
  • Anxious and Afraid: The Mindset that Stops Anxiety in Its Tracks and Other Techniques for Kids (and Adults)
    Mar 4 2025

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    One of the reasons kids struggle with anxiety is that they feel scared of their own anxiety and unsure they can stop it! In today’s episode, Quinn teaches kids and parents the mindset that helps reduce anxiety by empowering your child.

    Additionally, Quinn discusses techniques that can be used to reduce anxiety. After listening, you will understand:

    1. Two Simple Breathing Techniques to reduce anxiety
    2. The Even if Mindset
    3. 3, 3, 3 Method for Grounding

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    We have the tools we need to work through anxious situations. We are stronger than we think!

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7


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    22 min
  • Gaslighting What It Is, What It Isn’t and What To Do When It’s Happening to You
    Feb 25 2025

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    Gaslighting is a trendy yet often misused word that involves someone using manipulation to make someone doubt their perceptions, memories, or reality. It’s different than someone disagreeing with you, but it can feel consuming to know the difference.

    In this episode, Quinn helps differentiate between the two and teaches listeners:

    1. Where the term came from
    2. What it sounds and feels like
    3. How to stop it when someone is doing it to you

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    “Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions. “ Matthew 7:20

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    If someone is actively trying to deny or control your reality, they are unhealthy – not you.

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    26 min
  • I’m Not Responsible for How Others Feel, But Should I Still Care About Their Feelings Anyway?
    Feb 18 2025

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    We have all heard that we aren’t responsible for managing others’ feelings because we can only manage our own feelings. But what if what you do and say hurts others? Should you care about their feelings then?

    In today’s episode, Quinn discusses how to process the fact that healthy people should not feel responsible for others’ feelings but how often that can feel cruel or harsh toward those that we have hurt.

    In the episode, Quinn empowers listeners to dig deeper and understand:

    1. What letting go of responsibility of others’ feelings does for our decisions
    2. What two extreme ways of thinking to avoid
    3. What To Do When Someone Is Hurt by Our Decisions

    Mind Renewal Tip:

    While we are freed of guilt for our needs and wants when we stop trying to manage others’ emotions, we can still feel compassion for their hurt. They are not mutually exclusive.

    Scripture Renewal Tip:

    "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12

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    27 min
  • A Personal Look Inside My Marriage: 3 Stories That Have Changed My Heart and Will Change Your Relationship for the Better
    Feb 11 2025

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    In honor of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to record an episode focused on marriage and what makes for a healthy marriage. But I wanted to do that by sharing some personal stories from my marriage that have taught me how to love better that I believe can help you too.
    These stories on not focused on things that I do for my husband but instead, things he does for me that have taught me how to love better. In the episode, I share how:

    1. Verbal affirmations of love can not only strengthen your marriage but your kids’ wellbeing too.
    2. Focusing on mutual service changes the way partners feel about marriage
    3. An apology can quickly change the course of a moment, day or period of time in marriage for the better!

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    The goal in marriage is not to get caught up in roles but instead to be focused on how you can mutually serve one another based on the needs in front of you.

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    Serve one another humbly in love. Galatians 5:13–14

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    30 min
  • Cold Plunges and Saunas: Exploring How they Improve Your Mental Health and More!
    Jun 16 2016

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    If you’ve been on social media, you’ve likely read about the benefits of a cold plunge. And if you’ve ever stepped foot in a gym, you know how widely loved and used saunas have been for years! But did you know that both of these types of exposures to heat and cold can also help your mental health?

    In today’s episode, Quinn gives listeners a simple and introductory lesson to both. After listening you will know:

    1. The benefits of a cold plunge and sauna treatment
    2. How cold is cold enough
    3. How much you need to do both a week for benefits

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16

    Mindset Renewal Tip:
    Sometimes the pain we avoid is the pain we need to grow stronger.


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    24 min
  • How to Light up Any Room You Walk Into
    Jan 28 2025

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    There are some people who have the ability to walk in a room and instantly light it up. From the outside looking in, it can seem like they have a special gift but today’s episode reveals the common tools they utilize. After listening today, listeners will know 9 things that allow anyone to light up the room.

    In the episode, Quinn discusses the power of:

    1. Smiling and eye contact when you first walk in a room
    2. The art of listening and responding
    3. The power of importance in putting others at ease

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    When making others feel valued -- Confidence and arrogance are important to differentiate between. Arrogance makes others thing you are more important than them. Confidence is the ability to show others how you see their value because you also understand your own.

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven". Matthew 5:14-16


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    24 min
  • Preventing Anxiety Part 2: Habits Parents Need to Know to Raise Non-Anxious Kids
    Jan 21 2025

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    Anxiety is on the rise in teens and young adults. But what is causing it to rise and how to stop it is something many parents want to know. So today’s episode, which is part one of a two-week series, outlines what parents can do to rescue anxiety in their homes.

    In the episode, Quin teaches parents:

    1. The need for risk and responsibility in the lives of our children
    2. The four rules for phones recommended by Jonathan Haidt
    3. The power of failure in creating resilience against hardship

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    “Parents are overprotecting children in the real world and underprotecting them online.

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”. Philippians 4:6-7

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    24 min
  • Preventing Anxiety Part 1: Habits Parents Need to Know to Raise Non-Anxious Kids
    Jan 14 2025

    Join the mission! Visit donate.accessmore.com to help fund more episodes and shows like this.

    Anxiety is on the rise in teens and young adults. But what is causing it to rise and how to stop it is something many parents want to know. So today’s episode, which is part one of a two-week series, outlines what parents can do to rescue anxiety in their homes.

    In the episode, Quin teaches parents:

    1. The importance of identity in reducing anxiety
    2. The power of belonging in your maintains your child’s well being
    3. The reason goals are needed even in children and teens

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    Our goal is parents isn’t to prevent all anxiety from being a part of our children’s lives, but instead to equip them with the right tools with how to handle it when it hits!

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min