• Healing from the Inside Out with Nutrient Density—Episode 44
    Jun 5 2024

    Healing from the Inside Out: The Beauty of a Plant-Based Lifestyle

    These days, there are 100s of diets out there ... so many it's hard to count. In my health coaching program, we looked at around 100. And it was eye-opening! There is not ONE method that works for everyone. BUT we all do well with guidance and clarity. We also all do well with some key ingredients.

    Healing your body ultimately starts from within, and embracing a plant-based lifestyle could be the key to achieving that. Let's dive into the transformative benefits of integrating nutrient-rich, whole foods into your daily routine.

    The Power of Nutrient-Rich Foods

    Healing your gut and fostering overall cellular transformation begins with the foods you consume. Allowing nutrient-rich foods to enter your body can ignite a profound shift, working from the inside out.

    I have often called myself a "human lab experiments" because I continuously try new things to better understand what works and what doesn't. This journey has led me to a primarily plant-focused lifestyle.

    Whole Plant-Based Foods as the Cornerstone

    As a coach and avid proponent of eating to nourish and heal, I guide people towards embracing whole foods. The undeniable beauty of a plant-based lifestyle is that it ensures you receive nutrients in their most natural and unprocessed form. This nutrient integrity is crucial for your body’s well-being and functionality.

    Addressing Modern Health Concerns

    Did you know that nutrition and stress are the primary causes of 90 percent of diseases in our country? By embracing a plant-based diet, you can significantly decrease stress levels and enhance the nutritional density of your food intake. This simple shift can lead to an impressive reduction in the prevalence of these diseases.

    Take Action and Share Your Journey

    I am always eager to hear testimonies of those who embark on this rewarding journey. Your experiences and successes with plant-based living can inspire countless others to take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle. Until next time, keep nourishing your body with whole, nutrient-rich foods and witness the transformation from within.

    Ready to step into healing from the inside out through nutrition?
    I've got a special treat for ya on my website: CoachKirsten.com/plants
    See ya on the inside!

    Thanks for listening! Leave a comment if you've been enjoying it. Check out more resources at CoachKirsten.com

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    23 min
  • 3 Stress-Reducing Breathing Techniques for Greater Energy—Episode 43
    Apr 17 2024

    In today's fast-paced world, stress has become an inevitable part of life. From hectic work schedules to personal responsibilities, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious. Not only that, but stress is estimated to be the cause of 75-90% of disease and doctor's visits. That's a high number.

    What if I told you that you hold the key to reducing stress right within your own breath?

    Breathing is one of the most powerful tools we have for managing stress and promoting overall well-being. Yet, many of us take it for granted because no one has taught us how to breathe and how it impacts our health.

    Our breath serves as the steering wheel of the nervous system, influencing everything from our lifespan to our digestion. It encourages proper lymph function, impacts our focus and concentration, and even influences blood pressure and flow.

    Perhaps most importantly, our breath has the remarkable ability to majorly reduce stress levels in our body, increase resilience to stress, and promote healing within the body and mind.

    In this episode, we'll explore 3 simple yet effective breathing techniques that you can incorporate into your daily routine to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being.

    One of them will even increase your joy!

    Thanks for listening! Leave a comment if you've been enjoying it. Check out more resources at CoachKirsten.com

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    22 min
  • How Stress & Cortisol Causes Your Body to Use Food Differently—Episode 42
    Apr 3 2024

    When I was in the height of my healing journey, my Functional doc discovered that while I was eating highly nutrient-rich foods and fiercely abstaining from inflammatory ones, I still wasn't absorbing the nutrients from the foods I ate.

    You can imagine how discouraging that was.

    And at that moment in time, I wasn't in a stress-state anymore.
    I was truly doing what I thought was resting.
    In fact, I couldn't work anymore.
    But I was experiencing the effects of a few years of intense stress on my body.

    What unfolded was many years of research, trials, and errors, and digging deeper and deeper into the effects of stress on our bodies.

    Researchers now say that highly stressed individuals actually have a harder time utilizing the foods they eat. There was a study conducted specifically regarding caregivers and how the stress they endure affects their bodies’ ability to process the foods they eat. And guess what? They found that those under extreme stress didn’t handle junk food as well – it led to larger waistlines and insulin insensitivity.

    Tune in to find out more and for a couple of simple practices you can begin to implement today!

    Thanks for listening! Leave a comment if you've been enjoying it. Check out more resources at CoachKirsten.com

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    22 min
  • Plant Based Nutrition for Stress & Resilience—Episode 41
    Mar 27 2024

    In the fast-paced, demanding world we live in, the effects of stress on our physical and emotional well-being can be profound. As someone who has personally witnessed the transformative power of holistic health, stress resilience, and plant-based nutrition, I am excited to explore with you the incredible connection between what we eat and how we navigate the challenges of life.

    The Stress-Nutrition Nexus:

    It's no secret that stress can take a toll on our bodies and minds. The incessant demands of work, the juggling act of personal and professional responsibilities, and the emotional rollercoaster that comes with it can leave us feeling depleted. What many may not realize is that the foods we choose to fuel our bodies play a significant role in how we experience and manage stress.

    The Vicious Cycle:

    Have you ever noticed how stress can influence your food choices? Late-night comfort foods, sugary snacks, or quick and convenient but nutritionally lacking meals often become the go-to options. What's interesting is that this relationship works both ways – the nutrients we consume can either exacerbate stress or act as powerful tools to reduce its impact. It's a cycle that starts with what we put on our plates but extends to every aspect of our well-being.

    The Impact on Emotional Health:

    Anxiety and depression are genuine emotions rooted in real experiences, but the role of nutrition in either intensifying or alleviating their effects is frequently underestimated. As a holistic health and stress resilience coach, I have consistently witnessed how proper nutrition not only affects physical health but plays a crucial role in emotional well-being. It's a fascinating journey that goes beyond the surface, exploring how the foods we eat can influence our stress levels and, consequently, our overall resilience.

    Plant-Based Nutrition as a Part of the Solution:

    Enter plant-based nutrition – a powerful ally in the quest for stress resilience and overall well-being. Imagine embracing a 30-day journey that not only resets your metabolism but also nourishes your body from the inside out. This program is not just about following a plant-based diet; it's a comprehensive approach that integrates guided breathwork practices and mindset coaching sessions to provide you with the tools to thrive.

    Building Resilience with Every Bite:

    Plant-based nutrition goes beyond the mere consumption of fruits, vegetables, and grains. It's a lifestyle shift that involves making conscious choices to fuel your body with nutrient-dense, whole foods. These choices not only enhance physical health but also contribute to emotional resilience. The program I've designed incorporates the best of plant-based nutrition, breathwork exercises, and mindset coaching to guide you on a journey towards holistic well-being.

    For listeners of my podcast, I'm offering a $25 discount on my 30-Day Plant-Based Resilient Transformation using discount code: PODCAST25

    Thanks for listening! Leave a comment if you've been enjoying it. Check out more resources at CoachKirsten.com

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    18 min
  • Breaking the Stress Cycle with Nutrition - Part 1—Episode 40
    Mar 13 2024

    In this episode, I want to dive into a topic that affects us all but often goes misunderstood – stress hormones and their impact on our well-being, as well as a simple nutritional tool we can utilize to begin to help create a solid foundation internally.

    #1 Stress Hormones:

    Did you know that stress hormones play a pivotal role in shaping our response to life’s challenges? Many people underestimate the influence of cortisol and adrenaline on our health. In my upcoming series, I’ll unravel the mysteries of stress, explore the functions of cortisol and adrenaline, and share strategies to build resilience against the negative impacts of stress. Are you ready to take control and break free from the cycle of stress?

    Did You Know?

    When faced with stress, our body releases two key hormones: Cortisol and Adrenaline. Understanding these hormones is the first step towards managing stress effectively. Adrenaline provides a quick response for “fight or flight,” while cortisol, with its longer-term effects, can wreak havoc over time. Stay tuned as I delve into everything you need to know about cortisol and how to break the stress cycle.

    #2 Cortisol Patterns:

    Do you know what a healthy cortisol pattern looks like? It’s crucial because an imbalance in cortisol levels can disrupt your overall sense of well-being. We aim for a morning cortisol spike to kickstart the day, followed by a gradual decrease until reaching the lowest point at midnight. Discover the connection between stress, disease, and cortisol, and let me know if you resonate with the challenges of maintaining a healthy cortisol pattern.

    Pro Eating for Health & Hormones Tip:

    Your food choices can significantly impact stress levels. Did you know that skipping meals or indulging in refined sugars sends stress signals to the body?

    One way I actually choose to combat stress is through nutrition: Nutrient Dense foods, limiting refined sugars, loads of fiber-rich gut-healing foods, and staying hydrated. But I’ll share how I do this in a very simple method that makes it easy to remember …

    Remember, blood sugar swings equal stress.

    Join me in exploring the link between nutrition and stress management.

    I hope you found this email insightful and relevant to your journey towards a healthier, more resilient you! If you’re interested in learning more, follow my updates on socials or stay tuned for upcoming emails where I’ll share valuable insights and tips.

    Here’s to breaking the stress cycle and embracing a healthier, more balanced life!

    To your thriving and resilient life,

    Coach K!

    Thanks for listening! Leave a comment if you've been enjoying it. Check out more resources at CoachKirsten.com

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    22 min
  • Writing it Out: Journaling for Stress, Burnout, and Overwhelm—Episode 39
    Mar 4 2024

    People who deal with a lot of stress understand the implications of it. You know what it does to your mental and emotional health, how it affects your physical health, and what the repercussions are. You are fully aware that it can lead to feeling overwhelmed and like you can’t handle your daily life, that it can lead to burnout and work issues, and cause problems with your relationships and personal life.

    If this sounds like you, don’t just make it a daily habit where you go through cycles of extreme stress. Find a better way to manage & heal from it, something that is healthy and has other benefits, such as writing about your stress.

    In this podcast, we'll talk about some ways to write out your stress and worry to finally take control of your life and stop living in constant worry. And not only that, but to also increase your capacity to rewire your brain to look for the good!

    These are tools I give to most of my clients at some point in their journey. I believe you'll really experience breakthrough as you do these tools.


    Thanks for listening! Leave a comment if you've been enjoying it. Check out more resources at CoachKirsten.com

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    33 min
  • Your Body is Listening to You; Are You Listening to it? — Episode 38
    Feb 28 2024

    Did you know that your body is always listening to you? To the feedback you give it, to how you treat it, and to how you respond to situations?

    Don't believe me?

    Take a moment and just tune in to your body. How's it doing?

    Now, think of something stressful ... notice any shifts in your body?
    Even writing that, I could feel my heart beat rise.
    How about you?

    We now have incredible books such as "The Body Keeps the Score" sharing with us just how much we can store in our body.

    So, what I wanted to share is how we can actually start listening.

    It's not as easy as it sounds. But not only is it possible to learn, but it can be life changing!

    I've met many people with health struggles who simply don't know how to become aware of what their body is saying. And that alone has caused health issues that arose over a build up of time.

    In this episode, we will cover:

    • How your body listens to you
    • Specific skills and practices to learn how to respond to your body
    • How to shift this into a resilience skill and heal your body

    Thanks for listening! Leave a comment if you've been enjoying it. Check out more resources at CoachKirsten.com

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    32 min
  • How Your Diet Impacts Your Emotional & Mental Stress - Episode 37
    Feb 20 2024

    We're often very aware that our emotional stress impacts the foods we eat, but did you know that the nutrients we take in actually affect our emotional well-being?

    When you start looking at ways to reduce your stress levels, you probably focus on how much work you are doing, what your daily responsibilities are, and whether or not you practice good self-care. These are all very important, but don’t forget about the simplest choices you make every day that could be impacting your stress.

    A common one has to do with your diet, where some foods can increase foods, while others help to reduce it. In fact, your diet has a much larger impact on your stress levels than you might expect, and your stress can determine what your food choices end up being. This is a vicious cycle that starts with focusing on proper nutrition to fuel your body.

    Things like anxiety and depression are very real. They are real emotions, triggered by real experiences. But there are many times where our nutrition can either greatly reduce their intensity or at the very least, give our body the best possible chance of navigating the emotions in a greater way. And on the flip side, poor nutrition, or nutritional deficiencies, will also play a role in your emotional well-being.

    We typically focus on the way these deficiencies can affect not just your physical health, but your emotional health as well.

    As a holistic health & stress resilience coach, I actually see this fairly regularly, so I thought it would be a powerful concept to explore in this podcast.

    Thanks for listening! Leave a comment if you've been enjoying it. Check out more resources at CoachKirsten.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min