This week we discuss a proposed testing battery for baseball pitchers. The authors discuss the importance of a comprehensive testing battery to both minimize injury risk and identify areas for performance improvement. We feel Table 1 does a good job detailing the main points of the article. There are many key physical qualities for baseball pitchers, including: trunk rotation mobility, trunk rotation peak force, hip extension mobility, shoulder external and internal rotation mobility, shoulder flexion mobility, lower body power, shoulder internal rotation peak force, shoulder horizontal adduction peak force, posterior shoulder endurance, hip internal rotation mobility. These qualities should all have associated tests, these are: lumbar locked rotation test, isometric trunk rotation test, modified Thomas test, shoulder rotation total range of motion, shoulder to wall test, countermovement jump, ASH T test, Landmine throw, posterior shoulder endurance test, hip internal rotation range of motion. This is obviously a lot of tests and qualities to consider. Understand that you do not have to do all the tests if you do not have time, but kowing all priority areas is helpful for deciding which qualities are most important to you at this time. Table 1 also gives benchmark points and clinicmetric properties of these tests, which is very helpful. However, there is a poor description of some of these tests in the body of the article, and the YouTube links do not appear to be working.
The abstract can be found here:
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