• Secrets and Friendship in the Tatra Mountains

  • Jun 28 2024
  • Durée: 17 min
  • Podcast

Secrets and Friendship in the Tatra Mountains

  • Résumé

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets and Friendship in the Tatra Mountains Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/secrets-and-friendship-in-the-tatra-mountains Story Transcript:Sk: Marek stál pred vchodom do tajného bunkra v Tatrách.En: Marek stood at the entrance to a secret bunker in the Tatra Mountains.Sk: Lesy boli husté a zelený porast ho dokonale ukrýval.En: The forests were dense, and the green foliage concealed him perfectly.Sk: Bolo leto a vtáky spievali.En: It was summer, and the birds were singing.Sk: Ale Marek bol ticho napätý.En: But Marek was silently tense.Sk: Pri ušiach držal vysielačku.En: He held a radio to his ear.Sk: „Jozef, poď sem.En: "Jozef, come here.Sk: Musíme sa skryť.En: We have to hide.Sk: Invázná armáda prichádza!En: The invading army is approaching!"Sk: “Jozef, jeho priateľ, sa zasmial.En: Jozef, his friend, laughed.Sk: „Marek, nemaj strach.En: "Marek, don't worry.Sk: Nikto tu neprichádza.En: No one is coming here."Sk: “Marek sa však nenechal odradiť.En: But Marek remained undeterred.Sk: „Nie, Jozef.En: "No, Jozef.Sk: Musíš mi veriť.En: You have to believe me.Sk: Príď sem, rýchlo.En: Come here, quickly."Sk: “Jozef bol skeptický, ale išiel za Marekom.En: Jozef was skeptical but followed Marek.Sk: Našiel ho, ako odomyká zámok na vchode do bunkra.En: He found him unlocking the door to the bunker.Sk: „Čo tam máte, Marek?En: "What do you have in there, Marek?"Sk: “„Len poď dovnútra,“ trval na svojom Marek.En: "Just come inside," Marek insisted.Sk: „Ukážem ti, aké je to vážne.En: "I'll show you how serious it is."Sk: “Vstúpili do bunkra.En: They entered the bunker.Sk: Bol v ňom chladnejší vzduch a mal úhľadné regály plné konzerv, vody a domácich vynálezov.En: The air inside was cooler, and it had neat shelves filled with canned goods, water, and homemade inventions.Sk: „Pozri sa,“ ukázal Marek pyšne na svoje zásoby.En: "Look," Marek proudly showed his supplies.Sk: „Som pripravený.En: "I’m prepared."Sk: “Jozef si prezeral bunkr a posledne sa usmial.En: Jozef looked around the bunker and finally smiled.Sk: „Marek, to je vážne pekné, ale si si istý, že je to nutné?En: "Marek, this is really nice, but are you sure it's necessary?"Sk: “Marek sa na neho zamračil.En: Marek frowned at him.Sk: „Áno, Jozef.En: "Yes, Jozef.Sk: Musíš byť pripravený.En: You have to be prepared.Sk: Čo ak naozaj prídu?En: What if they actually come?"Sk: “Jozef prešiel bunkrom a našiel malý denníček.En: Jozef walked around the bunker and found a small diary.Sk: „Čo to je?En: "What's this?"Sk: “ opýtal sa Jozef a začal listovať.En: he asked, starting to flip through it.Sk: V denníčku boli Marekové plány a scenáre.En: The diary contained Marek's plans and scenarios.Sk: „Tu píšeš o vymyslenej invázii, Marek.En: "Here, you write about an imagined invasion, Marek.Sk: To nie je reálne.En: It's not real."Sk: “Marek klesol.En: Marek slumped.Sk: „Myslel som, že bude lepšie, ak budeme pripravení…“Jozef sa usmial a zavrel denníček.En: "I thought it would be better if we were prepared..." Jozef smiled and closed the diary.Sk: „Marek, nie je tu žiadna hrozba.En: "Marek, there's no threat here.Sk: Len si sa nechal uniesť.En: You just got carried away."Sk: “Marek sa zasmial.En: Marek laughed.Sk: „Možno máš pravdu.En: "Maybe you're right.Sk: Odpusť mi.En: Forgive me."Sk: “Obaja sa posadili do kresiel a smiali sa.En: They both sat in chairs and laughed.Sk: „Však vieš čo?En: "You know what?"Sk: “ povedal Jozef.En: Jozef said.Sk: „Poďme sa prejsť po lesoch.En: "Let's go for a walk in the woods.Sk: Je nádherné leto.En: It's a beautiful summer.Sk: Nepotrebujeme bunkr.En: We don't need the bunker."Sk: “Marek súhlasil.En: Marek agreed.Sk: „Máš pravdu.En: "You're right.Sk: Pôjdeme na túru a užijeme si deň.En: Let's go for a hike and enjoy the day."Sk: “Vyšli z bunkra na slnečné lúče a vzali s sebou len mapu a vodu.En: They left the bunker to the sunny rays, taking only a map and water.Sk: Marekovi prišlo na smiech, keď si uvedomil, ako vážne to celé bral.En: Marek found it amusing when he realized how seriously he had taken everything.Sk: Jozef sa na neho otočil s úsmevom.En: Jozef turned to him with a smile.Sk: „Tak čo, pripravený na dobrodružstvo?En: "So, are you ready for an adventure?"Sk: “Marek prikývol.En: Marek nodded.Sk: „Áno.En: "Yes.Sk: Ale tentokrát bez invázie!En: But this time without any invasion!"Sk: “ Spoločne šli po úzkych cestičkách Tatranských lesov, a Marek pochopil, že jeho predstavivosť môže byť výhodou, ak bude mať aj dávku reality a dôveru v priateľov.En: Together they walked along the narrow paths of the Tatra forests, and Marek understood that his imagination could be an asset if coupled with a dose of reality and trust in friends.Sk: Prešli ...
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