
  • SEASON I | Rewilding Parenthood Teaser
    May 28 2019


    Rewilding Parenthood is a podcast featuring families leading bold and courageous lifestyles. It is told in 5 episode thematic based seasons - the purpose being that we want families interested in a certain subject matter to get a holistic look at the lifestyle they seek to pursue and most importantly highlighting paths to achieving this life. Of the five episodes per season, four will be hosted by Colin Boyd, in English and the fifth in Spanish and hosted by Sofi Aldinio. So whether you are seeking a life on the road, on the water or just an alternative approach to the 9-5, join us to find inspiration and connection to many others leading the way.

    Rewilding Parenthood was produced by Afuera Vida and hosted by Colin Boyd & Sofi Aldinio. Follow the journey, and podcast highlights on instagram @afueravida.

    Sound Design & Editing by Mercedes Riva

    Music by Thomas Tyrel

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    3 min
  • Hit the Road with Hosts Colin Boyd & Sofi Aldinio
    Jun 12 2019

    Hosts, Colin Boyd & Sofi Aldinio launch their first podcast episode describing what rewilding parenthood means and why documenting inspiring stories of other families emboldens them on their current overlanding journey from Maine to Argentina as a family of four.

    Sofi and Colin had an adventurous lifestyle before settling in Portland, Maine. The pair lived in NewZealand for five years while also traveling and working independently overseas. As Colin was wrapping up his years competing on the Freeride World Tour, they moved to the US and their first child was on its way unexpectedly. As they quickly prepared for their new child, they felt their lives changing and over the course of four years, two houses, full time jobs, mortgages, airbnb's daycares, life insurance, etc... they lost themselves and each other as many other young parents do.

    Their current #overlanding journey from Maine to Argentina, Sofi's home, is a reclamation of the adventurous lives they seek to live and the experiences they want for their family. While they admit, vanlife has been more challenging than expected, they feel more connected now than in their traditional lives living the american dream and they hope to inspire others to pursue their passions.


    Rewilding Parenthood is a podcast featuring families leading bold and courageous lifestyles. It is told in 5 episode thematic based seasons - the purpose being that we want families interested in a certain subject matter to get a holistic look at the lifestyle they seek to pursue and most importantly highlighting paths to achieving this life. Of the five episodes per season, four will be hosted by Colin Boyd, in English and the fifth in Spanish and hosted by Sofi Aldinio. So whether you are seeking a life on the road, on the water or just an alternative approach to the 9-5, join us to find inspiration and connection to many others leading the way.

    Rewilding Parenthood was produced by Afuera Vida and hosted by Colin Boyd & Sofi Aldinio. Follow the journey, and podcast highlights on instagram @afueravida.

    Sound Design & Editing by Mercedes Riva

    Music by Thomas Tyrel

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    22 min
  • Homeschooling in French with Stay-At-Home Dad, Gavin Noble
    Jun 22 2019

    Gavin Noble is the kind of guy that will send you a message on instagram after seeing your van driving through Alachua County, Florida, the place he and his family call home. This is how we connected with Gavin and both his sincerity and openness from the outset drew us into the retreat he is shaping for his family.

    As a stay-at-home dad, Gavin already doesn't fit in with the way our society expects him to. Yet seeing him in his element carving flutes out of bamboo, towing a wagon of kids picking citrus from the neighbors or just conversing with his children in French, he seems to be doing exactly what he is meant to do - be a kick ass dad. With chickens running around the food forest he's creating from the earth up, Gavin is a true renaissance man that is the redefinition of masculinity in this day and age.

    In this episode we'll cover how Gavin and his wife Beth arrived in Alachua County and how they've set up a lifestyle that values time together over financial gain and how they are building the life they want to live.


    Rewilding Parenthood is a podcast featuring families leading bold and courageous lifestyles. It is told in 5 episode thematic based seasons - the purpose being that we want families interested in a certain subject matter to get a holistic look at the lifestyle they seek to pursue and most importantly highlighting paths to achieving this life. Of the five episodes per season, four will be hosted by Colin Boyd, in English and the fifth in Spanish and hosted by Sofi Aldinio. So whether you are seeking a life on the road, on the water or just an alternative approach to the 9-5, join us to find inspiration and connection to many others leading the way.

    Rewilding Parenthood was produced by Afuera Vida and hosted by Colin Boyd & Sofi Aldinio. Follow the journey, and podcast highlights on instagram @afueravida.

    Sound Design & Editing by Mercedes Riva

    Music by Thomas Tyrel

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    35 min
  • Simply Us and a Bus
    Jul 2 2019

    Driving north from Key West, I spotted a vivid blue school bus and as I neared, humans of all sizes were on the roof top deck, lashing down boats of all colors. Foolishly, I pressed on, tooting my horn, leaving Key West behind in search of a beach in solace. Almost two months later, the opposite version of this story was told to me by Aaron Tokarz as we swapped bus war stories the first night of the United Tiny Living Festival in Macon, Georgia. Over the next three days, are families united together seamlessly and on our final day together we recorded this podcast.

    Aaron and Philan were motivated and sought a substantial change in their lives and when she brought up the idea of a school bus, they had one parked in their backyard within a couple weeks. This is kind of how they roll, and now they roll full time as a family of five on board a beautiful International flat-nose 30’ School Bus. They have been following the unschooling philosophy for the first year on the road, letting each of their kids practice self-directed learning. In three short days, we saw each of their personalities come alive through a multitude of situations at the tiny house festival.

    In this episode we cover the reasons why they left their home of Rockford, Illinois, the immediate challenges of life on the road, unschooling, relationship challenges and why their life on the road is exactly what their family needed at that moment. Follow the Simply Us And A Bus story on Instagram or Youtube.


    Rewilding Parenthood is a podcast featuring families leading bold and courageous lifestyles. It is told in 5 episode thematic based seasons - the purpose being that we want families interested in a certain subject matter to get a holistic look at the lifestyle they seek to pursue and most importantly highlighting paths to achieving this life. Of the five episodes per season, four will be hosted by Colin Boyd, in English and the fifth in Spanish and hosted by Sofi Aldinio. So whether you are seeking a life on the road, on the water or just an alternative approach to the 9-5, join us to find inspiration and connection to many others leading the way.

    Rewilding Parenthood was produced by Afuera Vida and hosted by Colin Boyd & Sofi Aldinio. Follow the journey, and podcast highlights on instagram @afueravida.

    Sound Design & Editing by Mercedes Riva
    Music by Thomas Tyrel

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    40 min
  • Bikepacking from Houston to Miami | A French Family Voyage
    Jul 11 2019

    While lounging at the beach in Stuart, Florida, a couple arrived on bikes, towing a carrier of two children. They were clearly tired - having biked some miles through the sun, but remained in good spirits while laughing over baguette sandwiches. Upon hearing more about their 1,200+ mile journey bike-packing across the Southern US, I invited Adrien into the Affuera Vida production studio to record a podcast. He shares the story of how his family of four (Marlene, Robin (5) and Paola (3)) jumped at the opportunity to move from France to Mexico as part of his mechanical engineering career, how bike packing has always been a part of his life and how he made this a family passion.


    Rewilding Parenthood is a podcast featuring families leading bold and courageous lifestyles. It is told in 5 episode thematic based seasons - the purpose being that we want families interested in a certain subject matter to get a holistic look at the lifestyle they seek to pursue and most importantly highlighting paths to achieving this life. Of the five episodes per season, four will be hosted by Colin Boyd, in English and the fifth in Spanish and hosted by Sofi Aldinio. So whether you are seeking a life on the road, on the water or just an alternative approach to the 9-5, join us to find inspiration and connection to many others leading the way.

    Rewilding Parenthood was produced by Afuera Vida and hosted by Colin Boyd & Sofi Aldinio. Follow the journey, and podcast highlights on instagram @afueravida.

    Sound Design & Editing by Mercedes Riva
    Music by Thomas Tyrel

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    27 min
  • Airstream Lifestyle with Nicholas & Laura Pritchett
    Jul 19 2019

    Nicholas and Laura Pritchett came up with the decision to purchase and renovate an Airstream with a dream of traveling the country in search of a new home. Upon acquiring their Airstream, they spent every night and weekend renovating and rebuilding it after also constructing a home together from the ground up while managing full time careers and raising their daughter - super humans. Eventually it came time to depart and they learned the ways of the road through experience, discovering their travel rhythm, workflow and unearthing new potential places to live. Laura and Nicholas are humble beyond their words, yet their photography, meticulous airstream and rich lifestyle show the depth of their vision and values. Laura is an incredible painter and both are amazing photographers and can be followed on Instagram @bythebrush and @nicholasjared or on their websites Laura Pritchett and Nicholas Pritchett.


    Rewilding Parenthood is a podcast featuring families leading bold and courageous lifestyles. It is told in 5 episode thematic based seasons - the purpose being that we want families interested in a certain subject matter to get a holistic look at the lifestyle they seek to pursue and most importantly highlighting paths to achieving this life. Of the five episodes per season, four will be hosted by Colin Boyd, in English and the fifth in Spanish and hosted by Sofi Aldinio. So whether you are seeking a life on the road, on the water or just an alternative approach to the 9-5, join us to find inspiration and connection to many others leading the way.

    Rewilding Parenthood was produced by Afuera Vida and hosted by Colin Boyd & Sofi Aldinio. Follow the journey, and podcast highlights on instagram @afueravida.

    Sound Design & Editing by Mercedes Riva
    Music by Thomas Tyrel

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    28 min
  • Season I | Teaser | versión en español
    Jul 26 2019
    Season 1 | Introducción en español Hoy, vemos un movimiento global, no limitado a la ciudad ni a lo rural. Padres están eligiendo restaurar, regenerar y re-cultivar el significado de la paternidad y  lo que significa el éxito como individuos y como familias. A esto es lo que llamamos Rewilding Parenthood y en este podcast entrevistamos familias que lideran este movimiento.
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    Moins d'une minute
  • De Alpedrete, España a Boulder, Colorado | Una historia sobre dejar todo y comenzar de nuevo.
    Jul 26 2019

    María Cebran y Diego Dominguez son de España y hace un año se mudaron a Boulder, Colorado. Conocimos a María y a Diego en Santa Fe, New Mexico, en un parque, cuando estaban de vacaciones con sus dos hijos Bruno y Leo. Inmediatamente conectamos compartiendo historias de viaje, sobre la crianza de los hijos, lo difícil que es dejar todo y comenzar de nuevo en un nuevo lugar.

    Pasando por Boulder, tuvimos la suerte de volver a encontrarnos con ellos y hoy nos cuentan cómo fue el proceso de dejar una comunidad tan linda que habían formado en Alpedrete, un pueblo de España a las afuera de Madrid, para venirse a vivir a los Estados Unidos, un país con otro idioma donde no conocían prácticamente a nadie. La oportunidad para María de crecer profesionalmente era importante pero también le pesaba dejar la familia que habían formado en España.

    Visita afueravida.com para aprender mas sobre los entrevistados.

    Y conectate con nuestro instagram @rewildingparenthood.

    Rewilding Parenthood es producido en la ruta por Afuera Vida, edición por Mercedes Riva y música por Tomás Tyrrell.

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    38 min