
  • The IPO Game with Vinit Pagaria, Head of Research at StockEdge and E-learnmarkets | Learn how to evaluate an IPO and invest in it
    Oct 28 2021

    The IPO game has suddenly hit a boom in India with some big and famous names opening their IPOs. IPOs are definitely one of the high risk, high return instruments and so it becomes extremely important to evaluate and assess the IPO well before investing.

    How famous a brand/company is versus how healthy their financial state is are two completely different things, though often misunderstood and used as a replacement to each other.

    In this episode on The Money Owl with Vinit Pagaria, we go deep into understanding almost all aspects of evaluating and investing into an IPO.

    Tune in!

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    23 min
  • How To Invest in Mutual Funds | Part 3 | With COO, ET MONEY Santosh Navlani | All about ELSS Category & Other benefits
    Sep 14 2021

    Now that in the previous two episodes we have addressed the myths around Mutual Funds in Part 1 and all the basics & details on how to invest in Mutual Funds and how to assess them, it is time to look at the much-known-less-used ELSS category of Mutual Funds which is a wonderful scheme under Mutual Funds. This episode on The Money Owl is all about this category, what it entails and how it works.

    We also touch upon a less known option of taking a loan against the Mutual Funds held.

    Listen on!

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    19 min
  • How To Invest in Mutual Funds | Part 2 | With COO, ET MONEY Santosh Navlani
    Sep 14 2021

    The first part to this series was all about why you should invest in Mutual Funds and how they are a safe way to invest.

    This second part covers all about how do you go about investing in a Mutual Fund, what are the pre-requisites and more importantly what are the most important parameters to assess a fund, its past performance, its likelihood to give good returns in the future and the risk associated with the fund.

    The episode is a comprehensive guide to everything you need to invest in Mutual Funds. Check it out.

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    16 min
  • How To Invest in Mutual Funds | Part 1 | With COO, ET MONEY, Santosh Navlani | Myths Around Mutual Fund Investments
    Sep 14 2021

    Mutual Fund investments are one of the fastest upcoming investment instruments in India, and it serves not just a particular investing appetite but takes care of all types of investors - passive, aggressive, tax-savers and more. But there are still a lot of myths and doubts around the safety of the instrument mostly because "Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risks, please read the offer document before investing"... 😂. To add people from the previous generations, our parents, mostly fathers and the wisdom-dhaari uncles ridicule MFs as if they are set-up to dupe the system. For them, FDs are the most safe and the best way to save and appreciate money. I don't agree and so does our guest, Santosh Navlani, COO, ETMONEY believes and has solid reasons to back himself.

    The instrument not just delivers better returns, it is so well regulated that there can be no running away or duping with your money. This episode on The Money Owl is an answer to all the myths around Mutual Funds. In the next two parts to this episode, we further discuss how to invest in a Mutual Fund and how ELSS category funds are super-helpful to every tax payer cum investor.

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    9 min
  • The Money Owl | Trailer
    Sep 10 2021

    The Money Owl is an attempt to start from the start. Often when we try to do anything related to money, say invest, or insure or anything like that, Google is the first choice and we come back more confused than we went in because so much about everything.

    The Money Owl tried to help with simple infant steps to help get started on all that you want to do with your money. Let's get dearth money-minded 😉

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    1 min
  • Health Insurance: Options Please!! with Co-founder Finshots, Bhanu Harish Gurram
    Aug 2 2021

    Kal kare so aaj kar, aaj kare so ab.

    Pal me COVID hojaega, to insurance karega kab?

    The proverb really fits well not just for COVID but for any disease in general. Murphy can hit anytime, often out of our own personal controls, but when uncertainty hits us (or our loved ones) on the health front, it’s best to be insured.

    Choosing and buying a health insurance is really no joke, there is so much to each and every plan that it’s so easy to be lost.

    We at The Money Owl have tried to answer all those most basic questions with Bhanu, co-founder Finshots and Ditto Insurance.

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    23 min
  • Basics of Life Insurance with CEO, Policy Bazaar, Sarbvir Singh
    Jul 24 2021

    Everyone knows the importance of a Life Insurance but we still tend to not buy, more because there is too much information on what is right and wrong rather than clear actionable points on how to research, compare and buy a life insurance. We speak to Sarbvir Singh, CEO, PolicyBazaar.com in the very first episode of The Money Owl to de-mystify some of the myths around life insurance and to help us with parameters on which we should compare different plans.

    For any questions on the topic, as simple or as complex as they may be which you would like to ask Sarbvir, or in case you need any more information on this topic, you can write to us on our social media handles or email Shubham at shubham@secretsofstorytellers.com.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min