
  • The Chorus
    Sep 7 2024

    In this episode we talk to the chorus of healthcare professionals who take to the stage with the principal cast every night to tell the story of Jess and Alexander Fleming.

    This is the last episode in the series of ten which should give you a good introduction to how to talk about AMR from a scientific and social perspective, and give you an insight into how a highly collaborative musical about a tricky scientific topic was made.

    Lifeline is on in New York in until 28th September 2024! Buy your tickets at www.lifelinemusical.com

    The Lifeline Project is a podcast exploring the science and stories behind the musical, Lifeline, a show about antibiotics, Alexander Fleming, and the biggest current global health crisis you might never have heard of, antimicrobial resistance or AMR.

    The podcast is produced, written and hosted by Graham Richardson https://www.gnrichardson.co.uk/ @wildgreyme

    Original music is provided by Robin Hiley, the composer and lyricist for Lifeline

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    42 min
  • The New Lifeline
    Aug 28 2024

    Lifeline has been in production for nearly a decade. In that time, much has changed but the core scientific and social message has always stayed the same.

    In this episode we talk to Robin Hiley, composer, Becky Hope-Palmer, book writer, and Dr Meghan Perry, scientific advisor who have been three of the people closest to the action making Lifeline what it is today. If you're interested in finding out what it takes to make a musical with an important scientific and social message, this is the place to find the answer.

    Lifeline is on in New York in Aug/Sep 2024! Buy your tickets at www.lifelinemusical.com

    The Lifeline Project is a podcast exploring the science and stories behind the musical, Lifeline, a show about antibiotics, Alexander Fleming, and the biggest current global health crisis you might never have heard of, antimicrobial resistance or AMR.

    The podcast is produced, written and hosted by Graham Richardson https://www.gnrichardson.co.uk/ @wildgreyme

    Original music is provided by Robin Hiley, the composer and lyricist for Lifeline

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    41 min
  • The Drugs Are In The Water
    Aug 21 2024

    How do you fit the nearly hundred year history of antimicrobials in agriculture and the environment into one song? Buckle up.

    Talking about the antibiotic emergency under the banner of One Health means not only taking in the history of drugs in medicine but also the wild ways they have been used in animals and their effect on the environment. Helping us navigate this huge topic are 'bugs and drugs' historian Dr Claas Kirchhelle and AMR expert and vital friend to the show, Dr CarriAyne Jones Parr.

    Lifeline is on in New York in Aug/Sep 2024! Buy your tickets at www.lifelinemusical.com

    The Lifeline Project is a podcast exploring the science and stories behind the musical, Lifeline, a show about antibiotics, Alexander Fleming, and the biggest current global health crisis you might never have heard of, antimicrobial resistance or AMR.

    The podcast is produced, written and hosted by Graham Richardson https://www.gnrichardson.co.uk/ @wildgreyme

    Original music is provided by Robin Hiley, the composer and lyricist for Lifeline

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    45 min
  • The Man Behind the Mould
    Jul 3 2024

    Kevin Brown wrote the book on Alexander Fleming. Rob Hiley wrote the musical. Who better to ask about the man behind the mould?

    Alexander Fleming has been described as a man of few words and a poor public speaker and yet, after pencilling became widely available, he became the spokesperson for the drug travelling the world to plaudits and prizes. So what was he really like? And is he really the perfect subject for a piece of musical theatre in the 21st century?

    Lifeline is on in New York in until 28th September 2024! Buy your tickets at www.lifelinemusical.com

    The Lifeline Project is a podcast exploring the science and stories behind the musical, Lifeline, a show about antibiotics, Alexander Fleming, and the biggest current global health crisis you might never have heard of, antimicrobial resistance or AMR.

    The podcast is produced, written and hosted by Graham Richardson https://www.gnrichardson.co.uk/ @wildgreyme

    Original music is provided by Robin Hiley, the composer and lyricist for Lifeline

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    45 min
  • Dame Sally Davies, A Musical
    Jun 19 2024

    One of our biggest supporters over the last few years has been Dame Sally Davies, the former haematologist, civil servant, Chief Medical Officer of the UK and the current master of Trinity College and UK’s Special Envoy on AMR. She’s also a legend.

    During her career, she has seen the face of medicine change, from a time when we had a choice of drugs from the medicine cabinet, to a world where the AMR is clearing those same cabinets bare.

    Given her experience in the field, we sat down to chat about what a musical charting her life and relationship with AMR would look like, asking what sparked her to take action, what the end of the story is going to look like, and what makes her burst out into song.

    Lifeline is on in New York in until 28th September 2024! Buy your tickets at www.lifelinemusical.com

    The Lifeline Project is a podcast exploring the science and stories behind the musical, Lifeline, a show about antibiotics, Alexander Fleming, and the biggest current global health crisis you might never have heard of, antimicrobial resistance or AMR.

    The podcast is produced, written and hosted by Graham Richardson https://www.gnrichardson.co.uk/ @wildgreyme

    Original music is provided by Robin Hiley, the composer and lyricist for Lifeline

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    44 min
  • There's More To TB Than Science
    Jun 5 2024

    Ingrid was young and starting her career as a dietician when two years of hospitalisation, injections and recovery which changed her life forever.

    In this episode we focus on Tuberculosis, or TB, a disease with a long history in humans which is both curable and preventable but continues to kill 1.2 million people every year. It’s also got some pretty nasty resistant forms of the disease, which are becoming much more common especially in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

    Seen through the lens of Ingrid’s story, we find out how TB affects patients, where it is still a big problem and why there is much more to TB than science.


    Ingrid Schoeman, Director of Advocacy and Strategy for TB Proof, a group started by health care who developed occupational TB and students passionate about TB prevention. She is also an extensively drug resistant TB survivor

    Marcello Scopazzini, Clinical Fellow in Research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Infectious Diseases Specialist, researching the link between TB and cardiovascular diseases. He also appeared in our chorus of healthcare professionals in the Edinburgh Fringe run in 2022.

    Lifeline is on in New York in until 28th September 2024! Buy your tickets at www.lifelinemusical.com

    The Lifeline Project is a podcast exploring the science and stories behind the musical, Lifeline, a show about antibiotics, Alexander Fleming, and the biggest current global health crisis you might never have heard of, antimicrobial resistance or AMR.

    The podcast is produced, written and hosted by Graham Richardson https://www.gnrichardson.co.uk/ @wildgreyme

    Original music is provided by Robin Hiley, the composer and lyricist for Lifeline

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    40 min
  • Jess, Julian and Aaron
    May 22 2024

    Jess is a doctor, Aaron is a patient, Julian is in a position of power. Together, they are the three friends whose story is at the heart of the show.

    Anyone from any background can become an antimicrobial steward, someone who spreads the word about AMR and encourages people to use antimicrobials efficiently. When Aaron gets sick, all three of the friends explore stewardship and what that means to their professional and personal bonds.

    In the real world we too can be stewards in our own unique ways and this episode looks at how some people are doing that through music, storytelling and tuk-tuks…


    Dr Olayinka Fakorede, Medical Doctor and Masters candidate at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

    Michael Mosha, Pharmacist and Public Health specialist at Roll Back Antimicrobial Resistance Initiative in Dodoma, Tanzania - https://rbainitiative.or.tz/

    Lifeline is on in New York in until 28th September 2024! Buy your tickets at www.lifelinemusical.com

    The Lifeline Project is a podcast exploring the science and stories behind the musical, Lifeline, a show about antibiotics, Alexander Fleming, and the biggest current global health crisis you might never have heard of, antimicrobial resistance or AMR.

    The podcast is produced, written and hosted by Graham Richardson https://www.gnrichardson.co.uk/ @wildgreyme

    Original music is provided by Robin Hiley, the composer and lyricist for Lifeline

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    32 min
  • The Billion Dollar Question
    May 15 2024

    AMR is a problem with a plethora of solutions...and plenty of barriers to reach them.

    In this episode we look at the role innovation can play – innovating new antibiotics, relatively unexplored treatments and preventing infection in the first place. So how expensive is it to make a new antibiotic? Are viruses actually our friends? And what does it have to do with the whales?


    Silas Holland, Executive director in infectious disease policy at Merck

    Dr Michele Ritter, Infectious Disease Specialist and Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego

    Michael Mosha, Pharmacist and Public Health specialist at Roll Back Antimicrobial Resistance Initiative in Dodoma, Tanzania - https://rbainitiative.or.tz/

    If you want to check out the book featured in this episode, it is called The Perfect Predator written by Steffanie Strathdee and Tom Patterson.

    Lifeline is on in New York in until 28th September 2024! Buy your tickets at www.lifelinemusical.com

    The Lifeline Project is a podcast exploring the science and stories behind the musical, Lifeline, a show about antibiotics, Alexander Fleming, and the biggest current global health crisis you might never have heard of, antimicrobial resistance or AMR.

    The podcast is produced, written and hosted by Graham Richardson https://www.gnrichardson.co.uk/ @wildgreyme

    Original music is provided by Robin Hiley, the composer and lyricist for Lifeline

    Voir plus Voir moins
    31 min