
  • Chronic Inflammation and treatment with Dr. Bruce Patterson 5/21/23
    Dec 4 2023

    The Lyme pandemic exposed by Covid is a compelling topic for medical care providers as long haulers continue to grow. Bruce Patterson of Incelldx joined us to present new data on Lyme and the use of Long Hauler Index (LHI) and Severity Score (SS) to diagnose and monitor Long COVID. Most importantly, this combination of algorithms has allowed the diagnosis of Chronic Lyme disease.  In this video, he describes the Lyme pandemic that covid uncovered, and how they are using machine learning to understand better what patients are going through.
    New algorithms were discussed in his presentation with easy interpretation of the IncellKINE 14-plex cytokine panel for use by all physicians. A new report format will be shown that gives the probability of LC, Lyme, ME-CFS, or acute COVID during the initial visit to the Chronic COVID Treatment Center (CCTC). He also announced that all CCTC tests can be ordered by ANY practitioner now including MD, DO, NP, and PA.  You can find him at www.covidlonghaulers.com.

    Kristina has been on Dr. Patterson's protocol beginning in September of 2021, and has seen great success in lowering multiple elevated markers!  We are very grateful for doctors like Dr. Patterson that conducts research without subjective bias, to truly put patients' well being first.  He will be conducting a clinical trial for the Lyme community and look forward to sharing his updates as it comes out.

    You will need a doctor to prescribe your protocol recommended by Dr. Patterson.  His office will help you find one if you need it, direct any questions to his nurses and office that you may have.  Texas Lyme Alliance, Kristina Bauer or any of our associates do not recommend using this video as medical advice.  You can send this video to your doctor so they can learn about this application. 

    Thank you Dr. Patterson, incellDX, and all our sponsors for supporting our "Chronic Inflammation Event May 2023 event".  If you found this helpful, subscribe to this channel, like this video and support our work by sharing it with your healthcare practitioners, health groups, show in your support groups, and with your family.  Thank you for watching and good luck!

    #Lyme #covid19  #Lymeresearch #nopatientleftbehind

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    28 min
  • Dr. Neil Spectors research; HS-291 therapy kills Lyme in lab + possible new Lyme diagnostic
    Dec 4 2023

    With 477,000 newly infected Lyme patients every year, and 40% of those are pediatric, Lyme patients need a working diagnostic and effective treatment.  New developments out of Duke University, carried forward from the late Oncologist and Lyme patient, Dr. Neil Spector, shows promise to solve every Lyme patients nightmare for accurate testing and an effective treatment.  Inspired by research that targets cancer tumors, these new findings in Lyme could also lead to novel R&D strategies for other diseases.

    PORTOLA VALLEY, Calif., Nov. 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bay Area Lyme Foundation, a leading sponsor of Lyme disease research in the US, today announced the development of a potential new drug, HS-291, that targets and destroys Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. Published in the peer-reviewed journal Cell Chemical Biology, this laboratory study represents a novel paradigm shift for anti-microbial treatment research as it is the first to target and inhibit Borrelia burgdorferi HtpG (high temperature protein G), a specific type of enzyme within the bacteria that causes Lyme disease— a condition affecting nearly 500,000 new patients annually. The research was conducted at Duke University School of Medicine, with collaboration from University of North Carolina, Tulane University, and Stanford University, and HS-291 is currently in preclinical stage testing at UC Davis.

    “As Lyme disease is currently treated with broad spectrum antibiotics and there are no targeted treatments, we are particularly excited about this discovery, and hopeful that our novel Lyme disease therapeutic HS-291 will specifically destroy the Lyme bacterium without off-target effects or antibiotic resistance,” said Timothy Haystead, PhD, professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Duke University School of Medicine, Bay Area Lyme Foundation grantee, and co-lead author. “This research has been an incredible opportunity to leverage knowledge from oncology to Lyme disease in order to design an investigational therapeutic that could one day benefit hundreds of thousands of patients with Lyme.”

    This new discovery has implications beyond Lyme disease as it demonstrates that using the drug HS-291 to deliver cellular toxins to HtpG, a type of non-essential enzyme that assists the folding or unfolding of large and complex proteins, greatly expands what can be considered druggable within any pathogen and opens a whole new area of infectious disease research.

    This work will require around a $10mm total investment to bring to the public.  We are bringing this presentation to you today from Dr. Tim Haystead to show you the power of this work and why it's important to join us to support ensuring Dr Spector's mission is successful through donations.  Every amount helps, so please donate at www.TXLymeAlliance.org/donate and subscribe to our channel to support our efforts to open access to care for Lyme patients. SHARE this to help us find solutions for those suffering from Lyme disease.

    #LymeDisease #Dukeuniversity #NeilSpector #Lymetreatment #Lymeresearch

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    31 min
  • THC & CBD for Lyme symptoms with Dr. Dan Kinderlehrer 12/2022
    Dec 4 2023

    Dr. Dan Kinderlerer discusses how he treats a lot of patient with THC and CBD to help lesson Lyme symptoms.  These symptoms include lowering neuro inflammation, less night terrors, and lower pain and anxiety with great success.  Every human has an endocannabinoid system only for processing marijuana, and nothing else as far as we know to date.  Many studies validate it's use in MS, for pain, and many other benefits, one study is: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK425767/.

    Please excuse the camera exposure as my old equipment was going out but I didn't want to not share the great information, I adjusted it as much as I could.  *Not intended as medical advice.  Medical THC/CBD is legal in Texas now and in a lot of states.  Search your area for details, but in Texas a lot of people use Texas Originals: https://texasoriginal.com/.

    #neuroscience #thc #cbd #dankinderleher #lymedisease #endocannabinoidsystem

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    2 min
  • Neuro-optometric solutions for Tick-borne illness, with Dr. Bill Padula 12/21
    Mar 31 2022

    This interview discusses challenges from neurological changes that can affect vision.  Visual symptoms are common with tick-borne disease, and also can be associated with head concussions. Symptoms can include: blur, visual fatigue, diplopia (double vision), headaches associated with visual activities, photophobia (light sensitivity), losing place when reading, seeing words appear to double or become double when reading, and more obscure problems often not associated with vision such as difficulty with balance, spatial orientation, memory, comprehension, feeling of being over-whelmed by being in a busy-crowded environment with movement of people and objects, sensitivity to sound, to name a few. 

    The cause of the visual symptoms is due to the tick-borne diseases affects on visual processing in the brain. The visual processing dysfunction will affect function, performance, cognitive and balance related activity.  Dr. Padula discusses that 30/35 patients tested positive based on Tick/borne biomarkers he discovered in patients eyes, then confirmed these findings in blood tests.  His work is pioneering, and continues to evolve. 

    Listen to learn tips for protecting the visual and auditory process.  Disulfiram has become a popular treatment and Dr. Padula discusses it's potential impact on brain processing.  Compensation can create habits and coping skills that will need to be corrected through resetting and rehabilitation of the visual process.  To reach Dr. Padula's office, email or call 
    wpadula@padulainstitute.com, 800-591-1160.  Physicians can take his training workshops and learn more about the impacts of tick-borne illness at https://padulainstitute.com/lyme-disease-and-vision-problems/.  Other challenges are discussed using this website, and you can email any questions to them using their website.

    Thank you for your joining us here and hope you find this information valuable. Share it in your groups, with your family and friends, and especially with your doctors.  Please check out our website at https://www.TXLymeAlliance.org for other interviews and our podcasts with top doctors in the field. And please subscribe to our channel and like this post if you find it helpful! Be well!

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    41 min
  • Neuropsychiatric Lyme in pediatric psychiatry, with Dr. Rosalie Greenberg 10/29/21
    Jan 18 2022

    Today I met with Dr. Rosalie Greenberg, child neuropsychologist practicing in Summit, NY.  We discuss her 40 years of expertise in treating kids with the affects of Lyme disease.  Click the subtitle button to go to the area of interest you'd like to hear.  For more information about this discussion, Dr. Greenberg's website can be found here: https://www.rosaliegreenbergmd.com/.

    Thank you for being with us here today.  We invite the medical community and families to learn about tick-borne illness to prevent suffering in childhood.  To our audience, we at Texas Lyme Alliance, thank you for your support and hope you find this information valuable. Share it in your groups, with your family and friends, and especially with your doctors of all specialties.  These topics cross multiple medical disciplines and can be used to train physicians and call researchers to the field of this epidemic.

    Please check out our website at https://www.TXLymeAlliance.org for other interviews and our podcasts with top doctors in the field and subscribe to our channel! Be well!

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    1 h et 22 min
  • Dr. Randall Feuer, Congenital Lyme, his personal Lyme battle, disulfiram/dapsone & THC/CBD
    May 8 2021

    Interview with Dr. Randall Feuer, Texas Lyme specialist and Lyme patient

    Introduction to Dr Feuer and his personal Lyme story
    12 mins Congenital Lyme son
    14 his own dapsone protocol
    19 lack of treatment options for kids in TX
    22 Congenital Lyme and coinfections science and diagnosis
    24 OBGYN success and experience treating Lyme in pregnancy
    25 Preparing for testing baby ahead of delivery

    27 Treating patients
    28:30 holistic support
    34 detoxing and cytokines
    37 testing
    38:30 clinical dx and why testing is difficult to use
    parasites, heavy metals and mold
    58 LDI, low dose immunotherapy

    1 hour RESPECT for Lyme patients
    1:03 patient success
    104 disulfiram safely

    107 HOPE for patients
    108 Kristina's story and why she does interviews
    109 prepare for an apt

    113 THC/CBD  for neuro Lyme and getting off drug addiction

    Support us by liking this video and subscribing to our channel.  Donate at www.TXLymeAlliance.org.  Thank you and prayers for full healing!

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    1 h et 21 min
  • Dr Dan Kinderlehrer on new book and GI health with Lyme related eating disorders
    Apr 15 2021


    Thank you for joining me for another discussion on your book, Recovery from Lyme Disease, The Integrative Medicine Guide to diagnosing and treating tick-borne illness. 

    Dr Kinderlehrer bio:
    Dr. Daniel Kinderlehrer is a Lyme Literate internist in Denver CO. After completing a residency in Internal Medicine in 1979, he opened one of the first practices in the US in what was then called Holistic Medicine. After becoming an expert in nutrition and environmental illness, he became ill himself with Lyme disease complex. His long road to recovery has given him insights into what patients are going through; his background in internal medicine trained him to understand the complexities of his multi-systemic illness; his knowledge of environmental illness has enabled him to evaluate immune dysregulation; and his study of energetic medicine, spiritual alignment, and healing from trauma has yielded insights into how to help patients shift their belief systems to being well.
    Recovery from Lyme Disease is by far the most thorough book available on Lyme Disease Complex. It will provide patients with information that will guide them on their healing journeys, as well as supplying doctors with instruction on appropriate diagnosis and treatment approaches.  Dr. Kinderlehrer enjoys teaching his patients and the medical community, and we are honored to host him again!

    His book is available on Amazon in March, please don't forget to leave a review.

    How do you identify a Lyme related eating disorder?

    What are they? anorexia, bulimia...

    How do you treat them?

    What are the tests you order for someone with Lyme and GI problems?

    How do you treat the GI problems? What Binders do you use? Most GI doctors I've encountered recommend an immune modulator like Humera for intestinal bowel disease/syndrome.  Can this cause problems with a patient who is undiagnosed Chronic Lyme Complex?

    How common is GI problems in Lyme patients?

    What's your best hope for anyone reading your book?

    18 minutes Impact of stress on immune system
    19:28 epigenetics
    20 antibiotics & microbiome
    21 inherited obesity and PTSD
    23 Healing ecosystem
    24 candida and enzymes
    27:39 Bartonella and Babesia influence on the gut
    29 parasites
    30 behavioral problems
    32 Crohn's & biologics
    33 Research needs on treatments and diagnostics

    Honoring all clinicians and researchers treating Lyme, THANK YOU!

    Please subscribe to our channel and like this video to support our work.  If you like my content and work, consider supporting it with a donation to https://www.texaslymealliance.net/donate.html.  There are podcasts of these interviews also on all major channels.  Thanks for joining us and we support your HEALING, YOU CAN!

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    35 min
  • Dr. Dan Kinderlehrer, Book "Recovery from Lyme": PANDAS, MCAS, FOOD TRIGGERS
    Apr 14 2021


    Recovery from Lyme Disease, The Integrative Medicine Guide to diagnosing and treating tick-borne illness.  

    Dr Kinderlehrer bio:
    Dr. Daniel Kinderlehrer is a Lyme Literate internist in Denver CO. After completing a residency in Internal Medicine in 1979, he opened one of the first practices in the US in what was then called Holistic Medicine. After becoming an expert in nutrition and environmental illness, he became ill himself with Lyme disease complex. His long road to recovery has given him insights into what patients are going through; his background in internal medicine trained him to understand the complexities of his multi-systemic illness; his knowledge of environmental illness has enabled him to evaluate immune dysregulation; and his study of energetic medicine, spiritual alignment, and healing from trauma has yielded insights into how to help patients shift their belief systems to being well.
    Recovery from Lyme Disease is by far the most thorough book available on Lyme Disease Complex. It will provide patients with information that will guide them on their healing journeys, as well as supplying doctors with instruction on appropriate diagnosis and treatment approaches.  Dr. Kinderlehrer enjoys teaching his patients and the medical community, and we are honored to host him again!

    His book is available on Amazon in March, please don't forget to leave a review.


    1. What is PANS/PANDAS?

    2. What are some common symptoms & behavioral issues people might see with it?

    3. Are these individuals common targets of misunderstandings?

    4. What is the best treatment for PANDAS discussed in your book?

    5. How do you manage pain for these patients?  CBD, THC, Advil, ibuprofen, detox baths?

    6. Can adults have PANDAS?

    7. How does MCAS play a role in PANDAS and Lyme Disease Complex, and how do you lower histamine?

    Introduction to the topics.
    19:40 Kristina's family experience with seizures from undiagnosed bartonella infection. 
    20 How to understand chronic illness in our community.
    28 PANDAS resources for support
    30 "Brain on fire" symptom and support, neuropathy
    33 MCAS
    34 "herx is NOT GOOD!" -DK
    41 Diet for PANS and cooking for the family, mention of Dr K's Mom's cookbook!
    45 "Speak with your money"- KB
    46 "Power to the patients, you can heal!" -KB

    Please subscribe to our channel and like this video to support our work.  If you like my content and work, consider supporting it with a donation to https://www.texaslymealliance.net/donate.html.  There are podcasts of these interviews also on all major channels.  Thanks for joining us and we support your HEALING, YOU CAN!

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    47 min