
  • Giant Catfish Yum Worms
    Dec 9 2024

    segment 1

    Hello everyone, today I will review the yum sankos. This soft plastic is in many different colors. I typically use this on a bigger sized hook like a 1 and a half inch hook or a 2 inch hook. I typically mTexas rig it but there's other ways to rig it. This lure is typically used for largemouth Bass but it works for other fish like crappie. These lures are really affordable sitting around the 2 dollar mark and are at every tackle shop I have been to. Super common lures and they are good quality. While I

    segment 2

    Was using a yum sanko I was casting in a pocket near some trees and had a huge blow up. I set the hook and it was just drag. I tightened the drag and tried to set the hook again but it didn't go in. The fish pulled it to the other side of the pocket and let go. I started panicking when I saw that my sanko was in shreds and the fish had destroyed it. I put on another and I saw the fish for the first time. And it was a GIANT CATFISH. I would say about 20 pounds but it just wouldn't swallow the hook, it would eat the sanko part but not get the barb in its mouth. I kept trying to get this fish for around 20 minutes but it had left. I was very disappointed. Well that will be it for today thank you for listening and keep on casting.

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    5 min
  • Ugly Stik GX2
    Dec 2 2024

    Ugly stik gx2

    The ugly stik gx2 is one of my favorites as I got it for my 11th birthday. It is a spinning rod that uses a real Shakespeare. I got that with a spool of line and 2 packs of soft plastics. I used this rod for a really long time as this was my 3rd rod. It is an amazing rod. I got a nice quork handle and it is a medium action and cast very nice. I have to re-grease my reel a little stiff when reeling but it still catches fish. The reel that it came with was really nice and I would definitely continue using the entire combo. It has caught probably over 100 fish. It fits nicely in a kayak. It is a 90 dollar spinning combo and works very well. And I would highly recommend it. You can probably get it at the ugly stik website or on amazon. I went fishing with the rod I reviews and

    Fishing storys

    I brought me and one of my friends to a lake but unfortunately with the New Jersey drought there was not too much water and the fish were stressed out and we didn't get very many bites but I tied on a really big rooster tail it created a lot of drag. This lure felt like I had a fish on but I really didn't. I paddled to shore and then went down a steep slope and tied on a small hook with some power bait and pulled out a sunny I tossed it back and went out again. That is when it happened my brother went out on the kayak and left it tilted on the shore. I got in, and launched and then it started turning then I flipped it. I got a bit broken up from the rock but I was fine. Thanks for tuning in and keep on casting

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    7 min
  • Whopper plopper
    Nov 25 2024

    Whopper plopper

    This lure is a treble hook and a detached tail at the end that makes the signature popping sound. It usually is a shiny color and bright so it attracts the fish. This lure works well as my friend has one and he used it in the Delaware river that we went fishing in he was walking it along a platform when a fish jumps for it and missed anyways the lure can be bought from many different tackle shops I have seen it at pretty much every tackle shop that i have been to. They are also on Amazon. Back to the Delaware

    Fidhing story

    I was fishing the Delaware with my buddy when we saw a little island and went to it. We were exploring the dried up Delaware and we found lots of things such as a knife and some lures. They were pretty old. We decided to walk along the dried bank and saw the island which is usually surrounded by water but today it was able to be accessed. I mean you always can access it but you would need to swim but we casted and caught nothing. We were packing up for the day when I was putting my hook on the hook keep my line wrapped around the tip and i pulled and it broke my rod. Thank you for listening and keep on casting.

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    6 min
  • Abu Garcia black max
    Nov 4 2024
    Segment 1: Fishing lure review the abu garcia black max The black max is a reel that I picked up at my local Walmart for 60 bucks. And put it on my abu garcia vengeance reel is super smooth and has holes in the spool to easily thread line onto the rod and reel this is so much better than the stock reel that I as I would need to tape on to the reel or not it knot it onto the reel and making it have a lump on it. I had a good experience with this reel and just recently caught my pb bass for our listeners who do not know what pb means. It stands for personal best. But anyways I get more into that next segment. The reel comes in one color black and red. The reel has a nice weight to it and the handles are comfortable to reel all day. I am sure you can find this reel at many other stores. This reel is called black max if you didn't catch it earlier and it fits onto many of my fishing rods. Just so you know it is a reel for just bait caster rods it should have a trigger and the eye holes will be smaller. I have a medium heavy that I use for my fishing. It is easier to set hooks and make sure that hook is well in there. I would not recommend completely unscrewing the cap to the spool tension adjustment as if that falls off and gets sand in it like mine did it will no longer work. Segment 2: Fishing story I was out fishing with my brothers and was using some new Storm lures I bought. I caught two bass that day and than the next we took my little brother out to fish with us he had caught his second bass and it was about 2 pounds on an ultra light with a small jig head and yellow twerly he said the fish didn't notice that it had been hook and it just stayed there. And then he caught another bass, this one smaller and skinny but hey a fish is a fish. My other brother that I took with me caught about 5-6 crappie. I was testing out the reel that I reviewed today and then I got hit hard. I reeled in trying not to do the risky move of switching sides. I was reeling as it can cause the hook to fall out. I got my first glimpse and it was a big bass. I got it on shore then switched sides when I was reeling and the hook came right out, a good thing that I did not switch when it was in the water. It was a nice 3 pound bass.
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    5 min
  • Swim Bait
    Oct 24 2024
    Fishing lure review swim bait

    The swimbait is a versatile lure being able to be used in any waters they do make swim baits for the ocean. This lure can get stuck in weeds and other debeas it can have hooks swapped out for single hooks, usually it has treble hooks. I have one that looks like a small perch. It is really realistic. This lure swims like a fish and works super well as it tricks the fish into biting on this lure. It can be used many ways with one being jigging which is when you would slowly real in and randomly twitch your rod so it looks like a fish dying. This tack tick doesn't always work but it can work really well when it does. The lure is able to look like it is swimming in the water as it swims it creates a lot of drag almost like a crank bait but a little less. This lure is mainly used to catch large mouth and possible small mouth. It is a nice to have in your collection as it can be used anywhere as i said before so I highly recommend getting one.

    Segment 2: Fishing story

    For this fishing story I will talk about the time we we fishing at a lake and near me I had been fishing on top of one of those concrete overflow drains so the lake doesn't overflow and I was using a twirly tail with a lime green jig head and I had caught two crappie and two large mouth bass. I had one nice one and another one that was a dink. If you don't know what dink means in fishing terms it mean a small fish and i had caught a small one and both of my friends that were there unfortunately didn't catch anything than we kept fishing and fishing my on friend had brought his kayak and went out and my other friend that was then started to get bites but could never set the hook in time all of the sudden my friend starts catching so many fish and i was annoyed.

    Don't forget to keep on casting

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    6 min
  • Crank Bait
    Oct 18 2024
    Segment 1: lure review

    Hello everyone John here and in this segment i will talk about one of my favorite fishing lure the crank bait as it can be however big it needs to be it is a very versatile bait being able to be used to catch many species of fish and in any lake, rivers would be tough to use this lure as the correct would make it not swim like it should. I have caught many bass on this lure with my bait caster. I also like this lure as the action looks like a real fish. It swims and dives down deep, but one bad thing is that it gets stuck pretty easily on weeds and it is a treble hook. The brand I use is storm for a good bit of my tackle and I have to say that I am impressed with how it works and the fish that I catch with them. You can find them on amazon and a lot of bait and tackle.

    Segment 2:fishing story

    So for this fishing story I was out fishing with my friend at a local lake. I had a rooster tail on and was casting and didn't get anything. Then I moved to the other side, still nothing. It was nearing dark when I went over to my friend who was tying on his lure. So I climbed on top of a picnic table to cast farther and he had moved behind me and I cast and I didn't see it hit the water. I had accidentally hooked my friend but we got it out. It actually went all the way through and came out that way. I felt horrible thank you for listening and keep on casting

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    4 min
  • Rooster Tail
    Oct 9 2024
    Segment 1: lure review

    The rooster tail is a versatile lure that can be used to catch many species of fish such as crappie, largemouth bass and many other freshwater species. It does get stuck in weeds as it is a treble hook. It can be used in lakes and to troll in maybe a kayak as it has a small piece of metal that spins around when reeled in. It then reflects and makes a bright image making it look like fish scales shining in the water and it has some feathers tied to the bottom to look like a fish tail. It has a treble hook at the very bottom to make it hook the fish well. It is sometimes a pain to get out of the fish mouth as there are three hooks. It is effective but it can hurt your fish as it cuts up their mouths. But it is super effective. Now onto the fishing story

    Fishing story

    So I had two of my friends over to fish and we went down to a lake where kayak and fish and one of my friends had brought a foldable kayak for fishing and it was pretty cool. it could fold up into a small briefcase like object and we were fishing here and just pulling fish out of the water and i had caught about 7 crappie and my other friend had caught 2 the entire trip we only went for like an hour and my other friend had caught like 17 crappie and then a guy on a quad came down and stared at us for a while and then he road away and we could hear him pull up to the side of the lake and he told us to come over so we listened and he told us we couldn't fish there without life jackets I didn't have them with me at the moment so i just fished front the bank and then i caught a nice 1.7 pound bass it was really funny looking as it was really long and had a big mouth but didn't weigh very much

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    3 min
  • Talking Jigs and Stuff: The Beginning
    Oct 7 2024

    Talking Jigs and Stuff, hosted by John Grgurich, which reviews fishing lures, rods, and reels, along with fishing stories and adventures. The episodes are around 5 minutes long, and the host aims to release them every couple of days.

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    1 min