
  • The Perfect Rescuer. Jesus' Story - Episode 27
    Dec 15 2020

    Have you ever rescued someone? Have you ever needed rescue? Nicole and Sharon swap rescue stories and then open God's Word and rejoice in the greatest story of rescue ever told. Join us for this last episode of the season as we talk about Jesus, Lord and Savior. Merry Christmas, friends!

    [su_spoiler title="Read transcript for The Perfect Rescuer - Jesus' Story" icon="arrow-circle-1"] Speaker 1 (00:04): Welcome to the Christmas edition of the Sweet Selah moments podcast. We are so glad that right in the middle of decking those halls, you have decided to stop for a while with us. We hope you will feel refreshed and blessed as you listen today. The Sweet Selah moments podcast is brought to you by Word Radio and Sweet Selah Ministries. Nicole (00:29): Welcome to the Sweet Selah moments Christmas podcast season. This is episode 27, The Perfect Rescuer: Jesus's Story. As we finish season two of our podcast, what better way to end than with Jesus, the true hero of the story? Sharon, have you ever had to be rescued or have you ever been the one to rescue in a situation? Sharon (00:50): Oh yes. I've been rescued several times over the course of my life. I'm a little oblivious to traffic at times and Ray has pulled me out of harm's way in parking lots and street crossings more times than I can recount. He's always like you are going to get yourself run over. Nicole (01:09): Oh no, that's too funny. Sharon (01:10): So, but I've also had two scary plane rides where the pilots of the planes were the heroes and helped us land safely. Nicole (01:15): Oh wow. Sharon (01:16): Want to hear them? Nicole (01:17): I would love to. Sharon (01:18): You still need to promise me you'll fly after this. Nicole (01:20): I may not. Sharon (01:22): When we were going to England one time, I was about 11. My parents and I, and my brothers and sister were all on a plane. We were over the Atlantic Ocean coming near Ireland, but not in Ireland. And I had a window seat and I looked out the window and I thought, well, that's funny, there's flames coming from the wing. Nicole (01:40): Oh my gosh. Sharon (01:41): I'm not kidding you. Nicole (01:42): That's horrible. Sharon (01:43): And then a murmur grew as other people were noting the fact that our engine was on fire. So the pilot came on the loudspeaker and confirmed, yes, we have three engines that are working. And one that is on fire. So fortunately for us, we were barely close enough to Shannon Airport to land. We landed not even on a normal runway, one of their older ones, because they wanted to get down as fast as they could obviously. So we got down and we all got off the plane and at 11, I mean, I knew it was serious, but I didn't know how serious. What made me cry was when, and I'll probably cry again cause I always do, was when the pilot and copilot walked off the plane and everybody broke into cheers. Nicole (02:35): Oh, I bet! Sharon (02:35): When I saw grownups crying, I thought, Oh, this was really serious. Nicole (02:41): Yeah, this could have been bad. Sharon (02:41): Right. So ironically and sadly, but weirdly we went back on the same plane. Nicole (02:47): Really! Sharon (02:47): I know. They changed out the engine and we flew the rest of the way to England. So that was interesting. But anyways, it worked fine, obviously. So, but my next, I have two scary plane stories. My next scary plane story is actually what's made plane flying easier for me because, well, I'll explain. It's another story of going to England; I went to England to visit my grandmother right before she died, actually, with my mom. We're com...
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    30 min
  • Longing for a Child. Elizabeth's Story - Episode 26
    Dec 8 2020

    If you have experienced infertility or child loss or know someone who has, you know what a searing, painful experience it is. Nicole and Sharon share from their personal experience and from the Word of God, what it's like to want a child desperately. Join us for a study of Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, who endured years of waiting and scorn, and who did it with grace and faithfulness. Let's talk and encourage one another today.

    [su_spoiler title="Read transcript for Longing for a Child - Elizabeth's Story" icon="arrow-circle-1"] Speaker 1 (00:04): Welcome to the Christmas edition of the Sweet Selah moments podcast. We are so glad that right in the middle of decking those halls, you have decided to stop for a while with us. We hope you will feel refreshed and blessed as you listen today. The Sweet Selah moments podcast is brought to you by Word Radio and Sweet Selah Ministries. Nicole (00:30): Welcome to the Sweet Selah moments Christmas podcast season. This is episode 26, Longing for a Child, Elizabeth's Story. Chances are you either know someone who longs for a child or you are that someone. Deep in many a woman's heart is a desire to someday become a mother. There's a unique ache in the heart of a woman who has long waited to hold a child of her own. Today we're going to look at the story of Elizabeth. Like so many women throughout the centuries, Elizabeth longed for a child that did not come. Until he did in her old age. It's quite the story. Sharon (01:02): Nicole, it's an amazing story. And I'm excited to study it today. You know, the Bible is actually peppered with stories about women who had a hard time becoming mothers. Sarah, for example, knew that God had promised her husband, Abraham, that a great nation would come from their offspring and yet she waited decades until way past when conception was even possible. When Isaac was born Rachel, Jacob's wife, was barren and watched as her sister, also Jacob's wife, had four sons in a row. Hannah, mother to Samuel the prophet was also one of two wives and her rival the other wife had children and Hannah had none until she cried out to the Lord and begged once again, promising to dedicate that baby to the Lord. So story after story of heartache. I am at least glad that the two wife rivalry thing is less likely today, Nicole. Nicole (01:57): Yes. Sharon (01:57): That does not sound fun at all. However, the pain of infertility is still very present. I know many a suffering woman who grieves every month when, once again she discovers that she is not expecting a baby. For four years of my marriage I was that woman. I can remember attending a baby shower once thinking I could handle it and having to leave before I absolutely ruined it by sobbing. I remember dreaming of holding a baby and waking up weeping when I realized it was just a dream. It was miserable. It was hard. And I think the worst of it is you don't know how long it will last or if it will ever end. Nicole (02:38): Oh, I know it's such a deep and terrible pain. Either of the wanting of a baby or the loss of one. It's a strange grief I've found that comes in waves. You don't just dream of or lose an infant. You feel like you've lost a whole lifetime with a growing person too, you know. I find myself saying goodbye to my child at many different stages. Goodbye to a baby and now goodbye to a preschooler and someday goodbye to a high schooler and so on. I think that's why it's a pain that seems to come up over and over again. We envision their whole life with us when we see or feel them for the first time. It can be really tough. Yes. I also know many friends who have tried to adopt or foster and have had their sweet kiddos taken back after sometimes...
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    30 min
  • When God Changes Your Plans. Mary's Story - Episode 25
    Dec 1 2020

    Mary woke up one morning, expecting to marry Joseph, like she had the morning before that. Then an angel came and told her she would be expecting in a whole different way. From small town girl with a fiancé to the mother of the Son of God and a whole new life that was nothing like the one she had planned. How about you? Has your life gone as planned? Chances are, you have also had disruptions and detours and destination changes. Nicole and Sharon talk about all of this and more on today's podcast. We hope it is an encouragement to you.

    [su_spoiler title="Read transcript for When God Changes Your Plans - Mary's Story" icon="arrow-circle-1"] Speaker 1 (00:04): Welcome to the Christmas edition of the Sweet Selah moments podcast. We are so glad that right in the middle of decking those halls, you have decided to stop for a while with us. We hope you will feel refreshed and blessed as you listen today. The Sweet Selah moments podcast is brought to you by Word Radio and Sweet Selah Ministries. Nicole (00:29): Hey friends, welcome to the Sweet Selah moments Christmas podcast season. This is episode 25 'When God Changes Your Plans: Mary's Story'. Sharon and I are so excited about these next three episodes. We will be looking at key characters in the Christmas story and talking about how their stories intersect with ours. And we are offering a special Christmas Selah moments section in each episode, as a bonus. I'll be sharing an idea for moms with children to help celebrate the reason for the season. And Sharon will be sharing an idea each week on how you and I can meet with God in a special Christmas Selah moment. Whether you are wrapping presents or baking cookies or collapsed by the Christmas tree, listening to this podcast, we hope we will contribute to you having a merrier Christmas because you listened. Sharon (01:14): Nicole, this is fun. I love Christmas. Nicole (01:18): Me too. Sharon (01:19): Well let's get right to it. We are talking today about changed plans. In a moment, we're going to look at the life of Mary who thought she was just going to marry Joseph and settle down and have kids and a quiet life in Nazareth. As we all know that didn't happen. So, Nicole, can you point to a time when God changed your plans? Nicole (01:40): Goodness, I think 2020 has been the year of plan changes. Sharon (01:45): Yes. Nicole (01:45): But I think our big one, one of our big ones, also dealt with babies. Before we had kiddos, Josh and I had like the five-year plan. You're going to wait five years before trying to have kids and get some adult things taken care of first. Well, we only made it to three. At that time I was two months away from major jaw surgery. I had, I have terrible jaw pain that they think is caused by my jaw alignment being off. So we were going to do some surgery and hope that would correct it. I had braces on for a whole year. The braces were on to keep my jaw wired shut for six weeks after the surgery. So this was going to be quite an ordeal. And after a year of braces as an adult, I was ready for the surgery. But at this point I was also battling various health issues and I didn't think we could have kids, or at least I thought we'd have trouble. So I hadn't really put a lot of hope or thought into kids yet. Just kind of a 'we'll cross that bridge when we get to it' kind of hope. So it was a huge surprise right in the middle of all of that to find out that we were pregnant. Sharon (02:52): Okay then. Wow. Nicole (02:55): So no jaw surgery, no big home repairs. On to baby books, huge vitamins, and trying to wrap my head around impending motherhood. Sharon (03:04): Wow. Nicole (03:04): I really like to plan and b...
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    30 min
  • The Thankful Heart - Episode 24
    Nov 24 2020

    Somedays it is quite easy to be thankful. Other days? Not so much. Join Nicole and Sharon as they talk about creating a meaningful Thanksgiving and cultivating a grateful heart in the good times and the bad times. Want to get some gratitude going in your heart? Have a listen, friends.

    [su_spoiler title="Read transcript for The Thankful Heart" icon="arrow-circle-1"] Speaker 1 (00:02): Welcome friend. It's time to hit pause on your busy day and enjoy the Sweet Selah Moments podcast. Let's ponder God's Word together and find the encouragement we need to work well and rest well. The Sweet Selah Moments podcast is brought to you by Word Radio and Sweet Selah Ministries. Nicole (00:31): Hello and welcome friends. It's time to talk about Thanksgiving, both the holiday and the thankful heart that is supposed to be there as well. Welcome to the Sweet Selah moments podcast. This is episode 24, The Thankful Heart. Sharon, what was Thanksgiving like for you when you were a kid? And were you thankful on Thanksgiving always? Sharon (00:49): Well, I suspect I had some years that I was more thankful than others. You know, a long meal with a lot of relatives when you're really young can be a little bit dull. I can remember my uncles talking about football, about which I knew nothing. And my mom talking to my aunts and my grandmother about people I'd never heard of. So sometimes it was hard to be a polite little girl and, you know, just be there. But I do have some favorite memories that stand out, mostly the food, my grandmother always served Waldorf salad. Have you ever had Waldorf salad? Nicole (01:23): No, I've never heard of it. Sharon (01:24): Oh my goodness. It is so my favorite, I like it better than the pies. Nicole (01:28): What is it? Sharon (01:28): It's apples and grapes and walnuts in a cream sauce kind of thing. Nicole (01:33): Oh my goodness, that sounds amazing. Sharon (01:33): And it is really, really, really, really good. So now, because everybody in my family knows, I love it my Aunt Joan every year makes me Waldorf salad in a special Tupperware container because not everybody else likes it and I take it home with me. Nicole (01:49): That's amazing. Sharon (01:50): So I remember being way too full for pies on Thanksgiving, but wanting them anyway. I loved my mother's stuffing and my mother always brought out our fancy china. So it kind of made us behave. Nicole (02:02): Doesn't it though. You sit up a little straighter when you're holding fancy china. Sharon (02:05): You sit a little straighter and you're like, if I break it, I'm in trouble. So it was a happy day for us, loud talk and laughing and too much food and sleepy afternoons. Although knowing my parents, before the sleepy part, I'm sure they dragged us out on a walk because my mother is a one must walk everyday kind of person. So even on Thanksgiving, we'd have a walk. How about you? Nicole (02:27): Oh, well we didn't always live near family. So our Thanksgivings were pretty low key usually, which was nice. But I do remember my mom breaking out the fancy china that we all had to help hand-wash afterward. Sharon (02:39): Can't even go in the dishwasher, yes. Nicole (02:41): But my mom is a great cook, but she doesn't bake often except around the holidays. Then she makes all of the delicious food that she did not make all throughout the year. So we always started off with homemade cinnamon buns in the morning, and we got to eat that and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on the TV while my mom cooked. And then my grandparents would come down from Maine and eat with us. And the best part was later when it was dessert time, because I...
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    30 min
  • The Narrow Way - Episode 23
    Nov 17 2020

    Jesus warns us that the way to Heaven is narrow. It does not always look like the easiest of ways. And yet it is the only way to eternal life lived with Him. Nicole and Sharon talk today about this unpopular Christian position, and how we get this belief straight from our Founder - our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ Himself. Join us for the discussion about believing there is one way in a world that believes there are many.

    [su_spoiler title="Read transcript for The Narrow Way" icon="arrow-circle-1"] Speaker 1 (00:02): Welcome friend. It's time to hit pause on your busy day and enjoy the Sweet Selah Moments podcast. Let's ponder God's Word together and find the encouragement we need to work well and rest well. The Sweet Selah Moments podcast is brought to you by Word Radio and Sweet Selah Ministries. Nicole (00:30): Welcome to episode 23 of the Sweet Selah moments podcast. Today's episode is called The Narrow Way. We've been studying the Sermon on the Mount this fall season and this is our last episode. We've discovered a lot about Jesus, his heart, and what he says is important. And it often does go against what we self centered humans might think is best. Sharon, looking back on this fall what are some of the harder lessons you recall from this series? Sharon (00:54): Oh, there were a lot. Nicole (00:56): There were. Sharon (00:56): I think being happy when you are persecuted has to rank right up there. To consider it an honor, to be different and looked down upon because we follow Christ is hard for people pleasers, but it's really fitting that we should learn that and do it. So, but the narrow way says that I choose Christ even when it's unpopular. I think another hard one is to love enemies and turn the other cheek. My first response is normally to push back and Jesus' teaching that I need to respond with love is so good and so hard. How about you, Nicole? Nicole (01:33): Oh, that anger, anger boils up so quickly for me. And there is plenty to be angry about in our world right now. You know, that lack of justice is really just, Oh, it's hard. And I'd second the 'turn the cheek one'. Again, so difficult, but worth the effort to learn to do. Sharon (01:49): You know, one of the things that has come across just about every episode we've done together is that although God's ways seem hard, they are always right and lead to blessing. Nicole (01:58): That's true. Sharon (01:59): We've seen it over and over again. No matter how hard it is to obey, in the end, we see the beauty in it and acknowledge that the one who made us really does know best how we should live. Nicole (02:09): He does. Sharon (02:11): So this last section of Jesus's famous sermon, underlines that obedience to the narrow way is right. And it gives some warnings about being sure we're on it. So Nicole, why don't you start us off and we'll read a Sweet Selah Moment together, reading God's word. Nicole (02:28): All right, Matthew seven, 13 through 28, the Narrow Gates. 'You can enter God's kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad and it's gate is wide for many who choose that way. Sharon (02:41): But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult and only a few ever find it. Nicole (02:49): The tree and its fruit. 'Beware of false prophets who come to you as harmless sheep, but are really vicious wolves.' Sharon (02:57): 'You can identify them by their fruit. That is by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles?' Nicole (03:05): 'A good tree produces good fruit and a bad tree produces bad fruit.' Sharon (03:08): 'A good tree can't produce bad fruit and...
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    30 min
  • Do We Really Trust God? - Episode 22
    Nov 10 2020

    It's not always easy to trust God, is it? And yet, God is absolutely trustworthy. He's never broken a promise. He's never been unfaithful. Nicole and Sharon continue discussing the Sermon on the Mount and the issue of trust in today's episode. May you be inspired to trust Him more and more!

    [su_spoiler title="Read transcript for Do We Really Trust God?" icon="arrow-circle-1"] Speaker 1 (00:02): Welcome friend. It's time to hit pause on your busy day and enjoy the Sweet Selah Moments podcast. Let's ponder God's Word together and find the encouragement we need to work well and rest well. The Sweet Selah Moments podcast is brought to you by Word Radio and Sweet Selah Ministries. Nicole (00:22): Welcome to episode 22 of the Sweet Selah moments podcast. Today's episode is called Do We Really Trust God? We all find it easier to trust God when things are going well and the sun is shining and everyone is being nice. It's a lot harder to trust him when he tells us to do hard things or when we want something really badly and it looks like he is not going to give it to us. Sharon, how are you at trusting God in the hard times? Sharon (00:56): Hi Nicole. Nicole (00:56): Hi. Sharon (00:56): Well, I'd love to say I always immediately smile and say, God's got this and I trust him, but sometimes there are some severe panicky moments before I get to the trust part. But I think the longer we walk with Jesus, the more we realize that his commands and teachings really are for our good, we can trust his counsel. We can trust his gifts, even if they don't look exactly like what we asked for. And eventually we start to really believe that God is good and his plans for us are as well. You know, our passage today challenges us with some very clear directives from Jesus. If we really trust him, then we will follow them, these directives in faith, even when they seem hard and go against what our selfish selves might want. So let's dive in and have our Sweet Selah moment first thing in the podcast today. There's a whole lot to unpack. So Nicole, there are three main sections in this passage. So why don't we read Matthew 7:1-12 by sections. And you can start with the first section. Nicole (01:58): Sure. All right, Matthew seven, one through six. Do not judge others and you will not be judged for you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged. And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying to your friend 'Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye when you can't see past the log in your own eye.' Hypocrite, first get rid of the log in your own eye. Then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye. Don't waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don't throw your pearls to pigs. They will trample the pearls and then turn and attack you. Sharon (02:37): Hmm. Matthew seven, seven through 11, keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find, keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives, everyone who seeks, finds, and to everyone who knocks the door will be opened. You parents, if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not. So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly father give good gifts to those who ask him? Nicole (03:22): The Golden Rule, verse 12, do to others, whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. Sharon (03:32):...
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    29 min
  • Money Problems and Other Big Worries - Episode 21
    Nov 3 2020

    Very few people on this planet don't have money issues at one time or another. How 'bout you? Jesus has a lot to say about money, worry, and the desire to have enough of the things we need to live life comfortably. Join Sharon and Nicole as they talk about worry, money, and all the things that keep us from a life of trust and peace. Thanks for joining us and please share our podcast with others if you have enjoyed it.

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    30 min
  • Pray Like Jesus. The Lord's Prayer - Episode 20
    Oct 27 2020

    It's probably one of the world's most well known prayers. Amazing in its simplicity and length and profound in every. single. word. Nicole and Sharon unpack this prayer and talk about the value of prayer itself. What a privilege it is to be able to talk to God. Join us for today's episode and walk away refreshed. That's our goal and prayer for you, friend. And share your thoughts in the comments afterward. We love hearing from you!

    [su_spoiler title="Read transcript for Pray Like Jesus" icon="arrow-circle-1"] Speaker 1 (00:02): Welcome friend. It's time to hit pause on your busy day and enjoy the Sweet Selah Moments podcast. Let's ponder God's Word together and find the encouragement we need to work well and rest well. The Sweet Selah Moments podcast is brought to you by Word Radio and Sweet Selah Ministries. Nicole (00:31): Welcome to episode 20 of the Sweet Selah moments podcast. Today's episode is called Pray Like Jesus, the Lord's Prayer. Oh, Sharon. I love prayer. It is such an amazing gift. I have been talking to God since I can remember. There have been times when I have not read my Bible and my relationship with God has been an afterthought, sadly, as I have drifted and come back to him. But prayer has always been that constant in my life. I have never stopped praying, especially now as a mother, I cling to that verse, 'pray without ceasing' in first Thessalonians five 17. And I do, they range from long intentional prayers to written prayers in my journal to quick cries for help throughout the day. But I am always talking to Jesus. I have so many words and he's never sick of hearing from me. It's just the best. Sharon, how about you? When did you first learn to pray and how is it going with your prayer life? Sharon (01:26): I'm just laughing because we are so alike. Ray always says I use up all my words at school and when I come home, I don't have a lot to say, but that's okay because you obviously haven't used up all your words yet. And you're right, no matter how many words we have, God will listen to every single one and delight in hearing from us. So, you know, I think one of the richest gifts of growing up in a Christian home is the gift of feeling that freedom to come to God in prayer. It's just such a wonderful blessing. There's some downsides to growing up in Christian home. You can take the gospel message for granted. You can not feel humbled because you had this wicked life and then came to Christ and you can, you can be too blase. So I'm not saying that everything about growing up Christianly is great, but I think if you grow up from childhood on knowing there's a God that loves you, then the ability to run to him often comes very sweetly and easily. Nicole (02:30): It does. Sharon (02:30): And so I'm grateful. I'm grateful God chose to place me in the home of Christian parents that from day one had me praying. And when I was a teenager would come into my room at night and they'd pray individually with me before I went to sleep. Prayer has been the warp and woof of my life. It's just been woven right into the fabric and I am so, so grateful. You know, I think it's fascinating, Nicole, that the Disciples who had been with Jesus for awhile then in Luke chapter 11 said, 'Lord teach us to pray' because they grew up in Jewish homes where there was some form of prayer, but I think they saw Jesus pray and they wanted to do it like him. So right after they say that Luke records the same Lord's Prayer that we're going to be reading today in Matthew. Jesus prayed often. He was always talking to his Father. He got up before dawn after some long days, and then just a short night because he was desperate to meet with God in prayer. Before he was crucified, Jesus prayed and prayed and prayed...
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    31 min