• 320 \\ Therese's Journey to Authentic Living- Client Spotlight
    Mar 6 2025

    Hey friends! I'm so excited to share this powerful conversation with my dear friend Therese. Therese has been on an incredible journey of self-discovery and healing, and I know her story is going to really resonate with so many of you.

    When Therese first reached out to me, she was in a really tough spot - struggling with alcohol use and feeling lost, ashamed, and unsure of her true self. But through our work together, she's been able to uncover the deeper issues beneath the surface and make some profound shifts in her life.

    Therese shares so vulnerably about growing up in a large, volatile family where she learned to use alcohol as a coping mechanism. She talks about the guilt and shame she felt as her drinking spiraled, and how she even resorted to hiding her habits from her loved ones.

    But the turning point came when Therese realized she wanted more - more freedom, more authenticity, more connection with herself and her family. And that's when she courageously reached out for support, despite her fears and doubts.

    What I love most about Therese's story is how the coaching process helped her discover her true values and align her life accordingly. She talks about the power of getting clear on who she is and what matters most, and how that has transformed her relationships in such a beautiful way.

    Therese is now living with a sense of peace, purpose and freedom that she never thought possible. And I know her journey is going to inspire so many of you to start peeling back the layers and getting real about what you truly desire.

    So grab a cup of coffee and get ready to be encouraged, my friends. Therese's story is one of hope, resilience and the power of taking that first brave step.

    If you've been feeling a nudge to explore your next step toward freedom and purpose, I invite you to join me for a special call. Let's chat and see if coaching is the right fit for you on your journey to break free and grow. Your story matters, and I'm here to help you write its next beautiful chapter.

    Email me to book a time. michelle@setfreesisterhood.com

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    53 min
  • 319 \\ Breaking Through the Fear of Failure
    Feb 27 2025

    Hey there, it's Michelle Porterfield, and I'm here today to talk about a topic that I know hits home for so many of us - the fear of failure.

    I get it, the thought of putting yourself out there and potentially falling flat on your face can be downright terrifying. What if I invest in myself and nothing changes? What if I try and I fail? What if I'm just not good enough?

    These are the kinds of questions that keep us stuck in old patterns, using busyness, wine, and other distractions to avoid the discomfort of growth. But here's the thing - staying stuck is already a form of failure in itself.

    I want you to really sit with that for a minute. When we stay in our comfort zones, playing it safe, we're already failing at becoming the best version of ourselves. And that's not the life I want for you.

    So let's talk about where this fear comes from. A lot of it can be traced back to our childhood experiences - things like perfectionist expectations, conditional love, harsh punishments for mistakes, and a lack of emotional support. These formative years shape how we perceive success, failure, and our own self-worth.

    Maybe you grew up in a home where only perfection was praised. Or your love felt conditional, like you only got approval when you achieved certain things. Perhaps mistakes were met with anger or humiliation, teaching your brain to associate failure with danger.

    These wounds from the past can manifest in all kinds of self-sabotaging behaviors as adults - avoiding challenges, obsessing over doing things perfectly, procrastinating, and feeling like an imposter when we do succeed.

    But I'm here to tell you that failure is not the opposite of success. It's a necessary part of the journey. Think about a baby learning to walk - they fall down over and over, but does that stop them? Heck no! They just keep getting back up and trying again.

    That's the kind of resilience and determination I want to see in all of us. Because the truth is, the path to becoming our best selves is never a straight line. There will be missteps, there will be setbacks. But those are just opportunities to learn, grow, and try again.

    So how do we break free from this cycle of fear? It starts with reframing our mindset. Instead of seeing failure as this big, scary thing, we need to view it as valuable data - information that tells us what to tweak and try a new way.

    And you don't have to do this alone. In fact, I'd love to support you on this journey. Whether it's through my podcast, my coaching program, or just a listening ear, I'm here to help you face your fears head-on and experience the freedom and fulfillment that comes with growth.

    So what do you say - are you ready to start failing forward? If so, I invite you to reach out to me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com. Let's chat about where you're at, where you want to go, and how I can best support you in getting there.

    The path to becoming your best self isn't always easy, but I promise it's worth it. I can't wait to see what you're capable of.

    Cheers to facing our fears, Michelle

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    25 min
  • 318 \\ 50 & Thriving – How Alcohol-Free Living Transformed My Life
    Feb 20 2025

    Hey there, friends! I'm so excited to be celebrating my 50th birthday with you all today. As I reflect on this milestone, I can't help but feel incredibly grateful for the transformative journey I've been on since choosing to go alcohol-free back in 2018.

    That decision, though daunting at the time, has completely changed the trajectory of my life. I've experienced such remarkable physical and emotional changes - my skin is clearer, my eyes are brighter, and my sleep has improved tenfold. But more importantly, the mental clarity and emotional strength I've gained have been life-altering. I no longer find myself in a constant haze or struggling to remember conversations. Instead, I'm able to fully show up, feel my feelings, and give myself the grace I deserve.

    And the impact on my relationships has been equally profound. I'm more present and patient with my children, and the intimacy and joy I share with my closest friends is truly special. Of course, there are still challenges, like navigating the teenage years, but I've learned how to care for myself in a way that allows me to be the best version of myself for those I love.

    As I look to the future, I'm filled with excitement and a deep sense of purpose. I can't wait to continue growing, serving, and supporting my community. That's why I'm offering a special $100 discount on a coaching package this month. If you've been on the fence, now is the time to take that first step.

    Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com, and let's chat about where you're at and how I can help you unlock the incredible potential that lies within you. I truly believe that each and every one of us was created for more, and I'm honored to walk alongside you on this journey.

    Here's to 50 and beyond, my friends. Let's celebrate the beauty of who we are and all that we have yet to discover. I can't wait to see what the future holds!

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    17 min
  • BONUS: God is Love- What that means for YOU.
    Feb 14 2025

    Happy Valentine's Day, my friends! Today, I want to invite you to look at love from a heavenly perspective. I truly believe that if we can grasp the profound truth that God is love - not just that He loves, but that His very essence is love - it has the power to radically transform our lives.

    So often, we struggle with a performance-based understanding of love. We feel like we have to earn our worthiness or that we can lose God's affection through our mistakes. But the beautiful reality is that there is nothing we can do to earn or lose God's love. It is an unconditional gift, not based on our actions, but on who we are in Him.

    When we really internalize this, it frees us up to walk in greater confidence, grace and purpose. We no longer have to strive to be perfect, but can embrace God's patient, kind, forgiving love. This changes how we interact with others too, as we learn to extend that same compassion.

    I want to challenge you to reflect deeply on how your life would be different if you truly believed that God loves you, not because of what you do, but because of who you are. This understanding has the power to heal wounds, build connections, and empower you to live out your calling.

    I'm here to support you on this journey. If you're feeling stuck or struggling, I'd love to chat about coaching and see if it could be a helpful next step. Just email me at Michelle@setfreesisterhood.com. Let's keep growing in our understanding of God's boundless love together. I'm praying it transforms your heart and life.

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    20 min
  • 317 \\ Shedding the Shame, Unlearning Silence: A Roadmap to Deeper Intimacy and Empowered Conversations with Therapist Anna Kingsley.
    Feb 13 2025

    Hey there, friends. I'm so excited to share my conversation with therapist Anna Kingsley. As many of you know, I've been on my own journey of healing and growth, and Anna's insights really resonated with me in a deep way.

    One of the key things that stood out was Anna's emphasis on normalizing the challenges we face around addiction, intimacy, and relationships. So often, we feel ashamed to admit when we're struggling - whether it's with alcohol, our bodies, or the vulnerability required for true connection. But Anna reminded me that these are incredibly common human experiences.

    She shared the story of a client couple who were able to turn their relationship around by approaching the issues with compassion, rather than judgment. The wife was able to reduce her drinking, which had become a barrier. But the real transformation happened when they created a safe space to openly discuss their feelings and needs.

    Anna said something that really stuck with me - that 99% of sexual and intimacy issues can be improved through open communication and understanding. How powerful is that? So often we avoid these conversations out of fear, when the path forward is right in front of us.

    I know many of you are in a similar place - wanting more intimacy and connection in your relationships, but feeling stuck in patterns of shame, distance, or self-medicating. I encourage you to take a page from Anna's playbook. Be gentle with yourself, and give yourself permission to seek support, whether that's through therapy, coaching, or simply opening up to a trusted friend or partner.

    The journey isn't always easy, but the rewards of reclaiming your power, your voice, and your capacity for deep, nourishing relationships are immense. I'm cheering you on every step of the way. Let me know what resonates with you, and I can't wait to hear your stories.

    You can find her at https://olivebranchmethod.com/.

    If you're ready to take this step but need a little extra support, I want you to know that I'm here for you. Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com to learn more about how we can work together.

    Anna Kingsley is a British psychotherapist specializing in addiction, sexual and relationship problems. You can find her at www.olivebranchmethod.com and read articles she writes about these challenges at annakingsley.substack.com

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    50 min
  • 316 \\ Working from home may be a drinking trigger. Here's how to know and what to do about it.
    Feb 6 2025

    As someone who's experienced the unique challenges of both working in a salon and from home, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to maintain healthy habits when your work and personal life start to blend together. And I know so many of you listening are in that same boat, struggling with things like over-drinking as you navigate this new remote work landscape.

    That's why I wanted to dedicate this episode to unpacking some of the key reasons why working from home can make it so easy to slip into unhealthy patterns. Things like the blurred boundaries, lack of accountability, and the way drinking culture is so normalized on social media - it can all contribute to that slippery slope. And I get it, when no one's watching, it's so tempting to just pour that glass of wine at the end of the day. But I also know how isolating and discouraging that cycle can feel.

    So in this episode, I'm sharing a toolbox of practical strategies to help you break free. We start with the importance of establishing an intentional morning routine - something that sets the tone for your whole day and allows you to really check in with yourself. Then we talk about structuring your workday with focused blocks and transition rituals, so you're not just bleeding from one task into the next. Incorporating midday self-care breaks, trying out non-alcoholic alternatives in the evenings, and ending your day with intention - these are all key pieces of the puzzle.

    And the overarching theme here is taking it one step at a time. Don't try to overhaul everything at once - just pick one or two changes and commit to them consistently. That's where the real magic happens, when these new habits start to become a part of your identity.

    Because at the end of the day, I want you to know that I see you. I've been there myself, and I'm here to support you in any way I can. So if you're ready to make 2025 the year you reclaim your health and wellbeing, shoot me an email at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com. Let's chat about how my coaching program can help you break free from those drinking habits for good and create an alcohol-free future that fills you with purpose and joy. Y

    ou've got this, my friend. I believe in you.

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    31 min
  • 315 \\ Developing Emotional Intelligence for Healthier Relationships with DR. Bianca.
    Jan 30 2025

    Wow, you all are in for a real treat with this episode! I had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Bianca Ramos Rio, a private practice owner and nonprofit founder who uses equine therapy to help clients heal from trauma, depression, anxiety, and more.

    Dr. Bianca has such an incredible personal story - from moving from Germany to South Korea to Alabama, and how that journey ultimately led her to a career in psychology and marriage/family therapy. Her resilience and faith are truly inspiring.

    But what I found most fascinating was learning about Dr. Bianca's work with equine therapy. She shared how the gentle, non-judgmental presence of horses can have such a profound impact on people struggling with PTSD, emotional numbness, and other mental health challenges. Apparently, horses have the biggest magnetic field of any animal, and just being around them can actually help sync your heartbeat and calm you down. How cool is that?

    We also dove deep into the importance of emotional intelligence - being able to identify and communicate your feelings. Dr. Bianca uses these awesome "feeling wheels" with her clients to help them put words to what they're experiencing. I think that's such a valuable tool, especially for women who may have been taught to suppress their emotions.

    And of course, we talked about the role of faith in Dr. Bianca's own life, and how she leans on God (and the Lord's Prayer in German!) to help her through the tough times, especially when it comes to worrying about her daughter's health issues. Her vulnerability and authenticity were so refreshing.

    If you're looking for new ways to approach mental health and personal growth, this episode is a must-listen. Dr. Bianca has such a unique perspective, and I walked away feeling inspired and hopeful. Grab a pen and paper - you're going to want to take some notes!

    You can find Dr. Bianca and her resources at https://www.thefaithworksstablefoundation.com/


    Enjoy, my friends! Michelle

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    54 min
  • 314 \\ What's the one thing you may be missing that is holding you back from success in your life?
    Jan 23 2025

    Hey there, my beautiful friends! In this episode, I'm diving deep into the importance of making time for quiet reflection and connection with the Lord. This is something that has been weighing heavily on my heart lately, and I know it's an area that so many of you struggle with as well.

    You see, I used to be the queen of busyness and overwhelm. I would use distractions and even alcohol as coping mechanisms to avoid dealing with my thoughts and emotions. And let me tell you, that never ended well. I always felt disconnected, depleted, and unfulfilled.

    But when I finally got intentional about spending that quality time with God each day - even if it was just 5-10 minutes in the morning - everything started to shift. I found more peace, clarity, and direction. I was able to be more self-aware and deal with the things weighing on my heart, instead of just numbing out.

    In this episode, I share my personal journey with this and why I believe it's so crucial for our emotional, spiritual, and relational well-being. I also provide practical tips and strategies for how you can implement this into your own life, even if you're feeling maxed out.

    Some of the key topics I cover include:

    • The benefits of quiet time with God (peace, clarity, identity, self-awareness, resilience, etc.)

    • How to overcome the crutch of busyness, overwhelm, and unhealthy coping mechanisms

    • Creating a comfortable, distraction-free space for your quiet time

    • Breathing techniques and using prompts like meditation apps or devotionals

    • Practicing gratitude and dependence on God

    • My personal experiences and struggles with this, and how I've grown

    By the end of this episode, my hope is that you'll be inspired and empowered to make this a consistent priority in your life. Because I truly believe it has the power to transform every area of your world.

    If you're ready to take this step but need a little extra support, I want you to know that I'm here for you. Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com to learn more about how we can work together.

    Let's do this, my friend. I'm cheering you on!

    Xoxo, Michelle

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min