
  • How to Start Well?
    Apr 10 2020

    Most people want to start something in their lives. But they won't start because of fear or situation or some other reason. Whatever excuse it may be, it's killing your dreams. It may be about starting a business or starting a podcast or starting a YouTube channel or about starting a relationship.

    Many give up even without trying. Some people postpone it for the future that is not guaranteed to anyone. This episode shares the wisdom that helps you break your fears and negative thoughts. This helps you in building the right mindset that is ready to take action and start anything you want.

    Listen to the episode and free yourself from the evil mindset that is killing your dreams. Learn what's important to grow mentally and start well. Learn from your mistakes and experiences to grow well in life.

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    5 min
  • On Truth. Be Cautious!
    Apr 11 2020

    “Truth is bitter and speaking the truth makes you enemies, brings you new problems, suffers you in several ways and if you still speak the truth, you deserve huge respect and applause.”

    Truth is something that keeps our spirit alive. Speaking truth may scare you, but once spoken, you get so much of relief. Your teachers, parents, and society taught you to speak the truth since your childhood. But why people still speak lies?

    The reason behind why many people speak lies and feel fake comfort is, they learned it from their parents, teachers, and family. Isn’t this so strange?

    The people who taught us right are not right, and from their actions, they are teaching the opposite of what is being taught in words. They teach us to be ethical and follow morals. But it’s very sad that they don’t follow them in their lives, which makes their teachings useless.

    The reason they don’t follow what they teach is they are scared. They fear speaking truth and the problems that bring into one’s life. But the truth is powerful, and speaking truth is rightful.

    The reasons people don’t speak the truth are:

    • They are scared of judgment from people.
    • They think they may grow enemies.
    • They think their truth may hurt others.
    • Fear of losing something.
    • The list goes on as people have their own reasons.

    But whatever your reason may be. Speaking lies make you suffer inside forever. You can’t escape that guiltiness. This guiltiness haunts you until your death. Just remember the last time you lied to someone and did you feel good? No, right? Deep inside you felt bad but you spoke because of your fear or you thought you don’t have a choice.

    This way now people are getting comfortable speaking lies and that’s becoming an unbreakable habit that burns your soul and makes you guilty forever.

    Speak the truth and see how you feel? Initially, you may not feel good before speaking. Once you spoke, you would feel so relief and you won’t have any guilty feeling and you will be proud of yourself for doing the right thing.

    “Speaking the truth gives you freedom and speaking the lie makes you a slave.”

    You choose what you want. If you want to be free forever, speak the truth and if you want to be a slave, speak lies. You may gain enemies and problems in your life by speaking the truth. But at the same time, you gain respect and peace, which are more important for a fulfilled life.

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    3 min
  • 7 Things to do during lockdown for Self-improvement
    Apr 13 2020
    7 things to do during lockdown for self-improvement

    “When you have more free time, use it well to build your mind and body. Don’t waste it on things that make you lazy and desperate.”

    Most people may be desperate and in fear because of this ongoing lockdown. Most people are scared and worried about their jobs, businesses, and their lives. This lockdown time maybe like a prison time but you have still freedom in this prison to do things you want.

    Can your fear and worry help you fix anything?

    No, right? Instead, they take away your present-day peace and happiness. Stop fearing and worrying about the future. Think of how you can become better and get ready for upcoming difficulties that you think may happen in your life.

    “It’s absolute foolishness to dwell and suffer about your future that you can never see and control now.”

    Most of us have left many things in our lives without pursuing or doing them as we didn’t have time. But the wonderful thing is, you have time now. You can use this valuable time to do things that you always thought of doing in your lifetime.

    It may be anything which may include singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, spending time with your family, learning a skill. Don’t make this time a bad time. Instead, make as many happy and valuable moments as possible.

    There are several areas of life that need improvement. Spend time on those areas and learn the skills and gain as much knowledge as possible. Prepare for new jobs and take courses and lessons online. Grow more skills for your existing job and stand out from the competition.

    Here are some ideas you can make use of in your free time at home for self-improvement.

    • Pursue a hobby: You may always want to have a new hobby that you didn’t pursue because of a lack of time. But now you have time. It may be singing, dancing, reading, writing, painting, etc. You know what you love. So start learning that hobby. Sometimes these hobbies can bring out your talents and help you start side hustles that make you money.
    “Find three hobbies you love: One to make money, one to keep you in shape and one to be creative.”
    • Take online lessons: Take any classes that interest you. There are several free and paid courses online. You can choose from a wide variety of courses available on the internet. Choose that’s interesting to you and learn as much as possible about that topic. You can use blogs, podcasts, and other sources to dig deeper into the subject and learn more.
    • Spend time with family: You won’t have much time to spend with family as you stay occupied with your work every day. You spend very less time with your family and they are more valuable. Spend time with them. Share your experiences. Listen to them. Play some interesting games with them. The most important thing is to make memories that last.
    • Catch up with your buddies: It may be very rare you spoke to your friends and relatives who you care about. You can call them and share your life and listen to them. You can discuss many things and you can remember your old memories.
    • Watch inspiring movies: Don’t watch everything. Watch, that makes a difference. Watch something inspiring and that helps you feel good. If you don’t know what to watch, you can google for the best inspirational movies online. Watch them with your family or friends at home. They add value to your thoughts and life.
    • Do something new: There are many things we didn’t do. There are things we ignored. Think about such things and do at least one thing and see how it feels. For example, you cooked nothing in your life. Search for your favorite food recipe and try cooking it on your own.
    • Meditate and exercise: Most people don’t have time in everyday life to do them. But they are useful to us. Think about this human body as a machine. If you keep using this machine without giving it rest or without fixing the repairs, will the machine work effectively? No. Right? The same way our human body is like a machine. You need to repair it by meditation for mind and exercise for the body. Do mediation exercise whenever you want. Don’t think about time. It may be morning or evening as the important thing is to get started.

    There may be many more ideas of your own. You can do them. Don’t stress yourself so much. Start small and make sure you are loving what you are doing. Take naps if you need rest. Then keep doing things in your free time and improve yourself.

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    6 min
  • All the schools and colleges should start online education.
    Apr 14 2020

    Why all the schools and colleges should start online education?

    “Education system is ancient. Most parts are outdated and it’s difficult to update everything and everywhere manually. It consumes a lot of time. But through the internet, it’s easy and effective too.”

    This online education system has its own uses and flaws. But if this education system is implemented, it brings more effective learning into play. A regular school is good as direct interactions happen. That’s the place people find friends and life experiences which are very important in one’s life. Other than academics, everything that happens in college works well for everyone.

    But these academics will not work equally to everyone, which is sad. If we implement the online education system along with the normal system. It helps us continue classes without fearing about unexpected holidays that saves teaching plan.

    The benefits of this system are many and it saves time and energy in many ways and there will be time for improving the systems and methods that will help to update this outdated education system and it helps students grow an interest in learning better.

    • Learning for teachers: You can complete everything on time and even teachers get Knowledge about technology. There are many teachers who don’t anything about updating technology that can make a huge impact on education. Once the online education system comes into play, it becomes imperative for them to learn about how to use this technology.
    • Learning becomes interesting: There is no need of worrying about running for classes or sitting around four walls listening to the lectures. You can take classes anywhere. Even if you are on vacation, you can take classes, which is wonderful. You can learn from anywhere in this world.
    • Less authority and more friendliness: As teachers are teaching online, their authority will no more work. You have the freedom to learn in the way you want. Therefore, building more friendliness happens than more authority. This makes students and teachers feel comfortable with each other.
    • Keep updated: You don’t need to just learn about what’s existing and outdated. As you all will have access to the internet, you can dig deeper to find more about any topic and even teachers have to dig deeper to teach you. Teaching and learning become interesting as we are getting updated knowledge that can be applied in our lives at that moment.
    • Recap anytime: If those lectures are recorded and saved. They will be useful for you to refer to them anytime. Students need not worry about missing the lectures any more and teachers can Livestream their recorded videos. You need not compromise with your teaching plans anymore.
    • More choices and options: Due to lack of time, students are given limited options to learn. But the online system makes it possible to choose and learn unlimited options, as there will not be any problem with time.
    • More communication methods: Students can get into touch with teachers or professors easily, and they don’t feel shy anymore to ask doubts and questions. They can use chat online or email if they can’t ask directly. Somehow their doubts will be cleared and all answers will be answered and this helps students learn more effectively.
    • Learn technical skills: Both students and teachers will learn technical skills well. This helps students especially to keep updated with technology, and this helps them in their jobs.
    • Realtime learning: Students will learn more updated knowledge. This way they are ready to apply what they learn in their jobs and lives. This helps students grow an interest in learning and growing.

    Even though there are several benefits, the beginning will have unevenness. If you can make it even, it gives students a way to learn effectively, which is the outcome we need.

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    4 min
  • How to Overcome Big problems in Life?
    Apr 15 2020

    How to Overcome Big problems in Life?

    “Problems happen in everyone's life, and how we respond to them changes everything. What looks like a problem to you may not be a problem at all to others and Someone’s problem may not be a problem at all for you. Your perception can change everything.”

    Just remember the biggest problem you have faced in your life. Did you overcome it or ran away from it? If you faced it, How did you face it? What if the same problem persists in your life? Do you still consider it a big problem?

    If you have overcome your problem, you must have learned the process too. If the same problem persists, you won’t run away or you won’t look at it as a big problem. Instead, you say, It’s easy to solve, and it's just a small problem.

    If you had run away from your problem. You will still feel the problem as a big and difficult problem that’s impossible to solve. Your action towards a problem changes your perception.

    “Don’t run away from your problems, face them and that’s how you build the right perception and self-confidence.”

    No one can escape problems. Problems are challenges that we face in our lives to reach different levels of life. If you don’t accept challenges, you will dwell and suffer in one place forever.

    How do problems look like? Does anyone know? Does anyone saw them ever with their eyes?

    No. Problems are thoughts in our heads. We can’t see them directly. We can’t touch them. We can only feel them. What we can’t see can’t be measured. But we give a size to them as big and small with our false perception.

    In simple words, what suffers us more is a big problem and what suffers us less is a small problem and this is how many people perceive a problem. Any new problem you never faced or know looks like a big problem, but any problem you faced or know looks small.

    There is no problem without a solution and don’t expect all solutions to work well for a problem.

    See the sizes of these lines that represent problems. P1 line is small than P2 and P3 lines. That’s a small problem in comparison. But P1 seems to be a big problem when it’s new and it’s the only line you have.

    If P2 comes into play P1 becomes small in our mind. If P3 comes into play P2 becomes small in perception. Awareness of these problems and facing them gives you lessons that show these problems as small and easy to solve.

    But the truth is all problems are equal and you can face them. Facing them makes them small and running from them makes them big and difficult to solve.

    “Stop running and start facing your problems.”

    Your perception and the right mindset help you solve any problem easily. Believe in yourself and believe in time, as it heals everything, as your life goes on. Don’t give power to your problems by perceiving them as big. Make them nothing by accepting them and solving them.

    The more difficult the problem, the more is the chance to learn a better lesson in your life. The right mindset solves most of your problems in your head itself. Grow the right mindset and attitude.

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    4 min
  • The meaning of Life in 3 simple words.
    Apr 16 2020
    The meaning of Life in 3 simple words.

    “Life is simple. Our thoughts make it complex, and there are different meanings to life by different people. Understand the meaning in simple words and realize the simplicity of your life.”

    Understand your Life in 3 simple words.

    The three words are: Born, Contend and Die.

    Life is a long journey explained in different ways by different philosophers. It’s a beautiful journey for a few people and it’s a horrible journey for some other people. Whatever its definition may be. The important thing is — don’t forget to live because there may be no life after death.

    Live the present moment like a hero of your life. Let’s know life in three simple words we listen mostly during our daily routine. The first word is — Born

    We know birth is the start of life for every entity on this planet. It’s a great occasion, I mean you have just arrived in this world. It doesn’t happen easily. After passing complex processes in the mother's womb, you have just entered the world receiving welcome wishes from your loved ones around you.

    They are thrilled for you and nothing can replace their happiness, anyway. You may cry when you are just born, but people around you are smiling and celebrating your arrival. It’s a great success for your parents and family. They love you so much and believe me the love in them is very unconditional.

    The second word is — Contend.

    You grow, that’s what happens after a few days after your birth, and the growth will continue and here the real unexplainable things happen. At this phase, you have to contend in this world to make your survival possible.

    You should learn things and perform. Face hard situations. Earn a living. Build relationships. Succeed. Fail and you have to learn from your failures. Manage things. Believe me, in this stage you cannot have pure unconditional love from people around you, which you got in the first stage.

    You are on your own here. Believe in you and things you do. In this stage, Somehow manage people stick to you. Even if they show their conditional love. It’s okay. Manage people with your unconditional love and May you get the least back.

    It’s a drama time. It’s in your hands whether or not to perform well. Learn the necessary skills and perform well. Your performance makes you a hero or a villain or nothing in people’s minds.

    The third word is — Die.

    Everyone has to die someday, which is a painful truth and not all care about death that may occur in the future, at some point of unknown time. It just happens like unexplained magic that is you just die and you take nothing accomplished here on earth.

    People around you cry for your loss and at this stage, people love you which is unconditional and therefore they cry or show their sadness for your life.

    Things to remember: “People love you unconditionally, during your birth and death. Then in the middle of these two things, you just have to manage people, so that you get little love and survive.”

    “Birth and death are natural”. But Birth is a beautiful lie and death is a painful truth which you have to believe in all your life.

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    3 min
  • How to find the purpose of your life?
    Apr 17 2020
    How to find the purpose of your life?

    “Many say that you should have a purpose. They tell you to find your purpose. Finding your purpose makes life easy. Finding purpose is difficult for many. But who are successful in finding their purpose already met simplicity in their lives.”

    Have you found your purpose? Are you still trying to find your purpose? Are you wasting time finding your purpose? What is purpose actually?

    Who already found your purpose in life. Congratulations. There are many who are still struggling to find their purpose in life. Having a purpose makes your life simple. But many don’t accept their purpose, even though they found it because of fear. Your purpose may be just cleaning. It’s alright if you enjoy the work and importantly if you feel you are contributing something to this world and making a difference.

    Most people find their purposes in unexpected ways. Even if you look at people who became great found their purpose or passion of their lives in unexpected ways and situations.

    Finding purpose artificially may fail you. I hope you have come across several methods from books, the internet or people. But all these methods are vain if they are forcing you to find your passion or purpose artificially. Maybe some methods worked for you, but they don’t work for the most.

    Your passion or purpose need not be so big. It must satisfy you. It must make you happy all your life. If you imagine doing what you are doing right now after 20 or 30 years. If this makes you happy then keep doing it instead of worrying about finding your purpose or passion in your life.

    Everyone doesn’t need a purpose to live. There are people who enjoy what they do, and that becomes their purpose and passion for their life. These people need not waste time finding purpose or passion.

    There are people who are not satisfied with their work and life they are living and they feel they are missing something in their lives and these people have to find something that makes them feel alright and happy.

    The purpose or passion doesn’t depend on money and therefore who are connecting their purpose or passion with money should stop it. I hope you know people who are rich but aren’t happy and I hope even you know who are poor but they are happy.

    Happiness lies in the way we think and live in our lives. Money is a necessity, but it can’t give you everything in life. There are things that money can’t buy and are more valuable. If your purpose or passion is linked with money, it’s hard to get fulfillment in life.

    You may make more money, but you can’t make more fulfillment. This is the reason you need to find whether you are enjoying what you are doing in your life.

    How much you may try? You may fail to find your purpose in life. The truth is the purpose or passion finds us. We only need to keep looking for it by keeping our existing jobs or businesses. Don’t give up your work you are doing for searching for passion or purpose.

    Sometimes your work may help you meet your purpose or passion. There are people who found their purpose this way. Don’t be scared to accept your purpose or passion even though it’s small. Don’t worry about others. Your happiness is more important in your life than others opinions and judgments.

    The truth is, no one is good at their passion or purpose in life. After they found what they love, they worked on themselves to improve at what they love and that’s how they became successful in life.

    If you are loving what you do, then learn to do it better every day. This is your passion or purpose. Make sure you will be happy with this work till the end of your life. If you are not enjoying the work, then find what you love. If you know it, change your job or else keep doing what you are doing and continue your search for what you love.

    Tips to find your purpose:

    Don’t stick to one thing. Keep doing several things and experiment. You may be enjoying one thing more from all of this and check whether it’s your passion.

    Don’t stick your passion or purpose with money. Stick it with permanent happiness that will be forever in your life.

    Check with your interests. If you have interests, find out what you love the most and this could be your purpose or passion.

    Don’t waste time worrying about finding purpose. Learn to live and enjoy this moment and let your passion or purpose find you.

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    4 min
  • 3 Steps to Impress yourself.
    Apr 18 2020
    3 Steps to Impress yourself.

    “Most people try to impress others and they fail. They become unhappy because impressing others is not a rightful thing. Being YOU, without changing for others and impressing yourself is the rightful thing you have to do, to find long-lasting happiness in life.”

    Three simple steps to impress yourself.

    1. Don’t impress others: Most people live all their lives to impress others who even they don’t know. This is how they fail in their lives and live a desperate life. Don’t impress others. Don’t dress so well to impress others. Don’t buy expensive things to impress others. In simple words, don’t live just for impressing others who even don’t care. Instead, you can live your life on your own terms. Impress yourself. Buy things that are useful. Dress in comfortable wear. In simple words, live your life in the way you love to.
    2. Do new things: Don’t limit yourself to a boring life. There are many things in human life you need to experience. New experiences add valuable lessons to life. Your right perception and the right mindset are built on new experiences and adventures that you take in life. It may be risky. But take it. It may be frightening. Do it. Face challenges. Learn better. Grow faster. This makes living interesting and you can feel proud of your life.
    3. Help others: If someone is in need, help them. Doing a favor to others will make you feel good. Don’t wait for someone to ask you for help. If you know someone needs help. Help them unconditionally, expecting nothing in return. Give a little to charity. Give some food to the people living on the footpath. It may be any little help you can afford to do. Do it immediately. Helping others will make you feel great, and it adds a lot of value to your life.

    Follow these simple steps and impress yourself every day and live a life that is beyond false limits built in your mind by you, family or society.

    “A Self-impressed life is a free life where you have joy and happiness.”

    People who understand you and love you will stay in your life even though you don’t impress them. People who don’t love you or understand you well may not stay in your life and it’s okay.

    But remember: BE YOURSELF and don’t lose yourself in any situation of life. Stand strong and live better.

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    2 min