Matt Theriault - Epic Real Estate Investing On Financing Options: "When you get into the world of real estate investing, you start to see, wow, there's other ways to acquire property, and there's all these different types of property. It's not just saving up a down payment, going to a bank, jumping through all their hoops and going that route as most people use to buy their own primary residence." Trading time for money is what many of us have been taught is the well-travelled road to wealth. I'd argue it is the road to income, but not wealth. True wealth is when you receive money in exchange for things that do not necessarily take your time. Matt Theriault, the Epic Real Estate Investor, podcaster and real estate coach explains how he made the transition from the record industry and evolved his career into real estate. Matt details the ups and downs of building his real estate empire and details some of the advantages of choosing real estate as a profitable investment. Listen as Matt details some of the books that have inspired him, as well as a few things he has learned that helped him build wealth with real estate. Enjoy! Visit Matt at: Podcast Overview: 00:00 Single vs. Multi-Family Investment Pros/Cons 04:13 Multifamily vs. Single-Family Valuation 08:59 Falling for Music: DJ Journey 11:35 Hip Hop DJ Albums Success 16:02 Unpredictable Decline in Record Sales 17:25 "Transition and Change in Music" 20:51 Music Industry Layoffs Amid Digital Disruption 26:13 "Shifting from Agent to Investor" 28:06 Creative Real Estate Acquisition Strategies 33:09 Alternative Home Buying Solutions 33:53 Quick Cash Home Buying Offer 39:32 "Buying Into Elite Networks" 40:45 Real Estate Guidance and Services 45:30 Real Estate: Top Tax Benefits 47:06 Real Estate Tax Benefits 52:29 Seeking Reliable Tax Advisors Podcast Transcription: Matt Theriault [00:00:00]: This new definition of wealth. So I had just come from the music business. I thought wealthy was you just meant you had a lot of money. And his definition was, no. You have enough money coming in each month to cover your bills, and that money that's coming in isn't necessarily tied directly to your efforts. James Kademan [00:00:19]: You have found Authentic Business Adventures, the business program that brings you the struggle stories and triumphant successes of business owners across the land. Downloadable audio episodes can be found in the podcast link found at We are locally underwritten by the Bank of Sun Prairie, calls on call extraordinary answering service, as well as the bold business book. And today, we're welcoming slash preparing to learn from Matt Theriault, owner of Epic Real Estate. Matt, I apologize. He told me I was gonna mess that name up. I hope I didn't mess it up terribly. Matt Theriault [00:00:50]: No. You got pretty close. You got closer than Matt. But, James Kademan [00:00:53]: what happy to be, James. I appreciate that. So, Matt, today, we're talking real estate. So let's just start out with what is Epic Real Estate. Matt Theriault [00:01:00]: Well, Epic Real Estate is a a company Matt kind of a two headed company where we show people how to invest in real estate and those people that wanna be a little bit more hands on. And then we have another portion of it that my wife runs where she actually does the investing for them. So she does all the heavy lifting. So some people wanna be hands In. Some people wanna be hands Draw. But, pretty much our client wants real estate so they can retire early. James Kademan [00:01:23]: Nice. Yeah. And is this when you say two pronged, I guess, as far as that goes, how long have you been doing it? Matt Theriault [00:01:30]: Let's see. I've been investing myself almost twenty years now, nineteen years or so. Been teaching for about fifteen. James Kademan [00:01:38]: Okay. Mhmm.