
  • Perseverance - Gene Key 38
    Jul 5 2024
    A Core Stability Share I'm on an expansive journey of self illumination with the transmission known as the Gene Keys The Gene Keys invite us into an incredible inner world - a world in which we see how we are co-creating our experience One of the promises of the Gene Keys is Core Stability It is safe to be you It is safe to be me I mean it is genuinely safe to show up in this world as ourselves -something I've never believed something it feels like I've rarely experienced Until now Turns out I've been I confused about how life works I've been believing the main stream and things that just aren't true But now the Gene Keys are reorienting me and opening me up to a whole new world One of truth, one where my heart gets to sing rather than wither This life is a beautiful exploration Who are you? What are you? What have you come to express with the rest? And how do we find stability in a world that frequently feels less than safe? For me, I'm following my Gene Keys, would you like to join me? This share is a story about my quest for Purpose: Gene Key 38, the Siddhi of Honor, the shadow of struggle by way of the gift of Perseverance It's a story about perseverance and core stability finding me I hope you enjoy it You're invited to share your reflections, impressions, and questions with me, we're waking up, let's do it together? For all the current offerings please visit: https://linktr.ee/kathyzodiaco
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    13 min
  • Pain is an invitation
    Jul 4 2024
    This fourth of July I hope you have a wonderful celebration 🫶 - in this episode (my apologies, this space for the show notes is tiny and I can't make line breaks! ---- I share about how I'm experiencing some new physical pain and moving meditations --- you're invited to join this amazing journey of self discovery: https://linktr.ee/kathyzodiaco
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    7 min
  • Dishonesty Invites Intimacy - Gene Key 59
    May 8 2024

    Dishonesty invites intimacy

    An experience with Gene Key 59

    To this conditioned mind it feels like the opposite

    Run, defend, resist, disallow, prevent when meeting dishonesty

    But what intimacy with me invites me to see

    Is dishonesty is a lack of trust

    In myself

    My experience

    And in the other

    The way out of the shadow of dishonesty seems to me to be intimacy

    Look inward

    All we seek is found there

    It’s a skill we all can remember

    I’m sharing an intimate audio today

    It’s a story about how I received a really unpleasant (and seemingly unsafe) experience and what I saw as I sat in allowance and contemplation


    How the heck was I going to fix, defend, prevent, overcome that?

    What if I don’t have to?

    Every shadow, every problem, every pain, invites more enlightenment

    The Intimacy Circle, In to me we see with the Gene Keys

    Meets every other Thursday

    Our next gathering is

    May 9

    5:30 PM

    On Zoom

    Would you like to join us?


    You’re invited to share your reflections and comments if any arise

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    10 min
  • Let the Body Speak: Gene Key 34
    May 1 2024

    Contemplating the sphere of my Vocation and Core, Gene Key 34 moves from the shadow of force to the Siddhi of majesty by way of the gift of strength

    My current contemplation led me to "Let the Body Speak" and wow oh wow does she have something to say!

    I'd love to hear your reflections if you have any to share, you're invited to share them

    You're also invited to join me in contemplating your unique profile, all the current initiations can be found here: https://linktr.ee/kathyzodiaco

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    14 min
  • Force, Strenght, and the Breath of Being, Gene Key 34
    Apr 17 2024

    Please visit this link for information on The Intimacy Circle, Contempainting, and Moving Meditations: https://linktr.ee/kathyzodiaco

    There’s an image floating in my mind

    I’m not one usually prone to images

    I more hear words, receive ideas

    But I’ve become a contemplative person

    I’ve been training myself to turn inward

    Release codependency

    Contemplating to me is a feminine practice

    Expanding awareness

    Widening focus

    Recognizing the whole

    Sensing interconnectedness

    See the big picture, she invites

    It doesn’t make sense

    It can’t, it won’t

    But sense how it flows

    Intuit how it all knows

    She’s coming online

    As I dance with my Gene Keys profile a balance between masculine and feminine is happening within me

    I am aligning

    It’s even more natural than I imagined

    It’s even more healing that I could have dreamed

    She’s bringing everything I desire with her

    And yet there is more

    Fall fully into trust I implore myself

    In time

    In time

    For now I’m visioning, ascending from the shadows, breaking patterns, and learning how to trust, and contempainting

    There’s an image floating in my mind, in my heart

    As I bring it alive on the page synapses in my system connect

    My awareness expands

    Logic baffled, how does the rhythm of creating with my hands lead to break through?

    Ah the magic of the feminine

    Isn’t she divine?

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    8 min
  • Seeing My Part in it
    Mar 25 2024
    *Please note this episode involves mention of an act of violence* And now that I know, that I see my role, I no longer fell powerless, I know what to do and that feels like love Would you like to work with your own Gene Keys Profile? You’re invited to register for a personal introduction, and you’re invited into the Intimacy Circle, you can find details here: https://linktr.ee/kathyzodiaco
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    10 min
  • A Magic Bite
    Mar 20 2024

    Today’s episode includes a little bit of magic

    As I deepen my inquiry into ‘what am I?’ I’m discovering all sorts of magic, synchronicities, and perfect timing

    Life has become very interesting

    No longer needing to rely upon the mind, turning away from external sources, we can turn inward for our guidance

    We really can

    What next step are you asking for?

    The Gene Keys Study Group is getting a makeover!

    It will now be known as The Intimacy Circle, a Gene Keys study group

    You are invited to join us, details about group and how to join can be found here: https://linktr.ee/kathyzodiaco

    (if it still shows a local offering, I just haven't gotten to the page to update it yet, it's on my list)

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    4 min
  • Breaking a Pattern
    Mar 18 2024

    Forgive them for not getting it perfect

    Forgive yourself for your expectations

    It’s not personal

    Align beyond the words

    Fall into the feeling

    And you may find your hearts are more aligned than your minds think

    Today’s episode finds me escaping a habitual negative pattern

    Oh the unwinding unwinding unwinding, I hope you can feel how freeing it is to

    Do you have a comment, reflection, question or share?

    Please send it my way!

    You can reach me on social media, YouTube, and by email

    Are you contemplating your Gene Keys profile?

    You’re invited to join the Intimacy Circle, a Gene Keys study group

    Please explore the details here: https://linktr.ee/kathyzodiaco

    Voir plus Voir moins
    13 min