
  • Season 3 Ep. 13: Truth and Relational Knowing (3 of 3)
    Jul 9 2022

    Justin and Stephen conclude the conversation with Marcus Dip Silas about relational knowing and the nature of truth. In today’s episode (pt. 3 of 3), they consider how truth is encountered and shared. Marcus talks about beauty and truth in cooking, and Justin shares about a project in which his students make a soundtrack for the Gospel of John. Marcus and Justin reflect on what Georgia O’Keeffe and Vincent Van Gogh communicate about truth. Stephen asks Marcus about where he finds hope.

    Justin and Stephen also talk about early morning sports, a recent gallery showing at Sprig, Envision Berlin’s creative space, and polarization in US society after the recent Supreme Court decisions. They will post more of their reflections about that on Patreon, before too long. We’re also inviting listeners to contribute questions on Patreon. Let us know what questions you have for us!

    Link: from the Gallery Showing at Sprig (on Instagram).

    We have show notes for you at profsinrooms.com, and bonus material on Patreon!

    Find Profs in Rooms mugs and more here.

    Credits: Regular Theme Music “A New Hope” by MeGustaMusic.

    This episode was partially recorded on the land of the Wahpekute, Anishinabewaki, and the Očeti Šakówiŋ (Sioux).

    We may receive commission from Amazon or Bookshop.org for purchases made through some of our links. Those commissions do not reduce authors’ royalties. Thank you for your support.

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    51 min
  • Season 3 Ep. 12: Truth and Relational Knowing (2 of 3)
    Jun 25 2022

    Justin and Stephen continue the conversation with Marcus Dip Silas about relational knowing and the nature of truth. In today’s episode (pt. 2 of 3), they consider what truth does. They consider how educational approaches reflect and perpetuate ideas of what truth is, and ask what effective measures of truth are, and what happens when authority interacts with truth selectively.

    Justin and Stephen also discussed more about the language learning process, and Justin shares about an upcoming episode of another podcast that he’s appearing on soon. We’re also inviting listeners to contribute questions on Patreon. Let us know what questions you have for us!

    Link: Stephen referenced these episodes of the Unterwegs podcast:

    Episode 40: Cultural Transitions - Language Learning - Part 1 of 2

    Episode 41: Cultural Transitions - Language Learning - Part 2 of 2

    We have show notes for you at profsinrooms.com, and bonus material on Patreon!

    Find Profs in Rooms mugs and more here.

    Credits: Regular Theme Music “A New Hope” by MeGustaMusic.

    This episode was partially recorded on the land of the Wahpekute, Anishinabewaki, and the Očeti Šakówiŋ (Sioux).

    We may receive commission from Amazon or Bookshop.org for purchases made through some of our links. Those commissions do not reduce authors’ royalties. Thank you for your support.

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    50 min
  • Season 3 Ep. 11: Truth and Relational Knowing (1 of 3)
    Jun 15 2022

    Marcus Dip Silas dropped by the Studio in Berlin to discuss relational knowing and the nature of truth with Justin and Stephen. In today’s episode (pt. 1 of 3), Marcus shares how his own background, including the postcolonial context where he grew up and his multiracial experience, are important to understanding how he considers what truth is.

    Justin also joined Stephen in the studio in Berlin for a special recording of highlights, lowlights, and insights! This is the first time the guys were in the same room while recording an episode!

    We’re also inviting listeners to contribute questions on Patreon. Let us know what questions you have for us!

    Link: Stephen referenced these episodes of the Unterwegs podcast:

    Episode 40: Cultural Transitions - Language Learning - Part 1 of 2

    Episode 41: Cultural Transitions - Language Learning - Part 2 of 2

    We have show notes for you at profsinrooms.com, and bonus material on Patreon!

    Find Profs in Rooms mugs and more here.

    Credits: Regular Theme Music “A New Hope” by MeGustaMusic.

    This episode was partially recorded on the land of the Wahpekute, Anishinabewaki, and the Očeti Šakówiŋ (Sioux).

    We may receive commission from Amazon or Bookshop.org for purchases made through some of our links. Those commissions do not reduce authors’ royalties. Thank you for your support.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    44 min
  • Season 3 Ep. 10: Hermeneutics, Epistemology, and the New Testament (3 of 3)
    May 14 2022

    Justin and Stephen conclude the second series on Justin’s dissertation about Ephesians and the Roman Empire. Justin explains socially constructed institutional facts and provides key Speech Act Theory definitions. Stephen asks Justin whether his approach overly complicates Biblical interpretation.

    Justin and Stephen also explore the question of their own implied audience, what we know what the Bible means (not just what it says), and how Justin wrestles with avoiding doing elitist interpretation of the Bible.

    In their highlights, lowlights, and insights, Stephen reflects on the challenges of experiencing his own incompetence while language learning and Justin talks about an unexpected setback.

    We’re also inviting listeners to contribute questions on Patreon. Let us know what questions you have for us!

    We have show notes for you at profsinrooms.com, and bonus material on Patreon!

    Find Profs in Rooms mugs and more here.

    Credits: Regular Theme Music “A New Hope” by MeGustaMusic.

    This episode was partially recorded on the land of the Wahpekute, Anishinabewaki, and the Očeti Šakówiŋ (Sioux).

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h
  • Season 3 Ep. 9: Hermeneutics, Epistemology, and the New Testament pt. 2 of 3
    Apr 30 2022

    Justin and Stephen continue the discussion of Justin’s dissertation about Ephesians and the Roman Empire. In the second part of this three part series, they talk about Speech Act Theory. Justin applies the ideas of Speech Act Theory to Ephesians 5 and Romans 13.

    In their highlights, lowlights, and insights, Justin shares about a good deal on a book, Stephen talks about trying to maintain multiple languages, and they reflect on accurately interpreting the church as it is today.

    Also check out Episode 8.5 on Patreon, in which Justin and Stephen talk about understanding the implied audience and why it matters in Biblical Studies.

    We have show notes for you at profsinrooms.com, and bonus material on Patreon!

    Find Profs in Rooms mugs and more here.

    Credits: Regular Theme Music “A New Hope” by MeGustaMusic.

    This episode was partially recorded on the land of the Wahpekute, Anishinabewaki, and the Očeti Šakówiŋ (Sioux).

    We may receive commission from Amazon or Bookshop.org for purchases made through some of our links. Those commissions do not reduce authors’ royalties. Thank you for your support.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    45 min
  • Season 3 Ep. 8: Hermeneutics, Epistemology, and the New Testament pt. 1 of 3
    Apr 2 2022

    Justin and Stephen turn back to considering Justin’s dissertation about Ephesians and the Roman Empire. In the first part of this three part series, they talk about hermeneutics, and how many interpretive decisions are made before we even realize it. Justin talks about some of the limits of other approaches of Bible study, and then explains the relationship between implied and empirical authorship, and what difference it makes in interpreting scripture.

    Justin shares about an upcoming project, Stephen talks about losing a friend to illness, and they reflect on what it means to live in the present .

    We have show notes for you at profsinrooms.com, and bonus material on Patreon!

    Find Profs in Rooms mugs and more here.

    Credits: Regular Theme Music “A New Hope” by MeGustaMusic.

    This episode was partially recorded on the land of the Wahpekute, Anishinabewaki, and the Očeti Šakówiŋ (Sioux).

    We may receive commission from Amazon or Bookshop.org for purchases made through some of our links. Those commissions do not reduce authors’ royalties. Thank you for your support.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    48 min
  • Season 3 Ep. 7: Art, Beauty, and Truth with Megan Yoder pt. 3 of 3
    Mar 19 2022

    Megan Yoder joins Justin and Stephen again for the final installment of this 3 part series. In this episode, Megan reflects on Christian symbolism, arts and artists in the church, and hope.

    Justin talks about the joys of Spring, and he and Stephen also reflect again on the war in Ukraine, including ways in which they think about their own responses to the conflict.

    We have show notes for you at profsinrooms.com, and bonus material on Patreon!

    Resources from this episode:

    Culture Care by Makoto Fujimura (Book): at Bookshop.org

    Memorial for the Victims of War and Tyranny at Neue Wache . Photo of the Statue

    Find Profs in Rooms mugs and more here.

    Credits: Regular Theme Music “A New Hope” by MeGustaMusic.

    This episode was partially recorded on the land of the Wahpekute, Anishinabewaki, and the Očeti Šakówiŋ (Sioux).

    We may receive commission from Amazon or Bookshop.org for purchases made through some of our links. Those commissions do not reduce authors’ royalties. Thank you for your support.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    52 min
  • Season 3 Ep. 6: Art, Beauty, and Truth with Megan Yoder pt. 2 of 3
    Mar 5 2022

    Megan Yoder joins Justin and Stephen again to help them think through the intersection of Art with Beauty and helps them expand their view to include intersections of Art with Truth, Wisdom, and Goodness. In part 2 of this 3 part series, Megan reflects on how Art might influence scholarship.

    Justin and Stephen also reflect on the war in Ukraine, and Stephen reflects on the weird dual-reality of life going on as “normal” while there is horrible conflict unfolding nearby.

    We have show notes for you at profsinrooms.com, and bonus material on Patreon!

    Resources from this episode:

    Culture Care by Makoto Fujimura (Book): at Bookshop.org

    Memorial for the Victims of War and Tyranny at Neue Wache . Photo of the Statue

    Find Profs in Rooms mugs and more here.

    Credits: Regular Theme Music “A New Hope” by MeGustaMusic.

    This episode was partially recorded on the land of the Wahpekute, Anishinabewaki, and the Očeti Šakówiŋ (Sioux).

    We may receive commission from Amazon or Bookshop.org for purchases made through some of our links. Those commissions do not reduce authors’ royalties. Thank you for your support.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    45 min