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Stethoscopes and Strollers

Auteur(s): La Toya Luces-Sampson MD PMH-C
  • Résumé

  • Welcome to Stethoscopes & Strollers! I'm Dr. Toya, mom of two, OBGYN, and coach for physician moms. Here, we go beyond the hospital halls, into the messy, magical early years of parenting—think diapers, sleepless nights, and figuring out how to deal with all those unexpected twists and turns.

    Every episode, I dive into topics like mental health, the ins and outs of postpartum sex, sorting out childcare, and how having little ones changes your marriage. We’ll talk about getting back to work after baby, the real deal with mom guilt thanks to those tough doctor schedules, what pumping at work is really like, and how to keep all the balls in the air without dropping any. We’re here to get real about the hard choices, like deciding to stop breastfeeding, and so much more. This is a space for focusing on taking care of you, because managing scrubs and swaddles takes a village.

    You'll figure out how to ask for and actually accept help, because let’s be honest, getting support is crucial for thriving as both a mom and a doctor.

    Just a quick heads-up: while we're all about sharing and supporting, remember this isn’t medical advice. We’re here to connect, share experiences, and grow—together, without the medical jargon.
    So, grab your coffee or tea, and get ready to dive into those parts of being a physician mom that don't get talked about enough. You're not riding this roller coaster alone, and you definitely deserve all the support you can get.

    Tune in to Stethoscopes & Strollers for some real, honest insights and practical tips to make momming a bit easier. It’s time to get the conversation started!


    © 2024 La Toya Luces MD, PMH-C
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  • 16. A Different Way to Fight: Insights from Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
    Jun 26 2024

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    Welcome back to *Stethoscopes and Strollers*! In this episode, I dive into the movie "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once" and share my thoughts on its deeper themes, especially the relationship dynamics between Evelyn and her husband. Here are the highlights:

    Episode Highlights:

    - Movie Recap: A brief overview of the plot and key characters, focusing on Evelyn, her husband, their laundromat business, and family life.

    - Relationship Dynamics: Exploring how Evelyn perceives her husband as bumbling but learns to appreciate his unique strengths and methods.

    - Personal Reflection: Relating the movie's themes to my own marriage, especially the early struggles with parenting and differing interaction styles.

    - Lessons for Physician Moms: Encouraging moms to recognize and value their partners' unique approaches, even when they differ from their own expectations.

    Key Messages:

    - Different Approaches: Highlighting how partners may handle parenting and responsibilities differently, and that's okay.

    - Finding Strengths: Emphasizing the importance of recognizing and valuing the unique strengths each partner brings to the relationship.

    - Open Communication: Encouraging open conversations and understanding between partners to strengthen relationships.

    Encouragement for Listeners:

    - Perspective Shift: Take a step back and appreciate the positive aspects of your partner's contributions, even if they don't align with your methods.

    - Watch the Movie: "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once" offers valuable insights into relationships and personal growth.

    - Share Your Thoughts: Watch the movie and share your insights with me via email, my website, or social media.

    - Support the Podcast: Share this episode with another physician mom, leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts, and rate us on your favorite platform.

    Thank you for joining today's discussion on *Stethoscopes and Strollers*. See you next time for more empowering conversations about motherhood and medicine!

    Remember to subscribe to "Stethoscopes and Strollers" on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss an episode of encouragement and empowerment.

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    Connect with me.

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    Join my Email list to get tips on navigating motherhood in the medical field.

    If you feel you need direct support or someone to talk through the unique challenges of being a physician mom, schedule a free coaching session.

    Free Coaching Session with Dr. Toya

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    14 min
  • 15. Building Community: My Juneteenth Journey
    Jun 19 2024

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    Hey everyone, welcome back to *Stethoscopes and Strollers*! In today’s episode, I’m sharing how Juneteenth has played a significant role in helping me build a supportive community here in Northern California. Here’s what we cover:

    Episode Highlights:

    - Juneteenth and Community: Reflecting on the importance of Juneteenth and how it has helped me create a community since moving to California after residency in 2015.

    - Starting Fresh: Moving to California on a whim and the journey to finding happiness and building connections after experiencing residency burnout.

    - Discovering Juneteenth: Learning about Juneteenth a few years ago and deciding to celebrate it by organizing gatherings with other Black doctors and their families.

    - Growing the Community: Stepping out of my comfort zone to seek out and connect with Black families, leading to a growing network of friends and support.

    - Meaningful Connections: Sharing stories of how these connections have provided support, friendship, and even medical care for my son.

    Key Messages:

    - Intentional Community Building: Emphasizing the importance of intentionally creating and curating a supportive community, especially when living far from family and old friends.

    - The Power of Connection: Encouraging listeners to reach out and make connections, even if it feels uncomfortable, because the support and friendship you gain are invaluable.

    - Resilience and Adaptability: Acknowledging that while not every connection will be perfect, it’s essential to keep trying and nurturing those relationships that matter.

    Encouragement for Listeners:

    - Take Action: On this Juneteenth, make an effort to reach out to someone you’ve been meaning to connect with. It could be a neighbor, a friend, or another mom at your child’s school.

    - Build Your Network: Having a network of friends and support can make a world of difference in your life, providing comfort, emergency help, and a sense of belonging.

    Thank you for joining me on this special Juneteenth episode of *Stethoscopes and Strollers*. Happy Juneteenth, and see you next time!

    Remember to subscribe to "Stethoscopes and Strollers" on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss an episode of encouragement and empowerment.

    Apple Podcast | Spotify | YouTube

    Connect with me.

    Website | Instagram | Facebook

    Join my Email list to get tips on navigating motherhood in the medical field.

    If you feel you need direct support or someone to talk through the unique challenges of being a physician mom, schedule a free coaching session.

    Free Coaching Session with Dr. Toya

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    10 min
  • 14. Juneteenth: Celebrating Freedom and Teaching Our Children
    Jun 19 2024

    Text me to ask a question, leave a comment or just say hello!

    Hey everyone, welcome back to *Stethoscopes and Strollers*! Today is a special Juneteenth episode, and I'm so excited to share it with you. Here’s what we cover:

    Episode Highlights:

    - Juneteenth Overview: Celebrating Juneteenth, now a federal holiday, marking the day enslaved people in Texas learned they were free on June 19, 1865.

    - Personal Story: Sharing a moment with my South African Au Pair who noticed my Juneteenth T-shirt, sparking a conversation about what Juneteenth means.

    - Teaching My Son: Reflecting on how to explain Juneteenth to my four-year-old son. It's a delicate balance of being honest but age-appropriate.

    - Positive Reinforcement: Discussing how we focus on positive affirmations about his skin color and identity while gradually introducing more historical context.

    - Future Conversations: Planning to expand on these discussions as he grows older and can understand more complex aspects of history.

    Key Messages:

    - Hope and Resilience: Emphasizing the importance of hope and resilience as we teach our kids about difficult histories.

    - Cultural Awareness: Encouraging all parents to talk to their kids about Juneteenth, helping them appreciate and understand this significant part of American history.

    - Positive Identity: Highlighting the importance of building a positive sense of identity in our children, especially in the face of historical and current challenges.

    Encouragement for Listeners:

    - Start the Conversation: Don't shy away from discussing important historical events like Juneteenth with your kids. Use resources that frame these conversations positively.

    - Acknowledge History: Understanding where we've been helps us navigate where we are and where we're going, instilling hope in uncertain times.

    - Stay Connected: Follow along for more episodes as we continue to explore motherhood, medicine, and everything in between.

    - Share and Discuss: Share this episode with other parents and have a conversation about how you're teaching your children about Juneteenth.

    - Support the Podcast: Leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts or your preferred platform and share the podcast with your friends and family.

    Thank you for tuning into this special Juneteenth episode of *Stethoscopes and St

    Remember to subscribe to "Stethoscopes and Strollers" on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss an episode of encouragement and empowerment.

    Apple Podcast | Spotify | YouTube

    Connect with me.

    Website | Instagram | Facebook

    Join my Email list to get tips on navigating motherhood in the medical field.

    If you feel you need direct support or someone to talk through the unique challenges of being a physician mom, schedule a free coaching session.

    Free Coaching Session with Dr. Toya

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    7 min

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