
  • 5 Supplements for Sports Success
    May 6 2021

    Calling all runners, cyclist, athletes, fitness gurus, amateur and professional... you will want to listen up to this short podcast.  I discuss 5 food supplements that are total game changers in enhancing an individuals sporting performance.  From a beginner runner myself just 6 months ago aged 55 to now training for my first marathon I explain why these 5 supplements are in my kit bag and how each one helps my fitness and or recovery.  If you are struggling to achieve your next sporting milestone maybe one of these products is the solution. If you know of anyone keen to improve their fitness or competition results share this podcast or get in touch directly with me for more information.  I have testimonials from Professional Athletes who join me in attesting to the benefits of these products.  Leave a review or share this podcast if you've found it helpful.   Bye for now, Debbie.

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    15 min
  • The Wonderful Science of Nutrigenetics
    May 3 2021

    In as little as 15 minutes I want to explain why having your DNA analysed is so important for your future health management.  Based on the science of nutrigenetics DNA analysis is destined to become a key foundation stone in the wellness and medical world of the not too distant future.  In this podcast I share with you why my clients get their DNA analysed and my own light bulb moment when I felt uncommonly unwell, in 2020.   If you enjoy hearing about Nutrigenetics and know someone who could benefit from finding out more do get in touch at SimplyHealthy on facebook or LinkedIn.  As always, thank you for listening. Debbie 

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    15 min
  • My Story to becoming a Health Coach
    Apr 30 2021

    We all have our stories, our beginnings, middle and end.  I have been a health coach for one year - it is my anniversary this very month! The journey to this point took over a decade.  In this podcast I share just some of the highlights about how my health lead me to be involved in the world of wellness having 'fixed myself' first!  I was so amazed by how fast my body responded to dietary changes that I now mentor others to find the same or better results for themselves.  Tune in to find out more.  If you know of anyone who could benefit from listening to this podcast, do share the link with them and if you have enjoyed listening, do please leave a review.  With thanks and blessings.  Debbie

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    15 min
  • Supplements for Sports Gains
    Feb 5 2021

    In this podcast let me share with you some reasons to consider supporting your body with diet supplementation.  I reveal the potential benefits of 5 different products as they relate to helping our body's ability to bounce back when we exert ourselves through exercise.  Whether you suffer from muscle cramps, fatigue, slow recovery or shortage of breath when exercising, I'll reveal a product that just might be your missing tool in the gym bag!  So grab a pen and paper, sit down and tune it.  I hope I have something for everyone! 

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    8 min
  • Some Of My Favourite Facts
    Dec 13 2020

    I love did you know questions about the body. Here are some of my favourites that I hope entertain you! 

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    4 min
  • Vit D3 Big Brother or Big Benefits?
    Dec 13 2020

    The health benefits of taking Vitamin D3 during the winter explained in a short 4 minute podcast. 

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    4 min
  • Summer Plans to Stay Safe
    Aug 3 2020

    As we plan to make the most of what is left of summer 2020 many of us want to know what we can do to stay healthy and keep our families healthy too.  In this podcast I share 4 ways to boost your health and prime your body to stay healthy into autumn.  

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    4 min
  • SIBO and Pre and Probiotics
    Jul 14 2020

    In this 3 minute podcast I share the latest findings for SIBO sufferers.  Do you, or don't you take a prebiotic or probiotic if you have excessive bacteria in the small intestine?  

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    3 min