• 141: My Top 5 Heart-Healthy Habits to Wrap Up Heart Month
    Mar 1 2025

    Today, in Episode #141 of the Habit Thrive Podcast, I’m wrapping up February’s heart month chat by bringing you my top 5 Heart-Healthy, Heart-Loving Habits to do on a daily basis.

    #1: Movement Outside

    We’re talking the bare minimum, here, so no worries!

    Some of you enjoy long walks or going skiing, and some of you experience barriers that prevent you from getting into things you typically think of as “exercise.”

    But forget about your standard outdoor activities: What can you do that takes you outside for even just a few minutes?

    • Running an errand like grocery shopping or picking up from the pharmacy
    • Taking the dog outside for a potty break
    • Walking to the mailbox

    #2: Connection

    Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually…

    How do you connect with the world around you?

    Social media can count; positive interactions with groups can be very effective.

    But don’t forget about those real-life connections like conversations with the cashier when checking out at the grocery store or while standing in line at the post office.

    And your connections don’t just need to be with other people.

    Take a walk around the block and connect with nature as you see the wind blowing the trees and hear birds calling.

    #3: Nourishment

    We’ve talked a lot about heart-healthy eating (remember the Mediterranean diet?).

    But, sometimes, you have to eat with your heart and not just for your heart.

    Think about how food makes you feel when you’re preparing it, when you’re eating it, and even after you’ve eaten.

    #4: Breath

    Pay attention to catching yourself when you’re holding your breath, and take little moments throughout the day to indulge in a few breaths:

    • When you first wake in the morning
    • When you step outside to get the paper
    • When you sit in your vehicle before leaving for the day

    #5: Sleep

    Sleep is our #1 health habit! (And - pro tip - it is affected by all of these other habits we’ve already mentioned.)

    Many of us aren’t getting enough quality sleep, so start being a detective about your sleep habits.

    • Is something waking you up at night?
    • A dog being restless
    • A need to go to the bathroom
    • The heat turning on
    • Hot flashes or discomfort due to menopause

    As we put these daily habits into place and work toward a daily routine, we find our flow!

    Lorrie xoxox

    Loving the show? Let’s connect! Find me:

    Facebook: Women's Wellness Community: For women wanting to rock their “Me Now” Years

    Instagram: @Habitguru365

    Website: lorriemickelson.com

    Habits, Mindfulness Routines & Self Care For Women 50 & Beyond

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    22 min
  • 140: Your Heart-Brain Connection: Daily Habits to Stay Sharp, Strong & Thriving
    Feb 22 2025

    The biggest thing that I’ve realized throughout my research and exploration to prepare for each episode of the Habit Thrive Podcast is the huge connection between every single part of our body.

    This week, on Episode 140, we are expanding on that realization by discussing how what’s good for your heart is good for your brain.

    There are daily habits that we can check off our lists to ensure that we’re doing positive things for our heart and brain health:

    Number 1: Cardiovascular exercise - Pair this with some strength training or yoga stretches for an extra benefit boost!

    Number 2: Healthy eating - Think about and design an eating regime that provides you with the vitamins and fuel your body needs.

    Number 3: Managing stress & Strengthening resilience: Deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and mindfulness all help regulate heart rate and bring balance to the nervous system.

    Number 4: Prioritize sleep - Have a sacred evening ritual for a good night’s sleep and a strong morning routine.

    Small, consistent habits create lasting change!

    Lorrie xoxox

    Loving the show? Let’s connect! Find me:

    Facebook: Women's Wellness Community: For women wanting to rock their “Me Now” Years

    Instagram: @Habitguru365

    Website: lorriemickelson.com

    Habits, Mindfulness Routines & Self Care For Women 50 & Beyond

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    16 min
  • 139: Science-Backed Benefits of Hugging: The Daily Habit to boost your happiness, immunity, connection and joy
    Feb 15 2025

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Habit Thrivers!

    On Episode #139 of the Habit Thrive Podcast, we are continuing to explore and expand our heart focus.

    And today’s subject is a simple, yet powerful tool that is a mood and well-being booster that just about anyone can do: Hugging.

    Giving (and receiving) hugs is so amazing for our health and wellbeing, and today we will start out by exploring the scientific reasons behind the “why”.

    • Lowers Heart Rate & Blood Pressure
    • Releases Oxytocin ("The Love Hormone")
    • Reduces Stress & Improves Heart Coherence
    • Strengthens Emotional Resilience
    • Enhances Circulation & Immune Function

    Next, we’re going to discover how many hugs we should be experiencing on a daily basis (and for how long) to fully reap the benefits.

    Spoiler alert: The number varies based on whether you want to just survive or thrive!

    And, lastly, we’re going to talk about how we can make hugging a habit.

    I’m boosting this hugging habit with a fun little challenge, so tune in and join me as a hugger-in-training!

    Lorrie xoxox

    Loving the show? Let’s connect! Find me:

    Facebook: Women's Wellness Community: For women wanting to rock their “Me Now” Years

    Instagram: @Habitguru365

    Website: lorriemickelson.com

    Habits, Mindfulness Routines & Self Care For Women 50 & Beyond

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    22 min
  • 138: The Habit of Mantras Reducing Anxiety and Increasing Healing and Happiness with Suzanne Mongrain-Smith
    Feb 8 2025

    Today, I am thrilled to welcome February - and heart health month - by having a chat with my friend, certified RYT Nada Yoga (sound yoga) Teacher Suzanne Mongrain-Smith.

    Suzanne is going to share with us some insight into how chanting and mantras can be healing for our mind and body: A little something we can all use not just in heart health month, but all year long and in every season!

    Suzanne uses mantra, meditation and chanting in her daily life to increase well-being and inner peace, and she wants to share this amazing practice with you.

    About Suzanne’s work (from her website): Kuvalaya is an extension of her passion and soul gifts, shared in original compositions and recordings, as well as live chanting workshops. Kuvalaya is arranged and produced by Daniel Chartrand at Studio SoNord, one of Suzanne's first music students, and recorded with support vocals by her daughters.

    Grab your tea or coffee, and get ready to warm up your vocal chords.

    Lorrie xoxox

    Connect with Suzanne:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kuvalayamusic_/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kuvalayamusic

    Website: https://www.kuvalayamusic.com/

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6RIayb3PTzq7dwk8vd7BXb

    Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/kuvalaya/1435423126

    Loving the show? Let’s connect! Find me:

    Facebook: Women's Wellness Community: For women wanting to rock their “Me Now” Years

    Instagram: @Habitguru365

    Website: lorriemickelson.com

    Habits, Mindfulness Routines & Self Care For Women 50 & Beyond

    Voir plus Voir moins
    49 min
  • 137: Ocean Rituals: The Healing Sound of Huatulco, Mexico
    Feb 1 2025

    Hey Habit Thrivers,

    This week, on Episode #137 of the Habit Thrive Podcast, we are welcoming in February with a special meditation.

    This wave meditation comes to you from beautiful Huatulco, Mexico.

    Join me in experiencing the healing powers of the waves, the ocean breeze and a few calling seagulls.

    Lorrie xoxox

    Loving the show? Let’s connect! Find me:

    Facebook: Women's Wellness Community: For women wanting to rock their “Me Now” Years

    Instagram: @Habitguru365

    Website: lorriemickelson.com

    Habits, Mindfulness Routines & Self Care For Women 50 & Beyond

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    17 min
  • 136: Resting the Ayurvedic Way: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Relaxation
    Jan 25 2025

    Today, on Episode #136 of the Habit Thrive Podcast, we’re continuing our theme of rest by exploring why we may have trouble resting in our Me Now Years.

    Part of the problem is that we sometimes mix up the terms “relax” and “rest.”

    For example, you may relax at the end of the day by:

    • Reading a book
    • Watching TV
    • Scrolling social media

    But are you really “resting?”

    Sure, you’re likely sitting or lying down. But your eyes are working - likely straining to read or watch a screen - and your mind is moving.

    Not super restful, after all. At least, not for me.

    That is not to say you can’t do these things with your leisure time.

    But be careful that you don’t get sucked into the activity and wind up over-indulging.

    So, what does help you rest?

    • A nap?
    • A meditation?
    • Yoga
    • A leisurely walk?

    Any of these, really, could be restful for your mind, body and spirit.

    Start experimenting with what works for you by delving into your dosha and how that factors in to your rest.

    Lorrie xoxox

    Mentioned in this episode:

    1. Banyan Botanicals Dosha Quiz
    2. In Ayurveda, the term “Prajñāparādha” (pronounced praj-nyah-pah-rah-dha) refers to “the crime against wisdom” or “mistake of the intellect.” It describes the situation where an individual knowingly engages in behaviors or actions that are harmful, despite having the wisdom or awareness that they are not beneficial. (Read more about it at Banyan Botanicals.)

    Loving the show? Let’s connect! Find me:

    Facebook: Women's Wellness Community: For women wanting to rock their “Me Now” Years

    Instagram: @Habitguru365

    Website: lorriemickelson.com

    Habits, Mindfulness Routines & Self Care For Women 50 & Beyond

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    25 min
  • 135: Stress Relief and Burnout Prevention: Habits for Harmony in Midlife with Dr. Camila Moore
    Jan 18 2025

    On Episode #135 of the Habit Thrive Podcast, we are continuing on our Rest & Reset journey with a special interview!

    I’m chatting with Dr. Camilla Moore, a Harvard-Trained Stress Management Instructor and Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine Professional who has extensive training in mind-body medicine.

    Dr. Moore is a burnout interventionist and resilience expert dedicated to transforming how busy professionals approach stress management and work-life balance.

    Her approach to how we understand and navigate stress pairs perfectly with a new year and a new chapter.

    I’m so excited for you to join this special podcast episode and to hopefully pick up a new exercise to help bring more balance to your life!

    Lorrie xoxox

    Connect with Dr. Moore:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/camilla-moore-dc/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drcamillamoore/

    Website: https://thewellnesscabinet.co/

    Loving the show? Let’s connect! Find me:

    Facebook: Women's Wellness Community: For women wanting to rock their “Me Now” Years

    Instagram: @Habitguru365

    Website: lorriemickelson.com

    Habits, Mindfulness Routines & Self Care For Women 50 & Beyond

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    34 min
  • 134: Rest and Reset: One Simple Habit to Let go and Refresh
    Jan 11 2025

    It’s nighttime, and you are winding down for the day.

    What habits or routines do you have to shake off the day and prepare yourself for sleep?

    • Washing your face and brushing your teeth
    • Taking a bubble bath with essential oils
    • Drinking a cup of chamomile tea
    • Reading
    • Meditating
    • Listening to a podcast

    How about journaling?

    Journaling to let go of your day.

    This week, on Episode #134 of the Habit Thrive Podcast, we are discussing this one habit that has the potential for great benefits when it comes to resting and resetting from your day.

    Ask yourself: “What would I like to let go of from today?”

    It could be a conversation you had that left you feeling rattled.

    Or maybe it’s an un-made decision you have been stressing over all day.

    It could be unfinished items on your to-do list.

    Or perhaps just a worry, thought, or emotion you have been burdened with.

    It could be one thing, or a few things, or even a whole laundry list of things that have you feeling tense and unable to let go into sleep.

    Whatever it is for you, try writing it down - or just saying it out loud.

    Then, choose to let that go for now:

    • Say out loud that you’re letting it go
    • Close your eyes and think about letting it go
    • Picture the stressors of your day floating away
    • Crumple up your piece of paper and throw it in the trash
    • Close the journal and put it away for tomorrow

    Experiment with all of these approaches and see which ones work best for you.

    Take a deep breath.

    Release the tension.

    Relax, rest, and let go.

    Until tomorrow…

    Lorrie xoxox

    Loving the show? Let’s connect! Find me:

    Facebook: Women's Wellness Community: For women wanting to rock their “Me Now” Years

    Instagram: @Habitguru365

    Website: lorriemickelson.com

    Habits, Mindfulness Routines & Self Care For Women 50 & Beyond

    Voir plus Voir moins
    11 min