
  • Retos y Logros en la Arboricultura Latinoamericana con Mauricio Gonzalez Muñoz
    May 16 2023

    En el segundo episodio en español del podcast de TCIA, hablamos con el estimado Mauricio Gonzalez Muñoz tambien conocido como Mao Ropelombia, arborista, trabajador del cuidado de los árboles y escalador de competencia colombiano. Como Director de Formación e Instructor de arboricultura de la Escuela de Poda en Altura de La Casa del Arborista, y el único Embajador de habla hispana de Notch Equipment, tiene una perspectiva diversa, especial y mundial.

    Challenges and Accomplishments in Latin American Arboriculture with Mauricio Gonzalez Muñoz

    In the second Spanish-language episode of the TCIA podcast, we speak with the esteemed Mauricio Gonzalez Muñoz a.k.a Mao Ropelombia, a Colombian arborist, tree care worker, and competitive climber. As Director of Training and Arboriculture Instructor at La Casa del Arborista's High Pruning School, and Notch Equipment's only Spanish-speaking Ambassador, he has a diverse, special, and global perspective.

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    47 min
  • Getting Your Start at TCI EXPO with Jeff Wilson
    May 1 2023

    In this episode of the podcast, we talk with one of our past Marketing Excellence Award winners, Jeff Wilson, about how Ronin got started at TCI EXPO and the importance of tradeshows in their marketing plan.

    Jeff is highly experienced with CPG, Retail, Semiconductor, Veterinary Hospital, and Product marketing communications. In addition to generating outstanding creativity, Jeff has deep expertise in business planning and analysis, new product or service development, team development, sales performance management, brand analysis, and future forecasting.

    Jeff co-founded Deulofew Wilson Advertising, a specialty 4-A agency that provided marketing communication solutions to market challenges for multi-unit, small to mid-sized businesses. Deulofew Wilson was acquired by DDB Worldwide Group, where Jeff held senior creative and management positions. He developed integrated MarCom programs for accounts, including Weight Watchers, Michelin Tires, Olympus Camera, Tandy Corp, Sears, Computer City, IKEA, and The Incredible Universe.

    To learn more and to get involved with the TCIAF, please visit them at tcia.org.

    To learn more and to register for EAW, visit us at eaw.tcia.org.

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    48 min
  • Expanding Your Reach Through Podcasting (and Video) with Jill Golden
    Apr 24 2023

    On this episode of the podcast Jill Golden, Project Manager, Corporate Communications at The Davey Tree Expert Company, joins us to talk about Davey’s podcast and ongoing video series that led to them being selected as a winner of 2022 Marketing Excellence Awards.

    Jill Golden is a project manager in corporate communications for The Davey Tree Expert Company, an employee-owned corporation that provides tree, utility, lawn care and environmental consulting services in the green industry throughout the United States and Canada. Golden is a graduate of Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, and holds a bachelor’s degree in public relations. She resides in Cleveland, Ohio, and can be reached at jill.golden@davey.com.

    To learn more and to get involved with the TCIAF, please visit them at tcia.org.

    To learn more and to register for EAW, visit us at eaw.tcia.org.

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    47 min
  • Managing your Risk with Eric Petersen
    Apr 17 2023

    On this episode of the podcast Eric Petersen, President of Arborisk, joins us to talk about risk management, insurance, and what it means for your tree care business.

    After graduating with a Forestry degree from Univ. Wisconsin-Stevens Point in 2003 and working as an arborist for a parks department, Eric joined his family’s insurance agency and began helping tree care companies grow and properly protect themselves. Seeing a need for a more specialized approach for the tree care industry, Eric and his team created the ArboRisk program around two basic principles:

    1. To help every arborist get home safe each night.

    2. To help tree care companies grow and professionalize.

    Eric is a past president and recent recipient of the Wisconsin Arborist Association’s Honorary Life Membership Award as well as a member of TCIA, ISA and multiple ISA chapters.

    Check out the IndusTREE podcast here.

    To learn more and to get involved with the TCIAF, please visit them at tcia.org.

    To learn more and to register for EAW, visit us at eaw.tcia.org.

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    48 min
  • A Passion for Training with Korey Conry
    Apr 10 2023

    In this episode, we are joined by Korey Conry to talk about his experience as a trainer.

    Korey Conry is a Field Safety Supervisor/Trainer at Mountain F Enterprises and has been in the tree industry for over four years. He found his home in the safety and training department onboarding helping develop the safety culture with new hires. He is a certified arborist and qualified TRAQ through the ISA, California Flagger instructor, CPR/First Aid instructor, TCIA instructor, and OSHA Authorized Trainer. Korey has since November 2020 has been an instructor of a 5-week utility line clearance arborist class through Butte College.

    Korey has worked in wildland firefighting, as an emergency room technician, and has a love for the outdoors. When he is not working, you can find him sitting under a Blue Oak in Northern California turkey hunting or watching Star Wars/Harry Potter with his family on movie night

    To learn more and to get involved with the TCIAF, please visit them at tcia.org.

    To learn more and to register for EAW, visit us at eaw.tcia.org.

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    47 min
  • Building Online Education with Katie Petrikas and Virginia Gregoire
    Mar 27 2023

    In this episode, we are joined by Katie Petrikas and Virginia Gregoire and talk about their involvement in TCIA's education space.

    Katie has been with TCIA for four years. She has worked in a variety of roles over that time, including member experience, where she developed a deep understanding of member needs and how to meet them. Katie leverages this knowledge to develop courses specifically tailored to the needs of the industry. Katie's educational background in graphic design and user experience and interface design allows her to create engaging and interactive materials that facilitate effective learning. Outside of work, Katie enjoys spending time with her husband and their son, going for walks in the woods, and caring for her small forest of house plants.

    Currently, Virginia serves as the director of curriculum and course design at TCIA, where she leads a team of instructional developers and subject matter experts in developing and implementing programs that meet the evolving needs of students and employers. Virginia utilizes her expertise in the development of competency-based training programs and adult learning theory to offer a blended approach to employee development, combining online learning and on the job skills training. Her passion for education and commitment to excellence make her a highly respected leader in the field of curriculum and course design. Most recently, she was the chief architect in designing a custom learning platform infrastructure which has modernized the educational landscape for the tree care industry.

    To learn more and to get involved with the TCIAF, please visit them at tcia.org.

    To learn more and to register for EAW, visit us at eaw.tcia.org.

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    33 min
  • Women in Tree Care 2023: Amy Tetreault
    Mar 13 2023

    In this episode, we celebrate Women in Tree Care Month with Amy Tetreault and talk about her new role as Executive Vice President of TCIA.

    The Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) is a trade association of 2,300 tree care firms and affiliated companies worldwide on a mission to advance tree care businesses by developing standards of tree care practice, safety programs, and continuing education that promotes the safe and appropriate practice of tree care. In this newly formed role, Amy is responsible for helping TCIA teams translate strategy into actionable steps for growth, as well as implementing organization-wide goal setting, company operations, and employee productivity. She has served in roles of increasing responsibility and authority within the corporate engagement, development, and marketing teams. During her tenure at TCIA, Tetreault also helped launch the Women in Tree Care initiative (now headed up by TCIA’s own Erin Demers).

    To learn more and to get involved with the TCIAF, please visit them at tcia.org.

    To learn more and to register for EAW, visit us at eaw.tcia.org.

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    38 min
  • The Blended Learning Approach with Kristoffer Rasmussen, CTSP, QCL
    Dec 6 2022

    On this episode of the podcast, we are joined by Kristoffer Rasmussen, CTSP, QCL, Manager of Urban Forestry for the City of Dallas, to discuss the benefits the blended learning model of education that TCIA is utilizing.

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    37 min