
    Jan 1 2025

    Bhawana is a spiritual teacher and embodiment coach and she feels that her soul purpose is being in tune with her emotions, to express joy and celebration of life, and to help people getting in tune with their emotions so that they can open the channel for joy, celebration, expansion and love. In other words: to help people find most the unlimited potential of themselves. Chakra work is, besides other tools, a main key of her work. In this episode she illustrates the function of our seven main Chakras, explains the effects of blockages and shares knowledge of how to open them. She takes us on a very wise and beautiful journey from the root to the crown. Stay until the end and you will be rewarded with a powerful guided meditation that will surely bring more joy and love into your system!

    Come to my LOVE retreat on 11.01.2025 : https://www.eventbrite.de/e/cultivating-love-a-day-retreat-tickets-1114835245229

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    2 h et 1 min
    Dec 1 2024

    Gal offers intimacy workshops that encourage participants to slow down in order to be in touch with their own emotions as well as being aware of those of the others. In his opinion presence is key for relating. The problem is: modern society and hectic city-life push us into a race. His advice: Stop it. Take a breath and slow down. Listen to why it is essential and how we can integrate it in episode 26.

    Find out more on Gal's website , telegram channel or Insta.

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    1 h et 18 min
    Nov 1 2024

    Alex ist eindurch und durch taktiler Mensch. Ob er seine Gefühle über den Pinsel auf die Leinwand bringt, Energiearbeit macht, Massagen oder Tantra-Massagen gibt: Sein Schlüssel für die Verbindung liegt in den Händen. Dort sind seine Sensoren extrem ausgeprägt. Er kann die Bedürfnisse und Freuden anderer durch die Fingerspitzen wahrnehmen und durch Hingabe und Präsenz Heilung und Liebe in die Körper seiner Mitmenschen fließen lassen. Jeder Mensch hat andere Bedürfnisse und andere Ausdrucksformen der Liebe, doch ohne körperliche Zuwendung kommt kaum einer aus. Bekannte Studien und Experimente beweisen: Der Mensch braucht Zärtlichkeit. Diese Folge widmet sich der Berührung, denn was gibt es Schöneres als die Wärme des anderen und Haut auf Haut? Und wenn wir Alex‘ Rat folgen wollen, sollten wir nun schnell jemanden umarmen oder einfach mal öfter Händchenhalten.

    Weiterführende Infos zu den fünf Sprachen der Liebe

    Alex auf Instagram

    Alex' Kunst auf Instagram

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    1 h et 22 min
  • LOVE WITH FREIFRAU – special edition – a Transcending the Veil production
    Oct 31 2024

    Switching roles: In this episode I am the guest. My friend Nils Haack, host and producer of the Podcast Transcending the Veil, interviews me about my Podcast Sex auf dem Küchentisch. I really love how this episode turned out and I enjoyed going on the meta level of why and how I do my work. I point out the intentions of the Podcast, reflect on what it taught me and once again I’m sending out my gratefulness to the universe for our biggest superpower: LOVE. As I have the feeling it could also be interesting for you to get background info of the Sex-auf-dem-Küchentisch-philosophy I feel like sharing this episode with my dear listeners. Hope you enjoy. Also tune in to Nils other episodes. He definitely brings up interesting stuff.

    Listen to Transcending the Veil

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    49 min
    Sep 1 2024

    Ghislain is not only an astrologer, a bodyworker and a sauna-master, he also offers Tantra massage and has been crafting his own Tantric path since many years. As he is convinced that, with Tantric and Taoist methods, men can unlock ecstatic potentials in the same quality and diversity as female orgasms, and that there is a need for conscious masculinity, he hosts men circles to pass on the knowledge and tools he collected to fellow men. In this episode we discuss what conditionings have to be shed in order to live a free and conscious masculinity. We learn how anyone can use their sexual energy as life force and celebrate polarities in sacred union. And, last but not least, we find out how men can consciously keep and harness those energies by mastering the uncontrolled need to ejaculate, while avoiding the painful “blue balls” syndrome. Join us at the kitchen table in this deep but cheerful ride.

    More info about Ghislain`s work:

    Check out his website www.inner-sun.art and follow his telegram channel.

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    1 h et 49 min
    Jul 1 2024

    Zsófi’s life is all about Love and Eros. For her, Eros is a life energy that wants to grow, to feel, to flow towards closeness and that is very much related to Love. She expresses her Love for others through touch. Lead by this perception she facilitates temple nights: special events for people to co-create sensual group experiences through their individual erotic expression. In her nonpenetrative spaces of permission and curious exploration, everything based on consent is welcome. Besides that she offers tantric one to one sessions and yoni massages. Also she shares her love and life with her partner, her kid and her community. Listen to this very heartwarming and delighting conversation to find out why both, a YES and a NO, can be acts of self-liberation and why we should be more supportive with each other by being reminders of the other‘s innocence, purity and potential.

    Trigger Warning: This episode discusses sexual violence.

    More about Zsófi and her work here: Instagram Linktree Website

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    1 h et 43 min
    Jun 1 2024

    Colin activates one’s own healing abilities by using tuning forks to regulate the nervous system. He does this by wielding the unifying power of sound to create perfect conditions for deep relaxation. After a decade of practice, he answered the calling to pass on his medicine that is love with sound in full dedication.

    We talk about the beauty of giving oneself into service for the collective and for a higher purpose by sacrificing individual needs and wishes for values we personify. We discuss embodiment, brain-heart-communication, the Tantric approach of directing life-energy upwards, karmic entanglements, connecting with others on the same frequency and how to attract soulmates. Join our lotus infused deep talk in Episode 22.

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    1 h et 51 min
    May 1 2024

    Rainer erzählt uns die Geschichte eines sexuell verstörten Jungen, der zum Mönch und später zum Sexdiener wird. Im Berlin der Wendezeit wächst er zwischen Prüderie und Vertuschung, Pornographie und Exzess auf und begibt sich auf die Suche nach seiner Identität und Bestimmung. Seinen Sinn findet er zunächst im Zölibat, schließlich im Tantra. Hier arbeitet er „am Kern“ mit Frauen, löst mit ihnen Blockaden auf und führt sie in die sexuelle und emotionale Befreiung.

    Wie prägen uns unsere frühsten Erfahrungen mit Sexualität? Welche energetischen Potentiale der Sexualität können wir uns zunutze machen? Was hat Sex mit Heilung zu tun? Was mit Gott? Sei dabei am Küchentisch bei einer Zeitreise vom Nachkriegsdeutschland bis ins Jahr 2024.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 36 min