• QDNA - Punk Science: Inside the Mind of God while Putting the Heart and Soul Back Into Science
    Dec 8 2015
    The frontiers of science are revealing that the universe behaves as the mystics have told us all along. We are finally gaining a logical explanation for paranormal phenomena with modern scientific language. We are finding that soul or consciousness is not only a part of science, it is fundamental to the universe. These are exciting times as ancient knowledge and frontier science are marrying and gaining ground. Science has revealed the universe is much stranger than we first thought and as these strange secrets are revealed, its parallels with esoteric knowledge are becoming clear. In the beginning there was no separation between science, medicine, philosophy and mysticism. Science emerged as a separate discipline concerning itself with the physical and tangible and it started to ignore matters of the heart, soul and mind. Discover how you can heal, manifest and create the life that you would like to have with a pioneering theory of The Black Hole Principle being agents of creation.
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    56 min
  • QDNA Epigenetics - Behavioral Genes - Are Your Neanderthal Caveman Genes a Genetic Obstacle To You Now?
    Dec 1 2015
    Are your Neanderthal Caveman genes creating a genetic obstacle for you to achieve what you would like to achieve in life now? Is your mind running on automatic pilot, looping negative and useless genetic programs that hold you hostage and prisoner to your limiting beliefs? Your mind uses you without you even being aware of it. Your mind has been preprogrammed since the caveman days and it's been controlling your behavior. Prehistoric adaptive thinking motivates you for lack, aggression, competition, conflict, prejudice, stress, mistaken perceptions, fear, worry, despair, depression, etc. The prehistoric mind can affect your health and well being negatively along with blocking the possibility of joy and happiness. James D. Baird, PhD states, We humans behave in mysterious ways. We fight for seemingly no reason, eat too much, make our selves and others unhappy, and behave in all sorts of self-defeating ways. Learn how to stop being trapped by those genes or those behaviors!
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    54 min
  • QDNA Living a Heart-Centered Life - Access Your Heart's Intuitive Intelligence - HeartMath
    Nov 24 2015
    Learn to listen to your heart with love, compassion and patience while your heart tells you want it wants. You just have to stop and listen. Can You? The messages from your heart start off like gentle, nurturing, lapping waves, nipping at your ankles in the beginning. If you choose to ignore listening to the messages, they will only get louder and louder. Imagine there is war going on inside of you and you are stretched so thinly that you could snap in half, this is what it feels like when you defer listening to your heart over a long period of time. Now envision those messages becoming like your worst, wild, anxiety ridden, adrenaline pumping white water rafting nightmare. Debris gets unpredictably and precariously lodged and it's terrifically dangerous and deadly. Your stress and cortisol levels are through the roof, catapulting radically off the charts like something out of horror movie. You get the picture right! Listen to Your Heart, Your Heart Always Tells You the Truth.
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    58 min
  • QDNA Neuroplasticity - You Are Not Your Brain - Unlock the OCD Brain Lock in Your DNA
    Nov 17 2015
    The Mind is everything; What you think, you become. Buddha brbr There is an overbearing debate coursing through the neuroscience community about the mind. Our guest Jeffery M. Schwartz, M.D. who is a leading Neuroplasticity Researcher, Neuroscientist and Research Psychiatrist stated ” Some neuroscientists are embarrassed by the word, ‘mind’. brbr It's alarming to find out that not too long ago, science believed that the capacity of the brain was fixed. Science assumed that the brain that we were born with until early adulthood was all that we had, and from there it was all down hill. The new science of neuroplasticity has completely changed all of that. Our brain is like a muscle – our mind can be trained to achieve what we would like to achieve. brbr Brain lock is a term coined by Jeffery M. Schwartz M.D. to describe OCD obsessive-compulsive behavior and to describe a treatment plan he published in his 1997. Tune in and learn about his ground breaking genius self directed Neuroplasticity.
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    59 min
  • QDNA Living with Intent, Love, Positive Passion and Purpose
    Nov 10 2015
    Life is meant to be lusciously lived, loved and appreciated. Life is meant to be simple. We are able to live like this when we're able to get out of our own way. We talk about living consciously and mindfully. A lot of us do live consciously and mindfully when it comes to others. How many of us really live consciously and mindfully regarding our own lives? Do you ever stop and ask yourself what is important in your life? Life can be so simple when we nurture ourselves and our truths. Part of this journey is taking a different action towards what we want in our life. Can life be that simple that we can ask for what we want with our intentions and we get them without exhausting ourselves? Mallika Chopra, author of 'Living with Intent' believes that to live a life that is meaningful, inspiring and fun we must first identify our intents, grow the seeds of our deepest longings then state them and pursue them. Explore intents, create the life you want to live and put the process in motion.
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    56 min
  • QDNA The Quantum Health Model: The Live Biological Human Being
    Nov 3 2015
    The Quantum Health Model believes that your health is a biological expression of your thoughts, your feelings and your emotions. You are a live biological human being. There is no separation between you and your health regardless of how many ways you to try to analyze it and talk yourself out of it. Would you like to find out how to have your health treated consciously as a live biological human being? The newtonian mechanical machine medicine model is outdated with treating people as machines instead of medically treating them as a human being. Theoretical Physicist, Amit Goswami, PhD author of 'Quantum Doctor', pioneer of the new paradigm of science called 'Science within Consciousness' states, If there is any field that needs integration, it is medicine. The weaknesses of the conventional medical model is that it is too invasive and has too many harmful side effects. He shows us how new physics can integrate the disparate models of conventional medicine and alternative medicine.
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    57 min
  • Encore: QDNA Epigenetics The Genie in Your Genes
    Oct 27 2015
    Science is always exciting with Frontier Science and then Emerging Science. The frontiers of science are always investigating and pushing boundaries of existing paradigms of science. As science advances entirely new avenues of inquiries take form in Emerging Science fields and then they become specialized and interdisciplinary. Epigenetics was once a frontier science in 1942 and now it's an interdisciplinary science field. Learn about the contemporary usage of epigenetics that emerged in the 1990s and how you can take control of your consciousness and use it mindfully to influence your genetic expression, where you can sometimes bypass years of therapy, as well as harmful drugs and invasive surgeries, to, in effect, do continuous genetic engineering on your own body.
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    57 min
  • QDNA Live Biological Transformations DNA Programming in The Field
    Oct 20 2015
    Live biological transformations are radically changing who we are on a cellular DNA level and this is being proven by the quantum life force energy of The Field as it pulsates interacting with our environment. The human mind, body, soul including our cells and DNA are not separate from our environment. They are all in constant communication, while our consciousness, cells and DNA are being programmed according to our environment for better or worse. Think about it for a minute, what is your DNA Programmed for Failure, Success, Health, Disease, Anxiety, Stress, OCD, Addiction, Confusion, Deceptive Thoughts? Now think about this, Who programmed your DNA?, Who is in charge of Your DNA? Are You? Really? Our guest is the legendary fierce unwavering paradigm shifting investigative journalist Lynne McTaggart and she stated, “A thought is NOT only a thing; A thought is a thing that influences other things. Explore the life science of miracles in the interconnected universe of love.
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    56 min