natasha-m-palumbo-mba-entrepreneurship-empowered/

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    13 min
  • Ep 38 Marketing and Branding; Self Branding #entrepreneurialtip
    May 14 2024

    Welcome everyone to the 38th episode of Professor P's Podcast. Welcome to this month’s entrepreneurial tip. The topic for this show is Marketing and Branding, SELF-BRANDING!

    Marketing and branding are some of my favorite topics to teach and discuss. In this episode, I will give you some of my best tips regarding both. First, we dive into the power of color psychology. I give homework out right away with the first homework doing research on what each color psychology and really understanding what meaning each color holds. In branding color is very important. My branding colors are blue, black, white for my entrepreneurship lane and I add sliver for my empowerment lane. I am brand loyal. I even drove a blue Camero till this year when I changed it out for a black one.

    Along with color psychology, I also give home to learn and deepen your understanding of emotional intelligence and emotional marketing. They are tied together. I tell the story of the genius of Proctor and Gamble’s Marketing team and a signature commercial of theirs which focused on the mothers of Olympians. Show how they took them to all their games and practices as young children. The ad is soul touching because it really showcased the love of a mother and her children. How they are truly the ones behind the athlete the entire time. They then seal the deal by telling the audience they have sponsored several tickets to the Olympics for the mothers of Olympians. This type of emotional marketing drove sales through the roof. Genius!!

    I end by giving you a self-branding exercise that I give to all my entrepreneurs and students. It is a very powerful assignment. Everything we build comes from ourselves. In business your brand is rooted in YOU, so it is important if you are going to be an EMPOWERED entrepreneur to ensure you have your own self branding down. The same is true for those who want to live an EMPOWERED LIFE! Jump into the episode and make sure to have paper and something to write with.

    Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance!

    Contact with Professor P

    Website www.natashapalumbo.com


    Email natasha@natashapalumbo.com

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/natasha_m_palumbo/

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LdyBug

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/natasha-m-palumbo-mba-entrepreneurship-empowered/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    15 min