Today, in Episode #141 of the Habit Thrive Podcast, I’m wrapping up February’s heart month chat by bringing you my top 5 Heart-Healthy, Heart-Loving Habits to do on a daily basis.
#1: Movement Outside
We’re talking the bare minimum, here, so no worries!
Some of you enjoy long walks or going skiing, and some of you experience barriers that prevent you from getting into things you typically think of as “exercise.”
But forget about your standard outdoor activities: What can you do that takes you outside for even just a few minutes?
- Running an errand like grocery shopping or picking up from the pharmacy
- Taking the dog outside for a potty break
- Walking to the mailbox
#2: Connection
Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually…
How do you connect with the world around you?
Social media can count; positive interactions with groups can be very effective.
But don’t forget about those real-life connections like conversations with the cashier when checking out at the grocery store or while standing in line at the post office.
And your connections don’t just need to be with other people.
Take a walk around the block and connect with nature as you see the wind blowing the trees and hear birds calling.
#3: Nourishment
We’ve talked a lot about heart-healthy eating (remember the Mediterranean diet?).
But, sometimes, you have to eat with your heart and not just for your heart.
Think about how food makes you feel when you’re preparing it, when you’re eating it, and even after you’ve eaten.
#4: Breath
Pay attention to catching yourself when you’re holding your breath, and take little moments throughout the day to indulge in a few breaths:
- When you first wake in the morning
- When you step outside to get the paper
- When you sit in your vehicle before leaving for the day
#5: Sleep
Sleep is our #1 health habit! (And - pro tip - it is affected by all of these other habits we’ve already mentioned.)
Many of us aren’t getting enough quality sleep, so start being a detective about your sleep habits.
- Is something waking you up at night?
- A dog being restless
- A need to go to the bathroom
- The heat turning on
- Hot flashes or discomfort due to menopause
As we put these daily habits into place and work toward a daily routine, we find our flow!
Lorrie xoxox
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Habits, Mindfulness Routines & Self Care For Women 50 & Beyond