
  • 7. Making a healing cocktail
    Oct 27 2024

    An episode where I visit Nikki Brogden at her home in Livesedge, West Yorkshire. She talks me through how her voracious nature for research and delight at going down rabbit holes on YouTube has lead to her particular cocktail of energy healing. This is done remotely and Nikki’s speciality is animal clients and animal communication.

    It’s a longer interview than previous episodes - partially because Nikki’s process is multifaceted and also because I have a nosey into her research folders and impressive pendulum collection.

    Here are some links to the images Nikki spoke about during the interview, they were created using an AI programme Nikki uses: https://www.shehasmagichands.net/episode7resources

    Nikki’s energy healing website is at https://globalenergyhealing.co.uk/about

    I can be found at www.shehasmagichands.net

    Other things Nikki mentioned as inspiration during our interview:

    Mindvalley on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Mindvalley

    The SRT practitioner that Nikki mentioned - https://www.youtube.com/@SpiritualHealingTherapy

    For more about Pendulum Alchemy - https://pendulumalchemy.com/

    Marcus Bird’s work - https://centerforquantumhealing.org/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    52 min
  • 6. Breathing To Release Emotional Trauma
    May 7 2024

    In this episode I’m talking to Alison Waring. Alison is the joint owner of York Natural Health and comes from a family of holistic health practitioners.

    She is principally an osteopath, but I have seen her for some dynamic breath release sessions - essentially you lie down, breathe, and release emotional trauma… this is full on stuff - for me, it was 90 minutes of shaking violently and crying a lot (in the first session anyway) - but afterwards I felt lighter and like I’d finally shifted something that had been in me for six years at that point.

    I was keen to know whether any energy work is involved with this process, so I asked Alison about this and about how the subtle body shows up for her when she’s treating people.

    Find Alison at York Natural Health - https://yorknaturalhealth.co.uk/alison-waring-osteopath/

    Alison’s book - ‘Breathe With Ease’ - https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/breathe-with-ease-how-to-alleviate-asthma-and-transform-your-breathing-health-a-natural-approach-alison-waring/3012959?ean=9781907282881

    I can be found at www.shehasmagichands.net

    To find out more about Buteyko Breathing: https://www.buteykobreathing.org/

    If you wish to find out more about the Journey Therapy work that Alison spoke about in the podcast just search for Brandon Bays - The Journey.

    Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma: https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/waking-the-tiger-healing-trauma-the-innate-capacity-to-transform-overwhelming-experiences-peter-a-levine/396900?ean=9781556432330

    The Body Keeps The Score: https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/the-body-keeps-the-score-mind-brain-and-body-in-the-transformation-of-trauma-bessel-van-der-kolk/2085065?ean=9780141978611

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    41 min
  • 5. The Witch That Made Me S*** Myself
    Apr 30 2024

    This week I’m in conversation with The Lunar Loving Witch, aka Carla Greenwood.

    I met Carla when I went for Access Bars Therapy with her. It’s the sort of thing that purges your system, it turns out. During the session I had some dark and terrible thoughts, and the following morning I had black fecal liquid coming out of me in my kitchen, which was… surprising!

    Carla tells me what it was like growing up with clairvoyance and how she ended up training to become a medium. She explains what the heck Access Bars therapy and Pelowah are, as they’re modalities that I hadn’t come across before.

    Carla also gives me my first ever Tarot reading.

    Tarot is something I’ve never taken seriously. Pick a card, any card and I’ll tell you some way that it could relate to your life… is what I had previously thought. It’s a nice enough thing, a tool around which to talk about the issues in your life. Turns out there’s that sort of Tarot reader and then there are readers with psychic abilities who can use the cards to channel answers to questions about your life. It was really interesting to find out about that process.

    The Tarot reading contains a lot of chat about Spirit Guides - which may be where some of us part ways on what we believe and don’t. I didn’t believe it until fairly recently so it’s totally reasonable if you personally are not on board that particular train of thought!

    Either way, I hope you enjoy it :-)

    Carla can be found at thelunarlovingwitch.uk

    I can be found at www.shehasmagichands.net

    If you want to find out about Chakra Dance Kids, they can be found at chakradancekids.com

    I mention Most Haunted in my intro, if you’ve never seen the show there’s a channel on YouTube with all the old broadcasts here: https://www.youtube.com/@MostHauntedVideos

    Apparently the show came back in 2022 - so there’s an official channel for the recent programmes here: https://www.youtube.com/@MostHauntedOfficial


    To create your own protective bubble in the mornings, simply reach your hands above your head, imagine a light colour / quality of your choosing and imagine pulling this down over yourself as you pull your arms down. This 'bubble' extends as far as the length of your arms. Extend your arms out towards the horizon at shoulder height and set the intention that you can give the energy you choose out into the world, but no-one else's negative energy shall find its way into your bubble.

    At the end of the day, sit quietly and imagine an internal light 'rinsing' off any unwanted energies from other people you may have picked up during your day.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    52 min
  • 4. From Corporate to Cosmic
    Apr 23 2024

    I talk to a Kundalini Activation Facilitator this week, her name is Ruth Vassilas.

    What is Kundalini? In Hinduism, Kundalini is a form of divine feminine energy believed to be located at the base of the spine - when activated, it is said to coil up the spine like a snake, activating all the chakras as it goes. There are various different forms kundalini can take - you can do kundalini yoga, there are things called kundalini awakenings which are very powerful. And there’s what Ruth does, where the participant is completely passive and the facilitator moves the kundalini energy through them very safely.

    Ruth’s story is quite incredible, she went from someone who had little interest in energy work to a full on healer OVERNIGHT.

    She explains her full story in our chat, talks about what doing an activation feels like for her and gives me some advice around being content that I’m exactly at the point I’m meant to be at. Stop being so impatient Zoe!

    I also recorded our 1:1 session afterwards - the record quality isn’t amazing but hopefully you’ll still find it listenable.

    As you’ll hear, Ruth felt that she removed about 65% of a block from my throat area during the session. For the few days after the session I think I expelled the other 45% - basically I felt a lot of anger, did a lot of screaming… in the car, into bowls of water… all of which helped expel the rest of it!

    Ruth told me that Kundalini activations work over Zoom just as well as they do in person, so if you’re not in York and would like to try this modality then you’re in luck!

    Ruth can be found at www.trueyouwithruth.com

    I can be found at www.shehasmagichands.net

    The episode of the Chakra Checkups podcast that I mention can be found at: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chakra-checkups/episodes/15--The-Sacral-Chakra-Sacred-Sexuality-e1uj1gr

    And Dr Shamini Jain, whom Ruth mentioned during our chat can be found here: www.shaminijain.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    38 min
  • 3. Healing Emotional And Physical Scars
    Apr 16 2024

    I talk to my osteopath and friend Adam Weisbaum in this episode.

    Sure, osteopaths do some splendid clunking and clicking and manual skeletal adjustments. But what I really wanted to speak to Adam about is cranial sacral osteopathy. This is a branch of osteopathy which works to harmonise the rhythms of the cerebral spinal fluid which pulses through your central nervous system.

    Adam talks about his journey with this form of osteopathy over the last ten years. The moments which made him realise that what he was doing was essentially energy work. And the case studies which helped him understand how powerful this modality can be to help people heal.

    Adam also tells the story of how his third eye opened up dramatically while at a Spiritual Healing fair in Beverley… and how he uses these new high sense perception skills - basically all of the clairs - while he’s working. He is by no means your basic osteopath!!

    Adam is now based solely in Beverley. He can be found at www.beverleyosteopath.co.uk

    And I cover York and the surrounding area. I can be found at /www.shehasmagichands.net

    We also mention Hannah Trowell in this episode. Hannah is based in Hessle and is online at www.hannahtrowell.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    37 min
  • 2. Don't Take On Other People's Energy!
    Apr 9 2024

    I have an in depth conversation with Sue Hewitt. Sue is an energy healer based in Brighton in the UK. She is a lead teacher for the Barbara Brennan school of Healing.

    Sue tells the story of how she came to be an energy healer and gives me a potted history lesson about Barbara Brennan whom she studied under during the early 90s.

    If you’re interested in Barbara’s work, you can obviously buy a hard copy of her book Hands Of Light which is great - it’s got lots of illustrations and exercises for people learning to be light workers and energy healers. But I also recommend listening to it as an audiobook as it is a dense text designed for students. I've been listening to Hands Of Light as an audiobook on Spotify.

    Sue shares what it was like to have her high sense perception open up, and how overwhelming and sometimes scary that was. I think it’s good to have these sorts of stories told as people don’t often share them for fear of others reaction…If you’re going through any of what Sue describes I hope it gives you confidence that you’re not alone and you’re not going mad!

    Sue also gives me some great tips on not taking on other people’s energy while I’m working.

    Sue can be found at: www.healingtransformation.co.uk

    The Barbara Brennan school of Healing can be found at: barbarabrennan.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    31 min
  • 1. What Is The Subtle Body?
    Apr 2 2024

    Let’s start with me.

    I go out for a walk with my microphone and try to tell you my story so far. When did these vibrations start? What are they like? How did I figure out they were energy based?

    The episode includes a short (and pretty rough) audio depiction of the vibrations I get when I'm working.

    And I also get a description of what the Subtle Body is from Sue Hewitt. Sue is a lead teacher for the Barbara Brennan school of Healing in the UK. She teaches people how to do energy healing professionally so is the perfect person to tell me what the Subtle Body is.

    Turns out that my mental picture of us all wearing sumo suits filled with trifle isn’t quite correct (I think I already knew this, but it still amuses me!).

    Here's a link to some illustrations from Hands Of Light by Barbara Brennan, it shows the different levels of the Subtle Body - some of which Sue mentions in the episode.

    I've been listening to Hands Of Light as an audiobook on Spotify

    If you live in York and want to book an appointment with me, my website is www.shehasmagichands.net

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    18 min